[Flutopedia format] Ancient Music References
This is a list of references realted to ancient music cited throughout Flutopedia. These references have only tangential relationship to the Native American flute, but I've found them interesting when researching the earliest origins of music.
The references on this page are a sub-set of the complete list of Flutopedia references.
For information on the format and other details of these citations, see the main references page.
[Flutopedia format] Ancient Music References
[Abraham-RH 2006]
Ralph H. Abraham and William Irwin Thompson.
“The Canon of Lespugue”,
The Epigraphic Society Occasional Papers (ESOP), Volume 24, 2006, pages 170–175.
[Anderson-R 2005]
Robert Anderson, Salwa El-Shawan Castelo-Branco, and Virginia Danielson.
Egypt, Ancient Music,
2005, 39 pages.
[Anderson-RD 1976]
R. D. Anderson; Grace Huxtable (drawings).
Catalogue of Egyptian Antiquities in the British Museum, Volume 3: Musical Instruments, Illustrated Edition,
published by British Museum Publications Limited, 1976, viii + 87 pages with 150 illustrations, ISBN 0-7141-0919-3 (978-0-7141-0919-0), hardcover.
[Andreopoulou 2008]
Areti Andreopoulou.
Modeling the Greek Aulos,
Master of Music in Music Technology – The Steinhardt School, New York University, May 14, 2008, 96 pages.
[Aristoxenus 1902]
Aristoxenus; Henry Stewart Macran (editor).
Aristoxenou Harmonika Stoicheia «The Harmonics of Aristoxenus»,
published by Clarendon Press, 1902, 303 pages.
[Arroyo 2003]
Rafael Pérez Arroyo and Syra Bonet.
Music in the Age of the Pyramids, English Edition,
published by Editorial Centro de Estudios Egipcios, Madrid, Spain, 2003, 511 pages, ISBN 84-932796-1-7, hardcover.
[Arroyo 2006]
Rafael Pérez Arroyo and Syra Bonet.
Music in the Age of the Pyramids,
Natural Acoustic Recordings, NAR-0010-01, with booklet in English and Spanish.
NAR-0010-02, with booklet in French and German., 10 tracks, October 30, 2006.
[Badawi 1960]
Ahmad Badawi (supervision); Mohamed Gamal el-Din Mokhtar and Muhammad 'Abd al-Latif Tanbuli (text); Aly Hassan el-Ghazouli, Abdel-Badie Abdel-Rahman, and Ahmad el-Gabouri (photographs).
Dresses in Ancient Egypt «Le costume dans l'Egypte ancienne / al-Azya fi Misr al-qadimah»,
published by Le Caire: Centre de documentation sur l'ancienne Egypte, in English, French, and Arabic, 1960, 80 pages.
Publication dressesinancient00bada on Archive.org (open access).
[Baines 1993]
John Baines.
“Symbolic Roles of Canine Figures on Early Monuments”,
Archéo-Nil, May 1993, pages 57–74.
[Bard 2007]
Kathryn A. Bard.
An Introduction to the Archaeology of Ancient Egypt,
published by Blackwell Publishing, 2007, 400 pages, ISBN-13 978-1-4051-1148-5.
[Barnett-RD 1976]
Richard David Barnett.
Sculptures from the North Palace of Ashurbanipal at Nineveh (668–627 B.C.),
published by the British Museum Press, London, 1976, 75 pages, ISBN 0-7141-1046-9 (978-0-7141-1046-2).
[Barnett-RD 1982]
Richard David Barnett.
Ancient Ivories in the Middle East and Adjacent Countries,
Volume 14 of Qedem: Monographs of the Institute of Archaeology, published by the Institute of Archaeology, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 1982, 99 pages, ASIN B0055IIZTK, hardcover.
[Barone 1960]
Joseph A. Barone.
“Patterns in Music”,
Expedition, Volume 3, Number 1, Fall 1960, pages 29–31.
[Barton 1915]
George A. Barton.
Sumerian Business and Administrative Documents from the Earliest Times to the Dynasty fo Agade,
Publications of the Babylonian Section, Volume 9, Number 1, published by the University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 1915, 106 pages.
[Beyhom 2008]
Amine Beyhom.
“A New Hypothesis for the Elaboration of Heptatonic Scales and Consequences in Understanding their Origins”,
Proceedings of the International Conference of Near Eastern Archaeomusicology (ICONEA 2008), The British Museum, London, December 4–6, 2008, editors: Richard Dumbrill and Irving Finkel, published by Iconea Publications, London, 2008, pages 151–209.
[Bhayro 2008]
Siam Bhayro.
“Ancient Near Eastern and Early Jewish Lyre Traditions”,
Proceedings of the International Conference of Near Eastern Archaeomusicology (ICONEA 2008), The British Museum, London, December 4–6, 2008, editors: Richard Dumbrill and Irving Finkel, published by Iconea Publications, London, 2008, pages 77–82.
[Bhayro 2010]
Siam Bhayro.
“On the Manipulation of the Planets by the Lyre Player in a 'Wine Song' by Khamis Bar Qardahe”,
Proceedings of the International Conference of Near Eastern Archaeomusicology (ICONEA 2009-2010), Université de la Sorbonne, Paris, and Senate House, School of Musical Research, University of London, November 2009 and December 2010, editors: Richard Dumbrill and Irving Finkel, published by Iconea Publications, London, 2010, pages 41–44, ISBN-13 978-1-4632-0182-1.
[Brenner 2001]
Athalya Brenner.
A Feminist Companion to Exodus-Deuteronomy.
[Bromiley 1986]
Geoffrey W. Bromiley.
The International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, Illustrated in Four Volumes, Revised Edition,
published by Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., Grand Rapids, Michigan, 1986.
Reissued in [Bromiley 2007].
[Bromiley 2007]
Geoffrey W. Bromiley.
The International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, Illustrated Edition,
published by Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., Grand Rapids, Michigan, 2007, ISBN 0-8028-3785-9 (978-0-8028-3785-1).
Reissue of [Bromiley 1986].
[Brown-JP 2001]
John Pairman Brown.
Israel and Hellas, Volume 3,
published by Walter de Gruyter, 2001, 548 pages, ISBN 3-11-014233-3 (978-3-11-014233-4).
Beihefte zur Zeitschrift für die alttestamentliche Wissenschaft.
[Buccellati 2000]
Giorgio Buccellati and Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati.
The Royal Palace and the Daughter of Naram-Sin,
Urkesh Bulletin, Volume 3, April 2000, 41 pages.
[Buccellati 2003]
G{iorgio} Buccellati.
Hurrian Music,
published by IIMAS (The International Institute for Mesopotamian Area Studies), 2003, retrieved September 28, 2011.
[Burgh 2006]
Theodore W. Burgh.
Listening to the Artifacts: Music Culture in Ancient Palestine, Illustrated Edition,
published by the Continuum International Publishing Group, 2006, 181 pages, ISBN 0-567-02542-X (978-0-567-02542-5).
[CAD 2011]
Martha T. Roth (editor in charge).
The Chicago Assyrian Dictionary (CAD), 21 Volumes (26 total parts),
published by The Oriental Institute, Chicago, Illinois, Date of publication completion June 2011, 10,000 pages, retrieved December 22, 2011.
Publication began 1921.
also known as The Assyrian Dictionary of the Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago.
[Cambel 2003]
H. Çambel and A. Özyar.
Karatepe - Aslantaş, Azatiwaya: Die Bildwerke «Karatepe - Aslantaş, Azatiwaya: The Image Works»,
Mainz am Rhein, in German, 2003, ISBN-13 978-3-8053-3085-5.
[Campbell 2011]
Dennis R. M. Campbell.
Observations on the Lyric Structure of Hurrian Songs and the Fragment KBo 35.39,
2011, 35 pages.
[Caplice 1988]
Richard I. Caplice and Daniel C. Snell.
Introduction to Akkadian,
published by Gregorian and Biblical Book Shop, 1988, 106 pages, ISBN 88-7653-566-7 (978-88-7653-566-6).
[Cerny 1987]
Miroslav Karel Černý.
“Das altmesopotamische Tonsystem, seine Organisation und Entwicklung im Lichte der neuerschlossenen Texte «The Mesopotamian Sound System, its Organization and Development in the Light of New Closed Texts»”,
Archiv Orientální - Quarterly Journal of African and Asian Studies, Volume 55, in German, 1987, pages 41–57.
[Cerny 1988]
Miroslav Karel Černý.
“Probleme der Musikaufzeichnung aus Ugarit — Versuch einer neuen Interpretation des "Hymnus h 6" «Problems of Recording Music from Ugarit - Attempt at a New Interpretation of the "Hymn H 6"»”,
Sulmu / Vavrousek Petr. - Prague : Univerzita Karlova, in German, 1988, pages 49–62.
[Cerny 1994]
Miroslav Karel Černý.
“Some Musicological Remarks on the Old Mesopotamian Music and its Terminology”,
Archiv Orientální - Quarterly Journal of African and Asian Studies, Volume 62, Number 1, 1994, pages 17–26.
[Cerny 2004]
Miroslav Karel Černý.
“Another Look at the Mesopotamian "Tonal" System - Ascending or Descending?”,
Archiv Orientální - Quarterly Journal of African and Asian Studies, Volume 72, Number 1, 2004, pages 25–32.
[Champollion 1876]
M. Jacques-Joseph Champollion-Figeac.
Egypte Ancienne «Ancient Egypt»,
in French, 1876.
Publication egypteancienne00cham on Archive.org (open access).
[Cheng 2009]
Jack Cheng.
“A Review of Early Dynastic III Music: Man's Animal Call”,
Journal of Near Eastern Studies, Volume 68, Number 3, published by the University of Chicago Press, Chicago, Illinois, 2009, pages 163–178, doi:10.1086/613988.
[Cheung 2008]
Vincent C. K. Cheung.
“Tudor Dedications to the Blessed Virgin: History, Style, and Analysis of Music from the Eton Choirbook”,
[Civil 2008]
Miguel Civil.
ARES III: The Early Dynastic Practical Vocabulary A: Archaic HAR-ra A, Volume 4 of Archivi reali di Ebla: Studi, Missione archeologica italiana in Siria,
published by Missione Archeologica Italiana in Siria, Rome, 2008, 181 pages.
[Civil 2010]
Miguel Civil.
The Lexical Texts in the Schøyen Collection,
Cornell University Studies in Assyriology and Sumerology, Volume 12, published by CDL Press, Bethesda, Maryland, July 15, 2010, xxii+308 pages, ISBN 1-934309-11-7 (978-1-934309-11-7), hardcover.
[Colburn 2009]
Jerome Colburn.
“A New Interpretation of the Nippur Music-Instruction Fragments”,
Journal of Cuneiform Studies, Volume 61, published by The American Schools of Oriental Research, January 2009, pages 97–109.
ISSN 0022-0256 (print).
Publication 25608635 on JSTOR (subscription access).
[Colburn 2009a]
Jerome Colburn.
“CBS 1766 as a Guide to String Pairs, Including Seconds”,
N. A. B. U., Volume 3, 2009.
[Collon 1990]
Dominique Collon.
Near Eastern Seals,
Volume 2 of Interpreting the Past, published by the University of Chicago Press, Chicago, Illinois, 1990, 64 pages, ISBN 0-520-07308-8 (978-0-520-07308-1).
[Collon 2008]
Dominique Collon.
“Playing in Concert in the Ancient Near East”,
Proceedings of the International Conference of Near Eastern Archaeomusicology (ICONEA 2008), The British Museum, London, December 4–6, 2008, editors: Richard Dumbrill and Irving Finkel, published by Iconea Publications, London, 2008, pages 47–65.
[Crickmore 2003]
Leon Crickmore.
“A Re-valuation of the Ancient Science of Harmonics”,
Psychology of Music, Volume 31, Number 4, 2003, pages 391–403, doi:10.1177/03057356030314004.
[Crickmore 2007]
Leon Crickmore.
“A New Hypothesis for the Construction and Tuning of Babylonian Musical Scales”,
Journal of Ancient Civilizations, Volume 22, 2007, pages 35–67.
[Crickmore 2008]
Leon Crickmore.
“A Musical and Mathematical Context for CBS 1766”,
Music Theory Spectrum, Volume 30, Number 2, published by the University of California Press, Berkeley, California, October 1, 2008, pages 327–338, doi:10.1525/mts.2008.30.2.327.
Publication mts.2008.30.2.327 on JSTOR (subscription access).
[Crickmore 2008a]
Leon Crickmore.
“A New Light on the Babylonian Tonal System”,
Proceedings of the International Conference of Near Eastern Archaeomusicology (ICONEA 2008), The British Museum, London, December 4–6, 2008, editors: Richard Dumbrill and Irving Finkel, published by Iconea Publications, London, 2008, pages 11–22.
[Crickmore 2008b]
Leon Crickmore.
“The Musicality of Plato”,
Hermathena, Volume 180, 2008, pages 19–43.
[Crickmore 2009]
Leon Crickmore.
“A Possible Mesopotamian Origin for Plato's World Soul”,
Hermathena, Volume 186, published by Trinity College, Dublin, Summer 2009, pages 5–23.
Publication 23041697 on JSTOR (subscription access).
[Crickmore 2009a]
Leon Crickmore.
“The Tonal Systems of Mesopotamia and Ancient Greece: Some Similarities and Differences”,
The Archaeomusicological Review of the Ancient Near East, Volume 1, published by Iconea Publications, London, April 2008, pages 1–16.
[Crickmore 2009b]
Leon Crickmore.
“Harmonic Mythology — Nine Interdiciplinary Research Notes”,
The Archaeomusicological Review of the Ancient Near East, Volume 1, published by Iconea Publications, London, April 2008, pages 51–66.
[Crickmore 2010]
Leon Crickmore.
“Egyptian Fractions and the Ancient Science of Harmonics”,
Proceedings of the International Conference of Near Eastern Archaeomusicology (ICONEA 2009-2010), Université de la Sorbonne, Paris, and Senate House, School of Musical Research, University of London, November 2009 and December 2010, editors: Richard Dumbrill and Irving Finkel, published by Iconea Publications, London, 2010, pages 1–8, ISBN-13 978-1-4632-0182-1.
[Crickmore 2012]
Leon Crickmore.
“A Musicological Interpretation of the Akkadian term siḫpu”,
Journal of Cuneiform Studies, Volume 64, 2012, pages 57–64, doi:10.5615/jcunestud.64.0057.
Publication 10.5615/jcunestud.64.0057 on JSTOR (subscription access).
[Crocker 1977]
Richard L. Crocker.
“Music and Archaeology”,
IMSCR, Volume 12, Berkeley, California, 1977, pages 844–868.
[Crocker 1978]
R{ichard} L. Crocker.
“Remarks on the Tuning Text UET VII 74 (U.7/80)”,
Orientalia, Volume 47, published by Faculty of Ancient Oriental Studies, Pontifical Biblical Institute, Rome, Italy, 1978, pages 99–104, ASIN B0007BPL7E.
Publication 43074799 on JSTOR (subscription access).
[Crocker 1984]
R{ichard} L. Crocker and A{nn} D{raffkorn} Kilmer.
“The Fragmentary Music Text from Nippur”,
Iraq, Volume 46, Number 2, published by the British Institute for the Study of Iraq, Autumn 1984, pages 81–85.
Publication 4200217 on JSTOR (subscription access).
[Crocker 1997]
Richard L. Crocker.
“Mesopotamian Tonal Systems”,
Iraq, Volume 59, published by the British Institute for the Study of Iraq, 1997, pages 189–202.
Publication 4200443 on JSTOR (subscription access).
[CUL 2004]
Columbia University Libraries.
Jewels in Her Crown — Treasures of Columbia University Libraries Special Collections,
[DEAA 1902]
Department of Egyptian and Assyrian Antiquities at the British Museum.
Cuneiform Texts from Babylonian Tablets, &c., in the British Muesum, Part XV (50 plates),
[DEAA 1909]
Department of Egyptian and Assyrian Antiquities at the British Museum; L. W. King (text and copies of the tablets); E. A. Wallis Bidge (editor).
Cuneiform Texts from Babylonian Tablets, &c., in the British Muesum, Part XXV (50 plates),
[deSchauensee 1998]
Maude de Schauensee.
“The "Boat-Shaped" Lyre — Restudy of a Unique Musical Instrument from Ur”,
Expedition, Volume 40, Number 2, 1998, pages 20–8.
[deSchauensee 2002]
Maude de Schauensee.
Two Lyres from Ur,
published by the University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology, 2002, 125 pages, ISBN 0-924171-88-X (978-0-924171-88-8).
[Dietrich 1975]
Manfried Dietrich and Oswald Loretz.
“Kollationen zum Musiktext aus Ugarit «Collations to Music Text from Ugarit»”,
Ugarit-Forschungen, Volume 7, in German, 1975, pages 521–522.
[Dowley 2011]
Tim Dowley.
Christian Music: A Global History,
published by Augsburg Fortress Publishers, 2011, 264 pages, ISBN 0-8006-9841-X (978-0-8006-9841-6).
[Duchesne-Guillemin 1963]
Marcelle Duchesne-Guillemin.
“Découverte d'une Gamme Babylonienne «Discovery of a Babylonian Scale»”,
Revue de Musicologie, Volume 49, Number 126, published by the Société Française de Musicologie, in French, July 1963, pages 3–17.
Publication 927207 on JSTOR (subscription access).
[Duchesne-Guillemin 1981]
Marcelle Duchesne-Guillemin.
“Music in Ancient Mesopotamia and Egypt”,
World Archaeology, Volume 12, Number 3 (Archaeology and Musical Instruments), published by Taylor & Francis, Ltd., February 1981, pages 287–297, doi:10.1080/00438243.1981.9979803.
Publication 124240 on JSTOR (subscription access).
[Duchesne-Guillemin 1984]
Marcelle Duchesne-Guillemin.
A Hurrian Musical Score from Ugarit: The Discovery of Mesopotamian Music,
Sources from the Ancient Near East, Volume 2, Number 2, published by Undena Publications, Malibu, California, 1984, 32 pages, ISBN 0-89003-158-4 (978-0-89003-158-2), ASIN B0006YMP3U, monograph and audio cassette.
ISSN 0732-6424.
[Duchesne-Guillemin 1984a]
Marcelle Duchesne-Guillemin.
“Déchiffrement de la musique babylonienne «Decryption of Babylonian Music»”,
Accademia dei Lincei, Quaderno, Volume 236, Rome, Italy, in French, 1977.
[Dumbrill 1997a]
Richard J{ean} Dumbrill.
Götterzahlen and Scale Structure,
[Dumbrill 1997b]
Richard J{ean} Dumbrill.
The Uruk Lute: Elements of Metrology,
[Dumbrill 1997c]
Richard J{ean} Dumbrill.
The Morphology of the Babylonian Scale,
[Dumbrill 1998]
Richard J. {Jean} Dumbrill.
The Musicology and Organology of the Ancient Near East,
ANE Series, published by Tadema Press, London, 1998, 670 pages, ISBN 0-9533633-0-9 (978-0-9533633-0-8), hardcover.
Reissued in [Dumbrill 2005].
[Dumbrill 2005]
Richard J. {Jean} Dumbrill; Yumiko Higano (illustrations).
The Archaeomusicology of the Ancient Near East, Second Edition,
published by Trafford Publishing, 2005, 530 pages, ISBN 1-4120-5538-5 (978-1-4120-5538-3).
Reissue of [Dumbrill 1998].
[Dumbrill 2008a]
Richard J{ean} Dumbrill.
“Four Tables from the Temple Library of Nippur: A Source for 'Plato's Number' in Relation to the Quantification of Babylonian Tone Numbers”,
The Archaeomusicological Review of the Ancient Near East, Volume 1, published by Iconea Publications, London, April 2008, pages 27–38.
[Dumbrill 2008b]
Richard J{ean} Dumbrill.
“Is the Heptagram in CBS 1766 a Dial?”,
The Archaeomusicological Review of the Ancient Near East, Volume 1, published by Iconea Publications, London, April 2008, pages 47–50.
[Dumbrill 2008c]
Richard J{ean} Dumbrill.
“The Earliest Evidence of Heptatonism in a Late Old Babylonian Text: CBS 1766”,
The Archaeomusicological Review of the Ancient Near East, Volume 1, published by Iconea Publications, London, April 2008, pages 1–18.
[Dumbrill 2008d]
Richard J{ean} Dumbrill.
“Evidence and Inference in Texts of Theory in the Ancient Near East”,
Proceedings of the International Conference of Near Eastern Archaeomusicology (ICONEA 2008), The British Museum, London, December 4–6, 2008, editors: Richard Dumbrill and Irving Finkel, published by Iconea Publications, London, 2008, pages 105–116.
[Dumbrill 2009]
Richard J{ean} Dumbrill.
“Babylonian Quantification of Pitches and its Influence on Music Theory of the Abbasids and the Renaissance”,
Musical Traditions in the Middle East: Reminiscences of a Distant Past, Conference on Ancient Near East Musicology, Leiden University, December 10-12, 2009, 2009.
[Dumbrill 2010]
Richard Dumbrill.
“Mesopotamian Origins of Heptatonism”,
Music and Numbers, May 14–15, 2010.
[Dumbrill 2010a]
Richard Dumbrill.
“Music Theorism in the Ancient World”,
Proceedings of the International Conference of Near Eastern Archaeomusicology (ICONEA 2009-2010), Université de la Sorbonne, Paris, and Senate House, School of Musical Research, University of London, November 2009 and December 2010, editors: Richard Dumbrill and Irving Finkel, published by Iconea Publications, London, 2010, pages 107–132, ISBN-13 978-1-4632-0182-1.
[Ebeling 1919]
Erich Ebeling.
Keilschrifttexte aus Assur religiösen Inhalts «Religious Cuneiform Texts from Assur», Volume 1,
Ausgrabungen der Deutschen Orient-Gesellschaft in Assur (Excavations of the German Oriental Society in Assur), Wissenschaftliche Veröffentlichungen der deutschen Orient-Gesellschaft (WVDOG), Volume 28, published by J. C. Hinrich, Leipzig, in German, 1919, 362 pages.
[Ebeling 1923]
Erich Ebeling.
Keilschrifttexte aus Assur religiösen Inhalts «Religious Cuneiform Texts from Assur», Volume 2,
Ausgrabungen der Deutschen Orient-Gesellschaft in Assur (Excavations of the German Oriental Society in Assur), Wissenschaftliche Veröffentlichungen der deutschen Orient-Gesellschaft (WVDOG), Volume 34, published by J. C. Hinrich, Leipzig, in German, 1923, 362 pages.
[Ebeling 1927]
Erich Ebeling.
Keilschrifttexte aus Assur juristischen Inhalts «Legal Cuneiform Texts from Assur»,
Ausgrabungen der Deutschen Orient-Gesellschaft in Assur (Excavations of the German Oriental Society in Assur), Wissenschaftliche Veröffentlichungen der deutschen Orient-Gesellschaft (WVDOG), Volume 50, published by J. C. Hinrich, Leipzig, in German, 1927, 362 pages.
[Effat 1996]
Mahmoud Effat, Robert Cribbs, and Fathi Saleh.
“On the Discovery of the Ancient Egyptian Musical Scales”,
Informatica ed Egittologia all’inizio degli anni’ 90, in English and French versions available, 1996, pages 119–140.
[Ellermeier 1970]
Friedrich Ellermeier.
Sibyllen, Musikanten, Haremsfrauen: Aufsätze «Sibyls, Musicians, Harem Women: Essays»,
Volume 2 of Theologische und orientalistische Arbeiten, published by Jungfer, in German, 1970, 30 pages, ISBN 3-921747-05-8 (978-3-921747-05-6).
[Engel 1864]
Carl Engel.
The Music of the Most Ancient Nations, Particularly of the Assyrians, Egyptians, and Hebrews: With Special Reference to Recent Discoveries in Western Asia and in Egypt, First Edition,
published by J. Murray, London, 1864, 379 pages.
Publication musicofmostancie00enge on Archive.org (open access).
[Engel 1870]
Carl Engel.
The Music of the Most Ancient Nations, Particularly of the Assyrians, Egyptians, and Hebrews: With Special Reference to Recent Discoveries in Western Asia and in Egypt, Second edition,
published by J. Murray, London, 1870, 379 pages.
[Erman 1907]
Adolf Erman; A. S. Griffith (translation).
A Handbook of Egyptian Religion,
published by Archibald Constable & Co., London, 1907, 277 pages.
English translation of the original German edition, published by the General Verwaltung of the Berlin Imperial Museums.
[Fink 2003]
Robert Fink.
Selected Essays & Readings: On the Origin of Music,
published by Greenwich Publishing, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada, 2003.
[Finkel 1982]
Irving L. Finkel and M. Civil (editors).
Materials for the Sumerian Lexicon, Volume 16,
SIG 7 ALAN, published by Pontificium Institute Biblicum, Rome, 1982, 348 pages.
[Franklin 2002]
John Curtis Franklin.
“Musical Syncretism in the Greek Orientalizing Period”,
contained in [Hickmann-E 2002], in German and English, 2002, pages 441–451.
[Franklin 2002a]
John Curtis Franklin.
Terpander: The Invention of Music in the Orientalizing Period,
Doctoral dissertation – University College, London, England, 2002.
[Franklin 2002b]
John Curtis Franklin.
Diatonic Music in Greece: A Reassessment of its Antiquity,
Mnemosyne, Volume 55, Fasc 6, 2002, pages 669–702.
[Franklin 2003]
John Curtis Franklin.
The Language of Musical Technique in Greek Epic Diction,
contained in Gaia. Revue interdisciplinaire sur la Grèce archaïque 7, 2003, pages 295–307.
[Franklin 2004]
John Curtis Franklin.
Structural Sympathies in Ancient Greek and South-Slavic Heroic Song,
contained in [Hickmann-E 2004], 2004, 11 pages.
[Franklin 2006]
John Curtis Franklin.
“Lyre Gods of the Bronze Age Musical Koine”,
[Franklin 2006a]
John Curtis Franklin.
“The Wisdom of the Lyre: Soundings in Ancient Greece, Cyprus and the Near East”,
in English and German, 2006.
[Franklin 2006c]
John Curtis Franklin.
‘Songbenders of Circular Choruses’: Dithyramb and the ‘Demise of Music’,
2006, 22 pages.
[Franklin 2007]
John Curtis Franklin.
“A Feast of Music”: The Greco-Lydian Musical Movement on the Assyrian Periphery,
2007, 12 pages.
[Franklin 2009]
John Curtis Franklin.
Kinyras: The Divine Lyre,
2009, 207 pages.
[Franklin 2010]
John Curtis Franklin.
Kinyras and the Musical Stratigraphy of Early Cyprus,
2010, 34 pages.
[Gadalla 2000]
Moustafa Gadalla.
Egyptian Harmony — The Visual Music,
published by the Tehuti Research Foundation, Greensboro, North Carolina, 2000, 191 pages.
[Gadalla 2002]
Moustafa Gadalla.
Egyptian Rhythm — The Heavenly Melodies,
published by the Tehuti Research Foundation, Greensboro, North Carolina, 2002, 239 pages, ISBN 1-931446-02-4 (978-1-931446-02-0).
[Galpin 1937]
F. W. {Francis William} Galpin.
The Music of the Sumerians — And Their Immediate Successors, the Babylonians and Assyrians,
published by Cambridge University Press, 1937, ASIN B002N1WMZ0.
Reissued in [Galpin 2011].
[Galpin 2011]
F. W. {Francis William} Galpin.
The Music of the Sumerians — And Their Immediate Successors, the Babylonians and Assyrians,
published by Cambridge University Press, February 17, 2011, 160 pages, ISBN 0-521-18063-5 (978-0-521-18063-4).
Originally published in 1937.
Reissue of [Galpin 1937].
[George-AR 1979]
Andrew R. George.
“Cuneiform Texts in the Birmingham City Museum”,
Iraq, Volume 41, Number 2, published by the British Institute for the Study of Iraq, Autumn 1979, pages 121–140.
Publication 4200108 on JSTOR (subscription access).
[George-AR 1999]
Andrew R. George.
“What’s New in the Gilgamesh Epic?”,
Bulletin of the Canadian Society for Mesopotamian Studies, Volume 34, 1999, pages 51–58.
[George-AR 2003]
Andrew R. George.
The Babylonian Gilgamesh Epic — Introduction, Critical Edition and Cuneiform Texts, Volume 1,
2003, 986 pages.
[George-AR 2003a]
Andrew R. George.
The Epic of Gilgamesh: The Babylonian Epic Poem and Other Texts in Akkadian and Sumerian, Reprint edition,
published by Penguin, 2003, 228 pages, ISBN 0-14-044919-1 (978-0-14-044919-8).
[George-AR 2007]
Andrew George.
“Babylonian and Assyrian: A History of Akkadian”,
contained in [Postgate 2007], 2007, pages 31–71.
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