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[MLA format] References - E

[Eagle 1997] Eagle, Douglas Spotted. Voices of Native America: Native American Instruments and Music. Liberty, UT: Eagle's View Publishing (1997): 120 pages, ISBN 0-943604-56-7. Library of Congress call number 97-60768.

[Eagle 2003] Eagle, Douglas Spotted. First Breath (2003).

[Eastman 1911] Eastman, Charles Alexander (Ohiyesa). Soul of the Indian. Boston and New York: Houghton Mifflin Company (1911): 171 pages.

[Eastman-MH 1853] Eastman, Mary H. The Romance of Indian Life — With other tales, Selections from the Iris, An Illuminated Souvenir. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: Lippincott, Grambo & Co. (1853). Reissued in [Eastman-MH 1970]. Publication cihm_14455 on Archive.org (open access).

[Eastman-MH 1970] Eastman, Mary H. The Romance of Indian Life — With other tales, Selections from the Iris, An Illuminated Souvenir. University of Michigan Library (1853): 320 pages. Reissue of [Eastman-MH 1853].

[Ebeling 1919] Ebeling, Erich. Keilschrifttexte aus Assur religiösen Inhalts «Religious Cuneiform Texts from Assur», Volume 1, Ausgrabungen der Deutschen Orient-Gesellschaft in Assur (Excavations of the German Oriental Society in Assur), Wissenschaftliche Veröffentlichungen der deutschen Orient-Gesellschaft (WVDOG), 28, in German (1919): 362 pages.

[Ebeling 1923] Ebeling, Erich. Keilschrifttexte aus Assur religiösen Inhalts «Religious Cuneiform Texts from Assur», Volume 2, Ausgrabungen der Deutschen Orient-Gesellschaft in Assur (Excavations of the German Oriental Society in Assur), Wissenschaftliche Veröffentlichungen der deutschen Orient-Gesellschaft (WVDOG), 34, in German (1923): 362 pages.

[Ebeling 1927] Ebeling, Erich. Keilschrifttexte aus Assur juristischen Inhalts «Legal Cuneiform Texts from Assur», Ausgrabungen der Deutschen Orient-Gesellschaft in Assur (Excavations of the German Oriental Society in Assur), Wissenschaftliche Veröffentlichungen der deutschen Orient-Gesellschaft (WVDOG), 50, in German (1927): 362 pages.

[Eckels 2000] Eckels, Steven. Music of the North American Indians for Acoustic Guitar (song book). Mel Bay Publications, Inc. (2000): 48 pages, 10 songs, ISBN 0-7866-8081-4 (978-0-7866-8081-8). MP3 performances of each song by Steven Eckels available from the Mel Bay web site.

[Edfors 1996] Edfors, John. Woodwind Instruments from PVC — Guidelines for Constructing Experimental Woodwind Instruments from PVC Pipe & Related Materials, First Edition (1996): 80 pages.

[Edfors A] Edfors, John. Woodwind Instruments from PVC — Guidelines for Constructing Experimental Woodwind Instruments from PVC Pipe & Related Materials, Updated and Expanded Edition: 122 pages. Catalog number CM-15.

[Edfors B] Edfors, John. Folk Woodwinds from PVC: 37 pages. Catalog number CM-27.

[Edfors C] Edfors, John. Vintage Flutes from PVC: 39 pages. Catalog number CM-27.

[Edgar A] Edgar, Bob. The Native American Flute Book: 43 pages.

[Edge-Partington 1903] Edge-Partington, J. “A New Zealand Flageolet”, Man - A Monthly Record of Anthropological Science, 3.106 (1903): 186.

[Edwards 1971] Edwards, Charles, Merrick, Mark, and Macy, Rudolph Clark of. Songs of the Omaha Tribe (February 26, 1971). Publication AM_1971_02_26 on Archive.org (open access).

[Edwards-KL 1998] Edwards, Kay L. “Multicultural Music Instruction in the Elementary School: What Can Be Achieved?”, Bulletin of the Council for Research in Music Education, 138 (Fall 1998): 62–82. Publication 40318939 on JSTOR (subscription access).

[Eells 1879] Eells, Myron. “Indian Music”, American Antiquarian, 1 (1878–1879): 249–253.

[Effat 1996] Effat, Mahmoud, Cribbs, Robert, and Saleh, Fathi. “On the Discovery of the Ancient Egyptian Musical Scales”, Informatica ed Egittologia all’inizio degli anni’ 90, in English and French versions available (1996): 119–140.

[Ehlers 2007] Ehlers, J., and Gibbard, P. L. “The Extent and Chronology of Cenozoic Global Glaciation”, Quaternary International, 164-165 (April 2007): 6–20, doi:10.1016/j.quaint.2006.10.008.

[Eichmann 2010] Eichmann, Ricardo, Hickmann, Ellen, and Koch, Lars-Christian (editors). Musical Perceptions - Past and Present — On Ethnographic Analogy in Music Archaeology, Studien zur Musikarchäologie (Studies in Music Archaeology), Volume 7, Papers from the 6th Symposium of the International Study Group on Music Archaeology, Ethnological Museum, State Museums, Berlin, September 9–13, 2008, Orient-Archäologie, 25, in German and English (2010): 332 , 203 illustrations, 24 tables, 1 data storage medium, ISBN 3-89646-655-0 (978-3-89646-655-6).

[Eichmann 2012] Eichmann, Ricardo, Jianjun, Fang, and Koch, Lars-Christian (editors). Sound from the Past — The Interpretation of Musical Artifacts in an Archaeological Context, Studien zur Musikarchäologie (Studies in Music Archaeology), Volume 8, Papers from the 7th Symposium of the International Study Group on Music Archaeology, Tianjin Conservatory of Music, Tianjin, China, September 20–25, 2010, Orient-Archäologie, 27, in German and English (2012): 462 , 338 illustrations, 36 tables, 1 disk, ISBN 3-89646-657-7 (978-3-89646-657-0).

[Eilenstein 2009] Eilenstein, Harry. Schwitzhütten — Ursprung Aufbau Rituale Lieder «Sweat Lodges - Source, Construction, Rituals, Songs» (song book). Norderstedt, Germany: Books on Demand GmbH, in German (2009): 523 pages, ISBN 3-8423-4074-5 (978-3-8423-4074-9).

[Eldamaty 2002] Eldamaty, Mamdouh, and Trad, Mai (editors). Egyptian Museum Collections Around the World, Volume 1, Studies for the Centennial of the Egyptian Museum, Cairo. Cairo: The Supreme Council of Antiquities (2002): 1377 pages, ISBN 977-424-777-9 (978-977-424-777-4).

[Eley 2008] Eley, Robert, and Gorman, Don. “Music Therapy to Manage Asthma”, Aboriginal and Islander Health Worker Journal, 32.1 (January/Februay 2008): 9–10.

[Elisberg 1951] Elisberg, Edward I, Goldberg, Harry, and Snider, Gordon L. “Value of Intraoral Pressure as a Measure of Intrapleural Pressure”, Journal of Applied Physiology, 4.3 (September 1951): 171–176. Publication 14897780 on PubMed/NCBI (subscription access).

[Ellermeier 1970] Ellermeier, Friedrich. Sibyllen, Musikanten, Haremsfrauen: Aufsätze «Sibyls, Musicians, Harem Women: Essays», Volume 2 of Theologische und orientalistische Arbeiten. Jungfer, in German (1970): 30 pages, ISBN 3-921747-05-8 (978-3-921747-05-6).

[Elliot-AJ 2011] Elliot, Andrew J., Payen, Vincent, Brisswalter, Jeanick, Curry, Francois, and Thayer, Julian F. “A Subtle Threat Cue, Heart Rate Variability, and Cognitive Performance”, Psychophysiology, 48 (2011): 1340–1345, doi:10.1111/j.1469-8986.2011.01216.x.

[Elliot-S 2006] Elliot, S., and Edmonson, D. The New Science of Breath, Second Edition. Allen, Texas: Coherence Press (2006): 158 pages, ISBN 0-9786399-0-1 (978-0-9786399-0-7).

[Elliot-WJ 2004] Elliot, W. J., Izzo, J. L., Jr., White, W. B., Rosing, D. R., Snyder, C. S., Alter, A., Gavish, B., and Black, H. R. “Graded Blood Pressure Reduction in Hypertensive Outpatients Associated with Use of a Device to Assist with Slow Breathing”, Journal of Clinical Hypertension, 6 (2004): 553–559. Publication 15470284 on PubMed/NCBI (subscription access).

[Ellis 1880] Ellis, Alexander John. On the History of Musical Pitch, Journal of the Society of Arts (March 5, 1880): 293–336.

[Ellis 1884] Ellis, Alexander J., and Hipkins, Alfred J. “Tonometrical Observations on Some Existing Non-Harmonic Musical Scales”, Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, 37.232-234 (1884): 368–385, doi:10.1098/rspl.1884.0041. Publication 114325 on JSTOR (subscription access).

[Ellis 1885] Ellis, Alexander John. “On the Musical Scales of Various Nations”, Journal of the Society of Arts, 33.1688 (March 27, 1885): 485–527.

[Ellis-J 2012] Ellis, John. A Song a Week — For the Native American Flute & Accompanying Guitar (song book). Melbourne, Florida: Turtle Mound Publishing (2012): iv + 128 pages. book and two audio CDs.

[Ellis-RJ 2005] Ellis, Robert J., and Simons, Robert F. “The Impact of Music on Subjective and Physiological Indices of Emotion while Viewing Films”, Psychomusicology, 19.1 (2005): 15–40.

[Ellis-RJ 2008] Ellis, Robert J., Sollers III, John J., Edelstein, Eve A., and Thayer, Julian F. “Data Transforms for Spectral Analysis of Heart Rate Variability”, Rocky Mountain Bioengineering Symposium & International ISA Biomedical Sciences Instrumentation Symposium, Copper Mountain, Colorado, April 4–6, 2008 (2008): 392–397. Publication 19141947 on PubMed/NCBI (subscription access).

[Ellis-RJ 2010] Ellis, Robert J., and Thayer, Julian F. “Music and Autonomic Nervous System (Dys)function”, Music Perception, 27.4 (April 2010): 317–326, doi:10.1525/mp.2010.27.4.317. Publication 21197136 on PubMed/NCBI (subscription access).

[Ellis-RJ 2011] Ellis, Robert J. Music at the Heart of the Matter, contained in In J. P. Finley (Ed.), Teaching heart auscultation to health professionals (pp. 82–95). Toronto: Hospital for Sick Children. (2011).

[Ellis-RJ 2012] Ellis, Robert J., Koenig, Julian, and Thayer, Julian F. “Getting to the Heart: Autonomic Nervous System Function in the Context of Evidence-Based Music Therapy”, Music and Medicine, 4.2 (2012): 90–99, doi:10.1177/1943862112437766.

[Ellis-RJ 2013] Ellis, Robert J., Bruijn, Bente, Norton, Andrea C., Winner, Ellen, and Schlaug, Gottfried. “Training-Mediated Leftward Asymmetries During Music Processing: A Cross-sectional and Longitudinal fMRI Analysis”, NeuroImage, 75 (July 15, 2013): 97–107.

[Elson 1880] Elson, Louis C. Curiosities of Music — A Collection of Facts not Generally Known, Regarding the Music of Ancient and Savage Nations. Boston: Oliver Ditson & Co. (1880).

[Elvas 1539] Elvas, The Gentleman of; Lewis, Theodore H. (editor). The Narrative of the Expedition of Hernando de Soto by the Gentleman of Elvas, contained in [Jameson 1907] (1539): 127–272.

[Emerson 1909] Emerson, Nathaniel B. Unwritten Literature of Hawaii — The Sacred Songs of the Hula, Smithsonian Institution, Bureau of American Ethnology, 38 (1909): 288 pages, retrieved March 17, 2010. Publication bulletin381909smit on Archive.org (open access).

[Emerson-TE 2009] Emerson, Thomas E. Archaic Societies: Diversity and Complexity Across the Midcontinent. SUNY Press (2009): 867 pages, ISBN 1-4384-2701-8 (978-1-4384-2701-0).

[Emsheimer 1947] Emsheimer, Ernst. “A Lapp Musical Instrument”, Ethnos, 12.1-2 (1947): 86–92, doi:10.1080/00141844.1947.9980661.

[Emsheimer 1966] Emsheimer, Ernst. “A Finno-Ugric Flute Type?”, Journal of the International Folk Music Council, 18 (1966): 29–35. Publication 834638 on JSTOR (subscription access).

[Emsheimer 1981] Emsheimer, Ernst. “Tongue Duct Flutes Corrections of an Error”, The Galpin Society Journal, 34 (March 1981): 98–105. Publication 841473 on JSTOR (subscription access).

[Ench 2002] Ench, Rick, and Cravath, Jay. North American Indian Music. Connecticut: Children's Press (September 2002): 63 pages, ISBN 0-531-16230-3 (978-0-531-16230-9). Reading level: Ages 9-12.

[Enflo 2009] Enflo, Laura, and Sundberg, Johan. “Vocal Fold Collision Threshold Pressure: An Alternative to Phonation Threshold Pressure?”, Logopedics Phoniatrics Vocology, 34.4 (2009): 210–217.

[Enflo 2009a] Enflo, Laura, Sundberg, Johan, and Pabst, Friedemann. “Collision Threshold Pressure Before and After Vocal Loading”, Proceedings of Interspeech 2009, Brighton, United Kingdom (2009).

[Enflo 2010] Enflo, Laura. Alternative Measures of Phonation: Collision Threshold Pressure & Electroglottographic Spectral Tilt, Licentiate dissertation – KTH, Royal Institute of Technology, School of Computer Science and Communication, Stockholm, Sweden (2010): 92 pages.

[Engel 1864] Engel, Carl. The Music of the Most Ancient Nations, Particularly of the Assyrians, Egyptians, and Hebrews: With Special Reference to Recent Discoveries in Western Asia and in Egypt, First Edition. London: J. Murray (1864): 379 pages. Publication musicofmostancie00enge on Archive.org (open access).

[Engel 1870] Engel, Carl. The Music of the Most Ancient Nations, Particularly of the Assyrians, Egyptians, and Hebrews: With Special Reference to Recent Discoveries in Western Asia and in Egypt, Second edition. London: J. Murray (1870): 379 pages.

[England 1964] England, Nicholas M.; Garfias, Robert, Kolinski, Mieczyslaw, List, George, and Rhodes, Willard (contributors); Seeger, Charles (moderator). “Symposium on Transcription and Analysis: A Hukwe Song with Musical Bow”, Ethnomusicology, 8.3 (September 1964): 223–277.

[England 1967] England, Nicholas M. “Bushman Counterpoint”, Journal of the International Folk Music Council, 19 (1967): 58–66, doi:10.2307/942188. Publication 942188 on JSTOR (subscription access).

[England 1968] England, Nicholas M. Music Among the Z̄ũ''wa-si of South West Africa and Botswana, Two volumes, Doctoral dissertation – Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachussets (1968): 775 pages. some sources list the title as "Music in the Societies of Certain Bushman Groups in Southern Africa".

[England 1995] England, Nicholas M. Music Among the Z̳ũ'/wã-si and Related Peoples of Namibia, Botswana, and Angola, Harvard Dissertations in Folklore and Oral Literature. New York: Garland (1995): xvii + 434 pages, ISBN 0-8240-2986-0 (978-0-8240-2986-9).

[Enrenberg 2010] Enrenberg, Rachel, and Wolinsky, Cary. “Music of the Hemispheres: Playing Instruments Gives Brains a Boost”, Science News, 178.4 (August 14, 2010): 30–33. Publication 27862617 on JSTOR (subscription access).

[Enrico 1996] Enrico, John, and Stuart, Wendy Bross. Northern Haida Songs, Illustrated Edition, Studies in the Anthropology of North American Indians. University of Nebraska Press (1996): xiv + 519 pages, ISBN 0-8032-1816-8 (978-0-8032-1816-1).

[Erdoes 1976] Erdoes, Richard (Translator, Editor); Lame Deer, Leading Cloud, Jenny, and Crow Dog, Leonard. The Sound of Flutes and Other Indian Legends. New York: Pantheon Books (1976): 129 pages, ISBN 0-394-83181-0 (978-0-394-83181-7). American Museum of Natural History call number E78.G73 S69 1976.

[Erdoes 1984] Erdoes, Richard, and Ortiz, Alfonso. American Indian Myths and Legends. New York: Pantheon Books (1984): 527 pages, ISBN 0-394-74018-1.

[Erguner 1995] Erguner, Kudsi. La Flûte Sacrée des Derviches Tourneurs «The Sacred Flute of the Whirling Dervishes» (1995).

[Erkvanidze 2005] Erkvanidze, Malkhaz, Shugliashvili, Davit, and Makarashvili, Lela (music transcription). სიმღერები მეგრული «Megruli Simgerebi - Megrelian Songs», Teach Yourself Gregorian Folk Songs. Tbilisi, Republic of Georgia: Sakartvelos Matsne for the International Centre of Gregorian Folk Song, in Georgian and English (2005): 134 pages, ISBN 99940-43-00-5.

[Erman 1907] Erman, Adolf; Griffith, A. S. (translation). A Handbook of Egyptian Religion. London: Archibald Constable & Co. (1907): 277 pages. English translation of the original German edition, published by the General Verwaltung of the Berlin Imperial Museums.

[Essayweb 2008] EssayWeb. Human Prehistory (2008), retrieved May 18, 2014.

[Essene 1942] Essene, Frank. Culture Element Distributions: XXI - Round Valley, Anthropological Records, 8.2 (1942): 1–98.

[Evans 2005] Evans, E. Raymond. Prehistoric Metal Workers in the Eastern United States (2005).

[Evans-A 2009] Evans, Alison, Ackermann, Bronwen, and Driscoll, Tim. “The Role of the Soft Palate in Woodwind and Brass Playing”, International Symposium on Performance Science (ISPS), New Zealand (2009): 267–272, ISBN-13 978-94-90306-01-4.

[Evans-A 2010] Evans, Alison, Ackermann, Bronwen, and Driscoll, Tim. “Functional Anatomy of the Soft Palate Applied to Wind Playing”, Medical Problems of Performing Artists, 25.4 (2010): 183–189. Publication 21170481 on PubMed/NCBI (subscription access).

[Evans-A 2011] Evans, Alison, Driscoll, Tim, and Ackermann, Bronwen. “Prevalence of Velopharyngeal Insufficiency in Woodwind and Brass Students”, Occupational Medicine, 61.7 (October 2011): 480–482, doi:10.1093/occmed/kqr072. Publication 21697080 on PubMed/NCBI (subscription access).

[Evans-B 1931] Evans, Bessie, and Evans, May Garrettson. American Indian Dance Steps. New York: A. S. Barnes and Company (1931): 102 pages. Reissued in [Evans-B 2003] and [Evans-B 2007].

[Evans-B 2003] Evans, Bessie, and Evans, May G. Native American Dance Steps. Mineola, New York: Dover Publications, Inc. (2003): 128 pages, ISBN 0-486-42700-5 (978-0-486-42700-3). Reissue of [Evans-B 1931].

[Evans-B 2007] Evans, Bessie, and Evans, May G. American Indian Dance Steps. Kessinger Publishing, LLC (2007): 140 pages, ISBN 1-4326-2953-0 (978-1-4326-2953-3). Reissue of [Evans-B 1931].

[Everest 2001] Everest, F. Alton. The Master Handbook of Acoustics. New York: McGraw-Hill (2001): 592 pages, ISBN 0-07-136097-2 (978-0-07-136097-5).

[Ewers 1986] Ewers, John C. Plains Indian Sculpture: A Traditional Art from America's Heartland. Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution Press (1986): 239 pages, ISBN 0-87474-422-9 (978-0-87474-422-4).

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