[APA format] Emotion and Music
This is a list of references related to the link between emotion and music. These references are are cited throughout Flutopedia.
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[APA format] Ergonomics
[Balkwill 1999]
Balkwill, L., & Thompson, W. F. (1999).
A cross-cultural investigation of the perception of emotion in music: Psychophysical and cultural cues,
Music and Perception, 17(1), 43–64.
Publication 40285811 on JSTOR (subscription access).
[Darwin 1872]
Darwin, C. (1872).
The expression of the emotions in man and animals.
[Goldman 2011]
Goldman, J., & Goldman, A. (2011).
Chakra frequencies: Tantra of sound. Inner Traditions / Bear & Co.
[Gosvami 1957]
Gosvami, O. (1957).
The story of Indian music: Its growth and synthesis.
[Johnston-A 2014]
Johnston, A. (2014).
Charles Greul: The non-Aboriginal forebearer to the Northwest Coast printmaking movement,
The Carleton Graduate Journal of Art and Culture, 2.
[Juslin 2010]
Juslin, P. N., & Sloboda, J. (editors) (2010).
Handbook of music and emotion: Theory, research, applications. Oxford University Press.
[Karuna 2013]
Karuna, N., Srinivasan, T. M., & HR, N. (2013).
Review of Rāgās and its Rasās in Indian music and its possible applications in therapy,
International Journal of Yoga - Philosophy, Psychology and Parapsychology, 1, 21–28.
[Klotsche 2012]
Klotsche, C. (2012).
Color medicine. Light Technology Publishing.
[Krishna 2010]
Krishna, K. G. (2010).
Musicological and technological exploration of truths and myths in Carnatic music, the Raagam in particular
(Masters in Computer Science thesis, International Institute of Information Technology, Hyderabad, India).
[Mercier 2000]
Mercier, P. (2000).
Chakras: Balance your body's energy for health and harmony. Sterling.
[Paul 2006]
Paul, R., & Teasdale, W. (2006).
The yoga of sound: Tapping the hidden power of music and chant. New World Library.
[Rushing 1986]
Rushing, W. J. (1986).
Ritual and myth: Native American culture and abstract expressionism,
Contained in [Tuchman 1986], 273–295.
[Thompson-WF 2010]
Thompson, W. F., & Balkwill, L. (2010).
Cross-cultural similarities and differences,
Contained in [Juslin 2010], Chapter 27, 755–788, doi:10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199230143.001.0001.