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[Flutopedia format] References - K

[Kacanek 2008] Hal Kacanek. The Sound of the Native American Flute: A Self Instruction Manual, Fourth Edition, published by Sounds We Make, Waukesha, Wisconsin, 2008, 24 pages.

[Kacanek 2011] Hal Kacanek. “Idea Bank: The Native American Flute - A Possibility for Your Classroom”, Music Educators Journal, Volume 97, Number 4, published by Sage Publications, Thousand Oaks, California, June 2011, pages 18–21, doi:10.1177/0027432111409833. ISSN: 0027-4321.

[Kaehne 2016] Jake Robert Kaehne. The Path of the Wind: An Instrumental Bridge across Cultures through the Native American Flute, Master of Music dissertation – Graduate College of Bowling Green State University, Ohio, 67 pages.

[Kaemlein 1955] Wilma Kaemlein. “Yuma Dolls and Yuma Flutes in the Arizona State Museum”, The Kiva, Volume 20, Numbers 2 and 3, December 1954 – February 1955, pages 1–10.

[Kahn 1983] Hazrat Inayat Kahn. The Music of Life, published by Omega Publications, 1983, 353 pages, ISBN 0-930872-38-X, softcover.

[Kalakutsky 2010] L. Kalakutsky and A. Fedotov. “Estimation of Arterial Stiffness Based on Analysis of Heart Rate”.

[Kalani 2011] Kalani Das. The Way of Music — Creating Sound Connections in Music Therapy, First edition, Sarsen Publishing, Denton, Texas, 2011, ISBN-13 978-1-60725-278-8.

[Kalda 2001] Jaan Kalda, M. Säkki, M. Vainu, and M. Laan. “Zipf's Law in Human Heartbeat Dynamics”, October 26, 2001, 4 pages, arXiv:physics/0110075.

[Kalda 2003] Jaan Kalda, M. Säkki, M. Vainu, and M. Laan. “Non-linear and Scale-invariant Analysis of the Heart Rate Variability”, March 10, 2003, 23 pages, arXiv:physics/0303041v1. Publication arxiv-physics0303041 on Archive.org (open access).

[Kaltsas 2012] Nikolaos Kaltsas, Elena Vlachogianni, and Polyxeni Bouyia (editors). The Antikythera Shipwreck — The Ship, the Treasures, the Mechanism, published by the Hellenic Ministry of Culture and Tourism and the National Archaeological Museum, Athens, Greece, 2012, ISBN-13 978-960-386-031-0.

[Kaminski 1993] June Louise Kaminski. The Effect of Soothing Music on Neonatal Behavioural States in the Hospital Newborn Nursery, M.Sc.N. dissertation – University of British Columbia, published by the University of British Columbia, September 1993, ix + 100 pages.

[Kanter 2006] Jason Kanter. Temperaments Visualized, September 29, 2006, retrieved December 6, 2011.

[Kaoru 2003] Kakizakai Kaoru (born 1959). Koten Shakuhachi, Victor, VZCG-304, 2003, Audio CD.

[Kappraff 2005] Jay Kappraff and Ernest G. McClain. “The System of Proportions of the Parthenon: A Work of Musically Inspired Architecture”, Music in Art, Volume 30, Number 1/2, Spring–Fall 2005, pages 5–16. Publication 41818772 on JSTOR (subscription access).

[Karampatzakis 2011] Panagiotis Karampatzakis, Vasilios Zafranas, Spyros Polychronopoulos, Georgios Karadedos. “A Study on Aristoxenus Acoustic Urns”, The Acoustics of Ancient Theatres Conference, Patras, Greece, September 18–21, 2011, 2011, 9 pages.

[Karavidas 2007] Maria Katsamanis Karavidas, Paul M. Lehrer, Evgeny Vaschillo, Bronya Vaschillo, Humberto Marin, Steven Buyske, Igor Malinovsky, Diane Radvanski, and Afton Hassett. “Preliminary Results of an Open Label Study of Heart Rate Variability Biofeedback for the Treatment of Major Depression”, Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback, Volume 32, 2007, pages 19–30, doi:10.1007/s10484-006-9029-z. Publication 17333315 on PubMed/NCBI (subscription access).

[Karavidas 2008] Maria Karavidas. “Heart Rate Variability Biofeedback for Major Depression”, Biofeedback, Volume 36, Number 1, Spring 2008, pages 18–21.

[Karrick 1998] Brant Karrick. “An Examination of the Intonation Tendencies of Wind Instrumentalists Based on Their Performance of Selected Harmonic Musical Intervals”, Journal of Research in Music Education, Volume 46, Number 1, Spring 1998, pages 112–127, doi:10.2307/3345764. Publication 3345764 on JSTOR (subscription access).

[Karuna 2013] Nagarajan Karuna, Thaiyar M Srinivasan, and Nagendra HR. “Review of Rāgās and its Rasās in Indian Music and its Possible Applications in Therapy”, International Journal of Yoga - Philosophy, Psychology and Parapsychology, Volume 1, January–June 2013, pages 21–28.

[Kassel 2006] Richard Kassel. The Organ: An Encyclopedia, Volume 3 of The Encyclopedia of Keyboard Instruments, published by Psychology Press, 2006, 679 pages, ISBN 0-415-94174-1 (978-0-415-94174-7).

[Katz 1970] Israel J. Katz. “Marius Barbeau 1883–1969”, Ethnomusicology, Volume 14, Number 1, January 1970, pages 129–142.

[Kaupp 1990] Ann Kaupp. “Toward Gender and Ethnic Equity in Museums”, Four Star, Newsletter for the Smithsonian Institution Women’s Council, Volume 10, Number 2, Summer 1990.

[Keeling 1989] Richard Keeling (editor). Women in North American Indian Music: Six Essays, Special Monograph 6, published by the Society for Ethnomusicology, Bloomington, Indiana, 1989.

[Keeling 1989a] Richard Keeling. “Musical Evidence of Female Spiritual Life Among the Yurok”, contained in [Keeling 1989], 1989, pages 67–78.

[Keeling 1991] Richard Keeling. A Guide to Early Field Recordings (1900–1949) at the Lowie Museum of Anthropology, University of California Publications: Catalogs and Bibliographies, Volume 6, published by the University of California Press, Berkeley, California, 1991, 487 pages, ISBN 0-520-09720-3.

[Keeling 1992] Richard Keeling. “Music and Culture Areas of Native California”, Journal of California and Great Basin Anthropology, Volume 14, Number 2, July 1, 1992, pages 146–158, retrieved March 13, 2010.

[Keeling 1992a] Richard Keeling. “Music and Culture History among the Yurok and Neighboring Tribes of Northwestern California”, Journal of Anthropological Research, Volume 48, Number 1, Spring 1992, pages 25–48. Publication 3630607 on JSTOR (subscription access).

[Keeling 1993] Richard Keeling. Cry for Luck: Sacred Song and Speech Among the Yurok, Hupa, and Karok Indians of Northwestern California, published by the University of California Press, 1993, 325 pages, ISBN 0-520-07560-9 (978-0-520-07560-3), ASIN 0520075609, hardcover.

[Keeling 1997] Richard Keeling. North American Indian Music: A Guide to Published Sources and Selected Recordings, Garland Library of Music Ethnology, 5; Garland Reference Library of the Humanities, 1440, published by Garland Publishing, New York, 1997, xlix + 420 pages, ISBN 0-8153-0232-0 (978-0-8153-0232-2). Library of Congress call number 96-41847.

[Keenan 2003] David C. Keenan. Harmonic Errors in Equal Tempered Musical Scales, February 24, 2003. Originally published February 19, 1998.

[Kees 2009] Jan Waterman Kees, Jaap Jacobs, and Charles T. Gehring. Indianen Verhalen — De vroegste beschrijvingen van Indianen langs de Hudsonriver (1609-1680) «Native Stories - The Earliest Descriptions of Native Americans Along the Hudson River (1609-1680)», published by Walberg Pers, in Dutch, 2009, 206 pages.

[Keillor 1987] Elaine Keillor. “Hymn Singing Among the Dogrib Indians”, contained in [Beckwith 1987], 1987, pages 33–43.

[Keillor 1995] Elaine Keillor. “Indigenous Music as a Compositional Source: Parallels and Contrasts in Canadian and American Music”, contained in [McGee 1995], 1995, pages 185–218.

[Keillor 2013] Elaine Keillor, Tim Archambault, and John M. H. Kelly. Encyclopedia of Native American Music of North America, published by ABC-CLIO, 2013, 449 pages, ISBN 0-313-05506-8 (978-0-313-05506-5).

[Keislar 1991] Douglas Keislar, Easley Blackwood, John Eaton, Lou Harrison, Ben Johnston, Joel Mandelbaum and William Schottstaedt. “Six American Composers on Nonstandard Tunings”, Perspectives of New Music, Volume 29, Number 1, Winter 1991, pages 176–211. Publication 833076 on JSTOR (subscription access).

[Kelischek 2011] George Kelischek. Companions Five — Instructions for Playing Four Related Vertical Flutes, published by Susato Press, 2011, 74 pages, comb binding. Catalog number MSF25.

[Kelischek A] George Kelischek. Native American Flute Primer (song book), Susato Press Native American Music Series, published by Susato Press, Brasstown, NC 28902, comb binding. Catalog number FOS22.

[Kelischek B] George Kelischek. Plans for Building Native American Flutes. Designs are available for three sizes of instruments in diatonic & modal scales: Soprano (Key of D) CP-1, Tenor (Key of D) CP-2, and Alto (Key of G) CP-3.

[Keller 2014] Dameon Michael Keller. Sound's Good! — The Spiritual Science of Sound and Vibration, July 5, 2014, 80 pages, ISBN 1-4974-7771-9 (978-1-4974-7771-1).

[Kellner 1979] Herbert Anton Kellner. “A Mathematical Approach Reconstituting J. S. Bach's Keyboard-Temperament”, Bach, Volume 10, Number 4, October 1979, pages 2–8. Publication 41640089 on JSTOR (subscription access).

[Kellner 1999] Herbert Anton Kellner. “A Mathematical Approach Reconstituting J. S. Bach's Keyboard-Temperament”, Bach, Volume 30, Number 1, Spring–Summer 1999, pages 1–9. Publication 41640471 on JSTOR (subscription access).

[Kemp 1991] Barry J. Kemp. “Ancient Egypt: Anatomy of a Civilization”, published by Routledge, New York and London, 1991, 356 pages, ISBN 0-415-01281-3.

[Kenmotsu 2002] Nancy A. Kenmotsu and Mariah F. Wade. Amistad National Recreational Area - American Indian Tribal Affiliation Study — Phase I: Ethnohistoric Literature Review, The Texas Department of Transportation Environmental Affairs Division Archeological Studies Program, Report No. 34, published by The National Park Service, Amistad National Recreation Area, Del Rio, Texas, 2002.

[Kennedy 1997] Mary C. Kennedy and Patty Jo Watson. “The Chronology of Early Agriculture and Intensive Mineral Mining in the Salts Cave and Mammoth Cave Region, Mammoth Cave National Park, Kentucky”, Journal of Cave and Karst Studies, Volume 59, Number 1, published by the National Speleological Society, April 1997, pages 5–9. ISSN 1090-6924.

[Kenyon 1964] Frederic G. Kenyon and F. F. Bruce. “The Story of the Bible: A Popular Account of How it Came to Us, Second Edition”, published by J. Murray, London, 1964.

[Keppel 1982] G. Keppel. Design and Analysis: A Researchers Handbook, Second Edition, published by Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, 1982.

[Kern 1996] Martin Kern. “In Praise of Political Legitimacy — The Miao and Jiao Hymns of the Western Han”, Oriens Extremus, Volume 39, Number 1, 1996, pages 29–67, retrieved September 23, 2010.

[Kesting 1993] Piney Kesting. “A Doorway in Time”, Saudi Aramco World, September/October 1993, pages 32–39.

[Khan-HI 1993] Hazrat Inayat Khan; Inayat Khan (editor); Coleman Barks (translations). The Hand of Poetry: Five Mystic Poets of Persia: Translations from the Poems of Sanai, Attar, Rumi, Saadi and Hafiz, Lectures on Persian Poetry, published by Omega Publications, 1993, 181 pages, ISBN 0-930872-47-9 (978-0-930872-47-2).

[Khantoke 2003] Na Khantoke. Khlui - Bamboo in a Skyscraper, DAPP Record Co. Ltd., Chiang Mai, Thailand, 11 tracks, 2003.

[Khatib 2013] Mohammad Khatib, Saeid Najafi Sarem, and Hadi Hamidi. “Humanistic Education: Concerns, Implications and Applications”, Journal of Language Teaching and Research, Volume 4, Number 1, January 2013, pages 45–51, doi:10.4304/jltr.4.1.45-51.

[Khattab 2007] Kerstin Khattab, Ahmed A. Khattab, Jasmin Ortak, Gert Richardt, and Hendrik Bonnemeier. “Iyengar Yoga Increases Cardiac Parasympathetic Nervous Modulation Among Healthy Yoga Practitioners”, Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, Volume 4, Number 4, 2007, pages 511–517, doi:10.1093/ecam/nem087.

[Kidder 1919] Alfred Vincent Kidder (1885–1963) and Samuel J. Guernsey (1868–1936). Archeological Explorations in Northeastern Arizona, Smithsonian Institution, Bureau of American Ethnology, Bulletin 65, published by the United States Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C., 1919. Publication bulletin651919smit on Archive.org (open access).

[Kidder 1932] Alfred V. Kidder. The Artifacts of Pecos, Papers of the Phillips Academy Southwestern Expedition, Number 6, published by Yale University Press, New Haven, Connecticut, 1932, xvi + 314 pages.

[Kidder 1957] A. V. Kidder. “Earl Halstead Morris. 1889-1956”, American Antiquity, Volume 22, Number 4, April 1957, pages 390–397. Publication 276139 on JSTOR (subscription access).

[Kidder-N 1995] Norm Kidder. “Musical Instruments of Central California”, Bulletin of Primitive Technology, Volume 9, published by the Society of Primitive Technology, Utah, Spring 1995.

[Killian 2008] Janice N. Killian and Jeremy J. Buckner. “Comparison of Starting Pitch Preferences among Fourth Graders, Undergraduate Music Majors and Elementary Education Majors”, Music Education Research International, Volume 4, 2010, pages 19–30.

[Killion 1992] Thomas W. Killion. Gardens of Prehistory: The Archaeology of Settlement Agriculture in Greater Mesoamerica, published by the University of Alabama Press, 1992, 334 pages, ISBN 0-8173-0565-3 (978-0-8173-0565-9).

[Kilmer 1960] Anne Draffkorn Kilmer. “Two New Lists of Key Numbers for Mathematical Operations”, Orientalia, Volume 29, Number 3, published by, Pontificium Institutum Biblicum, Rome, Italy, 1960, pages 273–308. Publication 43073543 on JSTOR (subscription access).

[Kilmer 1965] Anne Draffkorn Kilmer. “The Strings of Musical Instruments: Their Names, Numbers, and Significance”, Studies in Honor of Benno Landsberger, Assyriological Studies, Volume 16, 1965, pages 261–268.

[Kilmer 1971] Anne Draffkorn Kilmer. “The Discovery of an Ancient Mesopotamian Theory of Music”, Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society, Volume 115, Number 2, published by the American Philosophical Society, April 22, 1971, pages 131–149. Publication 985853 on JSTOR (subscription access).

[Kilmer 1974] Anne Draffkorn Kilmer. The Cult Song with Music from Ancient Ugarit: Another Interpretation, Revue d'Assyriologie et d'archéologie orientale, Volume 68, Number 1, 1974, pages 69–82. Publication 23282429 on JSTOR (subscription access).

[Kilmer 1976] Anne D. Kilmer, Richard L. Crocker, and Robert R. Brown. Sounds from Silence: Recent Discoveries in Ancient Near Eastern Music, Bit Enki Publications, Berkeley, California, BTNK 101, 1976, 23 pages, ASIN B0006WYP4Y, 33⅓ rpm 12" vinyl audio disc and 23-page booklet. Library of Congress call number 76-16729.

[Kilmer 1984] Anne Draffkorn Kilmer. “A Music Tablet from Sippar(?): BM 65217 + 66616”, Iraq, Volume 46, Number 2, published by the British Institute for the Study of Iraq, Autumn 1984, pages 69–80. Publication 4200216 on JSTOR (subscription access).

[Kilmer 1985] Anne Draffkorn Kilmer. “A New Music Theory Fragment from Nippur”, American Oriental Society Proceedings, Ann Arbor, Michigan, April 15, 1985. conference presentation of the material in [Kilmer 1986].

[Kilmer 1986] A. D. {Anne Draffkorn} Kilmer and M. {Miguel} Civil. “Old Babylonian Musical Instructions Relating to Hymnody”, Journal of Cuneiform Studies, Volume 38, Number 1, published by The American Schools of Oriental Research, Spring 1986, pages 94–98, doi:10.2307/1359953. material from the conference proceedings in [Kilmer 1985]. Publication 1359953 on JSTOR (subscription access).

[Kilmer 1996] Anne Draffkorn Kilmer and Steve Tinney. “Old Babylonian Music Instruction Texts”, Journal of Cuneiform Studies, Volume 48, published by The American Schools of Oriental Research, 1996, pages 49–56. Publication 1359769 on JSTOR (subscription access).

[Kilmer 1998] Anne Draffkorn Kilmer. “The Musical Instruments from Ur and Ancient Mesopotamian Music”, Expedition, Volume 40, Number 2, 1998, pages 12–19.

[Kilmer 1998a] Anne Draffkorn Kilmer and Steve Tinney. “Correction to Kilmer/Tinney 'Old Babylonian Music Instruction Texts' JCS 48 (1996)”, Journal of Cuneiform Studies, Volume 50, published by The American Schools of Oriental Research, 1998, page 118. Publication 1359896 on JSTOR (subscription access).

[Kilmer 2000] Anne Draffkorn Kilmer. “Continuity and Change in the Ancient Mesopotamian Terminology for Music and Musical Instruments”, Orient-Archäologie, Volume 7, 2000.

[Kilmer 2002] Anne Draffkorn Kilmer. “Die musikalische Ausformung von Tonalität und Genre in Mesopotamien «Modal Music, Tonality and Genre in Mesopotamian Musical Performance»”, contained in [Hickmann-E 2002], in German and English, 2002, pages 481–486.

[Kilmer 2009] Anne D. Kilmer and Jeremie Peterson. “More Old Babylonian Music-Instruction Fragments from Nippur”, Journal of Cuneiform Studies, Volume 61, published by The American Schools of Oriental Research, January 2009, pages 93–96. ISSN 0022-0256 (print). Publication 25608634 on JSTOR (subscription access).

[Kim 1997] Patricia Costa Kim. “Transmission of Music in the Hebrew Tradition: Learning from the Songs of the Synagogue”, The Bulletin of Historical Research in Music Education, Volume 19, Number 1, published by Ithaca College, September 1997, pages 40–51. Publication 40214945 on JSTOR (subscription access).

[Kimberling 2006] Clark Kimberling (arranger). Solos for Treble Instrument, Especially Soprano Recorder, Collection 9: American Indian Melodies, published online by the IMSLP/Petrucci Music Library, 2006, 66 pages.

[King 2002] Adam King. “Mississippian Period: Overview”, The New Georgia Encyclopedia, October 3, 2002, retrieved October 7, 2010.

[Kinkade 1995] Randal Kinkade. “The Chippewa Courting Flute”, Bulletin of Primitive Technology, Volume 9, published by the Society of Primitive Technology, Utah, Spring 1995.

[Kinner 1970] Kenneth H. Kinner. “Lucius Pond Ordway — Devil's Den Preserve Archaeological Investigations 1967–8”, produced by the Nature Conservancy, Arlington, Virginia, 1970.

[Kinscella 1923] Hazel Gertrude Kinscella (1893–1960). “Lieurance Traces American Indian Music to Oriental Origins”, Musical America, Volume 37, Number 24, 1923, pages 3–4.

[Kinscella 1948] Hazel Gertrude Kinscella. History Sings, published by the University Publishing Company, Lincoln, Nebraska, 1948, 584 pages. Publication historysings002672mbp on Archive.org (open access).

[Kipiani 2006] David Kipiani. ქართული საციონალური ინსტრუმენტული მუსიკა «Georgian National Instrumental Music», Sano Studio / Art Land, 15 tracks, September 22, 2006, ASIN B004PGNKLQ.

[Kirby 1932] Percival R. Kirby (1877–1970). “The Recognition and Practical Use of the Harmonics of Stretched Strings by the Bantu of South Africa”, Bantu Studies, Volume 6, Issue 1, published by the University of the Witwatersrand Press, Johannesburg, South Africa, 1932, pages 31–46, doi:10.1080/02561751.1932.9676271.

[Kirby 1933] Percival R. Kirby. “The Reed-Flute Ensembles of South Africa: A Study in South African Native Music”, The Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland, Volume 63, published by the Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland, July–December 1933, pages 313–388. Publication 2843797 on JSTOR (subscription access).

[Kirby 1933a] Percival R. Kirby. “Musical Origins in the Light of the Musical Practices of Bushman, Hottentot and Bantu”, Proceedings of the Musical Association, Session 59, 1933, pages 23–33. Publication 765710 on JSTOR (subscription access).

[Kirby 1961] Percival R. Kirby. “Physical Phenomena which Appear to Have Determined the Bases and Development of an Harmonic Sense among Bushmen, Hottentot and Bantu”, African Music, Volume 2, Number 4, 1961, pages 6–9. Publication 30249525 on JSTOR (subscription access).

[Kirby 1966] Percival R. Kirby. The Indonesian Origin of Certain African Musical Instruments, published by Witwatersrand University Press, Johannesburg, South Africa, 1966, 19 pages.

[Kirkham 1975] E. Bruce Kirkham and John W. Fink. Indices to American Literary Annuals and Gift Books 1825–1865, published by Research Publications, New Haven, Connecticut, 1975, 338 pages.

[Kirlew 1997] Jan Kirlew. “Doc Tate: Flute Legend”, Voice of the Wind, Year 1997, Volume 4, published by the International Native American Flute Association, Suffolk, Virginia, 1997, pages 5–6.

[Kirsch 1999] C. M. Kirsch, J. Shinn, R. Porzio, E. Trefelner, F. T. Kagawa, J. H. Wehner, W. A. Jensen. “Pneumoparotid Due to Spirometry”, Chest, Volume 116, Number 5, November 1999, pages 1475–1478, doi:10.1378/chest.116.5.1475. Publication 10559118 on PubMed/NCBI (subscription access).

[Kirschner 2006] Paul A. Kirschner, John Sweller, and Richard E. Clark. “Why Minimal Guidance During Instruction Does Not Work: An Analysis of the Failure of Constructivist, Discovery, Problem-Based, Experimental, and Inquiry-Based Teaching”, Educational Psychologist, Volume 41, Number 2, published by Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 2006, pages 75–86.

[Kissam 2003] Carol Kissam. “The Launch: The NAF in Space”, Voice of the Wind, Year 2003, Volume 1, published by the International Native American Flute Association, Suffolk, Virginia, 2003, pages 11–12.

[Kitchell 2010] Jennifer A. Kitchell. “Basketmaker and Archaic Rock Art of the Colorado Plateau: A Reinterpretation of Paleoimagery”, American Antiquity, Volume 75, Number 4, October 2010, pages 819–840. Publication 25766233 on JSTOR (subscription access).

[Kitts-Turner 1996] John S. Kitts-Turner. Eight Animal Dance Songs — Based on Music of the Alabama Tribe, Arranged for Three Native American Flutes, SAT Recorders, or in Some Cases, Gemshorns (song book), Susato Press Native American Music Series, published by Susato Press, Brasstown, North Carolina, 1996, 12 pages, comb binding. Catalog number FOS25.

[Kitts-Turner 1997] John S. Kitts-Turner. Eight Ceremonial Songs — Based on Music of the Omaha Indians, in Three-Part Settings for Native American Flutes or Soprano, Alto and Tenor Recorders (song book), Susato Press Native American Music Series, published by Susato Press, Brasstown, North Carolina, 1997. Catalog number FOS28.

[Klah 1942] Hasteen Klah. Navajo Creation Myth: The Story of the Emergence, published by Forgotten Books, ISBN 1-60506-902-7 (978-1-60506-902-9).

[Kleiger 1987] R. E. Kleiger, J. P. Miller, J. T. Bigger, Jr., A. J. Moss. “Decreased Heart Rate Variability and its Association with Increased Mortality After Acute Myocardial Infarction”, American Journal of Cardiology, Volume 59, Number 4, February 1, 1987, pages 256–262. Publication 3812275 on PubMed/NCBI (subscription access).

[Klein 1995] Barry T. Klein. Reference Encyclopedia of the American Indian, Seventh Edition, 1995.

[Klein 2005] Barry T. Klein. Reference Encyclopedia of the American Indian, Eleventh edition, published by Todd Publishers, 2005, 777 pages, ISBN 0-915344-77-7 (978-0-915344-77-2).

[Klimek 1935] S. Klimek. Culture Element Distributions: I - The Structure of California Indian Culture, University of California Publications in American Archaeology and Ethnology, Volume 37, Number 1, published by the University of California Press, Berkeley and Los Angeles, California, 1935, pages 1–70.

[Klotsche 2012] Charles Klotsche. Color Medicine, published by Light Technology Publishing, May 21, 2012.

[Klusek 2006] Jessica Klusek. Comparison of Speech and Practiced Nonspeech Intraoral Pressure Waveform Characteristics, Masters dissertation – University of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, 2006, 86 pages.

[Knight 1979] Roderic Knight. Review of African Flutes, Ethnomusicology, Volume 23, Number 1, January 1979, pages 161–162.

[Knighton 1992] Tess Knighton and David Fallows (editors). Companion to Medieval and Renaissance Music, published by Macmillan Publishing, 1992.

[Knysh 2013] Mary Knysh. Innovative Drum Circles: Beyond Beat into Harmony, published by Rhythmic Connections Publications, Millville, Pennsylvania, 2013, 132 pages.

[Koch 2004] Lars-Christian Koch, Albrecht Wiedmann and Susanne Ziegler. “The Berlin Phonogramm-Archiv: A Treasury of Sound Recordings”, Acoustical Science and Technology, Volume 25, Number 4, published by the Acoustical Society of Japan, 2004, pages 227–231, doi:10.1250/ast.25.227. ISSN online: 1347-5177, print: 1346-3969.

[Koch-Grunberg 1910] Theodor Koch-Grünberg. Zwei Jahre unter den Indianern — Reisxen in Nordwest Brasilien, 1903-1905 «Two Years Among the Indians - Reisxen in Northwestern Brasil, 1903-1905», Two Volumes, Berlin, in German, 1910.

[Koenig 2014] Julian Koenig, M. N. Jarczok, Robert J. Ellis, T. K. Hillecke, and Julian F. Thayer. “Heart Rate Variability and Experimentally Induced Pain in Healthy Adults: A Systematic Review”, European Journal of Pain, Volume 18, Issue 3, March 2014, pages 301–314, doi:10.1002/j.1532-2149.2013.00379.x. Publication 23922336 on PubMed/NCBI (subscription access).

[Koivunen 2003] Niina Koivunen. Leadership in Symphony Orchestras — Discursive and Aesthetic Practices, Ph.D. dissertation – University of Tampere, Finland, in English and Finnish, 2003, 238 pages, ISBN 951-44-5448-0.

[Kojs 2006] Juraj Kojs and Stefania Serafin. “The Fujara: A Physical Model of the Bass Pipe Instrument in an Interactive Composition”, International Computer Music Conference Proceedings, Volume 2006, 2006, pages 540–543.

[Kojs 2007] Juraj Kojs, Stefania Serafin, and Chris Chafe. “Cyberinstruments via Physical Modeling Synthesis: Compositional Applications”, Leonardo Music Journal, Volume 17, 2007, pages 61–66.

[Kolinski 1957] Mieczyslaw Kolinski. “The Determinants of Tonal Construction in Tribal Music”, The Musical Quarterly, Volume 43, Number 1, January 1957, pages 50–56. Publication 740382 on JSTOR (subscription access).

[Kolinski 1959] Mieczyslaw Kolinski. “The Evaluation of Tempo”, Ethnomusicology, Volume 3, Number 2, May 1959, pages 45–57. Publication 924285 on JSTOR (subscription access).

[Kolinski 1960] Mieczyslaw Kolinski. “Notes on Inner Tempo and Melodic Tempo”, Ethnomusicology, Volume 4, 1960, pages 14–15. Publication 924230 on JSTOR (subscription access).

[Kolinski 1972] Mieczyslaw Kolinski. “An Apache Rabbit Song Dance Cycle as Sung by the Iroquois”, Ethnomusicology, Volume 16, Number 3, 1972, pages 416–454.

[Kolinski 1972a] Mieczyslaw Kolinski. “An Iroquois Ward Dance Song Cycle”, Canadian Association of University Schools of Music Journal, Volume 2, Number 2, Fall 1972, pages 51–64.

[Kolstee 1982] Anton Frederick Kolstee. Bella Coola Indian Music: A Study of the Interaction between Northwest Coast Indian Musical Structures and their Functional Context, National Museum of Man Mercury Series, published by the National Museums of Canada, Ottawa, 1982, x + 274 pages. ISSN 0316-1854, Canadian Ethnology Service, Paper number 83.

[Kolstee 1988] Anton Frederick Kolstee. “The Historical and Musical Significance of Northwest Coast Indian Hámáca Songs”, The Canadian Journal of Native Studies, Volume 8, Number 2, 1988, pages 173–182.

[Koltko-Rivera 2006] Mark E. Koltko-Rivera. “Rediscovering the Later Version of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs: Self-Transcendence and Opportunities for Theory, Research, and Unification”, Review of General Psychology, Volume 10, Number 4, 2006, pages 302–317, doi:10.1037/1089-2680.10.4.302.

[Komarkova 2012] Zdislava Komárková. Rehabilitace chronických respiračních poruch formou hry na dechové nástroje «Rehabilitation of chronic respiratory problems by playing a wind instruments», Bachelor's dissertation – Univerzita Palackého in Olomouci, Czech Republic, 2012, retrieved July 27, 2012.

[Koon 1920] John Koon (Red Cloud). “Indian Musicians in the Modern World”, The Etude, Volume 38, Number 10, October 1920, pages 665–666.

[Kopiez 2003] Reinhard Kopiez. “Intonation of Harmonic Intervals: Adaptability of Expert Musicians to Equal Temperament and Just Intonation”, Music Perception: An Interdisciplinary Journal, Volume 20, Number 4, Summer 2003, pages 383–410, doi:10.1525/mp.2003.20.4.383. Publication 10.1525/mp.2003.20.4.383 on JSTOR (subscription access).

[Korson 1969] Rae Korson and Joseph C. Hickerson. “The Willard Rhodes Collection of American Indian Music in the Archive of Folk Song”, Ethnomusicology, Volume 13, Number 2, published by the University of Illinois Press, May 1969, pages 296–304. Publication 850151 on JSTOR (subscription access).

[Kotay 2005] Ralph Kotay; Luke Eric Lassiter and Chris Wendt (producers). Kiowa Hymns, 2005, 44 pages, ISBN-13 978-0-8032-2766-8, set of audio CDs (two) and booklet.

[Kracht 1992] Benjamin R. Kracht. “The Kiowa Ghost Dance, 1894–1916: An Unheralded Revitalization Movement”, Ethnohistory, Volume 39, Number 4, published by the Duke University Press, Autumn 1992, pages 452–477. Publication 481963 on JSTOR (subscription access).

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[Kreutz 2004] Gunter Kreutz, Stephan Bongard, Sonja Rohrmann, Volker Hodapp, and Dorothee Grebe. “Effects of Choir Singing or Listening on Secretory Immunoglobulin A, Cortisol, and Emotional State”, Journal of Behavioral Medicine, Volume 27, Number 6, December 2004, pages 623–635, doi:10.1007/s10865-004-0006-9. Publication 15669447 on PubMed/NCBI (subscription access).

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[Krispijn 1990] T{heo} J. H. Krispijn. “Beitrage zur altorientalischen Musikforschung. 1. Sulgi und die Musik «Contributions to Ancient Oriental Music Research. 1. Shulgi and the Music»”, Akkadica, Volume 70, in German, November–December 1990, pages 1–27.

[Krispijn 2003] Theo J. H. Krispijn. “Musik in Keilschrift «Music in Cuneiform»”, contained in [Hickmann-E 2002], Volume 2, in German, 2003, pages 465–479.

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[Kroeber 1900] A. L. Kroeber (1876–1960), Franz Boas, and Robert E. Peary. “The Eskimo of Smith Sound”, Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History, Volume 12, Article 21, published by the American Museum of Natural History, New York, 1900, pages 265–327.

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[Kroeber 1904] A. L. Kroeber. “The Arapaho — 3: Ceremonial Organization”, The Mrs. Morris K. Jesup Expedition, Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History, Volume 18, Article 2, published by the American Museum of Natural History, New York, May 7, 1904, pages 151–230.

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[Kroeber 1911] Alfred L. Kroeber. “The Languages of the Coast of California North of San Francisco”, University of California Publications in American Archaeology and Ethnology, Volume 9, Number 3, published by the University of California, Berkeley, California, 1911, pages 273–435. Publication languagesofcoast00kroerich on Archive.org (open access).

[Kroeber 1922] Alfred L. Kroeber. “Elements of Culture in Native California”, University of California Publications in American Archaeology and Ethnology, Volume 13, Number 8, November 21, 1922, pages 259–328. Publication elementsculture00kroerich on Archive.org (open access).

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[Kroeber 1936] Alfred L. Kroeber. Culture Element Distributions: III - Area and Climax, University of California Publications in American Archaeology and Ethnology, Volume 37, Number 3, published by the University of California Press, Berkeley and Los Angeles, California, 1936, pages 101–115.

[Kroeber 1939] Alfred L. Kroeber. Culture Element Distributions: XI - Tribes Surveyed, Anthropological Records, Volume 1, Number 7, published by the University of California Press, Berkeley and Los Angeles, California, 1939, pages 435–440.

[Kroeber 1941] Alfred L. Kroeber. Culture Element Distributions: XV - Salt, Dogs, Tobacco, Anthropological Records, Volume 6, Number 1, published by the University of California Press, Berkeley and Los Angeles, California, 1941, pages 1–40.

[Kroeber 1965] Alfred L. Kroeber. “Elements of Culture in Native California”, contained in [Heizer 1965], 1965, pages 3–67.

[Kroeber 1976] A. L. Kroeber. Handbook of the Indians of California — With 419 Illustrations and 20 Maps, Dover Edition, published by Dover Publications, New York, 1976, 938 pages, ISBN 0-486-23368-5. Reissue of [Kroeber 1925]. Library of Congress call number 76-19514.

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[Kroeger 1902] Ernest Richard Kroeger (1862–1934). An Indian Lament, American Character Sketches, published by the Thiebes-Stierlin Music Company, St. Louis, Missouri, 1902, 6 pages. Opus 53, Number 7. Publication b1000046x on Archive.org (open access).

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[Krstic 2008] Sonja V. Krstić, Dragan Drinčić, and Mirko Milošević. “Uporedna analiza frekvencijskog spektra jednodelne C frule «Comparative Frequency Spectrum Analysis of One-Piece Serbian C-Flute»”, Telekomunikacioni forum TELFOR 2008, in Serbian, November 25–27, 2008, pages 669–672.

[Kubik 2010a] Gerhard Kubik (born 1934). Theory of African Music, Volume 1, published by the University of Chicago Press, 2010, 464 pages, ISBN 0-226-45691-9 (978-0-226-45691-1), softcover with audio CD.

[Kubik 2010b] Gerhard Kubik. Theory of African Music, Volume 2, published by the University of Chicago Press, 2010, vii + 359 pages, ISBN 0-226-45694-3 (978-0-226-45694-2), softcover with audio CD.

[Kuhl 1998] Sherrie Kuhl. “Bridging the Gap Between Two Cultures: Samuel C. Kurz — "Tayazo"”, Voice of the Wind, Year 1998, Volume 1, published by the International Native American Flute Association, Suffolk, Virginia, 1998, pages 8–10.

[Kuhn 2010] Magdalena Kuhn. “Hand Positions of Musicians Before and After the Hyksos Kings”, Proceedings of the International Conference of Near Eastern Archaeomusicology (ICONEA 2009-2010), Université de la Sorbonne, Paris, and Senate House, School of Musical Research, University of London, November 2009 and December 2010, editors: Richard Dumbrill and Irving Finkel, published by Iconea Publications, London, 2010, pages 11–19, ISBN-13 978-1-4632-0182-1.

[Kuhn-TS 1979] Terry Lee Kuhn, Gustav Wachhaus, Randall S. Moore, and James E. Pantle. “Undergraduate Nonmusic Major Vocal Ranges”, Journal of Research in Music Education, Volume 27, Number 2, Summer 1979, pages 68–75. Publication 3344893 on JSTOR (subscription access).

[Kummel 1970] Hans Martin Kümmel. “Zur Stimmung der babylonischen Harfe «The Mood of the Babylonian Harp»”, Orientalia, Volume 39, published by Biblical Institute Press, in German, 1970, pages 252–263.

[Kunst 1936] Jaap Kunst (1891–1960). “A Musicological Argument for Cultural Relationship between Indonesia: Probably the Isle of Java, and Central Africa”, Proceedings of the Musical Association, 62nd Session, published by Taylor & Francis, Ltd., 1936, pages 57–76. Publication 765551 on JSTOR (subscription access).

[Kunst 1942] Jaap Kunst; Émile Van Loo (translation). Music in Flores: A Study of the Vocal and Instrumental Music among the Tribes Living in Flores, Volume 42 of Internationales Archiv für Ethnographie, published by E. J. Brill, Leiden, The Netherlands, 1942, 164 pages.

[Kunst 1948] Jaap Kunst. Around von Hornbostel's Theory of the Cycle of Blown Fifths, Mededeling - Koninklijke Vereeniging Indisch Instituut, Afd. Volkenkunde, published by the Koninklijke Vereeniging Indisch Instituut, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 1948, 35 pages, ASIN B0007J3KH4.

[Kunst 1955] Jaap Kunst. Ethno-Musicology — A Study of its Nature, its Problems, Methods and Representative Personalities to which is added a bibliography, published by Martinus Nijhoff, The Hague, Netherlands, 1955, 158 pages. Publication ethnomusicology002670mbp on Archive.org (open access).

[Kunst 1959] Jaap Kunst. “Fragment of an Essay on 'Music and Sociology'”, contained in [Rajeczky 1959], 1959, pages 141–143, retrieved April 11, 2011. Publication stdiamemoriaebel000107mbp on Archive.org (open access).

[Kunst 1969] Jaap Kunst. Ethnomusicology — A Study of its Nature, its Problems, Methods and Representative Personalities to which is added a Bibliography, published by Springer Netherlands, 1969, ISBN-13 978-94-011-8379-6, doi:10.1007/978-94-011-9068-8.

[Kunst 1973] Jaap Kunst; Ernst Heins (editor). Music in Java — Its History, Its Theory and its Technique, In Two Volumes, Third, Enlarged Edition, 1973.

[Kurath 1951] Gertrude P. Kurath (1903–1992). “Local Diversity in Iroquois Music and Dance”, Symposium on Local Diversity in Iroquois Culture, Smithsonian Institution, Bureau of American Ethnology, Bulletin 149, published by the United States Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C., 1951, pages 109–137. Paper Number 6. Publication bulletin1491951smit on Archive.org (open access). Contains 26 songs.

[Kurath 1951a] Gertrude Prokosch Kurath. “Iroquois Midwinter Medicine Rites — with costumed illustrations of dance and song”, Journal of the International Folk Music Council, Volume 3, published by the International Council for Traditional Music, 1951, pages 96–100. Publication 835788 on JSTOR (subscription access).

[Kurath 1953] Gertrude Prokosch Kurath. “An Analysis of the Iroquois Eagle Dance and Songs”, Smithsonian Institution, Bureau of American Ethnology, Bulletin 156, published by the United States Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C., 1953, pages 223–324. Publication bulletin1561953smit on Archive.org (open access). Contains 70 songs.

[Kurath 1954] Gertrude P. Kurath. “The Tutelo Fourth Night Spirit Release Singing”, Midwest Folklore, Volume 4, Number 2, published by the Indiana University Press, Summer 1954, pages 87–105. Publication 4317450 on JSTOR (subscription access).

[Kurath 1955] Gertrude Prokosch Kurath. Religious Customs of Modern Michigan Algonquians, Part 1, 1955, 209 pages. call number Mss.497.3.K965a.

[Kurath 1956] Gertrude Prokosch Kurath (recording); Wilson Roberts (Meskwaki, performance) (died 1952). Songs and Dances of the Great Lakes Indians, Smithsonian / Folkways, FW04003, 15 tracks, 1956, audio CD. Originally issued as Folkways Ethnic FE-4003. Contains 1 song.

[Kurath 1964] Gertrude P. Kurath. Iroquois Music and Dance: Ceremonial Arts of Two Seneca Longhouses, Smithsonian Institution, Bureau of American Ethnology, Bulletin 187, published by the United States Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C., 1964, xvi + 268 pages. Reissued in [Kurath 2000]. Publication bulletin1871964smit on Archive.org (open access). Contains 86 songs.

[Kurath 1968] Gertrude Prokosch Kurath. Dance and Song Rituals of Six Nations Reserve, Ontario, Folklore Series number 4, National Museum of Canada, Bulletin 220, published by Department of the Secretary of State, Ottawa, 1968, xiv + 205 pages, softcover.

[Kurath 1969] Gertrude P. Kurath. “A Comparison of Plains and Pueblo Songs”, Ethnomusicology, Volume 13, Number 3, published by the University of Illinois Press on behalf of Society for Ethnomusicology, September 1969, pages 512–517. Publication 850004 on JSTOR (subscription access).

[Kurath 1981] Gertrude P. Kurath. “Tutelo Rituals on Six Nations Reserve, Ontario”, Society for Ethnomusicology, Special Series Number 5, Ann Arbor, Michigan, 1981, ix + 119 pages. ISSN 0270-1766.

[Kurath 2000] Gertrude P. Kurath. Iroquois Music and Dance, published by Dover Publications, Inc., Mineola, New York, 2000, 268 pages, softcover. Reissue of [Kurath 1964].

[Kurosawa 1952] Takatomo Kurosawa (born 1895). “The Musical Bow of the Bununs Tribe in Formosa and Suggestions as to the Origin of the Pentatonic Scale”, Toyo Ongaku Kenkyu (Journal of the Society for Research in Asiatic Music), Volume 10–11, Tokyo, 1952, pages 18–32. title sometimes shown as '__EM__The musical bow of the Vunun tribe in Formosa and suggestion as to the origin of the pentatonic scale__END_EM__'.

[Kuss 2004] M. Kuss (editor). Music in Latin America and the Caribbean: An Encyclopedic History, Volume 1, published by the University of Texas Press, Austin, Texas, 2004.

[Kuttner 1965] Fritz A. Kuttner. “A Musicological Interpretation of the Twelve Lüs in China's Traditional Tone System”, Ethnomusicology, Volume 9, Number 1, published by the University of Illinois Press, January 1965, pages 22–38. Publication 850415 on JSTOR (subscription access).

[Kwiatkowska 1981] Barbara Jolanta Kwiatkowska. The Present State of Musical Culture Among the Diegueño Indians from San Diego County Reservations, Ph.D. dissertation – University of California, Los Angeles, 1981, 666 pages.

[Kwiatkowska 1990] Barbara Jolanta Kwiatkowska. “Introduction to the Musical Culture of the Diegueño Indians from San Diego County Reservations in California”, Canadian Folk Music Bulletin, Volume 24, Number 3, September 1990, pages 14–21.

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