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[Flutopedia format] Archaeology References

This is a list of archaeology-related references cited throughout Flutopedia.

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[Flutopedia format] Archaeology References

[Adams-KR 2006] Karen R. Adams. “Through the Looking Glass — The Environment of the Ancient Mesa Verdeans”, Contained in [Noble-DG 2006], 2006.

[Andric 2011] Maja Andrič. “Lateglacial Vegetation at Lake Bled and Griblje Marsh (Slovenia): A Comparison of (in Last Glacial Maximum) Glaciated and Non-glaciated Landscapes”, contained in [Toskan 2011], 2011, pages 235–250.

[Applegate 2008] Darlene Applegate. “Woodland Period”, contained in Volume 1 of [Pollack 2008], 2008, pages 339–604.

[Atema 2004] Jelle Atema. “Old Bone Flutes”, Pan, Volume 23, Number 4, December 2004, pages 18–23.

[Baby 1961] Raymond S. Baby. “A Hopewell Human Bone Whistle”, American Antiquity, Volume 27, Number 1, July 1961, pages 108–110.

[Barahona 2002] Agustin Barahona. “Ancient Objects Related to Music and Ancient Egypt in the National Archaeological Museum of Madrid”, contained in [Eldamaty 2002], 2002, pages 75–86.

[Barber-SB 2009] Sarah B. Barber, Gonzalo Sánchez, and Mireya Olvera. “Sounds of Death and Life in Mesoamerica: The Bone Flutes of Ancient Oaxaca”, Yearbook for Traditional Music, Volume 41, published by the International Council for Traditional Music, 2009, pages 94–110. Publication 25735480 on JSTOR (subscription access).

[Bard 2008] Kathryn A. Bard. An Introduction to the Archaeology of Ancient Egypt, published by Blackwell Publishing, Ltd., Oxford, 2008.

[Berger-R 1983] Rainer Berger. “Direct Bone Dating in a Small CO__SUB__2__END_SUB__ Counter”, Radiocarbon, Volume 25, Number 2, 1983, pages 655–659.

[Bernheimer 1924] Charles L. Bernheimer. Rainbow Bridge — Circling Navajo Mountain and Explorations in the "Bad Lands" of Southern Utah and Northern Arizona, First Edition, published by Doubleday, Page and Company, Garden City, New York, 1924, 182 pages. Publication rainbowbridgecir013405mbp on Archive.org (open access).

[Bernotas 2008] Rivo Bernotas. “Dendrodates of Three Medieval Latrines of Tartu”, Estonian Journal of Archaeology, Volume 12, Number 1, in English and Estonian, 2008, pages 16–29, doi:10.3176/arch.2008.1.02.

[Bjorkman 2016] Rosemary Bjorkman. Between a Rock and a Hard Place — Establishing the Ownership of the Range Creek Flute under the Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act, The 35th Great Basin Anthropological Conference, Reno, Nevada, October 5–8, 2016, October 7, 2016.

[Both 2002] Arnd Adje Both. “Aztec Flower-Flutes: On the Symbolic Organization of Sound in Late Postclassic Mesoamerica”, contained in [Hickmann-E 2002], 2002, pages 279–289.

[Both 2004] Arnd Adje Both. “Shell Trumpets in Mesoamerica — Music-Archaelogical Evidence and Living Tradition”, contained in [Hickmann-E 2004], 2004, pages 261–277.

[Both 2005] Arnd Adje Both. Aerófonos mexicas de las ofrendas del Recinto Sagrado de Tenochtitlan «Aztec Aerophones of the Temple Precinct of Tenochtitlan», Ph.D. dissertation – Lateinamerika-Institut, Freie Universität Berlin (Universidad Libre de Berlín), Germany, in Spanish and German, 2005, 346 pages.

[Both 2008] Arnd Adje Both, Ricardo Eichmann, Ellen Hickmann, and Lars-Christian Koch (editors). Challenges and Objectives in Music Archaeology, Studien zur Musikarchäologie (Studies in Music Archaeology), Volume 6, Papers from the 5th Symposium of the International Study Group on Music Archaeology, Ethnological Museum, State Museums, Berlin, September 19–23, 2006, Orient-Archäologie, Volume 22, published by Verlag Marie Leidorf, GmbH, Rahden, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany, in German and English, 2008, 616 pages, 518 illustrations, 14 tables, 8 diagrams, 8 plates, 1 data storage medium, ISBN 3-89646-652-6 (978-3-89646-652-5), hardcover.

[Both 2009] Arnd Adje Both. “Music Archaeology: Some Methodological and Theoretical Considerations”, Yearbook for Traditional Music, Volume 41, published by the International Council for Traditional Music, 2009, pages 1–11. Publication 25735475 on JSTOR (subscription access).

[Boyle 1898] David Boyle. Archaeological Report 1898 — Appendix to the Report of the Minister of Education, Ontario, published by Warwick Bros. & Rutter, Toronto, Ontario, 1898, 211 pages.

[Brade 1982] Christine Brade. “The Prehistoric Flute — Did It Exist?”, The Galpin Society Journal, Volume 35, published by the Galpin Society, March 1982, pages 138–150. Publication 841239 on JSTOR (subscription access).

[Brovarski 2000] Edward Brovarski. The Senedjemib Complex, Part 1, Giza Mastabas, Volume 7, published by the Arts of the Ancient World, Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, 2000.

[Brown-EJ 2005] Emily J. Brown. Instruments of Power: Musical Performance in Rituals of the Ancestral Puebloans of the American Southwest, Doctoral dissertation – Columbia University, New York, 2005, 553 pages.

[Brown-EJ 2009] Emily J. Brown. “Musical Instruments in the Pre-Hispanic Southwest”, Park Science, Volume 26, Number 1, Spring 2009, retrieved December 4, 2011. ISSN 1090-9966.

[Buisson 1990] D. Buisson. “Les flûtes paléolithique d'Isturitz (Pyrénées-Atlantiques) «The Paleolithic Flutes of Isturitz (Pyrénées-Atlantiques)»”, Bulletin de la Société Préhistorique Française, Volume 87, Number 10–12, published by the Société préhistorique française, Paris, in French, 1990, pages 420–433, doi:10.3406/bspf.1990.9925. ISSN 0249-7638.

[Campbell-PD 1995] P. D. Campbell and D. Wescott. “California Elderwood Flute”, Bulletin of Primitive Technology, Volume 9, Number 2, published by the Society of Primitive Technology, Utah, Spring 1995, pages 27–29. ISSN 1078-4845.

[Carstens 2004] Kenneth C. Carstens and Philip J. DiBlasi. “Unique Prehistoric Cultural Artifacts in the S-Bend Area of Mammoth Cave, Kentucky”, contained in [Hockensmith 2004], 2004, pages 69–83.

[Chase 1998] Philip G. Chase and April Nowell. “Taphonomy of a Suggested Middle Paleolithic Bone Flute from Slovenia”, Current Anthropology, Volume 39, Number 4, August–October 1998, pages 549–553.

[Cheong 2014] Kong F. Cheong, Terry G. Powis, Paul F. Healy, Roger Blench, and Linda Howie. “Recovering Music from Pacbitun, Belize: New Evidence for Ancient Maya Instruments”, Research Reports in Belizean Archaeology, Volume 11, 2014, pages 177–190.

[Coles 1967] John M. Coles. “Experimental Archaeology”, Proceedings of the Anthropological Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 1966-1967, Volume 99, 1967, 2 plates, pages 1–20.

[Coles 1979] John M. Coles. Experimental Archaeology, published by Academic Press, 1979, 274 pages, ISBN 0-12-179750-3.

[Coles 2010] John M. Coles. Experimental Archaeology, 2010, ISBN-13 978-1-932846-26-3.

[Coltrain 2007] Joan Brenner Coltrain, Joel C. Janetski, and Shawn W. Carlyle. “The Stable- and Radio-Isotope Chemistry of Western Basketmaker Burials: Implications for Early Puebloan Diets and Origins”, American Antiquity, Volume 72, Number 2, 2007, pages 301–321.

[Comte 2003] Christian le Comte. Indígenas Argentinos «Indigenous Argentinians», published by Maizal, in Spanish, 2003, 32 pages, ISBN 987-9479-10-6 (978-987-9479-10-0).

[Conard 2008] Nicholas J. Conard and Maria Malina. “New Evidence for the Origins of Music from the Caves of the Swabian Jura”, Challenges and Objectives in Music Archaeology, Orient-Archäologie 22, contained in [Both 2008], 2008, pages 13–22.

[Coppens 2002] Philip Coppens. “Caral: The Oldest Town in the New World”, Frontier Magazine, Volume 8, Number 3, May 2002, retrieved September 4, 2010.

[Crane 1968] H. R. Crane and James B. Griffin. “University of Michigan Radiocarbon Dates XII”, Radiocarbon, Volume 10, 1968, pages 61–114.

[Culiberg 2011] Metka Culiberg. “Fragments of Ice Age Environments — Palaeobotanical Research at Palaeolithic Sites in Slovenia”, contained in [Toskan 2011], 2011, pages 219–234.

[Curtis-J 1914] J. Curtis. “The Double Flutes”, The Journal of Hellenic Studies, Volume 34, 1914, pages 89–105. Publication 624480 on JSTOR (subscription access).

[Dandridge 2006] Debra E. Dandridge. “Arlington Springs Woman: First Lady of the New World”, Mammoth Trumpet, Volume 21, Number 4, September 2006, pages 4–14.

[Dawe 2007] Thomas V. C. Dawe. Our Own Newfoundland and Labrador, 2007, 114 pages.

[Dennett 2013] Carrie L. Dennett and Katrina Kosyk. “Winds of Change: Ceramic Musical Instruments from Greater Nicoya”, contained in [Stockli 2013], 2013.

[dErrico 2005] Francesco d’Errico, Christopher Henshilwood, Marian Vanhaeren, and Karen van Niekerk. “Nassarius kraussianus Shell Beads from Blombos Cave: Evidence for Symbolic Behaviour in the Middle Stone Age”, Journal of Human Evolution, Volume 45, 2005, pages 3–24, doi:10.1016/j.jhevol.2004.09.002.

[Diedrich 2015] Cajus G. Diedrich. “‘Neanderthal Bone Flutes’: Simply Products of Ice Age Spotted Hyena Scavenging Activities on Cave Bear Cubs in European Cave Bear Dens”, Royal Soceity Open Science, Volume 2, Article 140022, April 1, 2015, doi:10.1098/rsos.140022.

[Douglass 1936] A. E. Douglas. “The Central Pueblo Chronology”, Tree Ring Bulletin, Volume 2, Number 4, April 1936, pages 29–34.

[Dunham 1974] Dows Dunham and William Kelly Simpson. The Mastaba of Queen Mersyankh III — G 7530-7540, Giza Mastabas, Volume 1, published by the Department of Egyptian and Ancient Near Eastern Art, Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, 1974.

[Eichmann 2010] Ricardo Eichmann, Ellen Hickmann, and Lars-Christian Koch (editors). Musical Perceptions - Past and Present — On Ethnographic Analogy in Music Archaeology, Studien zur Musikarchäologie (Studies in Music Archaeology), Volume 7, Papers from the 6th Symposium of the International Study Group on Music Archaeology, Ethnological Museum, State Museums, Berlin, September 9–13, 2008, Orient-Archäologie, Volume 25, published by Verlag Marie Leidorf, GmbH, Rahden, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany, in German and English, 2010, 332 pages, 203 illustrations, 24 tables, 1 data storage medium, ISBN 3-89646-655-0 (978-3-89646-655-6), hardcover.

[Eichmann 2012] Ricardo Eichmann, Fang Jianjun, and Lars-Christian Koch (editors). Sound from the Past — The Interpretation of Musical Artifacts in an Archaeological Context, Studien zur Musikarchäologie (Studies in Music Archaeology), Volume 8, Papers from the 7th Symposium of the International Study Group on Music Archaeology, Tianjin Conservatory of Music, Tianjin, China, September 20–25, 2010, Orient-Archäologie, Volume 27, published by Verlag Marie Leidorf, GmbH, Rahden, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany, in German and English, 2012, 462 pages, 338 illustrations, 36 tables, 1 disk, ISBN 3-89646-657-7 (978-3-89646-657-0), hardcover.

[Eldamaty 2002] Mamdouh Eldamaty and Mai Trad (editors). Egyptian Museum Collections Around the World, Volume 1, Studies for the Centennial of the Egyptian Museum, Cairo, published by The Supreme Council of Antiquities, Cairo, 2002, 1377 pages, ISBN 977-424-777-9 (978-977-424-777-4).

[Emerson-TE 2009] Thomas E. Emerson. Archaic Societies: Diversity and Complexity Across the Midcontinent, published by SUNY Press, 2009, 867 pages, ISBN 1-4384-2701-8 (978-1-4384-2701-0), hardcover.

[Emsheimer 1966] Ernst Emsheimer. “A Finno-Ugric Flute Type?”, Journal of the International Folk Music Council, Volume 18, published by the International Council for Traditional Music, 1966, pages 29–35. Publication 834638 on JSTOR (subscription access).

[Emsheimer 1981] Ernst Emsheimer. “Tongue Duct Flutes Corrections of an Error”, The Galpin Society Journal, Volume 34, published by the Galpin Society, March 1981, pages 98–105. Publication 841473 on JSTOR (subscription access).

[Evans 2005] E. Raymond Evans. Prehistoric Metal Workers in the Eastern United States, 2005.

[Faulkner 1997] Charles H. Faulkner. “Four Thousand Years of Native American Cave Art in the Southern Appalachians”, Journal of Cave and Karst Studies, Volume 59, Number 3, published by the National Speleological Society, December 1997, pages 148–153. ISSN 1090-6924.

[Fewkes 1911] Jesse Walter Fewkes. Preliminary Report on a Visit to the Navaho National Monument Arizona, Smithsonian Institution, Bureau of American Ethnology, Bulletin 50, published by the United States Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C., 1911, 35 pages. Publication bulletin501911smit on Archive.org (open access).

[Fischer 1981] Henry G. Fischer. “Notes on Two Tomb Chapels at Gîza”, Journal of Egyptian Archaeology, Volume 67, published by The Egyptian Exploration Society, London, 1981, pages 166–168.

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[Gatliff 2003] Robert Gatliff and Maurice Bigham. “Prehistoric Flutes of the Southwest”, International Native American Flute Convention, Taos, NM, July 10–13, 2003, July 12, 2003.

[Gilreath 2011] Amy Gilreath. Gypsum Cave, January 4, 2011, retrieved April 21, 2012.

[Gruhn 2006] Ruth Gruhn. “Paleoamericans in Peru”, Mammoth Trumpet, Volume 21, Number 4, September 2006, pages 10–17.

[Gruhn 2007] Ruth Gruhn. “The Earliest Reported Archaeological Sites in South America”, Mammoth Trumpet, Volume 22, Number 1, January 2007, pages 14–18.

[Gudrian 1995] Fred W. Gudrian. “An Examination of Late Woodland Ceramic Pipe Fragments from the Morgan Site in Rocky Hill, Connecticut”, Bulletin of the Archaeological Society of Connecticut, Number 58, 1995, pages 13–29.

[Guernsey 1921] Samuel James Guernsey and Alfred Vincent Kidder. Basketmaker Caves of Northeastern Arizona — Report On the Exploration 1916–1917, Papers of the Peabody Museum of American Archaeology and Ethnology, Harvard University, Volume 8, published by Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Massachussets, 1921, vii + 120 pages with 44 plates.

[Hadlock 1941] Wendell S. Hadlock. Three Shell-heaps on Frenchman's Bay, Bulletin of the Robert Abbe Museum, Volume 6, 1941, 63 pages, ASIN B0007FYRO8.

[Hadlock 1943] Wendell S. Hadlock. “Bone Implements from Shell Heaps around Frenchman's Bay, Maine”, American Antiquity, Volume 8, Number 4, published by the Society for American Archaeology, April 1943, pages 341–353. Publication 275866 on JSTOR (subscription access).

[Hahn 1995] Joachim Hahn and Susanne C. Münzel. “Knochenflöten aus dem Aurignacien des Geißenklösterle bei Blaubeuren, Alb-Donau-Kries «Bone Flutes from the Aurignacian of Geißenklösterle at Blaubeuren, Alb-Donau-Kries»”, Fundberichte aus Baden-Württemberg, Volume 20, in German, 1995, pages 1–12.

[Harding 1999] A. F. Harding (editor). Experiment and Design. Archaeological Studies in Honour of John Coles, published by Oxbow Books, Oxford, England, 1999, ISBN-13 978-1-900188-76-0.

[Harrington 1933] Mark Raymond Harrington. Gypsum Cave, Nevada — Report of the Second Sessions Expedition, Southwest Museum Papers, Number 8, published by Southwest Museum, Highland Park, Los Angeles, April 1933, 197 pages, softcover. Reissued in [Harrington 1963].

[Harrington 1940] Mark Raymond Harrington. “Man and Beast in Gypsum Cave”, The Desert Magazine, Volume 3, Number 6, April 1940, pages 3–5 and 34.

[Harrington 1963] Mark Raymond Harrington. Gypsum Cave, Nevada — Report of the Second Sessions Expedition, Southwest Museum Papers, Number 8, published by Southwest Museum, Highland Park, Los Angeles, 1963, 197 pages, ISBN 0-916561-23-2 (978-0-916561-23-9), ASIN 0916561232, softcover. Reissue of [Harrington 1933].

[Haury 1940] Emil W. Haury. Excavations in the Forestdale Valley, East-Central Arizona, University of Arizona Bulletin, Volume 11, Number 4, Tuscon, Arizona, 1940, 147 pages, 12 plates, 44 figures, 3 maps, ASIN B0007G3OHS. With appendix, the skeletal remains of the Bear Ruin, Norman E. Gabel.

[Hausler 1960] Alexander Häusler. “Neue Funde steinzeitlicher Musikinstrumente in Osteuropa «New finds of Stone Age Musical Instruments in Eastern Europe»”, Acta Musicologica, Volume 32, Fasc. 2/3, published by the International Musicological Society, in German, April–September 1960, pages 151–155. Publication 931665 on JSTOR (subscription access).

[Hays 2011] Jeffrey Hays. Jiahu Culture and the First Rice, Wine and Flutes in China, Updated February 2011, retrieved October 4, 2011. Original copyright 2008.

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[Hays-Gilpin 1998a] Kelley Hays-Gilpin. “Excavation and Dating of the Prayer Rock Caves”, Contained in [Hays-Gilpin 1998], Chapter 3, 1998, pages 29–36.

[Henderson 2004] A. Gwynn Henderson. “Fort Ancient Period”, contained in Volume 2 of [Pollack 2008], 2004, pages 739–902.

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[Hickmann-E 2000] Ellen Hickmann and Ricardo Eichmann (editors). Stringed Instruments in Archaeological Context, Studien zur Musikarchäologie (Studies in Music Archaeology), Volume 1, Papers from the 8th Symposium of the Study Group on Music Archaeology [ICTM] and other contributions, Limassol, Cyprus, August 26–30, 1996, Orient-Archäologie, Volume 6, published by Verlag Marie Leidorf, GmbH, Rahden, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany, in German and English, 2000, 157 pages, 166 illustrations, 7 tables, ISBN 3-89646-636-4 (978-3-89646-636-5), hardcover. ISSN 1434-162X.

[Hickmann-E 2000a] Ellen Hickmann, Ingo Laufs, and Ricardo Eichmann (editors). Music Archaeology of Early Metal Ages, Studien zur Musikarchäologie (Studies in Music Archaeology), Volume 2, Papers from the 1st Symposium of the International Study Group on Music Archaeology, Monastery Michaelstein, Blankenburg, Sachsen-Anhalt, Germany, May 18–24, 1988, Orient-Archäologie, Volume 7, published by Verlag Marie Leidorf, GmbH, Rahden, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany, in German and English, 2000, 418 pages, 239 illustrations, 6 tables, 10 plates, 1 data storage medium, ISBN 3-89646-637-2 (978-3-89646-637-2), hardcover.

[Hickmann-E 2002] Ellen Hickmann, Anne Draffkorn Kilmer, and Ricardo Eichmann (editors). I. The Archaeology of Sound: Origin and Organisation; II. Music Archaeology in the Aegean and Anatolia, Studien zur Musikarchäologie (Studies in Music Archaeology), Volume 3, I: Papers from the 2nd Symposium of the International Study Group on Music Archaeology; II: Papers from the Colloquium on Music Archaeology organised by the Deutsches Archäologisches Institut [Istanbul] in cooperation with the ICTM-Study Group on Music Archaeology and the Institut Français d'Archéologie [Istanbul], I: Monastery Michaelstein; II: Mimar Sinan University, Istanbul, Turkey, I: September 17–23, 2000; II: April 12–16, 1993, Orient-Archäologie, Volume 10, published by Verlag Marie Leidorf, GmbH, Rahden, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany, in German and English, 2002, 678 pages, 217 illustrations, 51 tables, 79 plates, 2 data storage media, ISBN 3-89646-640-2 (978-3-89646-640-2), hardcover.

[Hickmann-E 2004] Ellen Hickmann and Ricardo Eichmann (editors). Music-Archaeological Sources: Finds, Oral Transmission, Written Evidence, Studien zur Musikarchäologie (Studies in Music Archaeology), Volume 4, Papers from the 3rd Symposium of the International Study Group on Music Archaeology, Monastery Michaelstein, Blankenburg, Sachsen-Anhalt, Germany, June 9–16, 2002, Orient-Archäologie, Volume 15, published by Verlag Marie Leidorf, GmbH, Rahden, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany, in German and English, 2004, 610 pages, 419 illustrations, 5 tables, 8 diagrams, 1 supplement, 1 data storage medium, ISBN 3-89646-645-3 (978-3-89646-645-7), hardcover.

[Hickmann-E 2006] Ellen Hickmann, Arnd Adje Both, and Ricardo Eichmann (editors). Music Archaeology in Contexts — Archaeological Semantics, Historical Implications, Socio-Cultural Connotations, Studien zur Musikarchäologie (Studies in Music Archaeology), Volume 5, Papers from the 4th Symposium of the International Study Group on Music Archaeology, Monastery Michaelstein, Blankenburg, Sachsen-Anhalt, Germany, September 19–26, 2004, Orient-Archäologie, Volume 20, published by Verlag Marie Leidorf, GmbH, Rahden, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany, in German and English, 2006, 493 pages, 311 illustrations, 7 tables, 13 diagrams, 1 data storage medium, ISBN 3-89646-650-X (978-3-89646-650-1), hardcover.

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