[Flutopedia format] Ethnobotany References
This is a list of references related to ethnobotany — the study of the relationships that exist between peoples and plants. These are relevant, in particular, when looking at the issues of Proto-Flutes and Yucca stalks.
The references on this page are a sub-set of the complete list of Flutopedia references.
For information on the format and other details of these citations, see the main references page.
[Flutopedia format] Ethnobotany References
[Bell 1941]
Willis H. Bell and Edward F. Castetter.
The Utilization of Yucca, Sotol, and Beargrass by the Aborigines in the American Southwest,
Ethnobiological Studies in the American Southwest, Volume 7, The University of New Mexico Bulletin, Number 372, published by the University of New Mexico Press, Albuquerque, New Mexico, December 1, 1941.
[Bogler 2005]
David J. Bogler, J. Chris Pires, and Javier Francisco-Ortega.
“Phylogeny of Agavaceae Based on ndhF, rbcL, and its Sequences: Implications of Molecular Data for Classification”,
Aliso, Volume 22, Number 1, 2005, pages 311–326.
[Castetter 1938]
Edward F. Castetter, Willis H. Bell, and Alvin R. Grove.
“The Early Utilization and the Distribution of Agave in the American Southwest”,
Ethnobiological Studies In The American Southwest, The University Of New Mexico Bulletin, December 1, 1938.
[Densmore 1929]
Frances Densmore.
Papago Music,
Smithsonian Institution, Bureau of American Ethnology, Bulletin 90, published by the United States Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C., 1929, 272 pages.
Reissued in [Densmore 2006c].
Publication bulletin901929smit on Archive.org (open access).
Contains 169 songs.
[Fehmi 2004]
Jeffrey S. Fehmi, Shelley Danzer, and Joanne Roberts.
Agave palmeri Inflorescence Production on Fort Huachuca, Arizona,
Convervation Assistance Program, published by the U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center (ERDC), September 2004, 34 pages.
[Fewkes 1896]
J. Walter Fewkes.
“A Contribution to Ethnobotany”,
American Anthropologist, Volume 9, Number 1, January 1896, pages 14–21.
Publication 658267 on JSTOR (subscription access).
[Gibbs 2003]
Victor Gibbs (principal investigator).
A Cultural Resources Overview of the San Andres National Wildlife Refuge, New Mexico,
March 2003, 111 pages.
[Hays-Gilpin 1998]
Kelley Hays-Gilpin, Ann Cordy Deegan, and Elizabeth Ann Morris.
Prehistoric Sandals from Northeastern Arizona: The Earl H. Morris and Ann Axtell Morris Research,
Anthropological Papers of the University of Arizona, paper #62, published by the University of Arizona Press, Tuscon, Arizona, 1998, 150 pages, ISBN 0-8165-1801-7 (978-0-8165-1801-2).
[Hough 1897]
Walter Hough.
“The Hopi in Relation to Their Plant Environment”,
American Anthropologist, Volume 10, Number 2, February 1897, pages 33–44.
Publication 658916 on JSTOR (subscription access).
[Hough 1907]
Walter Hough.
Antiquities of the Upper Gila and Salt River Valleys in Arizona and New Mexico,
Smithsonian Institution, Bureau of American Ethnology, Bulletin 35, published by the United States Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C., 1907, 96 pages, retrieved March 18, 2010.
Publications bulletin351907smit, antiquitiesuppe01houggoog, and antiquitiesuppe03houggoog on Archive.org (open access).
[Oravec 2013]
Christine Oravec.
“Yuccas, Butterflies, and Flute Players: The Significance of San Juan Basketmaker Rock Art in the Flower World Image Complex”,
Thirty Third Annual Symposium of the Utah Rock Art Research Association (URARA), Moab, Utah, October 11–14, 2013, 2013, pages 15–71.
[Oravec 2014]
Christine Oravec.
Yuccas, Agaves, Butterflies and Flute Players: The Significance of San Juan Basketmaker Rock Art in the Flower World Image Complex,
Presented to the Dixie Archaeology Society, January 8, 2014, 77 pages.
[Smith-CI 2008]
Christopher Irwin Smith, Olle Pellmyr, David M. Althoff, Manuel Balcázar-Lara, James Leebens-Mack and Kari A. Segraves.
“Pattern and Timing of Diversification in Yucca (Agavaceae): Specialized Pollination Does Not Escalate Rates of Diversification”,
Proceedings: Biological Sciences, Volume 275, Number 1632, published by The Royal Society, February 7, 2008, pages 249–258.
Publication 25249498 on JSTOR (subscription access).
[Stanford 2012]
Keith Stanford.
Native Yucca Stalk Flute Making Manual,
2012, 86 pages.
[Stone-CL 1987]
Connie L. Stone.
People of the Desert, Canyons and Pines: Prehistory of the Patayan Country in West Central Arizona,
Cultural Resource Series, Monograph Number 5, published by the Arizona State Office of the Bureau of Land Management, Phoenix, Arizona, September 1987, 97 pages.