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[Chicago format] Acoustics and Psycho-Acoustics References

This is a list of references related to acoustics and psycho-acoustics that are cited throughout Flutopedia.

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[Chicago format] Acoustics and Psycho-Acoustics References

[Allen-SA 1916] Allen, Herbert Stanley, and Moore, Harry. 1916. A Text-book of Practical Physics. Macmillan Publishing Ltd.

[Backus 1964] Backus, John. 1964. “Effect of Wall Material on the Steady-State Tone Quality of Woodwind Instruments”, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, Volume 36, Number 10, 1881–1887, doi:10.1121/1.1919286.

[Barbour 1951] Barbour, James Murray. 1951. Tuning and Temperament: A Historical Survey. East Lansing, Michigan: Michigan State College Press. Publication tuningtemperamen00barb on Archive.org (open access).

[Benade 1967] Benade, A. H., and Jansson, F. 1967. An Informal Preliminary Report on the Acoustics of Brass Instrument Bores (Chiefly on the Wave Equations in Theory and Experiment).

[Benade 1977] Benade, Arthur H. 1977. Acoustical Evolution of Wind Instruments — A course (Physics 323) taught by A. H. Benade in the fall of 1977, Case Western University, Cleveland, Ohio.

[Benade 1990] Benade, Arthur H. 1990. Fundamentals of Musical Acoustics, Second, Revised Edition. New York: Dover Publications, Inc., ISBN 0-486-26484-X (978-0-486-26484-4).

[Blanc 2010] Blanc, François, Fabre, Benoît, Montgermont, Nicolas, Cuadra, Patricio De La, and Almeida, André. 2010. “Scaling of Flute-Like Instruments: An Analysis from the Point Of View of the Hydrodynamic Instability of the Jet”, Acta Acustica united with Acustica, Volume 96, Number 4, 642–653, doi:10.3813/AAA.918319.

[Bruno 2006] Bruno, Thomas J., and Svoronos, Paris D. N. 2006. CRC Handbook of Fundamental Spectroscopic Correlation Charts. CRC Press, ISBN 0-8493-3250-8 (978-0-8493-3250-0).

[Canright 1985] Canright, David. 1985. “Pentatonics I Have Known”, 1/1, the Journal of the Just Intonation Network, Volume 1, Number 2, retrieved January 28, 2015.

[Carlos 1996] Carlos, Wendy. 1996. “Three Asymmetric Divisions of the Octave”.

[Coltman 1968] Coltman, John W. 1968. “Sounding Mechanism of the Flute and Organ Pipe”, Journal of the Acoustic Society of America, Volume 44, 983–992, doi:10.1121/1.1911240.

[Coltman 1971] Coltman, John W. 1971. “Effect of Material on Flute Tone Quality”, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, Volume 49, Number 2, Part 2, 520–523.

[Coltman 1973] Coltman, John W. 1973. “Material Used in Flute Construction”, Woodwind World, Volume 12, Number 1, 20–21.

[Cook 2014] Cook, Perry R., and Trueman, Dan. 2014. “Spherical Radiation From Stringed Instruments: Measured, Modeled, and Reproduced”.

[Cramer 1993] Cramer, Owen. 1993. “The Variation of the Specific Heat Ratio and the Speed of Sound in Air with Temperature, Pressure, Humidity, and CO__SUB__2__END_SUB__ Concentration”, Journal of the Acoustic Society of America, Volume 93, Issue 5, 2510–2516, doi:10.1121/1.405827.

[Dean 1979] Dean, E. A. 1979. Atmospheric Effects on the Speed of Sound. US Army Electronics Research and Development Command, Atmospheric Sciences Laboratory.

[Deutsch 1975] Deutsch, Diana. 1975. “Two-channel Listening to Musical Scales”, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, Volume 57, Number 5, 1156–1160, doi:10.1121/1.380573.

[Deutsch 2006] Deutsch, Diana. 2006. “The Enigma of Absolute Pitch”, Acoustics Today, Volume 2, Number 4, 11–18, doi:10.1121/1.2961141.

[Deutsch 2008] Deutsch, Diana, Dooley, Kevin, and Henthorn, Trevor. 2008. “Pitch Circularity from Tones Comprising Full Harmonic Series”, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, Volume 124, Number 1, 589–597, doi:10.1121/1.2931957.

[Deutsch 2010] Deutsch, Diana. 2010. “The Paradox of Pitch Circularity”, Acoustics Today, Volume 6, Number 3, 8–15, doi:10.1121/1.3488670.

[Dodge-ES 1945] Dodge, Ernest S. 1945. “The Acoustics of Three Maori Flutes”, Journal of the Polynesian Society, Volume 54, Number 1, 39–61. Publication 20702995 on JSTOR (subscription access).

[Everest 2001] Everest, F. Alton. 2001. The Master Handbook of Acoustics. New York: McGraw-Hill, ISBN 0-07-136097-2 (978-0-07-136097-5).

[Fastl 2007] Fastl, Hugo, and Zwicker, Eberhard. 2007. Psychoacoustics: Facts and Models, Third Edition, Springer Series in Information Sciences, Volume 22. Springer, ISBN 3-540-23159-5 (978-3-540-23159-2).

[Fletcher-NH 1994] Fletcher, Neville H. 1994. “Acoustic and Aerodynamic Determinants of the Sound Quality of Flutes”, Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, Cambridge, Massachussets, June 6–10, 1994.

[Fletcher-NH 1999a] Fletcher, Neville H. 1999. “The Nonlinear Physics of Musical Instruments”, Rep. Prog. Phys, Volume 62, 723–764.

[Forinash 2015] Forinash, K. 2015. An Interactive eBook on the Physics of Sound. Indiana University Southeast, retrieved January 28, 2015.

[Forster 2010] Forster, Cris. 2010. Musical Mathematics — On the Art and Science of Acoustic Instruments. San Francisco, California: Chronicle Books, ISBN 0-8118-7407-9 (978-0-8118-7407-6).

[Fullekrug 2010] Füllekrug, Martin. 2010. Magnetic Activity and Schumann Resonance. Northern California Earthquake Data Center, retrieved December 15, 2010.

[Giatti 2001] Giatti, Anna, and Miniati, Mara. 2001. Acoustics and Its Instruments «l'Acustica e I Suoi Strumenti». Giunti Industrie Grafiche S.p.A., in Italian and English, ISBN 88-09-02183-5 (978-88-09-02183-9).

[Hagerman 1980] Hagerman, B., and Sundberg, J. 1980. “Fundamental Frequency Adjustment in Barbershop Singing”, Journal of Research in Singing, Volume 4, Number 1, 3–17.

[Heathwaite 2010] Heathwaite, Andrew. 2010. Gallery of Just Intervals, retrieved January 28, 2015.

[Heathwaite 2011] Heathwaite, Andrew. 2011. Overtone Scales, retrieved January 28, 2015.

[Helmholtz 1912] Helmholtz, Hermann L. F., and M.D.; Ellis, Alexander J. (translator). 1912. On the Sensations of Tone as a Physiological Basis for the Theory of Music, Fourth Edition. London, New York, Bombay, and Calcutta: Longmans, Green, and Co. translated from the Fourth German edition of 1877. First German Edition published in 1863.

[Hirschberg 1999] Hirschberg, Avraham. 1999. Luchtwervels in een blokfluit «Air Vortices in a Recorder», in Dutch, retrieved September 28, 2010.

[Jing 2003] Jing, M. 2003. “A Theoretical Study of the Vibration and Acoustics of Ancient Chinese Bells”, Journal of the Acoustic Society of America, Volume 114, Number 3, 1622–1628, doi:10.1121/1.1600727. Publication 14514215 on PubMed/NCBI (subscription access).

[Lefebvre 2010] Lefebvre, Antoine. 2010. Computational Acoustic Methods for the Design of Woodwind Instruments, Ph.D. dissertation – McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada.

[Lefebvre 2011] Lefebvre, Antoine, and Scavone, Gary P. 2011. “On the Bore Shape of Conical Instruments”, Canadian Acoustics / Acoustique canadienne, Volume 39, Number 3, 128–129.

[Lefebvre 2012] Lefebvre, Antoine, and Scavone, Gary P. 2012. “Characterization of Woodwind Instrument Toneholes with the Finite Element Method”, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, Volume 131, Number 4, 3153–3163, doi:10.1121/1.3685481. Publication 22501087 on PubMed/NCBI (subscription access).

[Lefebvre 2013] Lefebvre, Antoine, Scavone, Gary P., and Kergomard, Jean. 2013. “External Tonehole Interactions in Woodwind Instruments”, Acta Acustica united with Acustica, Volume 99, 975–985. Publication 1207.5490 on Archive.org (open access).

[Lewis-P 1998] Lewis, Pierre. 1998. Understanding Temperaments, Version 1.2.

[Mather-R 1972] Mather, Roger. 1972. “The Influence of Tube Material and Thickness on Flute Tone Quality”, Woodwind World.

[McGlade 2004] McGlade, John, Yang, Heng, and Pasko, Victor P. 2004. “Effects of Solar Flares on the First Schumann Resonance Frequency”, NSF EE REU PENN STATE Annual Research Journal, Volume 2, 42–51.

[McIntyre 1983] McIntyre, M. E., Schumacher, R. T., and Woodhouse, J. 1983. “On the Oscillations of Musical Instruments”, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, Volume 74, Number 5, 1325–1345.

[Messiaen 1944] Messiaen, Olivier; Satterfield, John (translation). 1944. The Technique of My Musical Language — La technique de mon langage musical. Paris, France: Alfonse Leduc.

[Miller-DC 1909] Miller, Dayton C. 1909. “The Influence of the Material of Wind-Instruments on the Tone Quality”, Science, New Series, Volume 29, Number 735, 161–171. Publication 1636184 on JSTOR (subscription access). Publication jstor-1636184 on Archive.org (open access).

[Monzo 2004] Monzo, Joseph L. 2004. “The Measurement of Aristoxenus's Divisions of the Tetrachord”.

[Nickolaenko 2002] Nickolaenko, A. P., and Hayakawa, M. 2002. Resonances in the Earth-Ionosphere Cavity, Modern approaches in geophysics, Volume 19. Springer, ISBN 1-4020-0754-X (978-1-4020-0754-5).

[Ondraskova 2009] Ondraskova, Adriena, Sevcik, Sebastian, and Kostecky, Pavel. 2009. “A Significant Decrease of the Fundamental Schumann Resonance Frequency During the Solar Cycle Minimum of 2008–9 as Observed at Modra Observatory”, Contributions to Geophysics and Deodesy, Volume 39, Number 4, 345–354.

[Parncutt 2001] Parncutt, Richard. “Critical Comparison of Acoustical and Perceptual Theories of the Origin of Musical Scales”, Proceedings of the International Symposium of Musical Acoustics, Perugia, Italy.

[Polk 1983] Polk, Charles. 1983. “Natural and Man-Made Noise in the Earth — Ionosphere Cavity at Extremely Low Frequencies”, Space Science Reviews, Volume 35, Number 1, 83–89, doi:10.1007/BF00173695.

[Prairie 2006] Prairie, Michael. 2006. Understanding the Acoustics of The Native American-Style Flute.

[Prairie 2011] Prairie, Michael. 2011. Back Pressure.

[Prairie 2014] Prairie, Michael. 2014. Nodal Interference.

[Price 2010] Price, Lew Paxton. 2010. “How I Make Flutes Today”, Voice of the Wind, Year 2010, Volume 1.

[Price 2011] Price, Lew Paxton. 2011. Flute Physics.

[Rawcliffe 1992] Rawcliffe, Susan. 1992. “Complex Acoustics in Pre-Columbian Flute Systems”, Experimental Musical Instruments, Volume 8, Number 2.

[Rawcliffe 1992a] Rawcliffe, Susan. 1992. “Complex Acoustics in Pre-Columbian Flute Systems”, contained in [Robertson 1992], 35–63. cassette number 8. Also published in the Journal of the National Council on Education in the Ceramic Arts, Volume 14, 1993-4.

[Rich-R 2010] Rich, Robert. 2010. Tuning Presets in the MOTM 650.

[Robertson 1992] Robertson, Carol E. (editor). 1992. Musical Repercussions of 1492: Encounters in Text and Performance. Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution Press, ISBN 1-56098-183-0.

[Sajfert 2011] Sajfert, Vjekoslav, Krstić, Sonja, Popov, Dušan, and Pop, Nicolina. 2011. “Absorption of Sound Waves”, Seria Fizică (Physics Series), Analele Universităţii de Vest din Timişoara (Annals of the West University of Timisoara), Volume 55, 13–19.

[Sengpiel 2009] Sengpiel, Eberhard. 2009. Speed of Sound — Temperature Matters, Not Air Pressure.

[Shepard-RN 1964] Shepard, Roger N. 1964. “Circularity in Judgements of Relative Pitch”, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, Volume 36, Number 12, 2346–2353, doi:10.1121/1.1919362.

[Surjodiningrat 1972] Surjodiningrat, Wasisto, Sudarjana, P. J., and Susanto, Adhi. 1972. Tone Measurements of Outstanding Javanese Gamelan in Jogjakarta and Surakata, Second Revised Edition. Jogjakarta, Indonesia: Gadjah Mada University Press.

[vanSchaik 2010] Schaik, Wilhelm van, Grooten, Mart, Wernaart, Twan, and Geld, Cees van der. 2010. “High Accuracy Acoustic Relative Humidity Measurement in Duct Flow with Air”, Sensors, Volume 10, 7421–7433, doi:10.3390/s100807421. sensors ISSN 1424-8220 www.mdpi.com/journal/sensors.

[Vey 2010] Vey, G. Le. 2012. “Optimal Control Theory: A Method for the Design of Wind Instruments”, arXiv:1001.3217.

[Wolfe 2003] Wolfe, Joe, and Smith, John. 2003. “Cutoff Frequencies and Cross Fingerings in Baroque, Classical, and Modern Flutes”, Journal of the Acoustic Society of America, Volume 114, Number 4, Part 1, 2263–2272, doi:10.1121/1.1612487. Publication 14587623 on PubMed/NCBI (subscription access).

[Yang-WJ 2005] Yang, Wen-Jei, and Umeda, Shinzaburo. 2005. “Self-Sustained Flow Oscillations Due to Flow-Surface Interaction”, Sixteenth International Symposium on Transport Phenomena (ISTP-16), Prague, 2005.

[Yokoyama 2014] Yokoyama, Hiroshi, Kobayashi, Masaki, Onitsuka, Hirofumi, Miki, Akira, and Iida, Akiyoshi. 2014. “Direct Numerical Simulation of Flow and Acoustic Fields Around an Air-Reed Instrument with Tone Holes”, 43rd International Congress on Noise Control Engineering (inter.noise 2014), Melbourne, Australia, November 16–19, 2014.

[Yokoyama 2015] Yokoyama, Hiroshi. 2015. World First Prediction of the Sound Radiating from a Recorder — Super-computer simulations explore how an air-reed instrument generates air flow and sound.

[Young-RW 1939] Young, R. W. 1939. “Terminology for Logarithmic Frequency Units”, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, Volume 11, Number 1, 134–139, doi:10.1121/1.1916017. ISSN: 0001-4966.

[Zhai 2016] Zhai, S. L., Zhao, X. P., Liu, S., Shen, F. L., and &, L. L. Li; Luo, C. R. 2016. “Inverse Doppler Effects in Broadband Acoustic Metamaterials”, Scientific Reports, Volume 6, Number 32388, doi:10.1038/srep32388.

[Zhao 2015] Zhao, Xiao P., Zhai, Shi L., Liu, Song, Shen, Fang L., Li, Lin L., and Luo, Chun R. 2015. “Inverse Doppler Effects in Flute”, arXiv:1510.02868.

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