[MLA format] Musical Temperament References
This is a list of references related to Musical Temperaments cited throughout Flutopedia.
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[MLA format] Musical Temperament References
[Asmussen 2001]
Asmussen, Robert.
Periodicity of Sinusoidal Frequencies as a Basis for the Analysis of Baroque and Classical Harmony: A Computer Based Study,
Doctoral dissertation – School of Music, The University of Leeds, England (September 2001).
[Barbour 1951]
Barbour, James Murray.
Tuning and Temperament: A Historical Survey. East Lansing, Michigan: Michigan State College Press (1951).
Publication tuningtemperamen00barb on Archive.org (open access).
[Boswell 1970]
Boswell, George W.
“The Neutral Tone as a Function of Folk-Song Text”,
Yearbook of the International Folk Music Council, 2 (1970): 127–132.
Publication 767430 on JSTOR (subscription access).
[Braun-M 2002]
Braun, Martin.
The Gamelan Pelog Scale of Central Java as an Example of a Non-harmonic Musical Scale
(August 2002), retrieved January 20, 2015.
[Bronk 2010]
Bronk, Beth.
“It’s Just Intonation”,
Bandmasters Review (December 2010): 15–21.
[Bucht 2004]
Bucht, Saku, and Huovinen, Erkki.
“Perceived Consonance of Harmonic Intervals in 19-tone Equal Temperament”,
Proceedings of the Conference on Interdisciplinary Musicology (CIM04), Graz, Austria, April 15–18, 2004 (April 2004): 1–10.
[Carlos 1996]
Carlos, Wendy.
“Three Asymmetric Divisions of the Octave”
[Cazden 1958]
Cazden, Norman.
“Pythagoras and Aristoxenos Reconciled”,
Journal of the American Musicological Society, 11.2/3 (Summer–Autumn 1958): 97–105.
Publication 829897 on JSTOR (subscription access).
[Cox 2013]
Cox, Trevor.
Pitch Shifting to 432 Hz Doesn’t Improve Music
(December 13, 2013), retrieved July 6, 2015.
[Duffin 2008]
Duffin, Ross W.
How Equal Temperament Ruined Harmony (and Why You Should Care). W. W. Norton (2008): 208 pages, ISBN 0-393-33420-1 (978-0-393-33420-3).
[Favaro 2003]
Favaro, John.
Slightly Out of Tune: The Story of Musical Temperament
(April 12, 2003): 10 pages.
[Forinash 2015]
Forinash, K.
An Interactive eBook on the Physics of Sound. Indiana University Southeast (2015), retrieved January 28, 2015.
[Gardner-Z 2013]
Gardner, Zen.
440Hz Music – Conspiracy to Detune Us from Natural 432Hz Harmonics?
(August 6, 2013), retrieved July 6, 2015.
[Geringer 1976]
Geringer, John M.
“Tuning Preferences in Recorded Orchestral Music”,
Journal of Research in Music Education, 24.4 (Winter 1976): 169–176, doi:10.2307/3345127.
Publication 3345127 on JSTOR (subscription access).
[Hagerman 1980]
Hagerman, B., and Sundberg, J.
“Fundamental Frequency Adjustment in Barbershop Singing”,
Journal of Research in Singing, 4.1 (1980): 3–17.
[Hahn-K 2002]
Hahn, Kathrin, and Vitouch, Oliver.
“Preference for Musical Tuning Systems: How Cognitive Anatomy Interacts with Cultural Shaping”,
Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Music Perception and Cognition, Sydney, Australia. Adelaide, Australia: Causal Productions (2002): 757–760, ISBN 1-876346-39-6.
[Hall 1984]
Hall, Donald E., and Hess, Joan Taylor.
“Perception of Musical Interval Tuning”,
Music Perception: An Interdisciplinary Journal, 2.2 (Winter 1984): 166–195, doi:10.2307/40285290.
Publication 40285290 on JSTOR (subscription access).
[Heathwaite 2010]
Heathwaite, Andrew.
Gallery of Just Intervals
(Sepember 14, 2010), retrieved January 28, 2015.
[Heathwaite 2011]
Heathwaite, Andrew.
Overtone Scales
(October 17, 2011), retrieved January 28, 2015.
[Johnson-HB 1963]
Johnson, Hugh Bailey.
An Investigation of the Tuning Preferences of a Selected Group of Singers with Reference to Just Intonation, Pythagorean Tuning, and Equal Temperament,
Mus.Ed.D. dissertation – Indiana University (1963): 116 pages.
[Jorgensen 1991]
Jorgensen, Owen H. {Henry}.
Tuning — Containing The Perfection of Eighteenth-Century Temperament, The Lost Art of Nineteenth-Century Temperament, and The Science of Equal Temperament, Complete With Instructions for Aural and Electronic Tuning. Michigan State University Press: published by, East Lansing, Michigan (June 1991): 798 pages, ISBN 0-87013-290-3 (978-0-87013-290-2).
[Jorgensen 2009]
Jorgensen, Owen H. {Henry}.
About the Temperament Used by J. S. Bach and Others. Frank French on Tuner's Art: published by (2009): 8 pages, retrieved November 24, 2011.
[Jorgensen 2006]
Jorgensen, Owen, and Kanter, Jason.
Temperaments Visualized
(October 2, 2006): 130 pages.
[Kanter 2006]
Kanter, Jason.
Temperaments Visualized
(September 29, 2006), retrieved December 6, 2011.
[Kappraff 2005]
Kappraff, Jay, and McClain, Ernest G.
“The System of Proportions of the Parthenon: A Work of Musically Inspired Architecture”,
Music in Art, 30.1/2 (Spring–Fall 2005): 5–16.
Publication 41818772 on JSTOR (subscription access).
[Keenan 2003]
Keenan, David C.
Harmonic Errors in Equal Tempered Musical Scales
(February 24, 2003).
Originally published February 19, 1998.
[Keislar 1991]
Keislar, Douglas, Blackwood, Easley, Eaton, John, Harrison, Lou, Johnston, Ben, Mandelbaum, Joel, and Schottstaedt, William.
“Six American Composers on Nonstandard Tunings”,
Perspectives of New Music, 29.1 (Winter 1991): 176–211.
Publication 833076 on JSTOR (subscription access).
[Kellner 1979]
Kellner, Herbert Anton.
“A Mathematical Approach Reconstituting J. S. Bach's Keyboard-Temperament”,
Bach, 10.4 (October 1979): 2–8.
Publication 41640089 on JSTOR (subscription access).
[Kellner 1999]
Kellner, Herbert Anton.
“A Mathematical Approach Reconstituting J. S. Bach's Keyboard-Temperament”,
Bach, 30.1 (Spring–Summer 1999): 1–9.
Publication 41640471 on JSTOR (subscription access).
[Kopiez 2003]
Kopiez, Reinhard.
“Intonation of Harmonic Intervals: Adaptability of Expert Musicians to Equal Temperament and Just Intonation”,
Music Perception: An Interdisciplinary Journal, 20.4 (Summer 2003): 383–410, doi:10.1525/mp.2003.20.4.383.
Publication 10.1525/mp.2003.20.4.383 on JSTOR (subscription access).
[Ladd 2008]
Ladd, D. Robert.
Intonational Phonology,
Cambridge Studies in Linguistics. Cambridge University Press (2008): 349 pages, ISBN 0-521-67836-6 (978-0-521-67836-0).
[Lee-KM 2015]
Lee, Kyung Myun, Skoe, Erika, Kraus, Nina, and Ashley, Richard.
“Neural Transformation of Dissonant Intervals in the Auditory Brainstem”,
Music Perception: An Interdisciplinary Journal, 32.5 (June 2015): 445–459, doi:10.1525/mp.2015.32.5.445.
Publication 10.1525/mp.2015.32.5.445 on JSTOR (subscription access).
[Lehman 1967]
Lehman, Paul R.
Review of An Investigation of the Tuning Preferences of a Selected Group of Singers with Reference to Just Intonation, Pythagorean Tuning, and Equal Temperament,
Bulletin of the Council for Research in Music Education, 10 (Summer 1967): 51–53.
Publication 40316936 on JSTOR (subscription access).
[Lewis-P 1998]
Lewis, Pierre.
Understanding Temperaments, Version 1.2
[Long 2008]
Long, Derle Ray.
Coincidence Theory: Seeking a Perceptual Preference for Just Intonation, Equal Temperament, and Pythagorean Intonation in Excerpts for Wind Instruments,
Ph.D. dissertation – The University of Southern Mississippi (2008).
[Loosen 1993]
Loosen, Franz.
“Intonation of Solo Violin Performance with Reference to Equally Tempered, Pythagorean, and Just Intonations”,
Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 93.1 (January 1993): 525–539, doi:10.1121/1.405632.
[Loosen 1995]
Loosen, Franz.
“The Effect of Musical Experience on the Conception of Accurate Tuning”,
Music Perception: An Interdisciplinary Journal, 12.3 (Spring 1995): 291–306.
Publication 40286185 on JSTOR (subscription access).
[Mandelbaum 1961]
Mandelbaum, Mayer Joel.
Multuple Division of the Octave and the Tonal Resources of 19-Tone Temperament,
Doctoral dissertation – Indiana University (June 1961): 461 pages.
[Marcus 1993]
Marcus, Scott.
“The Interface between Theory and Practice: Intonation in Arab Music”,
Asian Music, 24.2 (Spring–Summer 1993): 39–58.
Publication 834466 on JSTOR (subscription access).
[Mason-JA 1960]
Mason, James A.
“Comparison of Solo and Ensemble Performances with Reference to Pythagorean, Just, and Equi-Tempered Intonations”,
Journal of Research in Music Education, 8.1 (Spring 1960): 31–38.
Publication 3344235 on JSTOR (subscription access).
[McClain 1979]
McClain, Ernest G.; Hung, Ming Shui (translations).
“Chinese Cyclic Tunings in Late Antiquity”,
Ethnomusicology, 23.2 (May 1979): 205–224.
[Messiaen 1944]
Messiaen, Olivier; Satterfield, John (translation).
The Technique of My Musical Language — La technique de mon
langage musical. Paris, France: Alfonse Leduc (1944).
[Missin 2004]
Missin, Pat.
Audio Examples of Just Intonation and Equal Temperament Applied to the Harmonica
(2004), retrieved July 6, 2015.
[Monzo 2004]
Monzo, Joseph L.
“The Measurement of Aristoxenus's Divisions of the Tetrachord”
[Renold 2004]
Renold, Maria; Stevens, Bevis (translation); Meuss, Anna R. (editor).
Intervals, Scales, Tones and the Concert Pitch C = 128 HZ. East Sussex, England: Temple Lodge Publishing (2004): 198 pages, ISBN 1-902636-46-5 (978-1-902636-46-7).
[Rich-R 2010]
Rich, Robert.
Tuning Presets in the MOTM 650
(2010): 3 pages.
[Russell-J 2013]
Russell, Jim.
Towards a Difference Limen of Pitch Perception. 21harmony.com (August 13, 2013): 4 pages.
[Schellenberg 1996]
Schellenberg, E. Glenn, and Trehub, Sandra E.
“Natural Musical Intervals: Evidence from Infant Listeners”,
Psychological Science, 7.5 (September 1996): 272–277.
Publication 40062961 on JSTOR (subscription access).
[Schellenberg 2001]
Schellenberg, E. Glenn.
“Asymmetries in the Discrimination of Musical Intervals: Going Out-of-Tune Is More Noticeable Than Going In-Tune”,
Music Perception: An Interdisciplinary Journal, 19.2 (Winter 2001): 223–248.
Publication 10.1525/mp.2001.19.2.223 on JSTOR (subscription access).
[Surjodiningrat 1972]
Surjodiningrat, Wasisto, Sudarjana, P. J., and Susanto, Adhi.
Tone Measurements of Outstanding Javanese Gamelan in Jogjakarta and Surakata, Second Revised Edition. Jogjakarta, Indonesia: Gadjah Mada University Press (1972): vi + 59 pages.
[Vurma 2006]
Vurma, Allan, and Ross, Jaan.
“Production and Perception of Musical Intervals”,
Music Perception: An Interdisciplinary Journal, 23.4 (April 2006): 331–344.
Publication 10.1525/mp.2006.23.4.331 on JSTOR (subscription access).
[Zaw 1940]
Zaw, Khin.
“Burmese Music — A Preliminary Enquiry”,
Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London, 10.3 (1940): 717–754, doi:10.1017/S0041977X0008873X.
Publication 608839 on JSTOR (subscription access).
[Zaw 1940a]
Zaw, Khin.
“Burmese Music — A Preliminary Enquiry”,
Journal of the Burma Research Society, 30 (December 1940): 387–422.