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[Wikipedia format] Crafting References

This is a list of flute-crafting references cited throughout Flutopedia.

The references on this page are a sub-set of the complete list of Flutopedia references.

For information on the format and other details of these citations, see the main references page.

[Wikipedia format] Flute-Crafting References

[Baker-WL 1972] <ref name="Baker-WL1972">
{{cite book
| author1 = Whiteford L. Baker
| title = Eastern Forest Insects
| series = Miscellaneous Publication Number 1175
| publisher = U. S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service
| date = February 1972

[Barclay 1997] <ref name="Barclay1997">
{{cite book
| author1 = R. L. Barclay
| title = The Care of Historic Musical Instruments
| publisher = CCI, MGC and CIMCIM
| year = 1997
| isbn = 0-660-17116-3

[Bauman 1995] <ref name="Bauman1995">
{{cite journal
| author1 = Carl Bauman
| author2 = David Moretti
| title = Courting Flute — An Instrumental Tie to an Old Native American Tradition
| journal = Woodworker's Journal
| volume = 19
| issue = 2
| date = March/April 1995
| pages = 44-47

[Benito 2011] <ref name="Benito2011">
{{cite conference
| author1 = Carlos García Benito
| title = Methodology for the Reconstruction of Prehistoric Aerophones Made of Hard Animal Material
| volume = Volume 1
| conference = Actas das IV Jornadas de Jovens em Investigação Arqueológica (JIA 2011), Campus de Cambelas, Universidate do Algarve, Portugal, May 11–13, 2011
| publisher = Tipografia Tavirense
| year = 2011
| pages = 411-416
| isbn = 978-989-97666-2-4

[Bergman 2010] <ref name="Bergman2010">
{{cite book
| author1 = Richard Bergman
| author2 = Zhiyong Cai
| author3 = Charlie G. Carll
| author4 = Mark A. Dietenberger
| author5 = Robert H. Falk
| author6 = Charles R. Frihart
| author7 = Samuel V. Glass
| author8 = Christopher G. Hunt
| author9 = Rebecca E. Ibach
| author10 = David E. Kretschmann
| author11 = Stan T. Lebow
| author12 = Douglas R. Rammer
| author13 = Robert J. Ross
| author14 = Nicole M. Stark
| author15 = James P. Wacker
| author16 = Xiping Wang
| author17 = Robert H. White
| author18 = Alex C. Wiedenhoeft
| author19 = Michael C. Wiemann
| author20 = Samuel L. Zelinka
| title = Wood Handbook — Wood as an Engineering Material
| edition = Centennial Edition
| journal = General Technical Report FPL-GTR-190
| publisher = U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Forest Products Laboratory
| place = Madison, Wisconsin
| date = April 2010

[Birkett 2002] <ref name="Birkett2002">
{{cite conference
| author1 = Stephen Birkett
| author2 = Paul Poletti
| title = Reproduction of Authentic Historical Soft Iron Wire for Musical Instruments
| conference = Instruments a claviers – expressivite et flexibilite sonore, Proceedings of the 2002 Harmoniques Conference, Lausanne, Switzerland, editors: Peter Lang
| year = 2002

[Burns 1990] <ref name="Burns1990">
{{cite book
| author1 = Russell M. Burns
| author2 = Barbara H. Honkala
| title = Silvics of North America
| volume = Volume 1: Conifers; Volume 2: Hardwoods
| series = Agriculture Handbook 654
| publisher = U. S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service
| place = Washington, D.C.
| year = 1990

[Cassens 1995] <ref name="Cassens1995">
{{cite journal
| author1 = Daniel L. Cassens
| title = Some Important Indiana Hardwoods — Their Characteristics and Uses
| edition = Revised edition
| series = Forestry and Natural Resources, Marketing and Utilization
| volume = 27
| publisher = Purdue University, Cooperative Extension Service
| date = April 1995

[Edfors 1996] <ref name="Edfors1996">
{{cite book
| author1 = John Edfors
| title = Woodwind Instruments from PVC — Guidelines for Constructing Experimental Woodwind Instruments from PVC Pipe & Related Materials
| edition = First Edition
| year = 1996

[Edfors A] <ref name="EdforsA">
{{cite book
| author1 = John Edfors
| title = Woodwind Instruments from PVC — Guidelines for Constructing Experimental Woodwind Instruments from PVC Pipe & Related Materials
| edition = Updated and Expanded Edition

[Edfors B] <ref name="EdforsB">
{{cite book
| author1 = John Edfors
| title = Folk Woodwinds from PVC

[Edfors C] <ref name="EdforsC">
{{cite book
| author1 = John Edfors
| title = Vintage Flutes from PVC

[Fitch-JM 1990] <ref name="Fitch-JM1990">
{{cite book
| author1 = James Marston Fitch
| title = Historic Preservation: Curatorial Management of the Built World
| edition = Reprint Edition
| publisher = University Press of Virginia
| place = Charlottesville, North Carolina
| year = 1990
| isbn = 978-0-8139-1272-1
| origyear = Originally published by McGraw-Hill in 1982

[Gage 2001] <ref name="Gage2001">
{{cite journal
| author1 = Bruce Gage
| title = The Making of Native American Style Flutes
| journal = The Woodwind Quarterly
| volume = 22
| year = 2001
| pages = 53-62

[Gilman-EF 1993] <ref name="Gilman-EF1993">
{{cite book
| author1 = Edward F. Gilman
| author2 = Dennis G. Watson
| title = Acer negundo Boxelder
| series = Fact Sheet ST-20
| publisher = U. S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service
| date = November 1993

[Gonzato 2015] <ref name="Gonzato2015">
{{cite book
| author1 = Guido Gonzato
| title = The "Low-Tech" Whistle: How to Make a Fine PVC Whistle
| date = November 23, 2015

[Goss-WP 1992] <ref name="Goss-WP1992">
{{cite conference
| author1 = W. P. Goss
| author2 = R. G. Miller
| title = Thermal Properties of Wood and Wood Products
| conference = Proceedings of the Thermal Performance of the Exterior Envelopes of Whole Buildings International Conference, 1992
| volume = 28
| year = 1992
| isbn = 0-910110-93-X

[Hermann 2004b] <ref name="Hermann2004b">
{{cite journal
| author1 = Henry R. Hermann
| title = To Seal or Not to Seal the Slow Air Chamber and Flue
| journal = Voice of the Wind
| volume = 2004
| issue = 4
| publisher = International Native American Flute Association
| place = Suffolk, Virginia
| year = 2004
| pages = 3-6

[Hopkin 1996] <ref name="Hopkin1996">
{{cite book
| author1 = Bart Hopkin
| title = Musical Instrument Design: Practical Information for Instrument Makers
| publisher = See Sharp Press
| isbn = 978-1-884365-08-9

[Hughes 2014] <ref name="Hughes2014">
{{cite book
| author1 = Bill Hughes
| title = Bore Routing Safety Jig
| year = 2014
| accessdate = August 25, 2014

[Hunt 1954] <ref name="Hunt1954">
{{cite book
| author1 = Walter Ben Hunt
| title = The Golden Book of Indian Crafts and Lore
| publisher = Simon and Schuster
| year = 1954

[Hunt 1973] <ref name="Hunt1973">
{{cite book
| author1 = Walter Ben Hunt
| title = The Complete How-To Book of Indiancraft: 68 Projects for Authentic Indian Articles from Tepee to Tom-tom
| publisher = Collier Books
| place = New York
| year = 1973
| isbn = 978-0-02-011690-5

[Kelischek B] <ref name="KelischekB">
{{cite book
| author1 = George Kelischek
| title = Plans for Building Native American Flutes

[Lacroix A] <ref name="LacroixA">
{{cite book
| author1 = Lee Lacroix
| title = Crafting Your Own Native American Flute

[Luley 2009] <ref name="Luley2009">
{{cite journal
| author1 = Christopher J. Luley
| author2 = David J. Nowak
| author3 = Eric J. Greenfield
| title = Frequency and Severity of Trunk Decay in Street Tree Maples in Four New York Cities
| journal = Arboriculture & Urban Forestry
| volume = 35
| issue = 2
| year = 2009
| pages = 94-99

[Price 1990] <ref name="Price1990">
{{cite book
| author1 = Lew Paxton Price
| title = Native North American Flutes
| year = 1990
| isbn = 0-917578-07-4

[Price 1991] <ref name="Price1991">
{{cite book
| author1 = Lew Paxton Price
| title = Secrets of the Flute
| year = 1991
| isbn = 0-917578-08-2

[Price 1994] <ref name="Price1994">
{{cite book
| author1 = Lew Paxton Price
| title = Creating and Using the Native American Love Flute
| series = Love Flutes Series
| volume = 1
| publisher = L. P. Price
| place = P.O. Box 88, Garden Valley, CA 95633
| year = 1994
| isbn = 0-917578-09-0

[Price 1995] <ref name="Price1995">
{{cite book
| author1 = Lew Paxton Price
| title = Creating and Using Grandfather's Flute
| series = Love Flutes Series
| volume = 2
| year = 1995
| isbn = 0-917578-11-2

[Price 1995a] <ref name="Price1995a">
{{cite book
| author1 = Lew Paxton Price
| title = Creating and Using Older Native American Flutes
| series = Love Flutes Series
| volume = 3
| year = 1995
| isbn = 0-917578-13-9

[Price 1995b] <ref name="Price1995b">
{{cite book
| author1 = Lew Paxton Price
| title = Creating and Using Smaller Native American Flutes
| series = Love Flutes Series
| volume = 4
| year = 1995
| isbn = 0-917578-14-7

[Price 1996] <ref name="Price1996">
{{cite book
| author1 = Lew Paxton Price
| title = Creating and Using the Native American Concert Flute
| series = Love Flutes Series
| volume = 8
| year = 1996
| isbn = 0-917578-16-3

[Price 1997] <ref name="Price1997">
{{cite book
| author1 = Lew Paxton Price
| title = More Secrets of the Flute: More of the Physics, Math, and Design of Non-Mechanical Folk Flutes
| publisher = El Dorado Press
| year = 1997
| isbn = 0-917578-17-1

[Price 1998] <ref name="Price1998">
{{cite book
| author1 = Lew Paxton Price
| title = Creating and Using Larger Native American Flutes
| series = Love Flutes Series
| volume = 5
| year = 1998
| isbn = 0-917578-19-8

[Price 1998a] <ref name="Price1998a">
{{cite book
| author1 = Lew Paxton Price
| title = Creating and Using the Largest Native American Flutes
| series = Love Flutes Series
| volume = 6
| publisher = L. P. Price
| place = P.O. Box 88, Garden Valley, CA 95633
| year = 1998
| isbn = 0-917578-20-1

[Price 1998b] <ref name="Price1998b">
{{cite book
| author1 = Lew Paxton Price
| title = Creating and Using Very Small Native American Flutes
| series = Love Flutes Series
| volume = 7
| year = 1998
| isbn = 0-917578-22-8

[Price 2010] <ref name="Price2010">
{{cite journal
| author1 = Lew Paxton Price
| title = How I Make Flutes Today
| journal = Voice of the Wind
| volume = 2010
| issue = 1
| publisher = International Native American Flute Association
| place = Suffolk, Virginia
| date = February 2010

[Riley 2006] <ref name="Riley2006">
{{cite book
| author1 = Peter Riley
| author2 = Charles Parker
| title = Notes on Making a Large Overtone Flute (the Fujara) from Readily Available Materials
| date = November 5, 2006

[Riley 2009] <ref name="Riley2009">
{{cite book
| author1 = Peter Riley
| title = Additional Notes on Making a Large Overtone Flute
| date = January 8, 2009

[Robinson 1981] <ref name="Robinson1981">
{{cite book
| author1 = Trevor Robinson
| title = The Amateur Wind Instrument Maker
| edition = Revised edition
| publisher = University of Massachusetts Press
| date = March 1981
| isbn = 978-0-87023-312-8

[Sajfert 2011] <ref name="Sajfert2011">
{{cite journal
| author1 = Vjekoslav Sajfert
| author2 = Sonja Krstić
| author3 = Dušan Popov
| author4 = Nicolina Pop
| title = Absorption of Sound Waves
| series = Seria Fizică (Physics Series)
| journal = Analele Universităţii de Vest din Timişoara (Annals of the West University of Timisoara)
| volume = 55
| date = January 2011
| pages = 13-19

[Shands 2010] <ref name="Shands2010">
{{cite book
| author1 = Donn Shands
| title = How to Build a Simple North American Style Flute
| date = March 1, 2010

[Stanford 2008] <ref name="Stanford2008">
{{cite book
| author1 = Keith Stanford
| title = Ki-e-ta's Manual for the Making of the Native American Style Flute (NAF)
| edition = Version 12
| year = 2008

[Stanford 2008a] <ref name="Stanford2008a">
{{cite book
| author1 = Keith Stanford
| title = Ki-e-ta’s Shop Booklet for the Native American Style Flute (NAF)
| year = 2008

[Stanford 2012] <ref name="Stanford2012">
{{cite book
| author1 = Keith Stanford
| title = Native Yucca Stalk Flute Making Manual
| year = 2012

[Stanford 2014] <ref name="Stanford2014">
{{cite book
| author1 = Keith Stanford
| title = Ki-e-ta's CherryCows Manual for the Making of Flutes inspired by Native American Style Flutes (NAF)
| edition = Version 16
| year = 2014

[Suits 2005] <ref name="Suits2005">
{{cite journal
| author1 = Roland Suits
| title = Reconstructing and Making Replicas of Musical Instruments from the Conservator´s / Instrument Maker’s Viewpoint

[Suttles 2004] <ref name="Suttles2004">
{{cite journal
| author1 = John Suttles
| title = Screaming G Flute Plans
| year = 2004

[USDOA 2007] <ref name="USDOA2007">
{{cite book
| author1 = U. S. Department of Agriculture
| title = The Encyclopedia of Wood
| publisher = Skyhorse Publishing Inc
| year = 2007
| isbn = 978-1-60239-057-7

[Wolf 2001] <ref name="Wolf2001">
{{cite book
| author1 = R. A. Wolf
| title = Flute Shop: A Guide to Crafting the Native American Style Flute
| year = 2001

[Wolf 2004] <ref name="Wolf2004">
{{cite book
| author1 = R. A. Wolf
| title = Flute Shop: A Guide to Crafting the Native American Style Flute
| edition = Revised Edition
| publisher = Wolf Song Publications
| date = December 1, 2004
| isbn = 978-0-9761543-0-3

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