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[Wikipedia format] Breath Pressure References

This is a list of references related to the study of Breath Pressure in Ethnic Wind Instruments.

The references on this page are a sub-set of the complete list of Flutopedia references.

For information on the format and other details of these citations, see the main references page.

[Wikipedia format] Breath Pressure References

[Adduci 2011] <ref name="Adduci2011">
{{cite thesis
| author1 = Michael Douglas Adduci
| title = Dynamic Measurement of Intraoral Pressure and Sound Pressure with Laryngoscopic Characterization during Oboe Performance
| type = Ph.D.
| publisher = University of North Texas
| date = December 2011

[Akgun 1967] <ref name="Akgun1967">
{{cite journal
| author1 = N. Akgün
| author2 = H. Ozgönül
| title = Lung Volumes in Wind Instrument (Zurna) Players
| journal = The American Review of Respiratory Disease
| volume = 96
| issue = 5
| year = 1967
| pages = 946-951
| pmid = 6059203

[Baken 2000] <ref name="Baken2000">
{{cite book
| author1 = Ronald R. Baken
| author2 = Robert F. Orlikoff
| title = Clinical Measurement of Speech and Voice
| edition = Second Edition
| publisher = Cengage Learning
| year = 2000
| isbn = 978-1-56593-869-4

[Bernardini 2010] <ref name="Bernardini2010">
{{cite book
| author1 = Nicola Bernardini
| title = The Role of Physical Impedance Matching in Music Playing
| conference = Sound is Motion Symposium, Stockholm, Sweden, February 11, 2010
| year = 2010

[Bertschinger 2007] <ref name="Bertschinger2007">
{{cite journal
| author1 = Dimiter Robert Bertschinger
| author2 = Efstratios Mendrinos
| author3 = André Dosso
| title = Yoga Can be Dangerous—Glaucomatous Visual Field Defect Worsening Due to Postural Yoga
| journal = British Journal of Ophthalmology
| volume = 91
| issue = 10
| date = October 2007
| pages = 1413-1414
| doi = 10.1136/bjo.2007.114546
| pmid = 17895421

[Borch 2011] <ref name="Borch2011">
{{cite journal
| author1 = D. Zangger Borch
| author2 = Johan Sundberg
| title = Some Phonatory and Resonatory Characteristics of the Rock, Pop, Soul, and Swedish Dance Band Styles of Singing
| journal = Journal of Voice
| volume = 25
| issue = 5
| date = September 2011
| pages = 532-537
| doi = 10.1016/j.jvoice.2010.07.014
| pmid = 20926250

[Bouhuys 1964] <ref name="Bouhuys1964">
{{cite journal
| author1 = Arend Bouhuys
| title = Lung Volumes and Breathing Patterns in Wind-Instrument Players
| journal = Journal of Applied Physiology
| volume = 19
| date = September 1964
| pages = 967-975

[Bouhuys 1965] <ref name="Bouhuys1965">
{{cite journal
| author1 = Arend Bouhuys
| title = Sound-Power Production in Wind Instruments
| journal = Journal of the Acoustical Society of America
| volume = 37
| issue = 3
| date = March 1965
| pages = 453-456
| pmid = 14284611

[Bouhuys 1968] <ref name="Bouhuys1968">
{{cite journal
| author1 = Arend Bouhuys
| title = Pressure-Flow Events During Wind Instrument Playing
| journal = Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences
| volume = 155
| issue = 1
| date = November 1968
| pages = 264-275
| doi = 10.1111/j.1749-6632.1968.tb56771.x

[Bouhuys 1969] <ref name="Bouhuys1969">
{{cite journal
| author1 = Arend Bouhuys
| title = Physiology and Musical Instruments
| journal = Nature
| volume = 221
| issue = 5187
| date = March 29, 1969
| pages = 1199-1204
| doi = 10.1038/2211199a0
| pmid = 5773830

[Broadwater 2002] <ref name="Broadwater2002">
{{cite thesis
| author1 = Kimberly Jaye Broadwater
| title = The Effects of Singing on Blood Pressure in Classically Trained Singers
| type = Ph.D.
| publisher = Louisiana State University
| date = May 2002

[BrutelVuilmet 2008] <ref name="BrutelVuilmet2008">
{{cite journal
| author1 = Claire Brutel-Vuilmet
| author2 = Susanne Fuchs
| title = Rate Effects on Aerodynamics of Intervocalic Stops: Evidence from real speech data and model data
| series = Papers in Phonetics and Phonology
| journal = ZAS Papers in Linguistics
| volume = 49
| year = 2008
| pages = 1-21

[Coltman 1966] <ref name="Coltman1966">
{{cite journal
| author1 = John W. Coltman
| title = Resonance and Sounding Frequencies of the Flute
| journal = Journal of the Acoustic Society of America
| volume = 40
| issue = 1
| year = 1966
| pages = 99-107
| doi = 10.1121/1.1910070

[Cossette 2008] <ref name="Cossette2008">
{{cite journal
| author1 = Isabelle Cossette
| author2 = Pierpaolo Monaco
| author3 = Andrea Aliverti
| author4 = Peter T. Macklem
| title = Chest Wall Dynamics and Muscle Recruitment During Professional Flute Playing
| journal = Respiratory Physiology & Neurobiology
| volume = 160
| year = 2008
| pages = 187-195

[Cros 2005] <ref name="Cros2005">
{{cite book
| author1 = Anne Cros
| author2 = Didier Demolin
| author3 = Ana Georgina Flesia
| author4 = Antonio Galves
| title = On the Relationship Between Intra-oral Pressure and Speech Sonority
| conference = Interspeech 2005
| year = 2005

[Cuadra 2008] <ref name="Cuadra2008">
{{cite journal
| author1 = Patricio de la Cuadra
| author2 = Benoît Fabre
| author3 = Nicolas Montgermount
| author4 = Lauent De Ryck
| title = Analysis of Flute Control Parameters: A Comparison Between a Novice and an Experienced Flutist
| journal = Acta Acustica united with Acustica
| volume = 94
| issue = 5
| date = October 2008
| pages = 740-749
| doi = 10.3813/AAA.918091

[Dalston 1988] <ref name="Dalston1988">
{{cite journal
| author1 = Rodger M. Dalston
| author2 = Donald W. Warren
| author3 = Kathleen E. Morr
| author4 = Lynn R. Smith
| title = Intraoral Pressure and Its Relationship to Velopharyngeal Inadequacy
| journal = Cleft Palate Journal
| volume = 25
| issue = 3
| date = July 1988
| pages = 210-219

[Dawson 2006] <ref name="Dawson2006">
{{cite book
| author1 = William J. Dawson
| title = The Motions of Wind Instrument Performance
| date = April 2006

[Deniz 2006] <ref name="Deniz2006">
{{cite journal
| author1 = O. Deniz
| author2 = S. Savci
| author3 = E. Tozkoparan
| author4 = D. I. Ince
| author5 = M. Ucar
| author6 = Faruk Ciftci
| title = Reduced Pulmonary Function in Wind Instrument Players
| journal = Archives of Medical Research
| volume = 37
| issue = 4
| year = 2006
| pages = 506-510
| doi = 10.1016/j.arcmed.2005.09.015
| pmid = 16624650

[Dibbell 1979] <ref name="Dibbell1979">
{{cite journal
| author1 = D. G. Dibbell
| author2 = S. Ewanowski
| author3 = W. L. Carter
| title = Successful Correction of Velopharyngeal Stress Incompetence in Musicians Playing Wind Instruments
| journal = Plastic Reconstructive Surgery
| volume = 64
| issue = 5
| date = November 1979
| pages = 662-664
| pmid = 504488

[DiCarlo 2007] <ref name="DiCarlo2007">
{{cite journal
| author1 = Nicole Scotto Di Carlo
| title = Effect of Multifactorial Constraints on Intelligibility of Opera Singing (I)
| journal = Journal of Singing
| volume = 63
| issue = 4
| date = March/April 2007

[DiCarlo 2007a] <ref name="DiCarlo2007a">
{{cite journal
| author1 = Nicole Scotto Di Carlo
| title = Effect of Multifactorial Constraints on Intelligibility of Opera Singing (II)
| journal = Journal of Singing
| volume = 63
| issue = 5
| date = May/June 2007
| pages = 559-567

[Dimsdale 1995] <ref name="Dimsdale1995">
{{cite book
| author1 = Joel E. Dimsdale
| author2 = Richard A. Nelesen
| title = French-Horn Hypertension
| journal = New England Journal of Medicine
| volume = 333
| date = August 3, 1995
| pages = 326-327
| doi = 10.1056/NEJM199508033330522

[Elisberg 1951] <ref name="Elisberg1951">
{{cite journal
| author1 = Edward I Elisberg
| author2 = Harry Goldberg
| author3 = Gordon L. Snider
| title = Value of Intraoral Pressure as a Measure of Intrapleural Pressure
| journal = Journal of Applied Physiology
| volume = 4
| issue = 3
| date = September 1951
| pages = 171-176
| pmid = 14897780

[Enflo 2009] <ref name="Enflo2009">
{{cite journal
| author1 = Laura Enflo
| author2 = Johan Sundberg
| title = Vocal Fold Collision Threshold Pressure: An Alternative to Phonation Threshold Pressure?
| journal = Logopedics Phoniatrics Vocology
| volume = 34
| issue = 4
| year = 2009
| pages = 210-217

[Enflo 2009a] <ref name="Enflo2009a">
{{cite conference
| author1 = Laura Enflo
| author2 = Johan Sundberg
| author3 = Friedemann Pabst
| title = Collision Threshold Pressure Before and After Vocal Loading
| conference = Proceedings of Interspeech 2009, Brighton, United Kingdom
| year = 2009

[Enflo 2010] <ref name="Enflo2010">
{{cite thesis
| author1 = Laura Enflo
| title = Alternative Measures of Phonation: Collision Threshold Pressure & Electroglottographic Spectral Tilt
| type = Ph.D.
| publisher = KTH, Royal Institute of Technology, School of Computer Science and Communication
| year = 2010

[Evans-A 2009] <ref name="Evans-A2009">
{{cite conference
| author1 = Alison Evans
| author2 = Bronwen Ackermann
| author3 = Tim Driscoll
| title = The Role of the Soft Palate in Woodwind and Brass Playing
| conference = International Symposium on Performance Science (ISPS), New Zealand
| year = 2009
| pages = 267-272
| isbn = 978-94-90306-01-4

[Evans-A 2010] <ref name="Evans-A2010">
{{cite journal
| author1 = Alison Evans
| author2 = Bronwen Ackermann
| author3 = Tim Driscoll
| title = Functional Anatomy of the Soft Palate Applied to Wind Playing
| journal = Medical Problems of Performing Artists
| volume = 25
| issue = 4
| year = 2010
| pages = 183-189
| pmid = 21170481

[Evans-A 2011] <ref name="Evans-A2011">
{{cite journal
| author1 = Alison Evans
| author2 = Tim Driscoll
| author3 = Bronwen Ackermann
| title = Prevalence of Velopharyngeal Insufficiency in Woodwind and Brass Students
| journal = Occupational Medicine
| volume = 61
| issue = 7
| date = October 2011
| pages = 480-482
| doi = 10.1093/occmed/kqr072
| pmid = 21697080

[Farland 2011] <ref name="Farland2011">
{{cite thesis
| author1 = Michael Guy Farland
| title = Under Pressure: Generic and Individual Intra-oral Pressure Profiles in Liquid Swallows
| type = Ph.D.
| publisher = University of Otago
| date = August 12, 2011

[Fiz 1993] <ref name="Fiz1993">
{{cite journal
| author1 = José Fiz
| author2 = J. Aguilar
| author3 = Ana Carreras
| author4 = Ana Teixido
| author5 = Manuel Haro
| author6 = Daniel O. Rodenstein
| author7 = José Morera
| title = Maximum Respiratory Pressures in Trumpet Players
| journal = Chest
| volume = 104
| issue = 4
| date = October 1993
| pages = 1203-1204
| pmid = 8404193

[Fletcher-NH 1974] <ref name="Fletcher-NH1974">
{{cite journal
| author1 = Neville H. Fletcher
| title = Some Acoustical Principles of Flute Technique
| journal = The Instrumentalist
| volume = 28
| issue = 7
| date = February 1974
| pages = 57-61

[Fletcher-NH 1975] <ref name="Fletcher-NH1975">
{{cite journal
| author1 = Neville H. Fletcher
| title = Acoustical Correlates of Flute Performance Technique
| journal = Journal of the Acoustical Society of America
| volume = 57
| issue = 1
| year = 1975
| pages = 233-237
| doi = 10.1121/1.380430

[Fletcher-NH 1991] <ref name="Fletcher-NH1991">
{{cite book
| author1 = Neville Horner Fletcher
| author2 = Thomas Dean Rossing
| title = The Physics of Musical Instruments
| publisher = Springer-Verlag
| place = New York
| year = 1991

[Fletcher-NH 1998] <ref name="Fletcher-NH1998">
{{cite book
| author1 = Neville Horner Fletcher
| author2 = Thomas Dean Rossing
| title = The Physics of Musical Instruments
| edition = Second Edition
| publisher = Springer-Verlag
| place = New York
| year = 1998
| isbn = 978-0-387-98374-5

[Fletcher-NH 1999] <ref name="Fletcher-NH1999">
{{cite journal
| author1 = Neville H. Fletcher
| author2 = A. Tarnopolsky
| title = Blowing Pressure, Power, and Spectrum in Trumpet Playing
| journal = Journal of the Acoustical Society of America
| volume = 105
| issue = 2, part 1
| date = February 1999
| pages = 874-881
| pmid = 9972572

[Fletcher-NH 2000] <ref name="Fletcher-NH2000">
{{cite journal
| author1 = Neville H. Fletcher
| title = The Physiological Demands of Wind Instrument Performance
| journal = Acoustics Australia
| volume = 28
| issue = 1
| year = 2000
| pages = 53-56

[Fuks 1996] <ref name="Fuks1996">
{{cite journal
| author1 = Leonardo Fuks
| author2 = Johan Sundberg
| title = Blowing Pressures in Reed Woodwind Instruments
| journal = Department for Speech, Music and Hearing. Quarterly Progress and Status Reports (TMH-QPSR)
| volume = 37
| issue = 3
| year = 1996
| pages = 41-56

[Garcia 2010] <ref name="Garcia2010">
{{cite thesis
| author1 = Francisco Garcia Diaz-Castroverde
| title = Acquisition and Study of Blowing Pressure Profiles in Recorder Playing
| type = M.A.
| publisher = Universitat Pompeu
| year = 2010

[Garcia 2011] <ref name="Garcia2011">
{{cite conference
| author1 = Francisco Garcia
| author2 = Leny Vinceslas
| author3 = Josep Tubau
| author4 = Esteban Maestre
| title = Acquisition and Study of Blowing Pressure Profiles in Recorder Playing
| conference = Proceedings of the International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression, Oslo, Norway, May 30 – June 1, 2011
| year = 2011
| pages = 124-127

[GarnNunn 2004] <ref name="GarnNunn2004">
{{cite book
| author1 = Pamela G. Garn-Nunn
| author2 = James M. Lynn
| title = Calvert's Descriptive Phonetics Transcription Workbook
| edition = Third Edition
| publisher = Thieme Medical Publishers
| year = 2004

[Gilbert 1998] <ref name="Gilbert1998">
{{cite journal
| author1 = T. B. Gilbert
| title = Breathing Difficulties in Wind Instrument Players
| journal = Maryland Medical Journal
| volume = 47
| issue = 1
| date = January 1998
| pmid = 9448412

[Gomez 2007] <ref name="Gomez2007">
{{cite journal
| author1 = M. Arias Gomez
| title = Música y Neurología
| trans_title = Music and Neurology
| journal = Neurologia
| volume = 22
| issue = 1
| language = Spanish
| date = January-February 2007
| pages = 39-45

[Goss 2013] <ref name="Goss2013">
{{cite journal
| author1 = Clinton F. Goss
| title = Intraoral Pressure in Ethnic Wind Instruments
| date = August 21, 2013
| arxiv = 1308.5214

[Hahnengress 2012] <ref name="Hahnengress2012">
{{cite book
| author1 = Maria L. Hahnengress
| title = Cardiopulmonary Changes During Clarinet Playing
| year = 2012

[Harris-LR 1996] <ref name="Harris-LR1996">
{{cite book
| author1 = Linda R. Harris
| title = Horn Playing and Blood Pressure
| journal = The Lancet
| volume = 348
| issue = 9033
| date = October 12, 1996
| pages = 1042
| doi = 10.1016/S0140-6736(05)64982-3

[Hiss 2001] <ref name="Hiss2001">
{{cite journal
| author1 = Susan G. Hiss
| author2 = Kathleen Treole
| author3 = Andrew Stuart
| title = Effect of Age, Gender, and Repeated Measures on Intraoral Air Pressure in Normal Adults
| journal = Journal of Voice
| volume = 15
| issue = 2
| year = 2001
| pages = 159-164

[Hodge-FS 2001] <ref name="Hodge-FS2001">
{{cite journal
| author1 = F. Sean Hodge
| author2 = Raymond H. Colton
| author3 = Richard T. Kelley
| title = Vocal Intensity Characteristics in Normal and Elderly Speakers
| journal = Journal of Voice
| volume = 15
| issue = 4
| date = December 2001
| pages = 503-511
| doi = 10.1016/S0892-1997(01)00050-9
| pmid = 11792026

[Holmberg 1988] <ref name="Holmberg1988">
{{cite journal
| author1 = E. B. Holmberg
| author2 = R. E. Hillman
| author3 = J. S. Perkell
| title = Glottal airflow and transglottal air pressure measurements for male and female speakers in soft, normal, and loud voice
| journal = Journal of the Acoustical Society of America
| volume = 84
| issue = 2
| date = August 1988
| pages = 511-529
| pmid = 3170944

[Ingrams 2000] <ref name="Ingrams2000">
{{cite journal
| author1 = D. R. Ingrams
| author2 = D. J. McFerran
| author3 = J. M. Graham
| title = Velopharyngeal Incompetence in Wind Players
| journal = Musical Performance
| volume = 2
| issue = part 4
| year = 2000
| pages = 105-112

[Kirsch 1999] <ref name="Kirsch1999">
{{cite journal
| author1 = C. M. Kirsch
| author2 = J. Shinn
| author3 = R. Porzio
| author4 = E. Trefelner
| author5 = F. T. Kagawa
| author6 = J. H. Wehner
| author7 = W. A. Jensen
| title = Pneumoparotid Due to Spirometry
| journal = Chest
| volume = 116
| issue = 5
| date = November 1999
| pages = 1475-1478
| doi = 10.1378/chest.116.5.1475
| pmid = 10559118

[Klusek 2006] <ref name="Klusek2006">
{{cite thesis
| author1 = Jessica Klusek
| title = Comparison of Speech and Practiced Nonspeech Intraoral Pressure Waveform Characteristics
| type = M.A.
| publisher = University of Pittsburgh
| year = 2006

[Kreuter 2008] <ref name="Kreuter2008">
{{cite journal
| author1 = M. Kreuter
| author2 = C. Kreuter
| author3 = F. Herth
| title = Pneumologische Aspekte des Musizierens auf einem Blasinstrument — physiologische, pathophysiologische und therapeutische Gesichtspunkte
| journal = Pneumologie
| volume = 52
| issue = 2
| year = 2008
| pages = 83-87
| doi = 10.1055/s-2007-996164

[Kroger 1997] <ref name="Kroger1997">
{{cite journal
| author1 = Bernd J. Kröger
| title = On the Quantitative Relationship Between Subglottal Pressure, Vocal Cord Tension, and Glottal Adduction in Singing
| journal = Proceedings of the Institute of Acoustics
| volume = 19
| issue = 5
| year = 1997
| pages = 479-484

[Larger 1996] <ref name="Larger1996">
{{cite book
| author1 = Etienne Larger
| author2 = Séverine Ledoux
| title = Cardiovascular Effects of French Horn Playing
| journal = The Lancet
| volume = 348
| issue = 9040
| date = November 30, 1996
| pages = 1528
| doi = 10.1016/S0140-6736(05)65960-0

[Lee-GG 2012] <ref name="Lee-GG2012">
{{cite journal
| author1 = Gang Gyu Lee
| author2 = Jungbok Lee
| author3 = Bo Young Kim
| author4 = Sang Duk Hong
| title = A Case of Pneumoparotid: Initially Presented with Viral Parotitis
| journal = Korean Journal Otorhinolaryngol-Head Neck Surgery
| volume = 55
| issue = 11
| date = November 2012
| pages = 721-723
| doi = 10.3342/kjorl-hns.2012.55.11.721

[Libeaux 2010] <ref name="Libeaux2010">
{{cite thesis
| author1 = Angela Libeaux
| title = The EGG Spectrum Slope in Speakers and Singers: Variations related to Voice Sound Pressure Level, Vowel and Fundamental Frequency
| type = M.A.
| publisher = The Department of Speech, Music and Hearing, KTH Royal Institute of Technology
| year = 2010

[Lucia 1994] <ref name="Lucia1994">
{{cite journal
| author1 = R. Lucia
| title = Effects of Playing a Musical Wind Instrument in Asthmatic Teenagers
| journal = Journal of Asthma
| volume = 31
| issue = 5
| year = 1994
| pages = 375-385
| doi = 10.3109/02770909409061317
| pmid = 7928933

[Malick 2007] <ref name="Malick2007">
{{cite journal
| author1 = Deonne Malick
| author2 = Jerry Moon
| author3 = John Canady
| title = Stress Velopharyngeal Incompetence: Prevalence, Treatment, and Management Practices
| journal = Cleft Palate–Craniofacial Journal
| volume = 44
| issue = 4
| date = July 2007
| pages = 424-433
| doi = 10.1597/06-176.1

[Marks 1974] <ref name="Marks1974">
{{cite journal
| author1 = Meyer Benjamin Marks
| title = Musical Wind Instruments in Rehabilitation of Asthmatic Children
| series = The 1974 Bela Schick Memorial Lecture
| journal = Annals of Allergy
| volume = 33
| issue = 6
| publisher = American College of Allergists
| date = December 1974
| pages = 313-319
| pmid = 4613211

[Mazon 2009] <ref name="Mazon2009">
{{cite thesis
| author1 = Wendy E. Mazon
| title = The Effect of the Breath Builder™ on Various Lung Functions and Musical Performance Abilities of Clarinet Players
| type = Ph.D.
| publisher = The University of Arizona
| year = 2009

[McPherson 2006] <ref name="McPherson2006">
{{cite book
| author1 = Gary E. McPherson
| title = The Child as Musican: A Handbook of Musical Development
| publisher = Oxford University Press
| place = Oxford, England
| year = 2006
| isbn = 978-0-19-853032-9

[Montgermont 2008] <ref name="Montgermont2008">
{{cite journal
| author1 = N. Montgermont
| author2 = B. Fabre
| author3 = P. De La Cuadra
| title = Gesture Synthesis: Basic Control of a Flute Physical Model
| journal = Journal of the Acoustical Society of America
| volume = 123
| issue = 5
| year = 2008
| pages = 5698-5702

[Moore-RS 1991] <ref name="Moore-RS1991">
{{cite journal
| author1 = Randall S. Moore
| title = Comparison of Children's and Adults' Vocal Ranges and Preferred Tessituras in Singing Familiar Songs
| journal = Bulletin of the Council for Research in Music Education
| volume = 107
| date = Winter 1991
| pages = 13-22
| jstor = 40318417

[Prairie 2006] <ref name="Prairie2006">
{{cite book
| author1 = Michael Prairie
| title = Understanding the Acoustics of The Native American-Style Flute
| date = October 4, 2006

[Prairie 2011] <ref name="Prairie2011">
{{cite book
| author1 = Michael Prairie
| title = Back Pressure
| date = November 25, 2011

[Rodgers 2010] <ref name="Rodgers2010">
{{cite journal
| author1 = Blake Rodgers
| author2 = Susanne Fuchs
| title = How Intraoral Pressure Shapes the Voicing Contrast in American English and German
| journal = ZAS Papers in Linguistics
| volume = 52
| year = 2010
| pages = 63-82

[Rothenberg 1987] <ref name="Rothenberg1987">
{{cite journal
| author1 = Martin Rothenberg
| author2 = Donald Miller
| author3 = Richard Molitor
| author4 = Dolores Leffingwell
| title = The Control of Air Flow During Loud Soprano Singing
| journal = Journal of Voice
| volume = 1
| issue = 3
| year = 1987
| pages = 262-268
| doi = 10.1016/S0892-1997(87)80010-3

[Scavone 2005] <ref name="Scavone2005">
{{cite conference
| author1 = Gary Scavone
| author2 = Andrey da Silva
| title = Frequency Content of Breath Pressure and Implications for Use in Control
| conference = Proceedings of the NIME 2005 conference on New interfaces for musical expression
| year = 2005
| pages = 93-96

[Schmidtmann 2011] <ref name="Schmidtmann2011">
{{cite journal
| author1 = Gunnar Schmidtmann
| author2 = Susanne Jahnke
| author3 = Egbert J. Seidel
| author4 = Wolfgang Sickenberger
| author5 = Hans-Jürgen Grein
| title = Intraocular Pressure Fluctuations in Professional Brass and Woodwind Musicians During Common Playing Conditions
| journal = Graefe's Archive for Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology
| volume = 249
| issue = 6
| year = 2011
| pages = 895-901
| doi = 10.1007/s00417-010-1600-x

[Schuman 2000] <ref name="Schuman2000">
{{cite journal
| author1 = J. S. Schuman
| author2 = E. C. Massicotte
| author3 = S. Connolly
| author4 = E. Hertzmark
| author5 = B. Mukherji
| author6 = M. Z. Kunen
| title = Increased Intraocular Pressure and Visual Field Defects in High Resistance Wind Instrument Players
| journal = Ophthalmology
| volume = 107
| issue = 1
| date = January 2000
| pages = 127-133
| pmid = 10647731

[Schutte 1980] <ref name="Schutte1980">
{{cite thesis
| author1 = Harm Kornelis Schutte
| title = The Efficiency of Voice Production
| type = Ph.D.
| publisher = Kemper
| place = Gröningen, Netherlands
| year = 1980

[Schutte 2003] <ref name="Schutte2003">
{{cite journal
| author1 = Harm K. Schutte
| author2 = James A. Stark
| author3 = Donald G. Miller
| title = Change in Singing Voice Production, Objectively Measured
| journal = Journal of Voice
| volume = 17
| issue = 4
| date = December 2003
| pages = 495-501

[Schwab 2004] <ref name="Schwab2004">
{{cite journal
| author1 = B. Schwab
| author2 = A. Schultze-Florey
| title = Velopharyngeal Insufficiency in Woodwind and Brass Players
| journal = Medical Problems of Performing Artists
| volume = 19
| issue = 1
| date = March 2004
| pages = 21-25

[Schwab 2004a] <ref name="Schwab2004a">
{{cite journal
| author1 = B. Schwab
| author2 = A. Schultze-Florey
| title = Intraorale Druckentwicklung bei Holz- und Blechbläsern
| trans_title = Investigations into Intraoral Pressure in Woodwind and Brass Musicians
| journal = Musikphysiologie und Musikermedizin
| volume = 11
| issue = 4
| language = German
| year = 2004
| pages = 183

[Sehmann 2000] <ref name="Sehmann2000">
{{cite journal
| author1 = Karin Harfst Sehmann
| title = The Effects of Breath Management Instruction on the Performance of Elementary Brass Players
| journal = Journal of Research in Music Education
| volume = 48
| issue = 2
| publisher = Sage Publications for MENC: The National Association for Music Education
| date = Summer 2000
| pages = 136-150
| jstor = 3345572

[Stasney 2003] <ref name="Stasney2003">
{{cite journal
| author1 = C. Richard Stasney
| author2 = Mary Es Beaver
| author3 = Margarita Rodriguez
| title = Hypopharyngeal Pressure in Brass Musicians
| journal = Medical Problems of Performing Artists
| volume = 18
| issue = 4
| date = December 2003
| pages = 153-155

[Stone-WH 1874] <ref name="Stone-WH1874">
{{cite journal
| author1 = W. H. Stone
| title = On Wind Pressure in the Human Lungs During Performance on Wind Instruments
| journal = Proceedings of the Physical Society of London
| volume = 1
| year = 1874
| pages = 13-14
| doi = 10.1088/1478-7814/1/1/302

[Subtelny 1966] <ref name="Subtelny1966">
{{cite journal
| author1 = Joanne D. Subtelny
| author2 = Joseph H. Worth
| author3 = Mamoru Sakuda
| title = Intraoral Pressure and Rate of Flow During Speech
| journal = Journal of Speech and Hearing Research
| volume = 9
| date = December 1966
| pages = 498-518

[Sundberg 1987] <ref name="Sundberg1987">
{{cite book
| author1 = Johan Sundberg
| title = The Science of the Singing Voice
| publisher = Northern Illinois University Press
| place = Dekalb, Illinois
| year = 1987
| isbn = 978-0-87580-542-9

[Sundberg 1991] <ref name="Sundberg1991">
{{cite journal
| author1 = Johan Sundberg
| author2 = Ninni Elliot
| author3 = Patricia Gramming
| title = How Constant is Subglottal Pressure in Singing?
| journal = Speech Transmission Laboratory. Quarterly Progress and Status Reports (STL-QPSR)
| volume = 1
| year = 1991
| pages = 53-63

[VanMiddlesworth 1978] <ref name="VanMiddlesworth1978">
{{cite thesis
| author1 = Jane L. Van Middlesworth
| title = An Analysis of Selected Respiratory and Cardiovascular Characteristics of Wind Instrument Performers
| type = M.A.
| publisher = Eastman School of Music of the University of Rochester
| date = March 22, 1978

[Watson-AHD 2009] <ref name="Watson-AHD2009">
{{cite book
| author1 = Alan H. D. Watson
| title = The Biology of Musical Performance and Performance-Related Injury
| publisher = Scarecrow Press, Inc.
| place = Plymouth, England
| year = 2009
| isbn = 978-0-8108-6359-0

[Weber-J 1970] <ref name="Weber-J1970">
{{cite journal
| author1 = Jaroy Weber, Jr.
| author2 = Robert A. Chase
| title = Stress Velopharyngeal Incopetence in an Oboe Player
| journal = Cleft Palate Journal
| volume = 7
| date = October 1970
| pages = 858-861
| pmid = 5273877

[Welch 2006] <ref name="Welch2006">
{{cite book
| author1 = Graham F. Welch
| title = Singing and Vocal Development
| CONTAINED-IN = contained in [McPherson 2006]
| year = 2006
| pages = 311-329

[Williams-J 2010] <ref name="Williams-J2010">
{{cite thesis
| author1 = Jenevora Williams
| title = The Implications of Intensive Singing Training on the Vocal Health and Development of Boy Choristers in an English Cathedral Choir
| type = Ph.D.
| publisher = Institute of Education, University of London
| year = 2010

[Wilson-P 2004] <ref name="Wilson-P2004">
{{cite journal
| author1 = Pat Wilson
| title = On Singing Staws and Water Bottles: The Physics of Pressure
| journal = Australian Voice
| volume = 10
| year = 2004
| pages = 16-19

[Wright-E 2011] <ref name="Wright-E2011">
{{cite journal
| author1 = Eric Wright
| title = Dynamic Breathing and Respiratory Mechanics for Brass Players and Teachers
| journal = International Trumpet Guild Journal
| volume = 35
| issue = 3
| date = March 2011
| pages = 32-36

[Yamazaki 2005] <ref name="Yamazaki2005">
{{cite conference
| author1 = Masae Yamazaki
| author2 = Noriko Sugimura
| title = A Motion Analysis of a Female Japanese Drum Playing Exercise
| conference = ISBS 2005, Beijing, China
| year = 2005
| pages = 342-345

[Yeo 2002] <ref name="Yeo2002">
{{cite journal
| author1 = D. K. L. Yeo
| author2 = T. P. Pham
| author3 = J. Baker
| author4 = S. A. T. Porter
| title = Specific Orofacial Problems Experienced by Musicians
| journal = Australian Dental Journal
| volume = 47
| issue = 1
| year = 2002
| pages = 2-11

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