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[MLA format] References - W

[Wachsmann 1962] Wachsmann, Klaus P. “The Earliest Musical Instruments”, New Scientist, 16.315 (November 29, 1962): 511–514.

[Wachsmann 1975] Wachsmann, Klaus P., Christensen, D., and Reineck, H.P. (editors). Hornbostel Opera Omnia. The Hague: Martinus Nijhoff (1975).

[Wade 1997] Wade, Stephen (music selection and annotation). Library of Congress: A Treasury of Library of Congress Field Recordings, Rounder Records, CD 1500 (1997), UPC 7-12136-15002-2.

[Wade 2003] Wade, Nicholas. “Early Voices: The Leap to Language”, The New York Times (July 15, 2003).

[Wade 2012] Wade, Stephen. The Beautiful Music All Around Us: Field Recordings and the American Experience. University of Illinois Press (2012): 504 pages, ISBN 0-252-03688-3 (978-0-252-03688-0).

[Wade-MA 2008] Wade, Mark Alan. An Annotated Bibliography of Current Research in the Field of the Medical Problems of Trumpet Playing, D.M.A. dissertation – Ohio State University (2008): xi + 121 pages.

[Wade-Martins 1973] Wade-Martins, Peter. “A 10th-Century Bone Flute from North Elmham, Norfolk”, The Galpin Society Journal, 26 (May 1973): 142–143. Publication 841122 on JSTOR (subscription access).

[Wainapel 1988] Wainapel, Stanley F., and Cole, Jeffrey L. “The Not-So-Magic Flute: Two Cases of Distal Ulnar Nerve Entrapment”, Medical Problems of Performing Artists, 3 (June 1988): 63–65.

[Wake 1894] Wake, C. Staniland (editor). Memoirs of the International Congress of Anthropology. Chicago: The Schulte Publishing Company (1894): 357 pages.

[Wakin 2009] Wakin, Daniel J. “Pondering Prehistoric Melodies”, The New York Times (June 27, 2009).

[Waldron 2009] Waldron, Janice. “How Adult Learners Learn Celtic Traditional Music: An Exploratory Case Study «成年學生如何學習塞爾特傳統音樂:一個探索性個案研究»”, Music Education Research International, 3 (2009): 57–71.

[Walin 2001] Wallin, Nils L., and Merker, Björn; Brown, Steven (editor). The Origins of Music. MOIT Press (2001): 512 pages, ISBN 0-262-73143-6 (978-0-262-73143-0).

[Walker 1835] Walker, William. The Southern Harmony and Musical Companion (song book) (1835): 336 pages. Reissued in [Walker 1847] and [Walker 1966].

[Walker 1847] Walker, William. The Southern Harmony and Musical Companion: Containing a Choice Collection of Tunes, Hymns, Psalms, Odes, and Anthems; Selected from the Most Eminent Authors in the United States, New Edition (song book). Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: E. W. Miller (1847): 336 pages. Reissue of [Walker 1835].

[Walker 1966] Walker, William. The Southern Harmony (song book). Los Angeles, California: Pro Musicamericana (1966): 345 pages. Reissue of [Walker 1835].

[Walker-DE 1988] Walker, Deward E., Jr. (volume editor); Sturtevant, William C. (general editor). Handbook of North American Indians, Volume 12: Plateau. Washington, D. C.: Smithsonian Institution (1988): 808 pages, ISBN 0-16-049514-8 (978-0-16-049514-4).

[Walker-WH 1998] Walker, William H. “Where Are the Witches of Prehistory?”, Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory, 5.3 (September 1998): 245–308. Publication 20177387 on JSTOR (subscription access).

[Wallace 1889] Wallace, A. R. A Narrative of Travels on the Amazon and Rio Negro (1889).

[Wallace-AFC 1960] Wallace, Anthony F. C. (editor). Men and Cultures — Selected Papers of the 5th International Congress of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences, September 1–9, 1956. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: University of Pennsylvania Press (1960). Publication menandcultures032960mbp on Archive.org (open access).

[Wallace-RW 2003] Wallace, Robert W. “An Early Fifth-Century Athenian Revolution in Aulos Music”, Harvard Studies in Classical Philology, 101 (2003): 73–92. Publication 3658525 on JSTOR (subscription access).

[Wallace-WJ 1978] Wallace, William J. “Music and Musical Instruments”, contained in [Heizer 1978] (1978): 642–648.

[Wallaschek 1893] Wallaschek, Richard. Primitive Music — An Inquiry into the Origin and Development of Music, Songs, Instruments, Dances, and Pantomimes of Savage Races. London and New York: Longmans, Green, and Co. (1893): 326 pages + 9 pages of musical examples. Reissued in [Wallaschek 2007] and [Wallaschek 2009].

[Wallaschek 2007] Wallaschek, Richard. Primitive Music — An Inquiry into the Origin and Development of Music, Songs, Instruments, Dances, and Pantomimes of Savage Races, Legacy Reprint Series. Kessinger Publishing, LLC (June 25, 2007): 348 pages, ISBN 0-548-29888-2 (978-0-548-29888-6). Reissue of [Wallaschek 1893].

[Wallaschek 2009] Wallaschek, Richard. Primitive Music — An Inquiry into the Origin and Development of Music, Songs, Instruments, Dances, and Pantomimes of Savage Races. General Books LLC (2009): 228 pages, ISBN 1-151-09390-4 (978-1-151-09390-5). Reissue of [Wallaschek 1893].

[Waller 2010] Waller, Steven J. “Thunderous Reverberation and Rock Art Thunderstorm Imagery” (2010).

[Waller 2012] Waller, Steven J. “Virtual Acoustic Images and Sound-Attenuators as Objects of Ancient Veneration” (2012).

[Walpole 2012] Walpole, Jonathan. Pueblo Bonito Flute Replicas (February 1, 2012): 8 pages.

[Walsh 2005] Walsh, Jessica. Music for Native American Flute, Volume 1 (2005). Nakai tablature notation, six-hole finger diagrams, CD included.

[Walter 1959] Walter, W. G., and Chaffey, Dorothy. “Bacteriological and Cleaning Studies on the Mouthpieces of Musical Instruments”, Applied Microbiology, 7.2 (1959): 126–130.

[Walton 1930] Walton, Eda Lou. “Navajo Song Patterning”, The Journal of American Folk-lore, 43 (1930): 105–118.

[Walton-JH 2009] Walton, John H. (general editor). Illustrated Bible, Backgrounds, Commentary, five volumes, Third Edition. Grand Rapids, Michigan: Zondervan Publishing House (2009): 2928 pages, ISBN-13 978-0-310-25573-4.

[Wan 2010] Wan, Catherine Y., and Schlaug, Gottfried. “Music Making as a Tool for Promoting Brain Plasticity across the Life Span”, Neuroscientist, 16.5 (October 2010): 566–577, doi:10.1177/1073858410377805.

[Wang-H 2017] Wang, Hong. “China's Native American Flute”, Overtones!, 2017.2 (May 2017): 27–29.

[Wang-HM 2012] Wang, Hui-Min, and Huang, Sheng-Chieh. “SDNN/RMSSD as a Surrogate for LF/HF: A Revised Investigation”, Modelling and Simulation in Engineering, 2012.931943 (2012): 8 pages, doi:10.1155/2012/931943.

[Wang-L 2011] Wang, Lu, Cheng, Guangyu, Sheng, Zemin, Niu, Qianqian, Cheng, Weiping, Feng, Xiao, Valentini, Jan, Gaischek, Ingrid, Gao, Xinyan, Kuang, Haixue, and Litscher, Gerhard. “Clinical Teleacupuncture Between China and Austria Using Heart Rate Variability in Patients with Depression”, Chinese Medicine, 2 (2011): 71–76, doi:10.4236/cm.2011.22013.

[Wang-Y 2004] Wang, Yuhwen. “The Ethical Power of Music: Ancient Greek and Chinese Thoughts”, Journal of Aesthetic Education, 38.1 (Spring 2004): 89–104.

[Wapp 1984] Wapp, Edward R. The Sioux Courting Flute: Its Tradition, Construction, and Music, M.A. Thesis – University of Washington, Seattle, Washington (1984): 195 pages.

[Wapp 1984a] Wapp, Edward, Jr. “The American Indian Courting Flute: Revitalization and Change”, Contemporary American Indian Issues Series, Number 5, Sharing a Heritage: American Indian Arts, edited by Charlotte Heth and Michael Swarm (1984): 49–60.

[Ward 1999] Ward, H. Trawick, and Davis, R. P. Stephen. Time Before History: The Archaeology of North Carolina. University of North Carolina Press (1999): 328 pages, ISBN 0-8078-4780-1 (978-0-8078-4780-0).

[Ward-C 2012] Ward, Christie (Gunnvôr silfrahárr). Viking Age Music (2012), retrieved December 5, 2012.

[Warren 1986] Warren, Claude N., and Crabtree, Robert H. “Prehistory of the Southwestern Area”, contained in [dAzevedo 1986] (1986): 183–193.

[Warren 2005a] Warren, Ron. “Is it Really a Pentatonic Instrument?”, Voice of the Wind, 2005.3 (2005): 20–21.

[Warren-R 2005] Warren, Ron. “Alones and Togethers with Piano”, Voice of the Wind, 2005.1 (2005): 3–5.

[Washburn 1988] Washburn, Wilcomb E. (volume editor); Sturtevant, William C. (general editor). Handbook of North American Indians, Volume 4: History of Indian-White Relations. Washington, D. C.: Smithsonian Institution (1988): 838 pages, ISBN 0-16-004583-5 (978-0-16-004583-7).

[Waterman 1917] Waterman, T. T. “Ishi, the Last Yahi Indian”, The Southern Workman, 46 (1917): 528–537.

[Watson 2003] Watson, Rubie S., and McLaughlin, Castle. “The Ethnography of Lewis and Clark: Native American Objects and the American Quest for Commerce and Science”, retrieved June 19, 2010.

[Watson-AHD 2009] Watson, Alan H. D. The Biology of Musical Performance and Performance-Related Injury. Plymouth, England: Scarecrow Press, Inc. (2009): 392 pages, ISBN 0-8108-6359-6 (978-0-8108-6359-0).

[Watson-PJ 1969] Watson, Patty Jo, Yarnell, Richard A., Meloy, Harold, Benninghoff, William, Callen, Eric, Cockburn, Aiden, Cutler, Hugh, Parmalee, Paul, Prescott, Lionell, and White, William. “The Prehistory of Salts Cave, Kentucky”, Reports of Investigations, 16 (1969): 86 pages.

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[Wead 1900] Wead, Charles K. “The Study of Primitive Music”, American Anthropologist, 2 (1900): 75–79, retrieved April 18, 2010. Publication americananthropo02ameruoft on Archive.org (open access).

[Wead 1902] Wead, Charles Kasson. “Contributions to the History of Musical Scales”, Smithsonian Institution Annual Report - 1900 (1902): 417–462.

[Webb 1946] Webb, W. S. “Indian Knoll, Ohio County, Kentucky”, University of Kentucky Reports in Anthropology and Archaeology, 4.3 (1946).

[Weber-B 1999] Weber, Bruce. “Reggae Rhythms Speak to an Insular Tribe”, The New York Times (September 19, 1999).

[Weber-J 1970] Weber, Jaroy, Jr., and Chase, Robert A. “Stress Velopharyngeal Incopetence in an Oboe Player”, Cleft Palate Journal, 7 (October 1970): 858–861. Publication 5273877 on PubMed/NCBI (subscription access).

[Webster 1992] Webster, Louis. Woodland Rhapsody — Solo American Indian Flute, Atma-Sphere Music Systems, Cassette: C-002; Audio CD: CD-006 (1992).

[Wedel 1959] Wedel, Waldo R., and Stewart, T. D. An Introduction to Kansas Archeology — With Description of the Skeletal Remains from Doniphan and Scott Counties, Kansas, Smithsonian Institution, Bureau of American Ethnology, 174 (1959): xvii + 723 pages + 97 plates + 109 figures. Publication bulletin1741959smit on Archive.org (open access).

[Weeks 1994] Weeks, Kent R. Mastabas of Cemetery G 6000, Giza Mastabas, Volume 5. Boston: Department of Egyptian and Ancient Near Eastern Art, Museum of Fine Arts (1994).

[Wegner 2007] Wegner, Ulrich. MusikWeltKarte — Der Edison-Phonograph und die musikalische Kartographie der Erde «The World Map of Music - The Edison Phonograph and the Musical Cartography of the Earth», Museum Collection Berlin Audiovisuell series, Number 1. Berlin: Ethnologisches Museum Staatliche Museen zu Berlin Preußischer Kulturbesitz, in German and English (2007). Series Editor: Lars-Christian Koch.

[Weinberger 2004] Weinberger, Norman M. “Music and the Brain”, Scientific American, 291.5 (November 2004): 88–95, doi:10.1038/scientificamerican1104-88.

[Welch 2006] Welch, Graham F. “Singing and Vocal Development”, contained in [McPherson 2006] (2006): 311–329.

[Weld 1800] Weld, Isaac, Jr. Travels Through the States of North America and the Provinces of Upper and Lower Canada, During the Years 1795, 1796, and 1797, Fourth Edition. Piccadilly, London: John Stockdale (1800): 552 pages.

[Wells 2009] Wells, Steve. “Single Holed Flute”, United States Patent Application 2009/0049977 A1 (Published February 26, 2009): 9 pages, retrieved December 5, 2009.

[Welsch 2000] Welsch, Roger. Love, Sex and Tractors. Osceola, Wisconsin: Voyageur Press, MBI Publishing (August 20, 2000): 224 pages, ISBN 0-7603-0868-3 (978-0-7603-0868-4).

[Wendorf 1953] Wendorf, Fred. Salvage Archaeology in the Chama Valley, New Mexico, Monograph of the School of American Research, 17 (1953).

[Wengrow 2010] Wengrow, David. What Makes Civilization? — The Ancient Near East and the Future of the West. Oxford University Press (2010): 238 pages, ISBN-13 978-0-19-280580-5.

[Wenham 1996] Wenham, Gordon. “Pentateuchal Studies Today”, Themelios, 22.1 (October 1996): 3–13.

[Werner 1996] Werner, Kenny. Effortless Mastery. Jamey Aebersold Jazz, Inc. (1996): 192 pages, ISBN 1-56224-003-X.

[Werner 2005] Werner, Kenny. A Spiritual Journey, Jazz Improv, 5.3 (Spring 2005).

[Werner-E 1948] Werner, Eric. “The Oldest Sources of Octave and Octoechos”, Acta Musicologica, 20 (1948): 1–9. Publication 931581 on JSTOR (subscription access).

[Werner-R 1973] Werner, R. “Nose Flute Blowers of the Malayan Aborigines (Orang Asli)”, Anthropos, 68.1-2 (1973): 181–191. Publication 40458177 on JSTOR (subscription access).

[Wesley 1991] Wesley, Sam, Sr. “End Blown Flute with Standard Keying”, United States Patent 5,014,585 (Granted May 14, 1991): 9 pages, retrieved December 5, 2009.

[West 1994] West, M{artin} L{itchfield}. “The Babylonian Musical Notation and the Hurrian Melodic Texts”, Music and Letters, 75.2 (May 1994): 161–179. Publication 737674 on JSTOR (subscription access).

[West 1994a] West, Martin Litchfield. Ancient Greek Music. Oxford University Press (April 14, 1994): 410 pages, ISBN 0-19-814975-1 (978-0-19-814975-0).

[West-JM 1988] West, J. Martin. “The Henry Hamilton Sketches: Visual Images of Woodland Indians”, Selected Papers From The 1987 And 1988 George Rogers Clark Trans-Appalachian Frontier History Conferences (1988).

[Westenholz 1975] Westenholz, Aage. Early Cuneiform Texts in Jena: Pre-Sargonic and Sargonic documents from Nippur and Fara in the Hilprecht-Sammlung vorderasiatischer Altertümer, Institut für Altertumswissenschaften der Friedrich-Schiller-Universität, Jena «Early Cuneiform Texts in Jena: pre-Sargonic and Sargonic documents from Nippur and Fara in the Hilprecht Collection of Near Eastern Antiquities, Department of Classical Studies at the Friedrich Schiller University, Jena». København: Munksgaard, in English and German (1975): 101 pages, ISBN 87-7304-043-6 (978-87-7304-043-0).

[Weyer 1954] Weyer, Edward M., Jr. Music from Mato Grosso, Brazil, Ethnic Folkways Records, FE 4446 (1954).

[Whall-WB 1910] Whall, W. B. Sea Songs and Shanties (1910).

[Whall-WB 1913] Whall, W. B.; Whall, R. H. (harmonization); Whall, Veronica (illustrations). Ships, Sea Songs and Shanties, Third Edition. Glasgow: James Brown & Son (1913). Publication shipsseasongssha00whal on Archive.org (open access).

[Wheat 2010] Wheat, Amanda L., and Larkin, Kevin T. “Biofeedback of Heart Rate Variability and Related Physiology: A Critical Review”, Applied Phychophysiology and Biofeedback, 35.3 (2010): 229–242, doi:10.1007/s10484-010-9133-y. Publication 20443135 on PubMed/NCBI (subscription access).

[Wheeler 2011] Wheeler, John. Sacred Music in Antiquity (Updated September 6, 2011), retrieved December 9, 2011.

[Wheeler-R 1993] Wheeler, Romayne. Life through the Eyes of a Tarahumara. Editorial Camino (1993): 161 pages.

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[Whinfield 1898] Whinfield, E. H. The Mathnawi (1898).

[White 1943] White, Leslie A. “New Material from Acoma”, Smithsonian Institution, Bureau of American Ethnology, 136 (1943): 301–359 + plates. Anthropological paper number 32. Publication bulletin1361943smit on Archive.org (open access).

[White-J X] White, John. Palindromes — for Solo Native American Flute, Zalo / JP-Publications.

[White-PM 1998] White, Phillip M., and Fitt, Stephen D. Bibliography of the Indians of San Diego County: The Kumeyaay, Diegueño, Luiseño, and Cupeño, Volume 21 of G - Reference, Information and Interdisciplinary Subjects Series; Issue 21 of Native American bibliography series. Scarecrow Press (1998): 313 pages, ISBN 0-8108-3325-5 (978-0-8108-3325-8).

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[Whitman 2008] Whitham, Emma M., Lewis, Trent, Pope, Kenneth, Fitzgibbon, Sean, Clark, Richard C., Loveless, Stephen, DeLosAngeles, Dylan, Wallace, Angus, Broberg, Marita, and Willoughby, John O. “Thinking Activates EMG in Scalp Electrical Recordings”, Clinical Neurophysiology, 119.5 (May 2008): 1166–1175, doi:10.1016/j.clinph.2008.01.024. Publication 18329954 on PubMed/NCBI (subscription access).

[Whitwell 2011] Whitwell, David. The Art of Musical Conducting, Second Edition. Austin, Texas: Whitwell Books (2011).

[Whitwell 2011a] Whitwell, David. Music Education of the Future. Austin, Texas: Whitwell Books (2011).

[Wiand 2001] Wiand, Lenore L. The Effects of a Sacred / Shamanic Music on Trauma Related Disorders: Dissociative Disorders and Music of an Indigenous Native American Flute, Doctoral dissertation – University of Detroit Mercy, Michigan (2001): 132 pages.

[Wiand 2006] Wiand, Lenore L. “The Effects of Sacred / Shamanic Flute Music on Trauma and States of Consciousness”, Subtle Energies and Energy Medicine, 17.3 (2006): 249–284. ISSN: 1099-6591.

[Wichita 2010] Libraries, Wichita State University. Thurlow Lieurance Papers, retrieved February 6, 2010.

[Wickwire 1988] Wickwire, Wendy C. “James A. Teit: His Contribution to Canadian Ethnomusicology”, The Canadian Journal of Native Studies, 8.2 (1988): 183–204.

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[Wied 1839] Wied, Prince Maximilian zu, and Bodmer, Karl. Reise in das innere Nord-America in den Jahren 1832 bis 1834 «Travels in the Interior of North America in the years 1832 to 1834», Two Volumes. Coblenz, in German (1839–1841).

[Wied 1840] Wied, Prince Maximilian zu; Bodmer, Karl (illustrations); Lloyd, H. Evans (translation). Reise in das innere Nord America — Voyage dans l’intérieur de l’Amérique du Nord, exécuté pendant les années 1832, 1833 et 1834, par le prince Maximilien de Wied-Neuwied. Ouvrage accompagné d’un atlas de 80 planches environ, format demi-colombier, dessinées sur les lieux par M. Charles Bodmer., Three Volumes and Atlas. Paris: Arthus Bertrand, in French (1840–1843). Library of Congress call number E165 .W66.

[Wied 1843] Wied, Prince Maximilian zu; Bodmer, Karl (illustrations); Lloyd, H. Evans (translation). Maximilian, Prince of Wied's Travels in the Interior of North America. London: Ackermann & Company (1843–1844). Reissued in [Wied 2007].

[Wied 2007] Wied, Prince Maximilian zu; Bodmer, Karl (illustrations); Lloyd, H. Evans (translation). Maximilian, Prince of Wied's Travels in the Interior of North America, Volume 97c, First Edition. Carlisle, Massachusetts: Applewood Books (January 31, 2007): 352 pages, ISBN 1-4290-0238-7 (978-1-4290-0238-7). Reissue of [Wied 1843].

[Wiggermann 2010] Wiggermann, F. A. M. “The Image of Dumuzi — A Diachronic Analysis”, contained in [Stackert 2010] (2010): 327–350.

[Wilbur-JR 2001] Wilbur, Janice Roberts, Wilbur, Michael, Garrett, Michael Tlanusta, and Yuhas, Meredith. “Talking Circles: Listen, or Your Tongue Will Make You Deaf”, Journal for Specialists in Group Work, 26.4 (December 2001): 368–384.

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[Will 1999] Will, Udo. “La baguette magique d’ethnomusicologie: Re-penser la notation et lanalyse de la musique «The Magic Wand of Ethnomusicology: Re-thinking the Notation and Analysis of Music»”, Cahiers de Musiques Traditionelles, 12, in French (1999): 9–34.

[Will 1999a] Will, Udo. The Magic Wand of Ethnomusicology: Re-thinking Notation and its Application in Music Analyses, English translation of [Will 1999] (1999).

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