[MLA format] References - H
This page lists references with citation tags that begin with the letter H. For other references and a documentation on how these references are cited, see the main references page. You can also click on these direct links to the various pages:
[MLA format] References - H
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Haapaniemi, Tarja.
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[Hacker 1995]
Hacker, Paul; Papayik, Susan (compositions); Hacker, Jason (illustrations).
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no staff notation, six-hole finger diagrams.
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Publication 40285290 on JSTOR (subscription access).
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Hall, Butch.
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No staff notation, six-hole finger diagrams.
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[Herbermann 1913]
Herbermann, Charles George (chief editor).
The Catholic Encyclopedia: An International Work of Reference on the Constitution, Doctrine, Discipline, and History of the Catholic Church, 15 Volumes. Robert Appleton Company (April 19, 1913).
Volumes originally published sequentially between 1907 and 1912.
Also known as the Old Catholic Encyclopedia and the Original Catholic Encyclopedia.
[Herman 1882]
Herman, Reinhold L., and Satterlee, Walter.
Cradle Songs of Many Nations. New York: Dodd, Mead & Company (1882).
Reissued in [Herman 1975].
[Herman 1975]
Herman, Reinhold L., and Satterlee, Walter.
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Reissue of [Herman 1882].
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Hermann, Henry R.
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Hermann, Henry R.
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Hermann, Henry R.
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Voice of the Wind, 2004.4 (2004): 3–6.
[Hermann 2005]
Hermann, Henry R., and Broussard, Robert.
“Using Radiographic Techniques to Study the Internal Structure of Native American Flutes”,
Voice of the Wind, 2005.2 (2005): 6–8.
[Hermann 2005a]
Hermann, Henry R.
“Preservation and Decay of Ancient Flutes in North America”,
Voice of the Wind, 2005.4 (2005): 27–29.
[Hermann 2006]
Hermann, Henry.
“Recognizing an Early American Icon and the Origin of the Warble in Native American Fipple Flutes”,
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[Hermann 2011]
Hermann, Henry R.
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[Herndon 1980]
Herndon, Marcia.
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Herndon, Marcia.
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[Hertzberg 1966]
Hertzberg, Hazel W.
The Great Tree and the Longhouse: The Culture of the Iroquois. MacMillan (1966): 122 pages, ISBN 0-02-100030-1 (978-0-02-100030-2).
[Herzog 1928]
Herzog, George.
“The Yuman Musical Style”,
The Journal of American Folk-lore, 41 (April–June 1928): 183–231.
Publication 534896 on JSTOR (subscription access).
[Herzog 1930]
Herzog, George.
“Musica Styles in North America”,
Proceedings of the 23rd International Congress of Americanists, New York, September 17, 1928 (1930): 455–458.
[Herzog 1933]
Herzog, George.
“The Collections of Phonograph Records in North America and Hawaii”,
Zeitschrift für vergleichende Musikwissenschaft, 1 (1933): 58–62.
[Herzog 1933a]
Herzog, George.
“Maricopa Music”,
contained in [Spier 1933] (1933): 271–279.
[Herzog 1934]
Herzog, George.
“Speech-Melody and Primitive Music”,
The Musical Quarterly, 20.4 (1934): 452–466, doi:10.1093/mq/XX.4.452.
Publication 738932 on JSTOR (subscription access).
[Herzog 1934a]
Herzog, George.
“Appendix of Song Transcriptions”,
contained in [Adamson 1934] (1934): 422–430.
[Herzog 1935]
Herzog, George.
“Plains Ghost Dance and Great Basin Music”,
American Anthropologist, 37.3 (July–September 1935): 403–419.
Publication 661963 on JSTOR (subscription access).
[Herzog 1935a]
Herzog, George.
“Special Song Types in North American Indian Music”,
Zeitschrift for Vergleichende Musikwissenschaft, 3 (1935): 1–11 or 1–6 and 23–33.
[Herzog 1936]
Herzog, George.
“A Comparison of Pueblo and Pima Musical Styles”,
The Journal of American Folk-lore, 49.194 (October–December 1936): 283–418.
Note that the title is cited in some publciations as "A Comparison of Pima and Pueblo Musical Style".
Publication 535645 on JSTOR (subscription access).
[Herzog 1938]
Herzog, George.
“Music in the Thinking of the American Indian”,
Peabody Bulletin, 34.1 (May 1938): 8–12.
[Herzog 1940]
Herzog, George.
“The Study of Native Music in America”,
Proceedings of the Eighth American Scientific Congress, Washington, D.C., May 10–18, 1940, 2 (May 1940): 203–209.
[Herzog 1944]
Herzog, George.
“African Influences in North American Indian Music”,
International Congress of Musicology, New York, September 11–16, 1939, contained in [Mendel 1944] (1944): 130–143.
Publication papersreadatinte00amer on Archive.org (open access).
[Herzog 1947]
Herzog, George.
“Recent Publications on Music in the Dutch East Indies”,
American Anthropologist, 49.2 (April–June 1947): 299–304, doi:10.1525/aa.1947.49.2.02a00220.
[Herzog 1949]
Herzog, George.
“Salish Music”,
contained in [Smith-MW 1949] (1949): 93–109.
[Hesser 2011]
Hesser, Barbara, and Heinemann, Harry N. (editors).
Music as a Global Resource: Solutions for Social and Economic Issues, Third Edition
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[Heth 1976]
Heth, Charlotte (producer); Moore, Michael, and Miller, Lee (recording engineers).
Songs of Earth, Water, Fire and Sky,
New World Records, 80246 (1976).
[Heth 1977]
Heth, Charlotte (producer).
Songs of Love, Luck, Animals, and Magic: Music of the Yurok and Tolowa Indians,
New World Records, 80297-2 (1977).
[Heth 1979]
Heth, Charlotte (producer).
Oku Shareh: Turtle Dance Songs of San Juan Pueblo,
New World Records, 80301-2 (1979).
[Heth 1979a]
Heth, Charlotte.
“Stylistic Similarities in Cherokee and Iroquois Music”,
Journal of Cherokee Studies, 4 (1979): 128–162.
[Heth 1980]
Heth, Charlotte (editor).
The Music of the American Indians,
UCLA Ethnomusicology Publications. Selected Reports in Ethnomusicology, 3.2 (1980): 202 pages, ISBN 0-88287-012-2 (978-0-88287-012-0).
[Heth 1992]
Heth, Charlotte (producer); Moore, Michael (recording engineer).
Powwow Songs: Music of the Plains Indians,
New World Records, 80343-2 (CD release date December 8, 1992).
Originally released 1986.
[Heth 1992a]
Heth, Charlotte (producer); Moore, Michael (recording engineer).
Songs and Dances of the Eastern Indians from Medicine Spring and Allegany,
New World Records, 80337-2 (CD release date December 8, 1992), UPC 0-93228-03372-1.
Originally released 1985.
[Heth 1993]
Heth, Charlotte.
Native American Dance: Ceremonies and Social Traditions. National Museum of the American Indian with Starwood Publishing, Inc. (1993): 208 pages.
[Heth 1997]
Heth, Charlotte (executive producer); Spitzer, Nicholas R., and Winch, Terence (producers); Glasser, David (mastering engineer).
Wood That Sings: Indian Fiddle Music of the Americas,
National Museum of the American Indian and Smithsonian / Folkways, SFW40472 (1997).
[Hickmann-E 1988]
Hickmann, Ellen, and Hughes, David W. (editors).
The Archaeology of Early Music Cultures,
Third international meeting of the ICTM Study Group on Music Archaeology. Hannover, Wolfenbüttel: Verlag fur systematische Musikwissenschaft (1988): 353 pages, ISBN 3-922626-51-3 (978-3-922626-51-0).
[Hickmann-E 2000]
Hickmann, Ellen, and Eichmann, Ricardo (editors).
Stringed Instruments in Archaeological Context,
Studien zur Musikarchäologie (Studies in Music Archaeology), Volume 1, Papers from the 8th Symposium of the Study Group on Music Archaeology [ICTM] and other contributions, Limassol, Cyprus, August 26–30, 1996, Orient-Archäologie, 6, in German and English (2000): 157 , 166 illustrations, 7 tables, ISBN 3-89646-636-4 (978-3-89646-636-5).
ISSN 1434-162X.
[Hickmann-E 2000a]
Hickmann, Ellen, Laufs, Ingo, and Eichmann, Ricardo (editors).
Music Archaeology of Early Metal Ages,
Studien zur Musikarchäologie (Studies in Music Archaeology), Volume 2, Papers from the 1st Symposium of the International Study Group on Music Archaeology, Monastery Michaelstein, Blankenburg, Sachsen-Anhalt, Germany, May 18–24, 1988, Orient-Archäologie, 7, in German and English (2000): 418 , 239 illustrations, 6 tables, 10 plates, 1 data storage medium, ISBN 3-89646-637-2 (978-3-89646-637-2).
[Hickmann-E 2001]
Hickmann, Ellen.
“Archaeomusicology «Musikarchäologie», Volume 1, Second Edition”,
The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians (2001): 848–854.
[Hickmann-E 2002]
Hickmann, Ellen, Kilmer, Anne Draffkorn, and Eichmann, Ricardo (editors).
I. The Archaeology of Sound: Origin and Organisation; II. Music Archaeology in the Aegean and Anatolia,
Studien zur Musikarchäologie (Studies in Music Archaeology), Volume 3, I: Papers from the 2nd Symposium of the International Study Group on Music Archaeology; II: Papers from the Colloquium on Music Archaeology organised by the Deutsches Archäologisches Institut [Istanbul] in cooperation with the ICTM-Study Group on Music Archaeology and the Institut Français d'Archéologie [Istanbul], I: Monastery Michaelstein; II: Mimar Sinan University, Istanbul, Turkey, I: September 17–23, 2000; II: April 12–16, 1993, Orient-Archäologie, 10, in German and English (2002): 678 , 217 illustrations, 51 tables, 79 plates, 2 data storage media, ISBN 3-89646-640-2 (978-3-89646-640-2).
[Hickmann-E 2004]
Hickmann, Ellen, and Eichmann, Ricardo (editors).
Music-Archaeological Sources: Finds, Oral Transmission, Written Evidence,
Studien zur Musikarchäologie (Studies in Music Archaeology), Volume 4, Papers from the 3rd Symposium of the International Study Group on Music Archaeology, Monastery Michaelstein, Blankenburg, Sachsen-Anhalt, Germany, June 9–16, 2002, Orient-Archäologie, 15, in German and English (2004): 610 , 419 illustrations, 5 tables, 8 diagrams, 1 supplement, 1 data storage medium, ISBN 3-89646-645-3 (978-3-89646-645-7).
[Hickmann-E 2006]
Hickmann, Ellen, Both, Arnd Adje, and Eichmann, Ricardo (editors).
Music Archaeology in Contexts — Archaeological Semantics, Historical Implications, Socio-Cultural Connotations,
Studien zur Musikarchäologie (Studies in Music Archaeology), Volume 5, Papers from the 4th Symposium of the International Study Group on Music Archaeology, Monastery Michaelstein, Blankenburg, Sachsen-Anhalt, Germany, September 19–26, 2004, Orient-Archäologie, 20, in German and English (2006): 493 , 311 illustrations, 7 tables, 13 diagrams, 1 data storage medium, ISBN 3-89646-650-X (978-3-89646-650-1).
[Hickmann-H 1949]
Hickmann, M. Hans.
Catalogue Général des Antiquités Égyptiennes du Musée du Caire. Nos. 69201–69852 — Instruments de Musique. Cairo: l'lnstitut Français d'Archéologie Orientale, in French (1949): viii + 216 pages with 116 plates.
[Hickmann-H 1951]
Hickmann, Hans.
“Note on an Egyptian Wind Instrument”,
Journal of the International Folk Music Council, 3 (1951): 108–109, doi:10.2307/835793.
Publication 835793 on JSTOR (subscription access).
[Hickmann-H 1952]
Hickmann, Hans.
“The Egyptian 'Uffāṭah Flute”,
Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society, 84.3-4 (October 1952): 103–104, doi:10.1017/S0035869X00105350.
Publication 25222568 on JSTOR (subscription access).
[Hickmann-H 1952a]
Hickmann, H.
“The Antique Cross-Flute”,
Acta Musicologica, 24.3/4 (July–December 1952): 108–112.
Publication 931683 on JSTOR (subscription access).
[Higgins 2007]
Higgins, Barry D.
Historical Native American Flute Archives
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[Higgins-WM 1838]
Higgins, William Mullinger.
The Philosophy of Sound, and History of Music. London: W. S. Orr and Co. (1838): 256 pages.
Publication philosophyofsoun00higguoft on Archive.org (open access).
[Higham 2012]
Higham, Thomas, Basell, Laura, Jacobi, Roger, Wood, Rachel, Ramsey, Christopher Bronk, and Conard, Nicholas J.
“Τesting Models for the Beginnings of the Aurignacian and the Advent of Figurative Art and Music: The Radiocarbon Chronology of Geißenklösterle”,
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Hilger, Sister M. Inez.
Arapaho Child Life,
Smithsonian Institution, Bureau of American Ethnology, 148 (1952): 253 pages + plates.
Publication bulletin1481952smit on Archive.org (open access).
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Hill, Alfred J.
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Hill, Jonathan.
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[Hill-JD 2011]
Hill, J. D., and Chaumeil, J.-P. (editors).
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Hille, Katrin, Gust, Kilian, Bitz, Ulrich, and Kammer, Thomas.
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[Hodge 1907]
Hodge, Frederick Webb (editor).
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Publication bulletin3011907smit on Archive.org (open access).
[Hodge 1910]
Hodge, Frederick Webb (editor).
Handbook of American Indians North of Mexico — Part 2,
Smithsonian Institution, Bureau of American Ethnology, 30 (1910): 1,221 pages.
Publication bulletin3021910smit on Archive.org (open access).
[Hodge 1912]
Hodge, Frederick Webb (editor).
Handbook of American Indians North of Mexico — Indian Music
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[Hodge 1916]
Hodge, F. W. {Frederick Webb} (editor).
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Publication 11792026 on PubMed/NCBI (subscription access).
[Hodgson 2002]
Hodgson, Dorothy L.
“Comparative Perspectives on the Indigenous Rights Movement in Africa and the Americas”,
American Anthropologist, 104.4 (December 2002): 1037–1049.
[Hoffman-WJ 1891]
Hoffman, Walter James.
“The Mide'wiwin or “Grand Medicine Society” of the Ojibwa”,
Seventh Annual Report of the Bureau of Ethnology to the Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution, 1885-'86 (1891): 143–300, retrieved March 15, 2010.
Reissued in [Hoffman-WJ 2006].
Publication annualreportofbu718851886smit on Archive.org (open access).
[Hoffman-WJ 1896]
Hoffman, Walter James.
“The Menomini Indians”,
Fourteenth Annual Report of the Bureau of American Ethnology to the Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution, 1892-93, (1896): 3–328, retrieved March 15, 2010.
J. W. Powell, Director.
Publication annualreportofbu14118921893smit on Archive.org (open access).
[Hoffman-WJ 2006]
Hoffman, Walter James.
The Mide'wiwin or “Grand Medicine Society” of the Ojibwa. Project Gutenberg (September 25, 2006), retrieved Febuary 7, 2010.
Reissue of [Hoffman-WJ 1891].
[Hofman 1983]
Hofman, Michel A.
“Energy Metabolism, Brain Size and Longevity in Mammals”,
The Quarterly Review of Biology, 58.4 (December 1983): 495–512.
Publication 2829325 on JSTOR (subscription access).
[Hofmann 1946]
Hofmann, Charles, Walking-in-Daylight, and Blowsnake, Sam.
Songs of the Winnebago People,
Disc Company of America (1946).
[Hofmann 1947]
Hofmann, Charles.
“American Indian Music in Wisconsin, Summer 1946”,
The Journal of American Folklore, 60.237 (July–September 1947): 289–293.
Publication 536382 on JSTOR (subscription access).
[Hofmann 1947a]
Hofmann, Charles (collector and editor).
American Indian Songs and Dances,
Ethnic Series of World Folkways, DISC Company of America, No. 161 (1947).
[Hofmann 1952]
Hofmann, Charles.
War Whoops and Medicine Songs. Boston: Boston Music Co. (1952).
[Hofmann 1964] is the related audio recording.
[Hofmann 1964]
Hofmann, Charles (collector and editor).
War Whoops and Medicine Songs — The Music of the American Indians Including Songs of the Winnebago, Chippewa, Sioux, Zuni & Acoma,
Ethnic Folkways Library, Folkways Records, FE-4381 (1964).
Originally issued as Folkways Ethnic FE-4381. [Hofmann 1952] is a related book.
Reissued in [Hofmann 2001].
[Hofmann 1967]
Hofmann, Charles; Amorosi, Nicholas (illustrations).
American Indians Sing — The Thought, Religion and Culture of Indian Nations Across the Land as Revealed through Their Music, Dances, Song-poetry and Ceremonies, Third Impression Edition. New York: John Day Co. (1967): 96 pages.
[Hofmann 1968]
Hofmann, Charles.
Frances Densmore and American Indian Music: A Memorial Volume. New York: Museum of the American Indian / Hye Foundation (1968): 158 pages.
Publication francesdensmorea00hofm on Archive.org (open access).
[Hofmann 1972]
Hofmann, Charles (text); Cornwell, Edward G., Jr. (drawings).
Musical Instruments of the Indians of the Americas. Rochester, New York: Rochester Museum and Science Center (1972): 27 pages.
[Hofmann 2001]
Hofmann, Charles (collector and editor).
War Whoops and Medicine Songs: The Music of the American Indians Including Songs of the Winnebago, Chippewa, Sioux, Zuni & Acoma,
Smithsonian / Folkways, F-4381 (2001).
Originally issued as Folkways Ethnic FE-4381. [Hofmann 1952] is a related book.
Reissue of [Hofmann 1964].
[Hofsinde 1967]
Hofsinde, Robert.
Indian Music Makers. New York: William Morrow and Company (1967).
[Holland A]
Holland, Mark; Gatliff, Julia (transcriptions).
Songs for All Seasons — Selected Works by Mark Holland / Autumn's Child (song book): 76 pages.
Nakai tablature notation, six-hole finger diagrams, CD included.
[Holm 2005]
Holm, Wil, and Haines, Brent.
Duets from Around the World for Native American Flute (song book). Woodsounds Flutes (2005): 85 pages.
Nakai tablature notation, six-hole finger diagrams, CD included.
[Holmberg 1988]
Holmberg, E. B., Hillman, R. E., and Perkell, J. S.
“Glottal airflow and transglottal air pressure measurements for male and female speakers in soft, normal, and loud voice”,
Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 84.2 (August 1988): 511–529.
Erratum in Volume 85, Number 4 of the same journal.
Publication 3170944 on PubMed/NCBI (subscription access).
[Holmes 1884]
Holmes, William H.
“Illustrated Catalogue of a Portion of the Collections Made by the Bureau of Ethnology During the Field Season of 1881”,
Third Annual Report of the Bureau of American Ethnology to the Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution, 1881-'82 (1884): 427–510, retrieved March 15, 2010.
J. W. Powell, Director.
Publication annualreportofbu318811882smit on Archive.org (open access).
[Holmes 2012]
Holmes, Jonathan.
Ponca Hethuska Society
(July 31, 2012).
[Holterman 1996]
Holterman, Jack.
A Blackfoot Language Study — A Special Study of the Blackfoot Language on the Blackfeet Indian Reservation, 1932-1996, First Edition. Browning, Montana: Piegan Institute (1996), retrieved October 28, 2012.
[Holtz 2003]
Holtz, Carla.
“The INAFA Archives: An Armchair Tour”,
Voice of the Wind, 2003.3 (2003): 18–19.
[Honing 2002]
Honing, Henkjan.
“Structure and Interpretation of Rhythm and Timing”,
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[Hood 1846]
Hood, George.
A History of the Music of New England. Wilkins, Carter & Co. (1846): 252 pages.
[Hood-BC 1993]
Hood, Bryan C.
“The Maritime Archaic Indians of Labrador: Investigating Prehistoric Social Organization”,
Newfoundland Studies, 9.2 (1993): 163–184.
ISSN 0823·1737.
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Hooton, E. A., and Willoughby, Charles C.
“Indian Village Site and Cemetery Near Madisonville, Ohio”,
Papers of the Peabody Museum of American Archaeology and Ethnology, 7.1 (1920).
[Hopkin 1996]
Hopkin, Bart.
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Catalog number CM-16.
[Hopkin 1999]
Hopkin, Bart.
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[Hornbostel 1907]
Hornbostel, Erich Moritz von.
“Phonographierte tunesische Melodien «Recorded Tunisian Melodies»”,
Sammelbände der internationalen Musikgesellschaft, 8, in German (1906–1907): 1–43.
Publication SammelbandeDerInternationalenMusikgesellschaft081906-07 on Archive.org (open access).
[Hornbostel 1914]
Hornbostel, Erich Moritz von, and Sachs, Curt.
“Systematik der Musikinstrumente: Ein Versuch «Classification of Musical Instruments: Version One»”,
Zeitschrift für Ethnologie - Organ der Berliner Gesellschaft für Anthropologie, Ethnologie und Urgeschiechte, 46, in German (1914): 553–590.
Publication zeitschriftfre46berluoft on Archive.org (open access).
[Hornbostel 1961]
Hornbostel, Erich Moritz von, and Sachs, Curt; Baines, Anthony, and Wachsmann, Klaus P. (translation).
“Classification of Musical Instruments — Translated from the Original German by Anthony Baines and Klaus P. Wachsmann”,
The Galpin Society Journal, 14 (March 1961): 3–29.
Publication 842168 on JSTOR (subscription access).
[Horne 2002]
Horne, Nigel.
“The Written Notation of Medieval Music”
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[Horne-CF 1917]
Horne, Charles Francis.
The Sacred Books and Early Literature of the East;With an Historical Survey and Descriptions. New York and London: Parke, Austin, and Lipscomb, Inc. (1917): 464 pages.
Publication sacredbooksearly01hornuoft on Archive.org (open access).
[Horowitz 2006]
Horowitz, Wayne.
“A Late Babylonian Tablet with Concentric Circles from the University Museum (CBS 1766)”,
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Horvath, Janet.
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Hoshiyama, M., and Hoshiyama, A.
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[Hoshiyama-M 2010]
Hoshiyama, Masaki, and Hoshiyama, Asagi.
“Repeatability Value in Heart Rate Associated with Experienced Zen Meditation”,
Proceedings of Computing in Cardiology, Belfast, United Kingdom, September 26–29, 2010, Computers in Cardiology, 37 (2010): 709–712.
ISSN 0276−6574.
[Hough 1897]
Hough, Walter.
“The Hopi in Relation to Their Plant Environment”,
American Anthropologist, 10.2 (February 1897): 33–44.
Publication 658916 on JSTOR (subscription access).
[Hough 1905]
Hough, Walter.
Field Notes, Museum - Gates Expedition, 1905,
Manuscript 7117 (1905): 76 pages.
Repository at the National Anthropological Archives, Smithsonian Museum Support Center, Suitland, Maryland, local number NAA MS 7117.
[Hough 1907]
Hough, Walter.
Antiquities of the Upper Gila and Salt River Valleys in Arizona and New Mexico,
Smithsonian Institution, Bureau of American Ethnology, 35 (1907): 96 pages, retrieved March 18, 2010.
Publications bulletin351907smit, antiquitiesuppe01houggoog, and antiquitiesuppe03houggoog on Archive.org (open access).
[Hough 1914]
Hough, Walter.
Culture of the Ancient Pueblos of the Upper Gila River Region, New Mexico and Arizona — Second Museum-Gates Expedition,
Smithsonian Institution, United States National Museum, 87 (1914): xiv + 138 pages.
[Hough 1918]
Hough, Walter.
“The Hopi Indian Collection in the United States National Museum”,
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[Hourmouziades 2002]
Hourmouziades, G. H.
Sound at Last,
Entry #6 of Dispilio Excavations - The Diary of and Archaeologist, in Greek and English (August 8, 2002).
[Howard 1990]
Howard, James Henri, and Levine, Victoria Lindsay.
Choctaw Music and Dance. Norman, Oklahoma: University of Oklahoma Press (1990).
[Howard 1998]
Howard, Anne Kimble.
Song of the White Buffalo Woman (song book). Louisville, Kentucky: RabbitDog Publishing (1998).
Nakai tablature notation, no finger diagrams.
[Howard 2002]
Howard, Anne Kimble.
Song of the White Buffalo Woman, Revised Edition (song book). Louisville, Kentucky: RabbitDog Publishing (2002): 37 pages.
Nakai tablature notation, no finger diagrams.
[Howard 2002a]
Howard, Ann Kimble.
Song of the Spirit Women — Lullabies and traditional songs (song book).
Nakai tablature notation, six-hole finger diagrams.
[Howard-JH 1969]
Howard, James H.
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