[APA format] References - F
This page lists references with citation tags that begin with the letter F. For other references and a documentation on how these references are cited, see the main references page. You can also click on these direct links to the various pages:
[APA format] References - F
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Publication annualreportofbu27smithso on Archive.org (open access).
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Reissue of [Fletcher 1893].
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Reissue of [Fletcher 1911] Chapters I - VII.
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Reissue of [Fletcher 1915].
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A study of Omaha Indian music — With a report on the structural peculiarities of the music by John Comfort Fillmore. Adamant Media Corporation.
Reissue of [Fletcher 1893].
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Fletcher, A. C., & Flesche, a. b. F. L. (2004).
A study of Omaha Indian music — With a report on the structural peculiarities of the music by John Comfort Fillmore. Kessinger Publishing.
Reissue of [Fletcher 1893].
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Nakai tablature notation, CD included.
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Nakai tablature notation, six-hole finger diagrams, CD included.
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