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[APA format] References - B

[Baby 1961] Baby, R. S. (1961). A Hopewell human bone whistle, American Antiquity, 27(1), 108–110.

[Backus 1964] Backus, J. (1964). Effect of wall material on the steady-state tone quality of woodwind instruments, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 36(10), 1881–1887, doi:10.1121/1.1919286.

[Badawi 1960] Badawi, A. (supervision); Mokhtar, M. G. e., & Tanbuli, M. '. a. (text); el-Ghazouli, A. H., Abdel-Rahman, A., & el-Gabouri, A. (photographs) (1960). Dresses in Ancient Egypt «Le costume dans l'egypte ancienne / al-azya fi misr al-qadimah». Le Caire: Centre de documentation sur l'ancienne Egypte, in English, French, and Arabic. Publication dressesinancient00bada on Archive.org (open access).

[BadHeartBull 1967] Bull, A. B. H. (drawings); Blish, H. H. (text); Sandoz, M. (introduction) (1967). A pictographic history of the Oglala Sioux. Lincoln, Nebraska: University of Nebraska Press. publication date is sometimes cited as 1968. Helen H. Blish is often listed as the first author.

[Bagwell 2005] Bagwell, D. (2005). The pipe & tabor tutor — A self-teaching method with play-along CD and tune book, 2005 Revision. Berkeley, California: PiperHQ Studio. Originally published in 1988.

[Bailey 2008] Bailey, G. A. (volume editor); Sturtevant, W. C. (general editor) (2008). Handbook of North American Indians, Volume 2: Indians in Contemporary Society. Washington, D. C.: Smithsonian Institution.

[Bain 2008] Bain, R. (2008). Enharmonic interval notation. Class Notes, University of South Carolina.

[Bain 2008a] Bain, R. (2008). Scale glossary. Class Notes, University of South Carolina.

[Bain 2008b] Bain, R. (2008). The major pentatonic modes. Class Notes, University of South Carolina.

[Baines 1993] Baines, J. (1993). Symbolic roles of canine figures on early monuments, Archéo-Nil, 57–74.

[Baines-A 1957] Baines, A. (1957). Woodwind instruments and their history, First Edition. New York: W. W. Norton & Company. Publication woodwindinstrume000787mbp on Archive.org (open access).

[Baines-A 1963] Baines, A. (1963). Woodwind instruments and their history, Revised Edition. New York: W. W. Norton & Company.

[Baines-A 1991] Baines, A. (1991). Woodwind instruments and their history, Dover Third Edition, Dover Books on Music. London: Courier Dover Publications.

[Baird 1882] Baird, E. T. (1882). Indian customs and early recollections, Collections of the State Historical Society of Wisconsin, 9, 303–326. republished in 1909.

[Bake 1949] Baké, A. (1949). Indian folk dances, Journal of the International Folk Music Council, 1, 47–48.

[Baken 2000] Baken, R. R., & Orlikoff, R. F. (2000). Clinical measurement of speech and voice, Second Edition. Cengage Learning.

[Baker 1882] Baker, T. (1882). Über die musik der nordamerikanischen wilden «About the music of the North American wild» (Doctoral dissertation, Universitat Leipzig, Germany). Leipzig: Druck vol Breitkopf & Härtel, in German. Translated and reissued in [Baker 1976] On the Music of the North American Indians. Reissued in [Baker 1978] On the Music of the North American Indians.

[Baker 1976] Baker, T.; Buckley, A. (translation) (1976). On the music of the North American Indians. Buren, the Netherlands and New York: Frits Knuf and W. S. Heinman, in English and German. [obtainable from] W. S. Heinman. Translation and reissue of [Baker 1882] Über die Musik der Nordamerikanischen Wilden «About the Music of the North American Wild».

[Baker 1977] Baker, T.; Buckley, A. (translation) (1977). On the music of the North American Indians, Source Materials and Studies in Ethnomusicology, Volume 9. New York, New York: Da Capo Press, in English. Translation and reissue of [Baker 1882] Über die Musik der Nordamerikanischen Wilden «About the Music of the North American Wild».

[Baker 1978] Baker, T.; Buckley, A. (translation) (1978). On the music of the North American Indians. University of Maryland Sea Grant Publications. Reissue of [Baker 1882] Über die Musik der Nordamerikanischen Wilden «About the Music of the North American Wild».

[Baker-WL 1972] Baker, W. L. (1972). Eastern forest insects, Miscellaneous Publication Number 1175. U. S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service.

[Bakkegard 1960] Bakkegard, B. M. (1960). Music in Arizona before 1912, Journal of Research in Music Education, 8(2), 67–74. Publication 3344027 on JSTOR (subscription access).

[Bakkegard 1961] Bakkegard, B. M., & Morris, E. A. (1961). Seventh century flutes from Arizona, Ethnomusicology, 5(3), 184–186. Publication 924518 on JSTOR (subscription access).

[BalaSinem 1973] Choir, B. (1973). American Indian songs and chants, Canyon Records, C-6110.

[Baldridge 2003] Baldridge, S. (2003). Playing Native American flute duets, Voice of the Wind, 2003(2), 17–18.

[Baldridge 2003a] Baldridge, S. (2003). In a rut? What it means, and 10 ways to get out of it, Voice of the Wind, 2003(4), 21–22.

[Baldridge 2004] Baldridge, S. (2004). Working with prose, poetry, and storytelling, Voice of the Wind, 2004(3), 18–19.

[Balena 2014] Balena, F. (2014). The scale omnibus. Document version 1.02.

[Balkwill 1999] Balkwill, L., & Thompson, W. F. (1999). A cross-cultural investigation of the perception of emotion in music: Psychophysical and cultural cues, Music and Perception, 17(1), 43–64. Publication 40285811 on JSTOR (subscription access).

[Ball 1994] Ball, J. (1994). Trailhead of the American Indian courting flute. Four Winds Trading Company.

[Ball 2001] Whitten, J. B. w. B. A. (2001). Trailhead of the American Indian courting flute, Revised Edition. Red Feather Music.

[Ballantine 1965] Ballantine, C. (1965). The polyrhythmic foundation of Tswana pipe melody, African Music, 3(4), 52–67. Publication 30249600 on JSTOR (subscription access).

[Ballard 1969] Ballard, L. W. (1969). Ritmo Indio: A study in American Indian rhythms, for woodwind quintet. New York: Bourne Co. Movements: The Source, The Soul, The Dance. For flute, oboe, clarinet, bassoon, and horn. "In second movement oboist doubles on the Sioux Indian flageolet or substitute soprano recorder.". Copyright RE0000748245 / 1997-01-08; EU0000129215 / 1969-08-14.

[Ballard 1970] Ballard, L. W. (1970). Mid-winter fires — Woodwind duo with piano accompaniment, for B-flat clarinet, Sioux flute, and piano. Copyright RE0000774468 / 1998-01-05; EU0000220311 / 1970-11-30.

[Ballard 1975] Ballard, L. W. (1975). Music of North American Indians. Santa Fe, New Mexico: Silver Burdett Company.

[Ballard 2002] Ballard, L. W. (2002). American Indian Music for the classroom. P.O. Box 4552, Santa Fe NM 87502: New Southwest Music Publications.

[Balogun 1990] Balogun, F. O. (1990). Nigerian folktales and children's stories by Chinua Achebe, Journal of Black Studies, 20(4), 426–442. Publication 2784520 on JSTOR (subscription access).

[Bancroft 1875a] Bancroft, H. H. (1875). The Native Races of the Pacific States of North America, Volume 1 - Wild Tribes. New York: D. Appleton and Company. Publication cihm_14100 on Archive.org (open access).

[Bancroft 1875b] Bancroft, H. H. (1875). The Native Races of the Pacific States of North America, Volume 2 - Civilized Nations. New York: D. Appleton and Company. Publication cihm_14101 on Archive.org (open access).

[Bancroft 1875c] Bancroft, H. H. (1875). The Native Races of the Pacific States of North America, Volume 3 - Myths and Languages. New York: D. Appleton and Company. Publication cihm_14102 on Archive.org (open access).

[Bancroft 1875d] Bancroft, H. H. (1875). The Native Races of the Pacific States of North America, Volume 4 - Antiquities. New York: D. Appleton and Company. Publication nativeraces04bancrich on Archive.org (open access).

[Bancroft 1875e] Bancroft, H. H. (1876). The Native Races of the Pacific States of North America, Volume 5 - Primitive History. New York: D. Appleton and Company. Publication cihm_14104 on Archive.org (open access).

[Bannan 2012] Bannan, N. (2012). Music, language, and human evolution. Oxford University Press.

[Bannister 1966] Bannister, B., Dean, J. S., & Gell, E. A. M. (1966). Tree-ring dates from Arizona E: Chinle - De Chelly - Red Rock area. Tuscon, Arizona: Laboratory of Tree-Ring Research, The University of Arizona.

[Bao 2013] Bao, K. J., & Lyubomirsky, S. (2013). The rewards of happiness, Chapter 9 in [David 2013].

[Barahona 2002] Barahona, A. (2002). Ancient objects related to music and Ancient Egypt in the National Archaeological Museum of Madrid, contained in [Eldamaty 2002], 75–86.

[Barbe 1979] Barbe, W. B., Swassing, R. H., & Milone, M. N., Jr. (1979). Teaching through modality strengths: Concepts and practices. Columbus, Ohio: Zaner-Blosner.

[Barbe 1981] Barbe, W. B., & Milone, M. N., Jr. (1981). What we know about modality strengths, Educational Leadership, 378–380.

[Barbeau 1915] Barbeau, M. (1915). Huron and Wyandot mythology, With an appendix containing earlier published records, Anthropological Series Number 11, Memoir 80. Ottawa, Canada: Government Printing Bureau. Publication No. 1554. Publication huronwyandotmyth00barb on Archive.org (open access).

[Barbeau 1933] Barbeau, M. (1933). Songs of the Northwest, The Musical Quarterly, 19(1), 101–111, doi:10.1093/mq/XIX.1.101. Publication 738827 on JSTOR (subscription access).

[Barbeau 1934] Barbeau, M. (1934). Asiatic survivals in Indian songs, The Musical Quarterly, 20(1), 106–116, doi:10.1093/mq/XX.1.107. see [Barbeau 1942] Asiatic Survivals in Indian Songs article of the same title. Publication 738713 on JSTOR (subscription access).

[Barbeau 1934a] Barbeau, M. (1934). How folk-songs travelled, Music & Letters, 15(4), 306–323. Publication 727883 on JSTOR (subscription access).

[Barbeau 1942] Barbeau, M. (1942). Asiatic survivals in Indian songs, The Scientific Monthly, 54(4), 303–307. see [Barbeau 1934] Asiatic Survivals in Indian Songs article of the same title. Publication 17582 on JSTOR (subscription access).

[Barbeau 1942a] Barbeau, M. (1942). Tsimsyan songs, Monograph 18. New York: American Ethnological Society. the title is also spelled in some references "Tsimshian Songs".

[Barbeau 1945] Barbeau, M. (1945). The Aleutian route of migration into America, Geographical Review, 35(3), 424–443. Publication 211330 on JSTOR (subscription access).

[Barbeau 1951] Barbeau, M. (1951). The Dragon myths and ritual songs of the Iroquoians — With musical illustrations, Journal of the International Folk Music Council, 3, 81–85. Publication 835782 on JSTOR (subscription access).

[Barbeau 1954] Barbeau, M. (1954). The Ermatinger collection of voyageur songs (ca. 1830), The Journal of American Folklore, 67(264), 147–161. Publication 536221 on JSTOR (subscription access).

[Barbeau 1961] Barbeau, C. M. (1961). Catalogue of Indian songs, 1911–1920, One Volume.

[Barbeau 1961a] Barbeau, M. (1961). Canadian folk songs, Journal of the International Folk Music Council, 13, 28–30.

[Barbeau 1962] Barbeau, M. (1962). Buddhist dirges on the North Pacific Coast, Journal of the International Folk Music Council, 14, 16–21. Publication 835553 on JSTOR (subscription access).

[Barber 1877] Barber, E. A. (1877). Gaming among the Utah Indians, The American Naturalist, 11, 351.

[Barber 1883] Barber, E. A. (1883). Indian music, The American Naturalist, 17(3), 267–274. Publication 10.2307/2449040 on JSTOR (subscription access). Publication jstor-2449040 on Archive.org (open access).

[Barber-SB 2004] Barber, S. B. (2004). Proyecto Río Verde, 2003: Report on excavations at Yugüe. Foundation for the Advancement of Mesoamerican Studies (FAMSI).

[Barber-SB 2009] Barber, S. B., Sánchez, G., & Olvera, M. (2009). Sounds of death and life in Mesoamerica: The bone flutes of ancient Oaxaca, Yearbook for Traditional Music, 41, 94–110. Publication 25735480 on JSTOR (subscription access).

[Barber-SB 2012] Barber, S. S., & Sánchez, M. O. (2012). A divine wind: The arts of death and music in terminal formative Oaxaca, Ancient Mesoamerica, 23(1), 9–24, doi:10.1017/S0956536112000016.

[Barbera 1977] Barbera, C. A. (1977). Arithmetic and geometric divisions of the tetrachord, Journal of Music Theory, 21(2), 294–323. Publication 843492 on JSTOR (subscription access).

[Barbera 1984] Barbera, A. (1984). Octave species, The Journal of Musicology, 2(3), 229–241, doi:10.1525/jm.1984.3.3.03a00020. Publication 763813 on JSTOR (subscription access).

[Barbour 1951] Barbour, J. M. (1951). Tuning and temperament: A historical survey. East Lansing, Michigan: Michigan State College Press. Publication tuningtemperamen00barb on Archive.org (open access).

[Barclay 1997] Barclay, R. L. (editor) (1997). The care of historic musical instruments. CCI, MGC and CIMCIM.

[Bard 2007] Bard, K. A. (2007). An introduction to the archaeology of Ancient Egypt. Blackwell Publishing.

[Bard 2008] Bard, K. A. (2008). An introduction to the archaeology of Ancient Egypt. Oxford: Blackwell Publishing, Ltd.

[Bardos 1959] Bárdos, L. (1959). Natural tonal systems «Natürliche tonsysteme», contained in [Rajeczky 1959], in English translation from German, 207–246, retrieved April 11, 2011. Publication stdiamemoriaebel000107mbp on Archive.org (open access).

[Barker 1957] Barker, G. C. (1957). Some aspects of penitential processions in Spain and the American Southwest, The Journal of American Folklore, 70(276), 137–142. Publication 537297 on JSTOR (subscription access).

[Barker-A 1989] Barker, A. (1989). Greek musical writings II: Harmonic and acoustic theory, First Edition. Cambridge University Press.

[Barker-A 2007] Barker, A. (2007). The science of harmonics in Classical Greece. Cambridge University Press.

[Barks 2004] Barks, C. (translations); Rūmī, J. a. (poetry) (2004). The essential Rumi, New Expanded Edition. New York: HarperCollins.

[Barlow 1972] Barlow, E., & Bigart, R. (1972). The Indian in the classroom: Readings for the teacher with Indian students. Helena, Montana: Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction. Publication indianinclassroo00barl on Archive.org (open access).

[Barnard 1941] Barnard, H. B. (1941). The Comanche and his literature: With an anthology of his myths, legends, folktales, oratory, poetry, and songs (M.A. dissertation, University of Oklahoma).

[Barnett 1937] Barnett, H. G. (1937). Culture element distributions: VII - Oregon Coast, Anthropological Records, 1(3), 155–208.

[Barnett 1939] Barnett, H. G. (1939). Culture element distributions: IX - Gulf of Georgia Salish, Anthropological Records, 1(5), 221–295.

[Barnett 2003] Barnett, A. (2003). Compose yourself. St. Paul, MN: Llewellyn Worldwide.

[Barnett-RD 1976] Barnett, R. D. (1976). Sculptures from the North Palace of Ashurbanipal at Nineveh (668–627 B.C.). London: British Museum Press.

[Barnett-RD 1982] Barnett, R. D. (1982). Ancient ivories in the Middle East and adjacent countries, Volume 14 of Qedem: Monographs of the Institute of Archaeology. Institute of Archaeology, Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

[Barone 1960] Barone, J. A. (1960). Patterns in music, Expedition, 3(1), 29–31.

[Barrett 1911] Barrett, S. A. (1911). The Dream Dance of the Chippewa and Menominee Indians of Nothern Wisconsin, Bulletin of the Public Museum of the City of Milwaukee, 1(4), 251–406.

[Barrett 1917] Barrett, S. A. (1917). Pomo bear doctors, University of California Publications in American Archaeology and Ethnology, 12(11), 443–465. Publication pomobeardoctors00barrrich on Archive.org (open access).

[Barrett 1933] Barrett, S. A., & Gifford, E. W. (1933). Miwok material culture.

[Barrientos 2007] Barrientos, A. (2007). Music in education, contained in [French 2007], 70–78.

[Barron 1991] Barron, L. (1991). The forbidden flutes — Melanesian and Amazonian gender ideologies as reflected in various flute rituals.

[Barry 2003] Barry, N. H., & Conlon, P. (2003). Powwow in the classroom, Music Educators Journal, 90(2), 21–26. Publication 3399930 on JSTOR (subscription access).

[Barton 1915] Barton, G. A. (1915). Sumerian business and administrative documents from the earliest times to the Dynasty fo Agade, Publications of the Babylonian Section, Volume 9, Number 1. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology.

[Bartram 1794] Bartram, W. (1794). Travels through North and South Carolina, Georgia, East and West Florida, the Cherokee country, the extensive territories of the Muscogulges or Creek confederacy, and the country of the Chactaws, Second Edition. London: J. Johnson. Publication travelsthroughno00bart on Archive.org (open access).

[Bartram 1794a] Bartram, W. (1794). An account of the persons, manners, customs, and government of the Muscogules, or Creeks, Cherokees, Chactaws, &c. — Aborigines of the continent of North America, contained in [Bartram 1794], 479–520. Publication travelsthroughno00bart on Archive.org (open access).

[Bartram 1996] Bartram, W. (1996). Travels and other writings. Library of America.

[Basehart 1973] Basehart, H. W. (1973). Mescalero apache subsistence patterns, contained in Technical Manual: Survey of the Tularosa Basin. Tularosa, New Mexico: Human Systems Research.

[Bastos 2002] Bastos, R. J. d. M. (2002). Authenticity and entertainment: Ethnic Folkways library, American Ethnomusicology and the ethnic music market, contained in [Berlin 2002], 385–391.

[Bataille 1977] Bataille, G. M. (1977). An approach to the study of American Indian literature at the college level (Doctoral dissertation, The School of Graduate Studies, Drake University, Des Moines, Iowa).

[Bates 1916] Bates, W. N. (1916). Summaries of original articles chiefly in current publications — July-December 1915, American Journal of Archaeology, Second Series, 20, 213–265.

[Bauman 1995] Bauman, C.; Moretti, D. (plans) (1995). Courting flute — An instrumental tie to an old Native American tradition, Woodworker's Journal, 19(2), 44–47.

[Baxter 2001] Baxter, M. L. (2001). The Chinese dizi, the Native American courting flute, and the Andean panpipes: An investigation of pedagogy and musical practice (Doctoral dissertation, Columbia University Teachers College).

[Bazanova 2013] Bazanova, O., & Vernon, D. (2013). Interpreting EEG alpha activity, Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews, doi:10.1016/j.neubiorev.2013.05.007.

[Beach 1998] Beach, A., Foote, A., Orem, P. W., & Farwell, A. (composers) (1998). Music of Amy Beach / Arthur Foote / Arthur Farwell / Preston Ware Orem, New World Records, 80542.

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[Beauchamp 1905] Beauchamp, W. M. (1905). Aboriginal use of wood in New York, New York State Museum, 89(11), 85–272. Bulletin 344 of the New York State Education Department, M150m-S4-1500. Publication aboriginaluseofw00beaurich on Archive.org (open access).

[Beaudry 1988] Beaudry, C. (1988). Catalogue des imprimés musicaux d'avant 1800 conservés à la bibliothèque de l'université laval «Catalogue of printed music books before 1800 preserved at the Library of Laval University», contained in [Beckwith 1988], in French, 29–49.

[Beck 2006] Beck, R. J., Gottfried, T. L., Hall, D. J., Cisler, C. A., & Bozeman, K. W. Supporting the health of college solo singers: The relationship of positive emotions and stress to changes in salivary IgA and cortisol during singing.

[Becker 1975] Becker, J. (1975). Music in Java; Its history, its theory and Its technique by Jaap Kunst; E. L. Heins, Ethnomusicology, 19(2), 310–315. Publication 850365 on JSTOR (subscription access).

[Becker 2005] Becker, C. (2005). The sound of music over ar-Raqqa — On a rare find of a flute from an Islamic glassworks, Revue de Paléobiologie, Genève, 10, 327–336. ISSN 1661-5468.

[Beckerman 2003] Beckerman, M. (2003). New worlds of Dvořák: Searching in America for the composer's inner life. W. W. Norton & Company.

[Beckstead 2013] Beckstead, D. (2013). Improvisation: thinking and playing music, Music Educators Journal, 99(3), 69–74, doi:10.1177/0027432112467822.

[Beckwith 1987] Beckwith, J. (editor) (1987). Sing out the glad news: Hymn tunes in Canada, contains [Keillor 1987]. Toronto, Ontario: Institute for Canadian Music.

[Beckwith 1988] Beckwith, J., & Hall, F. (editors) (1988). Musical Canada: Words and music honouring Helmut Kallmann. Toronto, Ontario: University of Tononto Press.

[Beckwith-MW 1919] Beckwith, M. W. (1919). The Hawaiian romance of Laieikawai, Thirty-third Annual Report of the Bureau of American Ethnology to the Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution, 1911-1912, 285–666, plates 91–95, retrieved March 15, 2010. Publication annualreportofbu33smithso on Archive.org (open access).

[Beckwith-MW 1938] Beckwith, M. W. (1938). Mandan-Hidatsa myths and ceremonies, Memoirs of the American Folk-Lore Society, 32.

[Bee 1995] Bee, T. (narrator) (1995). Toubat: A journey of the Native American flute. Sundance Media Group. Reissued in [Bee 2006].

[Bee 2006] Bee, T. (narrator) (2006). Toubat: A journey of the Native American flute, Expanded Edition. Sundance Media Group. Reissue of [Bee 1995] with additonal video material.

[Behler 2012] Behler, G. K., Pollow, M., & Vorländer, M. (2012). Measurements of musical instruments with surrounding spherical arrays, Proceedings of the Acoustics 2012 Nantes Conference, Nates, France, April 23–27, 2012, 761–765.

[Bell 1941] Bell, W. H., & Castetter, E. F. (1941). The utilization of Yucca, Sotol, and Beargrass by the Aborigines in the American Southwest, Ethnobiological Studies in the American Southwest, Volume 7, The University of New Mexico Bulletin, 372.

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