[MLA format] Music Education References
This is a list of references related to Music Education cited throughout Flutopedia.
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[MLA format] Music Education References
[Agrell 2008]
Agrell, Jeffrey.
Improvisation Games for Classical Musicians. Chicago, Illinois: GIA Publications (2008): 354 pages, ISBN 1-57999-682-5 (978-1-57999-682-6).
[Atkinson-RC 1968]
Atkinson, R. C., and Shiffrin, R. M.
“Human Memory: A Proposed System and its Control Processes”,
contained in [Spence-KW 1968] (1968): 89–195.
[Barrientos 2007]
Barrientos, Alexa.
“Music in Education”,
contained in [French 2007] (Spring 2007): 70–78.
[Barry 2003]
Barry, Nancy H., and Conlon, Paula.
“Powwow in the Classroom”,
Music Educators Journal, 90.2 (November 2003): 21–26.
Publication 3399930 on JSTOR (subscription access).
[Bishko 2012]
Bishko, Andrew Markus; McCune, Tom (illustrations).
First Lessons Native American Flute: How to Sit on a Rock. Mel Bay (2012): 60 pages, ISBN 1-61911-303-1 (978-1-61911-303-9).
[Broderick 2000]
Broderick, Sylvia.
“Kids and Native American Flute Music”,
Voice of the Wind, 2000.1 (2000): 8–9.
[Burns-BD 2004]
Burns, Bruce D.
“The Effects of Speed on Skilled Chess Performance”,
Psychological Science, 15.7 (2004): 442–447.
[Chase-WG 1973]
Chase, William G., and Simon, Herbert A.
“Perception in Chess”,
Cognitive Psychology, 4.1 (1973): 55–81.
[Clark-RE 2012]
Clark, Richard E., Kirschner, Paul A., and Sweller, John.
“Putting Students on the Path to Learning: The Case for Fully Guided Instruction”,
American Educator (Spring 2012): 6–11.
[DAngelo 2009]
D'Angelo, Cynthia, Touchman, Stephanie, Clark, Douglas, O'Donnell, Angela, Mayer, Richard, Dean, David, Jr., and Hmelo-Silver, Cindy.
Constructivism. The Gale Group (2009).
[deGroot 1965]
Groot, Adriaan D. de.
Thought and Choice in Chess. The Hague, Netherlands: Mouton De Gruyter (1965): 479 pages, ISBN 90-279-7914-6 (978-90-279-7914-8).
Originally published in 1946.
[Edwards-KL 1998]
Edwards, Kay L.
“Multicultural Music Instruction in the Elementary School: What Can Be Achieved?”,
Bulletin of the Council for Research in Music Education, 138 (Fall 1998): 62–82.
Publication 40318939 on JSTOR (subscription access).
[FAA 2008]
Administration, Federal Aviation, and Transportation, U. S. Department of.
Aviation Instructor’s Handbook. U. S. Department of Transportation, Federal Aviation Administration, Flight Standards Service (2008): 228 pages.
Publication FAA-H-8083-9A.
[French 2007]
French, Michael P. (editor).
A Collection of Literature Reviews Written by the MED Students from EDU 612,
1. Lourdes College (Spring 2007): 150 pages.
[Huitt 2009]
Huitt, W.
Humanism and Open Education. Educational Psychology Interactive (2009), retrieved August 4, 2013.
[Huitt 2012]
Huitt, W.
A Systems Approach to the Study of Human Behavior. Educational Psychology Interactive (2012), retrieved August 4, 2013.
[Johnson-G 2001]
Johnson, Gordon.
“Spreading the Fun! The Native American Flute in the School System”,
Voice of the Wind, 2001.2 (2001): 5–6.
[Johnson-G 2004]
Johnson, Gordon.
“Spreading the Fun! The Native American Flute in the School System — Part 2”,
Voice of the Wind, 2004.2 (2004): 16–17.
[Joyce-Grendahl 2012]
Joyce-Grendahl, Kathleen.
“Getting the Most Out of a Private Flute Lesson”,
Voice of the Wind, 2012.4 (2012).
[Khatib 2013]
Khatib, Mohammad, Sarem, Saeid Najafi, and Hamidi, Hadi.
“Humanistic Education: Concerns, Implications and Applications”,
Journal of Language Teaching and Research, 4.1 (January 2013): 45–51, doi:10.4304/jltr.4.1.45-51.
[Kirschner 2006]
Kirschner, Paul A., Sweller, John, and Clark, Richard E.
“Why Minimal Guidance During Instruction Does Not Work: An Analysis of the Failure of Constructivist, Discovery, Problem-Based, Experimental, and Inquiry-Based Teaching”,
Educational Psychologist, 41.2 (2006): 75–86.
[Koltko-Rivera 2006]
Koltko-Rivera, Mark E.
“Rediscovering the Later Version of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs: Self-Transcendence and Opportunities for Theory, Research, and Unification”,
Review of General Psychology, 10.4 (2006): 302–317, doi:10.1037/1089-2680.10.4.302.
[Levy 2013]
Levy, James.
Toward a New Model Of Urban Music Education: An Adaptation of el Sistema for a fourth Grade Keyboard Class, With Curricular Perspectives
[Matsunobu 2009]
Matsunobu, Koji.
Artful Encounters with Nature: Ecological and Spiritual Dimensions of Music Learning,
Doctoral dissertation – University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (2009): 359 pages.
[Miksza 2009]
Miksza, Peter.
“An Exploratory Study of a Confluence Model of Preservice Music Teacher Creativity «職前音樂教師創造性匯合模式的探索性研究»”,
Music Education Research International, 3 (2009): 29–43.
[Moore-RS 1976]
Moore, Randall S.
“Effect of Differential Teaching Techniques on Achievement, Attitude, and Teaching Skills”,
Journal of Research in Music Education, 24.3 (Autumn 1976): 129–141.
Publication 3345156 on JSTOR (subscription access).
[Prinzing 2009]
Prinzing, Scott S.
American Indian Music: More than Just Flutes and Drums — A Guide to American Indian Music,
Indian Education for All. Montana Office of Public Instruction (Winter 2009): 23 pages.
[Qin 2007]
Lei, Qin.
“US-China Education Review”,
US-China Education Review, 4.3 (March 2007): 60–67.
[Rowan 2005]
Rowan, John.
A Guide to Humanistic Psychology, Third Edition. UK Association for Humanistic Psychology Practitioners (November 2005).
[Spence-KW 1968]
Spence, K. W., and Spence, J. T. (editors).
The Psychology of Learning and Motivation: Advances in Research and Theory, Volume 2. New York: Academic Press (1968).
[Stream 2011]
Stream, William B.
“Creating Student Engagement? HMM: Teaching and Learning with Humor, Music, and Movement”,
Creative Education, 2.3 (May 17, 2011): 189–192, doi:10.4236/ce.2011.23026.
[Tate 1998]
Tate, Elda.
“Native American Flute in a University Curriculum”,
Voice of the Wind, 1998.4 (1998): 9–10.
[Winslow-M 2006]
Winslow, Michael, and Winslow, Hayley.
“Using the Native American Flute in a Beginning Instrumental Classroom”,
Music Educators Journal, 92.3 (January 2006): 46–49, doi:10.2307/3401140.
ISSN: 0027-4321.
Publication 3401140 on JSTOR (subscription access).
[Woody 1999]
Woody, Linda R. Rowland.
Resources for the Practice of Native American Songs and Dances in the Elemenary Classroom,
Doctoral dissertation – University of Oklahoma, Norman, Oklahoma (1999): 184 pages.