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[Flutopedia format] References - A

[Abate 2009] Ezra Abate. “Ethiopian Kiñit (scales) — Analysis of the Formation and Structure of the Ethiopian Scale System”, Proceedings of the 16th International Conference of Ethiopian Studies, editors: Svein Ege, Harald Aspen, Birhanu Teferra and Shiferaw Bekele, Trondheim, Germany, 2009, pages 1213–1224.

[Abbott 2006] Clifford Abbott. Oneida Language Tools, published by the University of Wisconsin Green Bay, Green Bay, Wisconsin, 2006, retrieved October 28, 2012.

[Abdo-J 1976] Joe Abdo, Sr., Quentin Bruguier, Lorenzo Dion, Asa Primeaux, Sr., Francis Primeaux, Duane Shields, Joseph Shields, Sr., and Philomene Dion; Joseph Shields, Sr. and Joe Abdo, Sr. (program notes and translations of songs). Yankton Sioux Peyote Songs, Taos, New Mexico, Indian Records, IH 4371-4374, 1976, set of 33⅓ rpm 12" vinyl audio discs (four), monophonic. Recorded at Lake Andes, South Dakota, July 6, 1976.

[Abraham 1906] Otto Abraham (1872–1926) and Erich Moritz von Hornbostel (1877–1935). “Phonographierte Indianermelodien aus Britisch-Columbia «Indian Melodies from British Columbia Recorded on the Phonograph»”, Anthropological Papers, Written in Honor of Franz Boas, published by Stechert, New York, in German, 1906, pages 447–474.

[Abraham 1975] Otto Abraham and Erich Moritz von Hornbostel; Bruno Nettl (translation). “Phonographierte Indianermelodien aus Britisch-Columbia «Indian Melodies from British Columbia Recorded on the Phonograph»”, contained in [Wachsmann 1975], Volume 1, 1975, pages 299–322.

[Abraham-RH 2006] Ralph H. Abraham and William Irwin Thompson. “The Canon of Lespugue”, The Epigraphic Society Occasional Papers (ESOP), Volume 24, 2006, pages 170–175.

[Accord 2005] Accord Song. Indian Legend — Last Frontier, published by Blue Music SRL, Accord Song, 528, 10 tracks, 2005, EAN 5-901448-275287. Contains 10 songs.

[Acharya 2006] U. Rajendra Acharya, K. Paul Joseph, N. Kannathal, Choo Min Lim, and Jasjit S. Suri. “Heart Rate Variability: A Review”, Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing, Volume 44, 2006, pages 1031–1051, doi:10.1007/s11517-006-0119-0.

[Adams 2001] Cecil Adams. Does "Indian" Derive from Columbus's Description of Native Americans as "Una Gente in Dios"?, October 25, 2001, retrieved March 15, 2012.

[Adams-KR 2006] Karen R. Adams. “Through the Looking Glass — The Environment of the Ancient Mesa Verdeans”, Contained in [Noble-DG 2006], 2006.

[Adamson 1934] T. Adamson. Folk Tales of the Coast Salish, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 1933.

[Addicks 2006] Duke Addicks. “"The Dakota Hymn", An Early Native American Flute Tune”, Voice of the Wind, Year 2006, Volume 2, published by the International Native American Flute Association, Suffolk, Virginia, 2006, page 12.

[Adduci 2011] Michael Douglas Adduci. Dynamic Measurement of Intraoral Pressure and Sound Pressure with Laryngoscopic Characterization during Oboe Performance, Doctoral dissertation – University of North Texas, December 2011, 105 pages.

[ADHCP 2007] Agency for the Development of Heritage and Cultural Promotion (editor); Abderrazak Khechine (layout); Mohamed Ayeb and Gilles Mermet (photographs); Annemarie Driss (translation). The Splendours of Tunisian Mosaics, published by the Ministry of Culture and Heritage Conservation, June 2007, ISBN-13 978-9973-954-15-2, hardcover.

[Adler 2009] Daniel S. Adler. “Archaeology: The earliest musical tradition”, Nature, Number 460, published by Macmillan Publishing Ltd., August 6, 2009, pages 695–696, doi:10.1038/460695a.

[Adler-MA 1999] Michael A. Adler and Herbert W. Dick (editors). Picuris Pueblo Through Time: Eight Centuries of Change at a Northern Rio Grande Pueblo, published by the William P. Clements Center for Southwest Studies, Southern Methodist University, Dallas, Texas, 1999, 253 pages, ISBN 1-929531-00-1.

[AFC 1966] American Folk Life, Archive of Folk Culture Staff. A Brief List of Composers Utilizing American Indian Music, 1966, retrieved Feburary 6, 2010.

[Afflighemensis 1100] Johannes Afflighemensis. De Musica, in Latin, 1100, 64 pages. publication date is approximate.

[AFLC 1982] American Folk Life Center. Ethnic Recordings in America: A Neglected Heritage, published by the Library of Congress, American Folklife Center, Washington, D.C., 1982, 269 pages, ISBN 0-8444-0339-3 (978-0-8444-0339-7).

[Aftanas 2002] L. I. Aftanas and S. A. Golocheikine. “Non-linear Dynamic Complexity of the Human EEG During Meditation”, Neuroscience Letters, Volume 330, Number 2, September 20, 2002, pages 143–146. Publication 12231432 on PubMed/NCBI (subscription access).

[Agelink 2001] M. W. Agelink, R. Malessa, B. Baumann, T. Majewski, F. Akila, T. Seit, and D. Ziegler. “Standardized Tests of Heart Rate Variability: Normal Ranges Obtained from 309 Healty Humans, and Effects of Age, Gender, and Heart Rate”, Clinical Autonomic Research, Volume 11, Number 2, April 2001, pages 99–108.

[Agelink 2002] M. W. Agelink, C. Boz, H. Ullrich, and J. Andrich. “Relationship Between Major Depression and Heart Rate Variability. Clinical Consequences and Implications for Antidepressive Treatment”, Psychiatry Research, Volume 113, Number 1–2, December 15, 2002, pages 139–149. Publication 12467953 on PubMed/NCBI (subscription access).

[Aginsky 1943] B. W. Aginsky. Culture Element Distributions: XXIV - Central Sierra, Anthropological Records, Volume 8, Number 2, published by the University of California Press, Berkeley and Los Angeles, California, 1943, pages 393–468.

[Agrell 2008] Jeffrey Agrell. Improvisation Games for Classical Musicians, published by GIA Publications, Chicago, Illinois, 2008, 354 pages, ISBN 1-57999-682-5 (978-1-57999-682-6).

[Ahmed 2007] Nameera Ahmed. Give Me Your Love: A Journey into Mevlevi Music, 2007, run time 29:46.

[Ahrens 2005] Karl P. Ahrens. “Ocarinas with an Inner Liner and an Outer Shell”, United States Patent 6,872,876 B2, Granted March 29, 2005, 6 pages, retrieved December 5, 2009.

[Aiello 1995] Leslie C. Aiello and Peter Wheeler. “The Expensive-Tissue Hypothesis: The Brain and the Digestive System in Human and Primate Evolution”, Current Anthropology, Volume 36, Number 2, published by the, University of Chicago Press, April 1995, pages 199–221, doi:10.1086/204350. Publication 2744104 on JSTOR (subscription access).

[Ainsworth 1975] Maryan Ainsworth. “A Flute in the Olsen Collection: Its Place in Pre-Columbian Music and Art”, Yale University Art Gallery Bulletin, Volume 35, Number 2, published by Yale University Press, Spring 1975, pages 26–33. Publication 40514174 on JSTOR (subscription access).

[Akgun 1967] N. Akgün and H. Ozgönül. “Lung Volumes in Wind Instrument (Zurna) Players”, The American Review of Respiratory Disease, Volume 96, Number 5, 1967, pages 946–951. Publication 6059203 on PubMed/NCBI (subscription access).

[Akikazu 1999] Nakamura Akikazu. Saji — The World of Zen Music, Denon, COCJ-30465, 1999, Audio CD.

[al-Farabi 1967] Abū Naṣr al-Fārābī (872–950); G.A. Khashab and M.A. al-Hafni (editors). Kitab al-Musiqa al-Kabir (The Great Book of Music) «The Great Book of Music», published by Dar al-Katib al-'Arabi, Cairo, Egypt, 1967.

[Albrecht 2001] Gerd Albrecht, Claus-Stephan Holdermann, and Jordi Serangeli. “Towards an Archaeological Appraisal of Specimen No 652 from Middle-Palaeolithic Level D / (Layer 8) of the Divje Babe I”, Arheološki vestnik, Volume 52, 2001, pages 11–15.

[Alden 1882] William L. Alden. “Sailor Songs”, Harper's New Monthly Magazine, Volume 65, Number 286, July 1882, page 283.

[Alden-E 2009] Eleanor Alden. “Magnetic Teaching System and Tools for Teaching the R. Carlos Nakai TABlature System”, Voice of the Wind, Year 2009, Volume 4, published by the International Native American Flute Association, Suffolk, Virginia, 2009, pages 15–16.

[Allen 1985] Michael Graham Allen. Heart Family 1985, 1985, 2 pages. Tri-fold pamphlet.

[Allen 2004] Michael Graham Allen. Rainbird, Coyote Oldman Recordings, 2 CD set, 17 tracks, 2004, ASIN B0002235DK.

[Allen A] Michael Graham Allen. Coyote Oldman Flute Introduction, 4 pages. Four stapled pages.

[Allen-J 2007] John Allen. “Photoplethysmography and its Application in Clinical Physiological Measurement”, Physiological Measurement, Volume 28, Number 3, 2007, pages R1–R39, doi:10.1088/0967-3334/28/3/R01.

[Allen-JJB 2007] John J.B. Allen, Andrea S. Chambers, David N. Towers. “The Many Metrics of Cardiac Chronotropy — A Pragmatic Primer and a Brief Comparison of Metrics”, Biological Psychology, Volume 74, Number 2, February 2007, pages 243–262. Publication 17070982 on PubMed/NCBI (subscription access).

[Allen-NJ 1976] Nicholas J. Allen. Studies in the Myths and Oral Traditions of the Thulung Rai of East Nepal, Doctoral dissertation – University of Oxford, England, 1976, 762 pages.

[Allen-SA 1916] Herbert Stanley Allen and Harry Moore. A Text-book of Practical Physics, published by Macmillan Publishing Ltd., 1916, 622 pages.

[Allpress 2012] Rita Bento Allpress, Stephen Clift, and Lucy Legg. “Effects of Group Singing on Psychological States and Cortisol”, Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Music Perception and Cognition and the 8th Triennial Conference of the European Society for the Cognitive Sciences of Music, Thessaloniki, Greece, July 23–28, 2012.

[Ambrose 2001] Stanley H. Ambrose. “Paleolithic Technology and Human Evolution”, Science, Volume 291, Number 5509, March 2, 2001, pages 1748–1753, doi:10.1126/science.1059487.

[Ames 2003] Eric Ames. “The Sound of Evolution”, Modernism / Modernity, Volume 10, Number 2, published by The Johns Hopkins University Press, April 2003, pages 297–325, doi:10.1353/mod.2003.0030. E-ISSN: 1080-6601, Print ISSN: 1071-6068.

[Amirkhanian 1972] Charles Amirkhanian. Early American Music, KPFA-FM, Broadcast date November 30, 1972. Contains 1 song.

[Amjad 2007] Fazel Asadi Amjad. “The Reed and the Aeolian Harp: Coleridge’s “The Aeolian Harp”, Rumi’s “The Song of the Reed” and Jubran’s "Al-Mawakib and Imaginal Perception"”, Mysticism Studies, Volume 5, Spring–Summer 2007, pages 13–32.

[Amsden 1949] Charles Avery Amsden. Prehistoric Southwesterners from Basketmaker to Pueblo, published by the Southwest Museum, Los Angeles, 1949, 163 pages.

[Amzallag 2014] Nissim Amzallag. “The Musical Mode of Writing of the Psalms and its Significance”, Old Testament Essays, Volume 17, Number 1, 2014, pages 17–40.

[Amzallag 2014a] Nissim Amzallag and Shamir Yona. “The Unusual Mode of Editing of KTU 1.65”, Ugarit-Forschungen, Band 45, 2014, pages 35–48, ISBN-13 978-3-86835-137-8.

[Anderl 2006] Christoph Anderl and Halvor Eifring (editors). Studies in Chinese Language and Culture — Festschrift in Honour of Christoph Harbsmeier on the Occasion of His 60th Birthday, published by Hermes Academic Publishing, Oslo, Norway, 2006, xlvi + 474 pages, including 14 colour pictures, ISBN 82-8034-051-3.

[Andersen 1933] Johannes C. Andersen. “Maori Music with its Polynesian Background: Part 6 - Polynesian Musical Instruments”, Journal of the Polynesian Society, Volume 43, Number 10, 1933, pages 195–252.

[Anderson 1977] E. N. Anderson. “Review of Anderson, E. N.(1977). Hudson et al.: The Eye of the Flute: Chumash Traditional History and Ritual as Told by Fernando Librado Kitsepawit to John P. Harrington.”, Journal of California Anthropology, Volume 4, Number 1, 1977.

[Anderson-DC 1978] Duane C. Anderson and Richard Shutler, Jr. “The Cherokee Sewer Site (13CK405): Summary and Assessment”, Plains Anthropologist, Volume 23, Number 82, Part 2, published by the Plains Anthropological Society, November 1978, pages 132–139. Publication 25667503 on JSTOR (subscription access).

[Anderson-DG 2002] David G. Anderson and Robert C. Mainfort, Jr. The Woodland Southeast, published by The University of Alabama Press, Tuscaloosa, Alabama, May 10, 2002, 680 pages, ISBN 0-8173-1137-8 (978-0-8173-1137-7).

[Anderson-JM 1950] John M. Anderson. “Force and Form: The Shaker Intuition of Simplicity”, The Journal of Relition, Volume 30, Number 4, published by the University of Chicago Press, Chicago, Illinois, October 1950, pages 256–260. Publication 1199188 on JSTOR (subscription access).

[Anderson-L 2012] Lauren Anderson. The Use of Singing and Playing Wind Instruments to Enhance Pulmonary Function and Quality of Life in Children and Adolescents with Cystic Fibrosis, M.M.E. dissertation – University of Kansas, November 27, 2012, 68 pages.

[Anderson-R 2005] Robert Anderson, Salwa El-Shawan Castelo-Branco, and Virginia Danielson. Egypt, Ancient Music, 2005, 39 pages.

[Anderson-RD 1976] R. D. Anderson; Grace Huxtable (drawings). Catalogue of Egyptian Antiquities in the British Museum, Volume 3: Musical Instruments, Illustrated Edition, published by British Museum Publications Limited, 1976, viii + 87 pages with 150 illustrations, ISBN 0-7141-0919-3 (978-0-7141-0919-0), hardcover.

[Anderson-S 2003] Stephen Anderson. “Significance of Rock Art in the Southwest”, The Confluence, Number 27, published by Colorado Plateau River Guides, December 2003, pages 29–32.

[Andersson 2003] Rani-Henrik Andersson. The Ghost Dance Among the Lakota Indians in 1890 — A Multidimensional Interpretation, Ph.D. dissertation – University of Tampere, Finland, in English and Finnish, 2003, 435 pages, ISBN 951-44-5689-0 (print); 951-44-5690-4 (electronic). ISSN 1455-1616.

[Andreassi 2006] John L. Andreassi. Psychophysiology: Human Behavior and Physiological Response, Fifth edition, published by Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Mahwah, New Jersey, 2006, 560 pages, ISBN 0-8058-4951-3 (978-0-8058-4951-6).

[Andreopoulou 2008] Areti Andreopoulou. Modeling the Greek Aulos, Master of Music in Music Technology – The Steinhardt School, New York University, May 14, 2008, 96 pages.

[Andric 2011] Maja Andrič. “Lateglacial Vegetation at Lake Bled and Griblje Marsh (Slovenia): A Comparison of (in Last Glacial Maximum) Glaciated and Non-glaciated Landscapes”, contained in [Toskan 2011], 2011, pages 235–250.

[Anfinson 2003] John O. Anfinson; Thomas Madigan, Drew M. Forsberg, and Patrick Nunnally (contributors). River of History — A Historic Resources Study of the Mississippi National River and Recreation Area, printed by, St. Paul District, Corps of Engineers, 2003, 201 pages.

[Angulo 1931] Jaime de Angulo and Marguerite Béclard d'Harcourt. “La Musique des Indiens de la Californie du Nord «Music of the Indians of Northern California»”, Journal de la Société des Américanistes de Paris, Volume 23, Number 1, in French, 1931, pages 189–228.

[Ankh 2010] Per Ankh. Music, November 17, 2010.

[Ansakorpi 2002] H. Ansakorpi, J. T. Korpelainen, H. V. Huikuri, U. Tolonen, V. V. Myllylä, and J. I. Isojärvi. “Heart Rate Dynamics in Refractory and Well Controlled Temporal Lobe Epilepsy”, Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery, and Psychiatry, Volume 72, 2002, pages 26–30.

[Antoniadou 2012] Maria Antoniadou, Vasilios Michaelidis, and Venetia Tsara. “Lung Function in Wind Instrument Players”, Pneumon, Volume 25, Number 2, April–June 2012, pages 180–183.

[Anzovin 2000] Steven Anzovin. Famous First Facts, International Edition, published by H. W. Wilson Company, 2000, ISBN 0-8242-0958-3.

[Apel 1961] Willi Apel. The Notation of Polyphonic Music, 900–1600., Fifth edition, Publications of the Mediaeval Academy of America, number 38, published by the Mediaeval Academy of America., Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1961.

[Apel 1969] Willi Apel. Harvard Dictionary of Music, Second Edition, published by Harvard University Press, 1969, 935 pages, ISBN 0-674-37501-7 (978-0-674-37501-7).

[Apel 1970] Willi Apel. Harvard Dictionary of Music, Second Edition, Revised, published by Heinemann, London, 1970.

[Appledorn X] Mary Jeanne Van Appledorn (1927–2014). Native American Mosaic — for Solo Native American Flute, Colorado Springs, Colorado, Zalo / JP-Publications.

[Applegate 2008] Darlene Applegate. “Woodland Period”, contained in Volume 1 of [Pollack 2008], 2008, pages 339–604.

[ARC 2006] ARC Music. Bushmen of the Kalahari, Arc Music, EUCD1995, 35 tracks, 2006, total time 72:36, ASIN B000EHSV6Y.

[Arce 1998] José Pérez de Arce. “Sonido Rajado: The Sacred Sound of Chilean Pifilca Flutes”, The Galpin Society Journal, Volume 51, published by the Galpin Society, July 1998, pages 17–50. Publication 842759 on JSTOR (subscription access).

[Arce 2000] José Pérez de Arce. “Sonido Rajado II”, The Galpin Society Journal, Volume 53, published by the Galpin Society, April 2000, pages 233–253. Publication 842326 on JSTOR (subscription access).

[Arce 2002] José Pérez de Arce. “Pre-Columbian Flute Tuning in the Southern Andes”, contained in [Hickmann-E 2002], in English and German, 2002, pages 291–309.

[Arce 2004] José Pérez de Arce. “Analisis de las Cualidades Sonoras de las Botellas Silbadoras Prehispanicas de los Andes «Analysis of the Sonic Qualities of Pre-Hispanic Whistling Bottles of the Andes»”, Boletin del Museo Chileno de Arte Precolombino, Number 9, in Spanish, 2004, pages 9–33. ISSN 0716-1530.

[Archabal 1977] Nina Marchetti Archabal. “Frances Densmore — Pioneer in the Study of American Indian Music”, contained in [Stuhler 1977], 1977, retrieved October 30, 2011.

[Arensburg 1989] B. Arensburg, A. M. Tillier, B. Vandermeersch, H. Duday, L. A. Schepartz, and Y. Rak. “A Middle Palaeolithic Human Hyoid Bone”, Nature, Volume 338, April 27, 1989, pages 758–760, doi:10.1038/338758a0.

[Aristotle 350BCE] Aristotle. De Anima «'On the Soul' or 'On the Life-force'».

[Aristoxenus 1902] Aristoxenus (born c. 365 BCE); Henry Stewart Macran (editor) (1967–1937). Aristoxenou Harmonika Stoicheia «The Harmonics of Aristoxenus», published by Clarendon Press, 1902, 303 pages.

[Armstrong 2014] Richard A. Armstrong. “When to Use the Bonferroni Correction”, Ophthalmic and Physiological Optics, Volume 34, 2014, pages 502–508.

[Armstrong-J 2009] John Armstrong. “Make a Hawaiian-Style Nose Flute”, Voice of the Wind, Year 2009, Volume 1, published by the International Native American Flute Association, Suffolk, Virginia, 2009, pages 8–9.

[ARP 1945] Arizona Recording Productions. Tribal Prayer & Flute Song, Arizona Recording Productions (Canyon Records), ARP 601, 1945, set of 78 rpm 10" audio discs (four).

[ARP 1945a] Arizona Recording Productions. Authentic Songs and Chants of American Indians, Arizona Recording Productions (Canyon Records), ARP 623, 1945, set of 78 rpm 10" audio discs (four).

[ARP 1945b] Arizona Recording Productions. Authentic Songs and Chants of American Indians, Arizona Recording Productions (Canyon Records), ARP 624, 1945, set of 78 rpm 10" audio discs (four).

[ARP 1971] Arizona Recording Productions (record company); William Horncloud (performer); Charles Red Cloud (performer, track A1); John Spotted Horse (composer, track A2); Raymond Boley (recording); J. William K. Powers and Mary Boley (program notes). Sioux Songs of War and Love, Arizona Recording Productions, ARP-6150, 12 tracks, 1971, 78 rpm 12" audio disc. All tracks were reissued in [CR 1976] and [CR 1998a].

[Arroyo 2003] Rafael Pérez Arroyo and Syra Bonet. Music in the Age of the Pyramids, English Edition, published by Editorial Centro de Estudios Egipcios, Madrid, Spain, 2003, 511 pages, ISBN 84-932796-1-7, hardcover.

[Arroyo 2006] Rafael Pérez Arroyo and Syra Bonet. Music in the Age of the Pyramids, Natural Acoustic Recordings, NAR-0010-01, with booklet in English and Spanish. NAR-0010-02, with booklet in French and German., 10 tracks, October 30, 2006.

[ARSC 1976] Association for Recorded Sound Collections. A Preliminary Directory of Sound Recordings Collections in the United States and Canada, published by the New York Public Library, New York, 1967, 157 pages.

[Arsenault 2002] Joseph B. Arsenault. Quechua Worship Songs of Azángaro, Peru (song book), printed at Maryknoll, New York, 2002, 30 pages. Nakai tablature notation.

[Artaud 1993] Pierre-Yves Artaud and Catherine Dale. “Aspects of the Flute in the Twentieth Century”, Contemporary Music Review, Volume 8, Issue 2, 1993, pages 131–216, doi:10.1080/07494469400640101.

[Artigues-Cano 2014] Isabel Artigues-Cano and Howard A. Bird. “Hypermobility and Proprioception in the Finger Joints of Flautists”, Journal of Clinical Rheumatology, Volume 20, Number 4, June 2014, pages 203–208, doi:10.1097/RHU.0000000000000109. Publication 24847746 on PubMed/NCBI (subscription access).

[Asch 1973] Michael I. Asch (compiled and edited). An Anthology of North American Indian & Eskimo Music, Ethnic Folkways Records, FE 4541, 1973.

[Ashley-CW 1944] Clifford W. Ashley. The Ashley Book of Knots, First Edition, published by Doubleday & Company, 1944, 619 pages, ISBN 0-385-04025-3 (978-0-385-04025-9), hardcover.

[Ashmore 2000] Renita Freeman Ashmore. The Native American Flute, M.A. dissertation – California State University, published by California State University, Dominguez Hills, California, Fall 2000, 53 pages. UMI Microform number 1402444.

[ASM 2001] Arizona State Museum. Paths of Life: American Indians of the Southwest — Self-Guided Tour Teacher Materials, published by the University of Arizona, Tuscon, Arizona, August 9, 2001, 18 pages.

[ASM 2001a] Arizona State Museum. Paths of Life: American Indians of the Southwest — Student Activities, published by the University of Arizona, Tuscon, Arizona, August 14, 2001, 16 pages.

[Asmussen 2001] Robert Asmussen. Periodicity of Sinusoidal Frequencies as a Basis for the Analysis of Baroque and Classical Harmony: A Computer Based Study, Doctoral dissertation – School of Music, The University of Leeds, England, September 2001.

[Atema 2004] Jelle Atema. “Old Bone Flutes”, Pan, Volume 23, Number 4, December 2004, pages 18–23.

[Atema 2014] Jelle Atema. “Musical Origins and the Stone Age Evolution of Flutes”, Acoustics Today, Volume 10, Number 3, Summer 2014, pages 25–34.

[Atkinson-RC 1968] R. C. Atkinson and R. M. Shiffrin. “Human Memory: A Proposed System and its Control Processes”, contained in [Spence-KW 1968], 1968, pages 89–195.

[ATML 2000] Archives of Traditional Music in Laos. Instrumental Music of Laos — Selection 1, 19 tracks, 2000.

[Atwater 1820] Caleb Atwater (1778–1867). Description of the Antiquities Discovered in the State of Ohio and Other Western States, Archaeologia Americana: Transactions and Collections of the American Antiquarian Society, Volume 1, 1820, pages 109–251. Reissued in [Atwater 1973]. Publication transactionsand05socigoog on Archive.org (open access).

[Atwater 1973] Caleb Atwater. Description of the Antiquities Discovered in the State of Ohio and Other Western States, Antiquities in the New World, published by AMS Press for the Peabody Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, 1973, 267 pages, ISBN 0-404-57351-7 (978-0-404-57351-5). Reissue of [Atwater 1820].

[Aubert 1996] A. E. Aubert, D. Ramaekers, Y. Cuche, R. Lysens, J. Ector, F. van de Werf. “Effect of Long Term Physical Training on Heart Rate Variability”, Computers in Cardiology, September 8–11, 1996, 1996, pages 17–20, doi:10.1109/CIC.1996.542462.

[Aucouturier 2008] Jean-Julien Aucouturier. “The Hypothesis of Self-Organization for Musical Tuning Systems”, Leonardo Music Journal, Volume 18, 2008, pages 63–69, doi:10.1162/lmj.2008.18.63. Publication 25578124 on JSTOR (subscription access).

[August 2003] Christopher August. “Looking for Ishi: Insurgent Movements through the Yahi Landscape”, June 2003, pages 1397–1404.

[August 2006] Scott August. “The Artist's Guide to Starting an Independent Record Label”, Voice of the Wind, Year 2006, Volume 4, published by the International Native American Flute Association, Suffolk, Virginia, 2006, pages 8–13.

[August-S 2008] Scott August. Kokopelli's Flute: The Complete Guide to the Anasazi Flute, published by Cedar Mesa Music, Los Angeles, California, 2008, 57 pages.

[August-S 2009] Scott August. The Mojave-6 Flute, published by Cedar Mesa Music, Los Angeles, California, 2009, retrieved September 15, 2010.

[August-S 2010] Scott August. 2010 Scott August Signature Anasazi Flute — The Lost Tuning, published by Cedar Mesa Music, Los Angeles, California, 2010, retrieved October 11, 2011.

[August-S 2011] Scott August; Andrew Rea (illustrations). The Complete Guide to the Native American Style Flute, Level: Beginning to Intermediate, published by Cedar Mesa Music, Los Angeles, California, 2011, 101 pages, ISBN-13 978-0-615-52776-5.

[Austin 1923] Mary Hunter Austin (1868–1934). The American Rhythm, published by Harcourt, Brace & Co., 1923.

[Aveni 2000] Anthony F. Aveni. Empires of Time, published by Tauris Parke Paperbacks, 2000, ISBN 1-86064-602-6.

[Ayers 2007] Lydia Ayers. “Is Native American Flute Music "Classical" Music?”, Voice of the Wind, Year 2007, Volume 4, published by the International Native American Flute Association, Suffolk, Virginia, 2007, pages 9–13.

[Ayers 2008] Lydia Ayers. “An Overview of Chinese Flutes”, Voice of the Wind, Year 2008, Volume 2, published by the International Native American Flute Association, Suffolk, Virginia, 2008, pages 7–12.

[Ayers 2008a] Lydia Ayers. “Playing With Both Sides of Your Mouth: Switching Between Native American and Transverse Flutes”, Voice of the Wind, Year 2008, Volume 3, published by the International Native American Flute Association, Suffolk, Virginia, 2008, page 3.

[Aysin-B 2006] Benhur Aysin and Elif Aysin. “Effect of Respiration in Heart Rate Variability (HRV) Analysis”, Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society / 28th Annual International Conference of the IEEE, New York, NY, August 30, 2006 – September 3, 2006, Conf Proc IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc. 2006;1:1776-9., Volume 1, 2006, pages 1776–1779, doi:10.1109/IEMBS.2006.260773. Publication 17946068 on PubMed/NCBI (subscription access).

[Azzurra 2001] Azzurra Music. American Natives, Azzura Music, TBP-11052, 11 tracks, 2001, total time 44:50, EAN 8-028980-045929. Contains 11 songs.

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