[MLA format] Ethnomusicology References
This is a list of references related to Ethnomusicology cited throughout Flutopedia.
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For information on the format and other details of these citations, see the main references page.
[MLA format] Ethnomusicology References
[Archabal 1977]
Archabal, Nina Marchetti.
“Frances Densmore — Pioneer in the Study of American Indian Music”,
contained in [Stuhler 1977] (1977), retrieved October 30, 2011.
[Baker 1882]
Baker, Theodore.
Über die Musik der Nordamerikanischen Wilden «About the Music of the North American Wild»,
Doctoral dissertation – Universitat Leipzig, Germany. Leipzig: Druck vol Breitkopf & Härtel, in German (1882): iv + 82 pages + plates.
Translated and reissued in [Baker 1976] . Reissued in [Baker 1978] .
[Baker 1976]
Baker, Theodore; Buckley, Ann (translation).
On the Music of the North American Indians. Buren, the Netherlands and New York: Frits Knuf and W. S. Heinman, in English and German (1976): vii + 151 pages.
[obtainable from] W. S. Heinman.
Translation and reissue of [Baker 1882] .
[Baker 1977]
Baker, Theodore; Buckley, Ann (translation).
On the Music of the North American Indians,
Source Materials and Studies in Ethnomusicology, Volume 9. New York, New York: Da Capo Press, in English (1977), ISBN 0-306-70888-4 (978-0-306-70888-6).
Translation and reissue of [Baker 1882] .
[Baker 1978]
Baker, Theodore; Buckley, Ann (translation).
On the Music of the North American Indians. University of Maryland Sea Grant Publications (June 1978).
Reissue of [Baker 1882] .
[Bakkegard 1960]
Bakkegard, B. M.
“Music in Arizona before 1912”,
Journal of Research in Music Education, 8.2 (Autumn 1960): 67–74.
Publication 3344027 on JSTOR (subscription access).
[Bancroft 1875a]
Bancroft, Hubert Howe.
The Native Races of the Pacific States of North America, Volume 1 - Wild Tribes. New York: D. Appleton and Company (1875): 797 pages.
Publication cihm_14100 on Archive.org (open access).
[Bancroft 1875b]
Bancroft, Hubert Howe.
The Native Races of the Pacific States of North America, Volume 2 - Civilized Nations. New York: D. Appleton and Company (1875): 805 pages.
Publication cihm_14101 on Archive.org (open access).
[Bancroft 1875c]
Bancroft, Hubert Howe.
The Native Races of the Pacific States of North America, Volume 3 - Myths and Languages. New York: D. Appleton and Company (1875): 796 pages.
Publication cihm_14102 on Archive.org (open access).
[Bancroft 1875d]
Bancroft, Hubert Howe.
The Native Races of the Pacific States of North America, Volume 4 - Antiquities. New York: D. Appleton and Company (1875): 807 pages.
Publication nativeraces04bancrich on Archive.org (open access).
[Bancroft 1875e]
Bancroft, Hubert Howe.
The Native Races of the Pacific States of North America, Volume 5 - Primitive History. New York: D. Appleton and Company (1876): 796 pages.
Publication cihm_14104 on Archive.org (open access).
[Bloechl 2008]
Bloechl, Olivia Ashley.
Native American Song at the Frontiers of Early Modern Music,
New Perspectives in Music History and Criticism, Volume 17. Cambridge University Press (2008): 279 pages, ISBN 0-521-86605-7 (978-0-521-86605-7).
[Boas 1897]
Boas, Franz.
“The Social Organization and the Secret Societies of the Kwakiutl Indians — Based on Personal Observations and on Notes Made by Mr. George Hunt”,
Annual Report of the Board of Regents of the Smithsonian Institution and Report of the U. S. National Museum, Year Ending June 30, 1895 (1897): 311–738.
Publication annualreportofbo1895smit on Archive.org (open access).
[Cringan 1898]
Cringan, Alexander T.
“Pagan Dance Songs of the Iroquois”,
Annual Archaeological Report 1897-98, being part of Appendix to the Report of the Minister of Education, Ontario, 12 (1898): 168–198.
[Cringan 1903]
Cringan, Alexander T.
“Iroquois Folk Songs”,
Annual Archaeological Report 1902, being part of Appendix to the Report of the Minister of Education, Ontario, 17 (1903): 137–152.
[Densmore 1907a]
Densmore, Frances.
“An Onondaga Thanksgiving Song”,
The Indian School Journal, 7.8 (June 1907): 23–24.
[Densmore 1907c]
Densmore, Frances.
“Songs of the Brown Children”,
The Indian School Journal, 8.1 (November 1907): 17–19.
alternate title shown on back cover: Songs of the Red Children.
[Densmore 1909]
Densmore, Frances.
“Scale Formation in Primitive Music”,
American Anthropologist, 11.1 (January–March 1909): 1–12.
[Densmore 1910]
Densmore, Frances.
Chippewa Music,
Smithsonian Institution, Bureau of American Ethnology, 45 (1910): 216 pages.
Reissued in [Densmore 1995].
Publication chippewamusic01dens on Archive.org (open access).
[Densmore 1913]
Densmore, Frances.
Chippewa Music II,
Smithsonian Institution, Bureau of American Ethnology, 53 (1913): 341 pages.
Publication chippewamusic02dens on Archive.org (open access).
[Densmore 1916]
Densmore, Frances.
“Music in its Relation to the Religious Thought of the Teton Sioux, Holmes Anniversary Volume”,
contained in [Hodge 1916] (1916): 67–79.
[Densmore 1918]
Densmore, Frances.
Teton Sioux Music and Culture,
Smithsonian Institution, Bureau of American Ethnology, 61 (1918): 561 pages.
Reissued in [Densmore 2001] and [Densmore 2006].
Publication tetonsioux00densmore on Archive.org (open access).
[Densmore 1920]
Densmore, Frances.
“Recent Developments in the Study of Indian Music”,
The Etude, 38.10 (October 1920): 670.
[Densmore 1922]
Densmore, Frances.
Northern Ute Music,
Smithsonian Institution, Bureau of American Ethnology, 75 (1922): 213 pages.
Reissued in [Densmore 2006a], [Densmore 2007], and [Densmore 2009].
Publication northernutemusic00dens on Archive.org (open access).
[Densmore 1923]
Densmore, Frances.
Mandan and Hidatsa Music,
Smithsonian Institution, Bureau of American Ethnology, 80 (1923): 232 pages.
Reissued in [Densmore 2006b].
Publication bulletin801923smit on Archive.org (open access).
[Densmore 1926]
Densmore, Frances.
The American Indians and Their Music, First Edition. New York: The Woman's Press (1926): 152 pages.
Reissued in [Densmore 2003].
[Densmore 1926a]
Densmore, Frances.
“Music of the Tule Indians of Panama”,
Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections, 77.11 (April 16, 1926): 39 pages, retrieved March 24, 2011.
Publication 2864.
Publication smithsonianmisce771926smit on Archive.org (open access).
[Densmore 1931a]
Densmore, Frances.
“Music of the Winnebago, Chippewa, and Pueblo Indians”,
contained in [Smithsonian 1931] (1931): 217–224.
Publication explorationsfiel193032smit on Archive.org (open access).
[Densmore 1932c]
Densmore, Frances.
“Recording Indian Music”,
contained in [Smithsonian 1932] (1932): 183–190.
Publication explorationsfiel193032smit on Archive.org (open access).
[Densmore 1933b]
Densmore, Frances.
“Recording Seminole Songs in Florida”,
contained in [Smithsonian 1933] (1933): 93–96.
Publication explorationsfiel193032smit on Archive.org (open access).
[Faulkner-M 1984]
Faulkner, Maurice, and Faulkner, Suzanne.
“The Drone Sound — A Basis for Cult and Emotional Activities in Primitive Societies: A Possibility for the Use of the Bronze Lur”,
Issue 53, Volume 2, of Kungl. Musikaliska akademiens skriftserie, Cajsa S. Lund (editor), Second Conference of the International Council for Tradition Music (ICTM) Study Group on Music Archaeology, Stockholm, Sweden, November 19–23, 1984. Kungl. Musikaliska akademien (1984): 217–223.
[Fletcher 1916]
Fletcher, Alice C.
“A Birthday Wish from Native America”,
Extract from the Holmes Anniversary Volume (1916): pags 118–122.
Publication birthdaywishfrom00flet on Archive.org (open access).
[Gibbs-G 1856]
Gibbs, George; Milhau, John J., Mowry, Silvester, and Oatman, Olive (contributors).
Observations on the Indians of the Colorado River, California; Accompanying Vocabularies of the Yuma and Mohave tribes,
1043. National Anthropological Archives, Smithsonian Institution (1856): 22 pages.
Gibbs states that his paper is based on data received from Milhau and Mowry; the latter in turn obtained data from Olive Oatman, Apache captive, 1851-55.
[Giglio 1994]
Giglio, Virginia.
Southern Cheyenne Women's Songs. Norman, Oklahoma: University of Oklahoma Press (1994): 272 pages, ISBN 0-8061-2605-1 (978-0-8061-2605-0).
[Gray 1996]
Gray, Judith A.
“Returning Music to the Makers: The Library of Congress, American Indians, and the Federal Cylinder Project”,
Cultural Survival Quarterly, 20.4 (Winter 1996).
[Greene-PD 2003]
Greene, Paul D.
“Ordering a Sacred Terrain: Melodic Pathways of Himalayan Flute Pilgrimage”,
Ethnomusicology, 47.2 (Spring–Summer 2003): 205–227.
Publication 3113918 on JSTOR (subscription access).
[Hall-JC 1955]
Hall, Jody C., and Nettl, Bruno.
“Musical Style of the Modoc”,
Southwestern Journal of Anthropology, 11.1 (Spring 1955): 58–66.
Publication 3628997 on JSTOR (subscription access).
[Heth 1979a]
Heth, Charlotte.
“Stylistic Similarities in Cherokee and Iroquois Music”,
Journal of Cherokee Studies, 4 (1979): 128–162.
[Hodge 1916]
Hodge, F. W. {Frederick Webb} (editor).
Anthropological Essays Presented to William Henry Holmes. Washington, D.C.: J. W. Bryan Press (1916): 499 pages.
[Keeling 1989]
Keeling, Richard (editor).
Women in North American Indian Music: Six Essays,
Special Monograph 6. Bloomington, Indiana: Society for Ethnomusicology (1989).
[Keeling 1989a]
Keeling, Richard.
“Musical Evidence of Female Spiritual Life Among the Yurok”,
contained in [Keeling 1989] (1989): 67–78.
[Keeling 1992a]
Keeling, Richard.
“Music and Culture History among the Yurok and Neighboring Tribes of Northwestern California”,
Journal of Anthropological Research, 48.1 (Spring 1992): 25–48.
Publication 3630607 on JSTOR (subscription access).
[Kurosawa 1952]
Kurosawa, Takatomo.
“The Musical Bow of the Bununs Tribe in Formosa and Suggestions as to the Origin of the Pentatonic Scale”,
Toyo Ongaku Kenkyu (Journal of the Society for Research in Asiatic Music), 10-11 (1952): 18–32.
title sometimes shown as '__EM__The musical bow of the Vunun tribe in Formosa and suggestion as to the origin of the pentatonic scale__END_EM__'.
[Manuel 1995]
Manuel, Peter.
“New Perspectives in American Ethnomusicology”,
Revista Transcultural de Música / Transcultural Music Review, 1, in Spanish and English (June 1995), retrieved December 19, 2010.
[Montagu 2005]
Montagu, Jeremy.
On the Measurement of the Musical Scales of Various Nations and Introducting the Ellis
(2005): 5 pages.
[Myers 1993]
Myers, Helen.
Ethnomusicology: Historical and Regional Studies, Volume 2 of The Norton/Grove handbooks in music, Volume 2 of Ethnomusicology. W. W. Norton & Company (1993): 541 pages, ISBN 0-393-03378-3 (978-0-393-03378-6).
[Nettl 1956]
Nettl, Bruno.
Music in Primitive Culture, Second Edition. Harvard University Press (December 1956): 200 pages, ISBN 0-674-59000-7 (978-0-674-59000-7).
[Nettl 1995]
Nettl, Bruno.
“The Seminal Eighties: A North American Perspective of the Beginnings of Musicology and Ethnomusicology”,
Revista Transcultural de Música / Transcultural Music Review, 1, in Spanish and English (June 1995), retrieved December 19, 2010.
[Paige 1970]
Paige, Harry W.
Songs of the Teton Sioux, First edition. Los Angeles, California: Westernlore Press (1970): 195 pages.
[Picken 1959]
Picken, Laurence.
“Twelve Ritual Melodies of the T'ang Dynasty”,
contained in [Rajeczky 1959] (1959): 145–171, retrieved April 11, 2011.
Publication stdiamemoriaebel000107mbp on Archive.org (open access).
[Porter-J 1995]
Porter, James.
“New Perspectives in Ethnomusicology: A Critical Survey”,
Revista Transcultural de Música / Transcultural Music Review, 1, in Spanish and English (June 1995), retrieved December 19, 2010.
[Provine 1974]
Provine, Robert C., Jr.
“The Treatise on Ceremonial Music (1430) in the Annals of the Korean King Sejong”,
Ethnomusicology, 18.1 (January 1974): 1–29.
Publication 850057 on JSTOR (subscription access).
[Rhodes 1956]
Rhodes, Willard.
“Toward a Definition of Ethnomusicology”,
American Anthropologist, 58.3 (June 1956): 457–463, doi:10.1525/aa.1956.58.3.02a00050.
Publication 665277 on JSTOR (subscription access).
[Roberts-HH 1919]
Roberts, Helen H. {Heffron}.
Primitive Music
[Roberts-HH 1926]
Roberts, Helen H. {Heffron}.
Ancient Hawaiian Music,
Bernice P. Bishop Museum, 29 (1926).
[Roberts-HH 1932]
Roberts, Helen H. {Heffron}.
“Musical Composition and Scale Foundations in Primitive Music”,
American Anthropologist, 34 (1932): 79–107.
[Roberts-HH 1933a]
Roberts, Helen H. {Heffron}.
“The Pattern Phenomenon in Primitive Music”,
Zietschrift für vergleichende Musikwiessenschaft, 1 (1933): 49–52.
[Rust 1996]
Rust, Ezra Gardner.
The Music and Dance of the World's Religions: A Comprehensive, Annotated Bibliography of Materials in the English language. Greenwood Publishing Group (1996): 476 pages, ISBN 0-313-29561-1 (978-0-313-29561-4).
[Sapir A]
Sapir, Edward; Sapir, Jacob D. (transcriptions).
Unpublished Manuscript on Southern Paiute Music with Transcriptions.
[Schrag 2005]
Schrag, Brian Edward.
How Bamiléké Music-Makers Create Culture in Cameroon,
Doctoral dissertation – University of California, Los Angeles (2005): 320 pages.
[Shaw-AM 1926]
Shaw, Anna Moore.
“Songs of the Indians”,
American Mercury, 7 (1926): 65–68.
[ShungYe 2011]
Staff, Shung Ye Museum.
Shung Ye Museum of Formosan Aborigines Guidebook. Taipei, Taiwan: Shung Ye Museum of Formosan Aborigines (2011): 127 pages, ISBN-13 978-986-85378-5-9.
[Stevenson-R 1973]
Stevenson, Robert.
“Written Sources for Indian Music until 1882”,
Ethnomusicology, 17.1 (January 1973): 1–40.
Publication 850094 on JSTOR (subscription access).
[Stuhler 1977]
Stuhler, Barbara, and Kreuter, Gretchen V. (editors).
Women of Minnesota, Selected Biographical Essays, First Edition. Saint Paul, Minnesota: Minnesota Historical Society Press (1977).
Reissue of [Stuhler 1998].
[Stuhler 1998]
Stuhler, Barbara, and Kreuter, Gretchen V.
Women of Minnesota: Selected Biographical Essays, Second edition. Minnesota Historical Society Press (1998): 467 pages, ISBN 0-87351-367-3 (978-0-87351-367-8).
Reissued in [Stuhler 1977].
[Teit 1916]
Teit, James A.
Songs and Notes Recorded in Ottawa by J.A. Teit. Singer, Chief John Tetlenitsa. Canadian Ethnology Service, Canadian Museum of Civilization, Ottawa, Ontario. Canadian Ethnology Service, Canadian Museum of Civilization, Ottawa, Ontario (1921).
[Teit 1921]
Teit, James A.
Unpublished Field Collection: Songs and Notes Recorded in Spence's Bridge, B.C.. Canadian Ethnology Service, Canadian Museum of Civilization, Ottawa, Ontario (1921).
[Tseng 2008]
Tseng, Ju-Ming (曾如敏).
An Ethnographical Result on the Nose Flute Culture of Paiwan — A Case Study of Pinghe Paiwanese «排灣族鼻笛文化之民族誌調查 - 平和排灣的個案研究»,
Master of Arts dissertation – National Chengchi University, Taipei, Taiwan (January 2008): 101 pages.
[Varhalamas 2011]
Varhalamas, Terence A.
Harmonic Spectral Analysis of Indigenous Musical Instruments from Taiwan and New Zealand «諧波頻譜分析台灣和紐西蘭之土著樂器»,
Masters dissertation – Institute of Austronesian Studies, National Taitung University, Taitung City, Taiwan (June 2011): 113 pages.
[Wickwire 1988]
Wickwire, Wendy C.
“James A. Teit: His Contribution to Canadian Ethnomusicology”,
The Canadian Journal of Native Studies, 8.2 (1988): 183–204.
[Will 1999]
Will, Udo.
“La baguette magique d’ethnomusicologie: Re-penser la notation et lanalyse de la musique «The Magic Wand of Ethnomusicology: Re-thinking the Notation and Analysis of Music»”,
Cahiers de Musiques Traditionelles, 12, in French (1999): 9–34.
[Will 1999a]
Will, Udo.
The Magic Wand of Ethnomusicology: Re-thinking Notation and its Application in Music Analyses, English translation of [Will 1999]
[Wilson 1898]
Wilson, Thomas.
“Prehistoric Art;or, the Origin of Art as Manifested in the Works of Prehistoric Man”,
Annual Report of the Board of Regents of the Smithsonian Institution and Report of the U. S. National Museum, Year Ending June 30, 1896 (1898): 325–664.
Publication annualreportofbo1896smit on Archive.org (open access).