[APA format] Crafting References
This is a list of flute-crafting references cited throughout Flutopedia.
The references on this page are a sub-set of the complete list of Flutopedia references.
For information on the format and other details of these citations, see the main references page.
[APA format] Flute-Crafting References
[Baker-WL 1972]
Baker, W. L. (1972).
Eastern forest insects,
Miscellaneous Publication Number 1175. U. S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service.
[Barclay 1997]
Barclay, R. L. (editor) (1997).
The care of historic musical instruments. CCI, MGC and CIMCIM.
[Bauman 1995]
Bauman, C.; Moretti, D. (plans) (1995).
Courting flute — An instrumental tie to an old Native American tradition,
Woodworker's Journal, 19(2), 44–47.
[Benito 2011]
Benito, C. G. (2011).
Methodology for the reconstruction of prehistoric aerophones made of hard animal material, Volume 1,
Actas das IV Jornadas de Jovens em Investigação Arqueológica (JIA 2011), Campus de Cambelas, Universidate do Algarve, Portugal, May 11–13, 2011. Tipografia Tavirense, 411–416.
[Bergman 2010]
Bergman, R., Cai, Z., Carll, C. G., Dietenberger, M. A., Falk, R. H., Frihart, C. R., Glass, S. V., Hunt, C. G., Ibach, R. E., Kretschmann, D. E., Lebow, S. T., Rammer, D. R., Ross, R. J., Stark, N. M., Wacker, J. P., Wang, X., White, R. H., Wiedenhoeft, A. C., Wiemann, M. C., & Zelinka, S. L. (2010).
Wood handbook — Wood as an engineering material, Centennial Edition,
General Technical Report FPL-GTR-190.
[Birkett 2002]
Birkett, S., & Poletti, P. (2002).
Reproduction of authentic historical soft iron wire for musical instruments,
Instruments a claviers – expressivite et flexibilite sonore, Proceedings of the 2002 Harmoniques Conference, Lausanne, Switzerland, editors: Peter Lang.
[Burns 1990]
Burns, R. M., & Honkala, B. H. (technical coordinators) (1990).
Silvics of North America, Volume 1: Conifers; Volume 2: Hardwoods,
Agriculture Handbook 654. Washington, D.C.: U. S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service.
[Cassens 1995]
Cassens, D. L. (1995).
Some important Indiana hardwoods — Their characteristics and uses, Revised edition,
Forestry and Natural Resources, Marketing and Utilization, 27. Purdue University, Cooperative Extension Service.
[Edfors 1996]
Edfors, J. (1996).
Woodwind instruments from PVC — Guidelines for constructing experimental woodwind instruments from PVC pipe & related materials, First Edition.
[Edfors A]
Edfors, J.
Woodwind instruments from PVC — Guidelines for constructing experimental woodwind instruments from PVC pipe & related materials, Updated and Expanded Edition.
Catalog number CM-15.
[Edfors B]
Edfors, J.
Folk woodwinds from PVC.
Catalog number CM-27.
[Edfors C]
Edfors, J.
Vintage flutes from PVC.
Catalog number CM-27.
[Fitch-JM 1990]
Fitch, J. M. (1990).
Historic preservation: curatorial management of the built world, Reprint Edition. Charlottesville, North Carolina: University Press of Virginia.
Originally published by McGraw-Hill in 1982.
[Gage 2001]
Gage, B. (2001).
The making of Native American style flutes,
The Woodwind Quarterly, 22, 53–62.
[Gilman-EF 1993]
Gilman, E. F., & Watson, D. G. (1993).
Acer negundo boxelder,
Fact Sheet ST-20. U. S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service.
[Gonzato 2015]
Gonzato, G. (2015).
The "low-tech" whistle: How to make a fine PVC whistle.
[Goss-WP 1992]
Goss, W. P., & Miller, R. G. (1992).
Thermal properties of wood and wood products,
Proceedings of the Thermal Performance of the Exterior Envelopes of Whole Buildings International Conference, 1992, 28.
[Hermann 2004b]
Hermann, H. R. (2004).
To seal or not to seal the slow air chamber and flue,
Voice of the Wind, 2004(4), 3–6.
[Hopkin 1996]
Hopkin, B.
Musical instrument design: Practical information for instrument makers. See Sharp Press.
Catalog number CM-16.
[Hughes 2014]
Hughes, B. (2014).
Bore routing safety jig, retrieved August 25, 2014.
[Hunt 1954]
Hunt, W. B. (1954).
The golden book of Indian crafts and lore. Simon and Schuster.
[Hunt 1973]
Hunt, W. B. (1973).
The complete how-to book of Indiancraft: 68 projects for authentic Indian articles from tepee to tom-tom. New York: Collier Books.
first published in 1969 under the title "Ben Hunt's Big Indiancraft Book".
[Kelischek B]
Kelischek, G.
Plans for building Native American flutes.
Designs are available for three sizes of instruments in diatonic & modal scales: Soprano (Key of D) CP-1, Tenor (Key of D) CP-2, and Alto (Key of G) CP-3.
[Lacroix A]
Lacroix, L.
Crafting your own Native American flute.
Catalog number CM-26V.
[Luley 2009]
Luley, C. J., Nowak, D. J., & Greenfield, E. J. (2009).
Frequency and severity of trunk decay in street tree maples in four New York cities,
Arboriculture & Urban Forestry, 35(2), 94–99.
[Price 1990]
Price, L. P. (1990).
Native North American flutes.
[Price 1991]
Price, L. P. (1991).
Secrets of the flute.
[Price 1994]
Price, L. P. (1994).
Creating and using the Native American love flute,
Love Flutes Series, 1. P.O. Box 88, Garden Valley, CA 95633: L. P. Price.
[Price 1995]
Price, L. P. (1995).
Creating and using grandfather's flute,
Love Flutes Series, 2.
[Price 1995a]
Price, L. P. (1995).
Creating and using older Native American flutes,
Love Flutes Series, 3.
[Price 1995b]
Price, L. P. (1995).
Creating and using smaller Native American flutes,
Love Flutes Series, 4.
[Price 1996]
Price, L. P. (1996).
Creating and using the Native American concert flute,
Love Flutes Series, 8.
[Price 1997]
Price, L. P. (1997).
More secrets of the flute: More of the physics, math, and design of non-mechanical folk flutes. El Dorado Press.
[Price 1998]
Price, L. P. (1998).
Creating and using larger Native American flutes,
Love Flutes Series, 5.
[Price 1998a]
Price, L. P. (1998).
Creating and using the largest Native American flutes,
Love Flutes Series, 6. P.O. Box 88, Garden Valley, CA 95633: L. P. Price.
[Price 1998b]
Price, L. P. (1998).
Creating and using very small Native American flutes,
Love Flutes Series, 7.
[Price 2010]
Price, L. P. (2010).
How I make flutes today,
Voice of the Wind, 2010(1).
[Riley 2006]
Riley, P.; Parker, C. (editor) (2006).
Notes on making a large overtone flute (the Fujara) from readily available materials.
[Riley 2009]
Riley, P. (2009).
Additional notes on making a large overtone flute.
[Robinson 1981]
Robinson, T. (1981).
The amateur wind instrument maker, Revised edition. University of Massachusetts Press.
[Sajfert 2011]
Sajfert, V., Krstić, S., Popov, D., & Pop, N. (2011).
Absorption of sound waves,
Seria Fizică (Physics Series), Analele Universităţii de Vest din Timişoara (Annals of the West University of Timisoara), 55, 13–19.
[Shands 2010]
Shands, D. (2010).
How to build a simple North American style flute.
[Stanford 2008]
Stanford, K. (2008).
Ki-e-ta's manual for the making of the Native American style flute (NAF), Version 12.
[Stanford 2008a]
Stanford, K. (2008).
Ki-e-ta’s shop booklet for the Native American style flute (NAF).
[Stanford 2012]
Stanford, K. (2012).
Native yucca stalk flute making manual.
[Stanford 2014]
Stanford, K. (2014).
Ki-e-ta's CherryCows manual for the making of flutes inspired by Native American style flutes (NAF), Version 16.
[Suits 2005]
Suits, R.
Reconstructing and making replicas of musical instruments from the conservator´s / instrument maker’s viewpoint.
[Suttles 2004]
Suttles, J. (2004).
Screaming G flute plans.
[USDOA 2007]
Agriculture, U. S. D. o. (2007).
The encyclopedia of wood. Skyhorse Publishing Inc.
[Wolf 2001]
Wolf, R. A. (2001).
Flute shop: A guide to crafting the Native American style flute.
[Wolf 2004]
Wolf, R. A. (2004).
Flute shop: A guide to crafting the Native American style flute, Revised Edition. Wolf Song Publications.