Flute Catalog - C
Detailed information for a subset of flutes in the Flutopedia Flute Catalog whose source begins with the letter C. The source is the crafting culture (if known), or else the flute maker's last name (if known), or else the name of the collection in which the flute resides.
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Flute Cultures, Makers, or Collections starting with C
Culture: Caddo
NMNH E175635: Caddo ~1896 Native American Flute
Crafting culture: Caddo1,2;
Date crafted: Before February 15, 18963;
Accession date: February 15, 18961;
Overall length: 39.053(±0.159) cm (⇇ 'L 15 3/8' in)4
Identification: NMNH Accession No. 0303411;
Provenance: Not Given, Oklahoma, United States, North America1;
Personnel: Collector: James Mooney; Donor: Bureau Of American Ethnology1;
Disposition: In the National Museum of Natural History collection of the Smithsonian Institution in Washington, D.C., catalog #E175635:.5;
Remarks: FROM CARD: "ILLUS. IN BAE BULLETIN, 132, P1. 17-1, P. 232."1
For more information: Smithsonian Institution / Collections
NMNH E360248: Caddo ~1931 Native American Flute
Crafting culture: Caddo1,2;
Date crafted: Before March 20, 19313;
Accession date: March 20, 19311;
Overall length: 55.880(±0.159) cm (⇇ 'L 22' in)4
Identification: NMNH Accession No. 1136051;
Provenance: Not Given, Arkansas, United States, North America1;
Personnel: Donor: Victor J. Evans1;
Disposition: In the National Museum of Natural History collection of the Smithsonian Institution in Washington, D.C., catalog #E360248:.5;
Remarks: From card: "Direct flute; 6 vent holes."1
For more information: Smithsonian Institution / Collections
Payne #20: Caddo ~1965 Native American Flute
Crafting culture: Caddo1,2;
Date crafted: About 1960's2,3;
Overall length: 55.245(±0.159) cm (⇇ 'L 21 3/4' in)4
Identification: Munn auction lot #2683;
Wolf item #20, photos #116-1211;
Auction history: October 21, 2005 by R. G. Munn Auctions: Sale price $110 ($139.4 including buyer's premium and tax), Estimate $400 - $800, Starting bid $2005;
Remarks: Collected from Old Man Whitebeard, bird baffle block, listed in flute book [page 34, figure 72], 22” long.2
Cited in: [Payne 1999], page 34, figure 72
Culture: Cayuga (Gayogohó:no’)
CMH III-I-449: Jack Spicer Cayuga (Gayogohó:no’) ~1912 Native American Flute
Primary Material: Cedar1;
Crafting culture: Cayuga (Gayogohó:no’)1 «Wikipedia»;
Instrument maker: Jack Spicer1;
Date crafted: 1912 or before1;
Overall length: 41.5(±0.1) cm2
CMH III-I-450: Daylight Davis Cayuga (Gayogohó:no’) ~1912 Native American Flute
Primary Material: Cedar1;
Crafting culture: Cayuga (Gayogohó:no’)2 «Wikipedia»;
Instrument maker: Daylight Davis1;
Date crafted: 1912 or before1;
Overall length: 47.0(±0.1) cm3
CMH III-I-75: Cayuga (Gayogohó:no’) ~1911 Native American Flute
Primary Material: Wood1;
Crafting culture: Cayuga (Gayogohó:no’)2 «Wikipedia»;
Date crafted: 1911 or before1;
Overall length: 35.1(±0.1) cm3
CMH III-I-76: Cayuga (Gayogohó:no’) ~1911 Native American Flute
Primary Material: Wood1;
Crafting culture: Cayuga (Gayogohó:no’)1 «Wikipedia»;
Date crafted: 1911 or before1
Culture: Cherokee (ᎠᏂᏴᏫᏯ)
Hawk Littlejohn Cherokee (ᎠᏂᏴᏫᏯ) 1992 Native American Flute
Primary Material: Eastern Red Cedar1;
Crafting culture: Cherokee (ᎠᏂᏴᏫᏯ)1 «Wikipedia»;
Instrument maker: Hawk Littlejohn1 — Cherokee (ᎠᏂᏴᏫᏯ) (1941–2000) «Wikipedia»;
Date crafted: 19921
Remarks: Flutes made by Hawk Littlejohn are highly prized by some collectors. Here’s one made of Eastern Red Cedar from way back in 1992. It comes with its original flute bag, with Hawk’s business card and signature sweetgrass braid still attached. It’s pricy, but it might be worth a look. For more information, take a look at the auction page.1
NMAI 26/4550: James Gilliland Cherokee (ᎠᏂᏴᏫᏯ) 2001 Native American Flute
Crafting culture: Cherokee (ᎠᏂᏴᏫᏯ)1 «Wikipedia»;
Instrument maker: James Gilliland1 — Cherokee (ᎠᏂᏴᏫᏯ) «Web Site»;
Date crafted: 20011;
Overall length: 38.5(±0.5) cm2;
Materials: Cane, commercial suede thong, vegetal fiber, lacquer1
Provenance: Formerly in the collection of the artist; given to Commander John Bennett Herrington (Chickasaw, b.1958, US Navy and the first astronaut enrolled in an American Indian tribe) at an unknown date; carried and played by Herrington aboard the Space Shuttle Endeavor between November 23 and December 7, 2002 (mission STS-113 to the International Space Station); donated to NMAI in 2004 by Commander Herrington.1;
Disposition: In the National Museum of the American Indian collection in Washington, DC, catalog #26/4550.3;
Remarks: Place:Madison; Madison County; Alabama; USA1
NMAI 26/6392: Frank Taylor Cherokee (ᎠᏂᏴᏫᏯ) ~2006 Native American Flute
Crafting culture: Cherokee (ᎠᏂᏴᏫᏯ)1 «Wikipedia»;
Instrument maker: Frank Taylor1 — Cherokee (ᎠᏂᏴᏫᏯ) «Web Site»;
Date crafted: 2005 – 20071;
Overall length: 55.6(±0.1) cm2;
Materials: Wood, varnish, wool cloth, commercial suede thong, thread1
Provenance: Presented to NMAI Director W. Richard West, Jr. by the artist on the occasion of Mr. West's retirement in 2007; transferred to the NMAI collections the same year.1;
Disposition: In the National Museum of the American Indian collection in Washington, DC, catalog #26/6392.3;
Remarks: Place: Henagar; De Kalb County; Alabama; USA. Techniques: Carved, drilled, sewn, varnished.1
Payne #10: John Ballard Cherokee (ᎠᏂᏴᏫᏯ) 1960 Native American Flute
Crafting culture: Cherokee (ᎠᏂᏴᏫᏯ)1,2 «Wikipedia»;
Instrument maker: John Ballard1,2,3 — Cherokee (ᎠᏂᏴᏫᏯ);
Date crafted: 19601;
About 1960's2,3;
Overall length: 61.595(±0.159) cm (⇇ 'L 24 1/4' in)4
Identification: Munn auction lot #1163;
Wolf item #10, photos #56-631;
Auction history: October 21, 2005 by R. G. Munn Auctions: Sale price $350 ($443.54 including buyer's premium and tax), Estimate $400 - $700, Starting bid $2005;
Remarks: Painted bird head design, made by John Ballard, 24” long.2
Payne #56: Cherokee (ᎠᏂᏴᏫᏯ) ~1955 Native American Flute
Crafting culture: Cherokee (ᎠᏂᏴᏫᏯ)1 «Wikipedia»;
Date crafted: About 1950's1,2
Identification: Munn auction lot #7482;
Auction history: October 22, 2005 by R. G. Munn Auctions: Sale price $70 ($88.71 including buyer's premium and tax), Estimate $250 - $350, Starting bid $1253;
Remarks: Made of cane, hide wrap, 26” long.1
Culture: Cheyenne
AMNH 50 / 5511: Cheyenne ~1904 Bird Call
Crafting culture: Cheyenne1;
Date crafted: 1904 or before2;
Date acquired: 19041;
Overall length: 51.0(±0.5) cm3;
Provenance: USA1;
Personnel: Donor: Dr. George B. Grinnell (Purchase)1;
Disposition: In the American Museum of Natural History collection in New York City, catalog #50 / 5511.4
For more information: American Museum of Natural History / Anthropology Collections
DCM 150: Cheyenne ~1920 Native American Flute
Primary Material: Wood1;
Crafting culture: Cheyenne2,3;
Date crafted: Before September 16, 19204;
Date acquired: September 16, 19202;
Overall length: 61.70(±0.05) cm2;
62.548(±0.159) cm (⇇ 'L 24 5/8' in)5;
Materials: Wood, nickel silver ferrules, lead flue plate, leather thong, feathers.2
Provenance: From Harvey's Curio Store, Albuquerque, New Mexico, 16 Sept. 1920.2;
Disposition: In the Dayton C. Miller collection of the Library of Congress, Washington, D.C., cataloged as DCM 150:.6;
Remarks: Dayton C. Miller ledger entry: "Cheyenne." The flue cover is also glued into position and the lead flue plate is tied separately into position further down the tube to form the edge. Incised, carved designs include stag's head, bison(?) head, tortoise, bird, two centipedes, snake, sun and moon, leaf and branch. The lashings terminate in long decorative strands, those at the end incorporate feathers. Possibly original or not, the bottom end has a brazed-seam, wide nickel silver ferrule, and the mouthpipe has a brazed-seam narrow silver ferrule.2
For more information: Library of Congress / Dayton C. Miller Collection
NMNH E165925: Cheyenne ~1893 Native American Flute
Crafting culture: Cheyenne1,2;
Date crafted: Before December 25, 18933;
Accession date: December 25, 18931;
Overall length: 51.118(±0.159) cm (⇇ 'L 20 1/8' in)4
Identification: NMNH Accession No. 0266741;
Provenance: United States, North America1;
Personnel: Collector and Donor: Rev. Heinrich Richert Voth1;
Disposition: In the National Museum of Natural History collection of the Smithsonian Institution in Washington, D.C., catalog #E165925:.5
For more information: Smithsonian Institution / Collections
NMNH E385932: Cheyenne ~1947 Native American Flute
Crafting culture: Southern Cheyenne1;
Date crafted: Before November 14, 19473;
Accession date: November 14, 19472;
Overall length: 52.070(±0.159) cm (⇇ 'L 20 1/2' in)4
Identification: NMNH Accession No. 1776722;
Provenance: Not Given, Oklahoma, United States, North America2;
Personnel: Collector: Brig. Gen. James Denver Glennan; Donor: Frances Glennan and Jennie Glennan2;
Disposition: In the National Museum of Natural History collection of the Smithsonian Institution in Washington, D.C., catalog #E385932:.5
For more information: Smithsonian Institution / Collections
Payne #19: Bert Yellow Eyes Cheyenne 1950 Native American Flute
Crafting culture: Cheyenne1,2;
Instrument maker: Bert Yellow Eyes1,2,3 — Cheyenne;
Date crafted: 19501;
About 1950's2,3;
Overall length: 55.880(±0.159) cm (⇇ 'L 22' in)4
Identification: Munn auction lot #4353;
Wolf item #19, photos #110-1151;
Auction history: October 22, 2005 by R. G. Munn Auctions: Sale price $1,200 ($1,520.7 including buyer's premium and tax), Estimate $600 - $1,100, Starting bid $3002;
Remarks: Made by Bert Yellow Eyes, incised design, baffle is made of wood from Roman Nose Park, listed in flute book, 22” long.2
PBH 984-12-10/58268: Cheyenne 1875 Native American Flute
Primary Material: Wood1;
Crafting culture: Cheyenne2;
Date crafted: 18751;
Overall length: 40.5(±0.5) cm3
Provenance: Donor: Russell Barber (1984), Collector: Barclay F. Ratcliff (1875), Geography/Provenience: North America/United States/Wyoming, North America/United States/Montana, Geo-Locale: Arapaho Reservation; Cheyenne Reservation1;
Disposition: In the Peabody Museum of Harvard, cataloged as #984-12-10/58268.4;
Remarks: Inventory Description: Flute, hollowed, perforated body, wrapped leather, carved horse? Attached. Object Description: Flute, of hollowed wood;with leather thongs tied around it; with 4 holes and decorative appendage. len: 40 cm.1
TL-WSU #1: Cheyenne ~1912 Mid-range G Native American Flute
Primary Material: Western Cedar1;
Crafting culture: Cheyenne1;
Date crafted: About 19121;
Overall length: 52.5(±0.1) cm (⇇ 525 mm)1
Provenance: From the collection of Thurlow Lieurance. Restored to playing condition by Dr. Richard W. Payne in 1989.1;
Personnel: former owner: John Turkey Legs2;
Disposition: In the Thurlow Lieruance collection at Wichita State University.3;
In the collection of the Wichita State University since May 17, 1990.4
Culture: Chinese (中国)
Chinese (中国) Dizi
Crafting culture: Chinese (中国)1;
Date crafted: June 15, 2005 or before2;
Date acquired: June 15, 20051
Provenance: Purchased by Clint Goss from the estate of Richard W. Payne at an EBay auction on June 15, 2005.1;
Disposition: In the collection of Clint Goss.3
Chinese (中国) Major Hexatonic Xiao
Fingering sequence: T123–12341;
Crafting culture: Chinese (中国)1;
Date crafted: October 18, 2003 or before2;
Date acquired: October 18, 20031;
Primary scale: Major Hexatonic3 (steps: 2–2–1–2–2–3)
Provenance: Purchased by Clint Goss by mail from Gary Stroutsos who obtained it from 'Mr. Lu', an importer in San Francisto, on October 18, 2003.1;
Disposition: In the collection of Clint Goss.4
Chinese (中国) Major Hexatonic Xiao
Fingering sequence: 123–1231;
Crafting culture: Chinese (中国)1;
Date crafted: January 11, 2003 or before2;
Date acquired: January 11, 20031;
Primary scale: Major Hexatonic3 (steps: 2–2–1–2–2–3)
Provenance: Gifted to Clint Goss from Laya Bachs Gali on January 11, 2003.1;
Disposition: In the collection of Clint Goss.4
Chinese (中国) Mid-range A Major Hexatonic Dizi
Fundamental pitch (design): A41;
Fingering sequence: T123–12342;
Crafting culture: Chinese (中国)2;
Date crafted: April 8, 2006 or before3;
Date acquired: April 8, 20062;
Primary scale: Major Hexatonic4 (steps: 2–2–1–2–2–3)
Provenance: Purchased by Clint Goss in person at the Hangzhou Yuetong Musical Instrument Shop, 213 Jiefang Road, Hangzhou, China (phone 0571-87072809) on April 8, 2006.2;
Disposition: In the collection of Clint Goss.5
Chinese (中国) Mid-range A Major Hexatonic Dizi
Fundamental pitch (design): A41;
Fingering sequence: 123–1232;
Crafting culture: Chinese (中国)2;
Date crafted: March 31, 2006 or before3;
Date acquired: March 31, 20062;
Primary scale: Major Hexatonic4 (steps: 2–2–1–2–2–3)
Provenance: Purchased by Clint Goss in person from Chongde Musical on Jinling Donglu, Shanghai, China on March 31, 2006.2;
Disposition: In the collection of Clint Goss.5
Chinese (中国) Mid-range C Major Hexatonic Bawu
Fundamental pitch (design): C41;
Primary Material: Wood1;
Fingering sequence: T123–1231;
Crafting culture: Chinese (中国)1;
Date crafted: April 25, 2006 or before2;
Date acquired: April 25, 20061;
Primary scale: Major Hexatonic1 (steps: 2–2–1–2–2–3)
Provenance: Purchased by Clint Goss in person from a department store, Second floor, #233 Wangfujing Dajie, Beijing, China on April 25, 2006.1;
Disposition: In the collection of Clint Goss.3
Chinese (中国) Mid-range C Major Hexatonic Bawu
Fundamental pitch (design): C41;
Fingering sequence: T123–1232;
Crafting culture: Chinese (中国)2;
Date crafted: March 16, 2006 or before3;
Date acquired: March 16, 20062;
Primary scale: Major Hexatonic4 (steps: 2–2–1–2–2–3)
Provenance: Purchased by Clint Goss in person from a department store, #233 Wangfujing Dajie, Beijing, China on March 16, 2006.2;
Disposition: Gifted from Clint Goss to Barry Higgins.5
Chinese (中国) Mid-range C Major Hexatonic Bawu
Fundamental pitch (design): C41;
Fingering sequence: T123–1232;
Crafting culture: Chinese (中国)2;
Date crafted: March 16, 2006 or before3;
Date acquired: March 16, 20062;
Primary scale: Major Hexatonic4 (steps: 2–2–1–2–2–3)
Provenance: Purchased by Clint Goss in person from a department store, #233 Wangfujing Dajie, Beijing, China on March 16, 2006.2;
Disposition: In the collection of Clint Goss.5
Chinese (中国) Mid-range C Major Hexatonic Bawu
Fundamental pitch (design): C41;
Fingering sequence: T123–1232;
Crafting culture: Chinese (中国)2;
Date crafted: March 18, 2006 or before3;
Date acquired: March 18, 20062;
Primary scale: Major Hexatonic4 (steps: 2–2–1–2–2–3)
Provenance: Purchased by Clint Goss in person from a music shop at the North end of string of shops, Xinjiekou Nan Dajie (新街口南大街), Beijing, China on March 18, 2006.2;
Disposition: In the collection of Clint Goss.5
Chinese (中国) Mid-range C Major Hexatonic Dual-Chamber Hulusi
Fundamental pitch (design): C41;
Fingering sequence: T123–1232;
Crafting culture: Chinese (中国)2;
Date crafted: March 16, 2006 or before3;
Date acquired: March 16, 20062;
Primary scale: Major Hexatonic4 (steps: 2–2–1–2–2–3)
Provenance: Purchased by Clint Goss in person from a department store, #233 Wangfujing Dajie, Beijing, China on March 16, 2006.2;
Disposition: Gifted by Clint Goss to Julie Weber at Music for People.5
Chinese (中国) Mid-range C Major Hexatonic Xiao
Fundamental pitch (design): C41;
Fingering sequence: T123–12342;
Crafting culture: Chinese (中国)2;
Date crafted: April 8, 2006 or before3;
Date acquired: April 8, 20062;
Primary scale: Major Hexatonic4 (steps: 2–2–1–2–2–3)
Provenance: Purchased by Clint Goss in person at the Hangzhou Yuetong Musical Instrument Shop, 213 Jiefang Road, Hangzhou, China (phone 0571-87072809) on April 8, 2006.2;
Disposition: In the collection of Clint Goss.5
Chinese (中国) Mid-range C Scottish / Lakota Hexatonic Bawu
Fundamental pitch (design): C41;
Fingering sequence: T123–1231;
Crafting culture: Chinese (中国)1;
Date crafted: April 25, 2006 or before2;
Date acquired: April 25, 20061;
Primary scale: Scottish Hexatonic1 (steps: 2–2–1–2–2–3)
Provenance: Purchased by Clint Goss in person from a department store, Second floor, #233 Wangfujing Dajie, Beijing, China on April 25, 2006.1;
Disposition: Gifted from Clint Goss to Mary Knysh at Music for People.3
Chinese (中国) Mid-range D Major Diatonic Bawu
Fundamental pitch (design): D41;
Fingering sequence: T123–1231;
Crafting culture: Chinese (中国)1;
Date crafted: October 12, 2004 or before2;
Date acquired: October 12, 20041;
Primary scale: Diatonic Major1 (steps: 2–2–1–2–2–2–1) «Wikipedia»
Provenance: Purchased by Clint Goss in person from Ray Man's shop in North London on October 12, 2004.1;
Disposition: In the collection of Clint Goss.3
Chinese (中国) Mid-range D Major Diatonic Bawu
Fundamental pitch (design): D41;
Fingering sequence: T123–1231;
Crafting culture: Chinese (中国)1;
Date crafted: November 22, 2004 or before2;
Date acquired: November 22, 20041;
Primary scale: Diatonic Major1 (steps: 2–2–1–2–2–2–1) «Wikipedia»
Provenance: Purchased by Clint Goss in person from Chen Tao on November 22, 2004.1;
Disposition: In the collection of Clint Goss.3
Chinese (中国) Mid-range D Major Diatonic Xiao
Fundamental pitch (design): D41;
Fingering sequence: T12–1231;
Crafting culture: Chinese (中国)1;
Date crafted: October 12, 2004 or before2;
Date acquired: October 12, 20041;
Primary scale: Diatonic Major1 (steps: 2–2–1–2–2–2–1) «Wikipedia»
Provenance: Purchased by Clint Goss in person from Ray Man's shop in North London on October 12, 2004.1;
Disposition: In the collection of Clint Goss.3
Chinese (中国) Mid-range D Major Hexatonic Bawu
Fundamental pitch (design): D41;
Fingering sequence: 123–1232;
Crafting culture: Chinese (中国)2;
Date crafted: April 3, 2006 or before3;
Date acquired: April 3, 20062;
Primary scale: Major Hexatonic4 (steps: 2–2–1–2–2–3)
Provenance: Purchased by Clint Goss in person in a store in Yu Gardens, Shanghai, China on April 3, 2006.2;
Disposition: In the collection of Clint Goss.5
Chinese (中国) Mid-range D Major Hexatonic Bawu
Fundamental pitch (design): D41;
Fingering sequence: T123–1232;
Crafting culture: Chinese (中国)2;
Date crafted: March 16, 2006 or before3;
Date acquired: March 16, 20062;
Primary scale: Major Hexatonic4 (steps: 2–2–1–2–2–3)
Provenance: Purchased by Clint Goss in person from a department store, #233 Wangfujing Dajie, Beijing, China on March 16, 2006.2;
Disposition: In the collection of Clint Goss.5
Chinese (中国) Mid-range D Major Hexatonic Bawu
Fundamental pitch (design): D41;
Fingering sequence: T123–1231;
Crafting culture: Chinese (中国)1;
Date crafted: April 25, 2006 or before2;
Date acquired: April 25, 20061;
Primary scale: Major Hexatonic1 (steps: 2–2–1–2–2–3)
Provenance: Purchased by Clint Goss in person from a department store, Second floor, #233 Wangfujing Dajie, Beijing, China on April 25, 2006.1;
Disposition: In the collection of Clint Goss.3
Chinese (中国) Mid-range D Major Hexatonic Dizi
Fundamental pitch (design): D41;
Fingering sequence: 123–12342;
Crafting culture: Chinese (中国)2;
Date crafted: March 31, 2006 or before3;
Date acquired: March 31, 20062;
Primary scale: Major Hexatonic4 (steps: 2–2–1–2–2–3)
Provenance: Purchased by Clint Goss in person from Chongde Musical on Jinling Donglu, Shanghai, China on March 31, 2006.2;
Disposition: In the collection of Clint Goss.5
Chinese (中国) Mid-range F Major Hexatonic Dual-Chamber Hulusi
Fundamental pitch (design): F41;
Fingering sequence: T123–1232;
Crafting culture: Chinese (中国)2;
Date crafted: April 25, 2006 or before3;
Date acquired: April 25, 20062;
Primary scale: Major Hexatonic4 (steps: 2–2–1–2–2–3)
Provenance: Purchased by Clint Goss in person from Mr. Zhang Guo Zhu, Music Shop, 102 Xinjiekou Nan Dajie (新街口南大街), Beijing, China on April 25, 2006.2;
Disposition: In the collection of Clint Goss.5
Chinese (中国) Mid-range G Major Hexatonic Dizi
Fundamental pitch (design): G41;
Fingering sequence: 123–1232;
Crafting culture: Chinese (中国)2;
Date crafted: March 31, 2006 or before3;
Date acquired: March 31, 20062;
Primary scale: Major Hexatonic4 (steps: 2–2–1–2–2–3)
Provenance: Purchased by Clint Goss in person from Chongde Musical on Jinling Donglu, Shanghai, China on March 31, 2006.2;
Disposition: In the collection of Clint Goss.5
Chinese (中国) Mid-range G Major Hexatonic Dual-Chamber Hulusi
Fundamental pitch (design): G41;
Fingering sequence: T123–1232;
Crafting culture: Chinese (中国)2;
Date crafted: April 25, 2006 or before3;
Date acquired: April 25, 20062;
Primary scale: Major Hexatonic4 (steps: 2–2–1–2–2–3)
Provenance: Purchased by Clint Goss in person from Mr. Zhang Guo Zhu, Music Shop, 102 Xinjiekou Nan Dajie (新街口南大街), Beijing, China on April 25, 2006.2;
Disposition: In the collection of Clint Goss.5
Lin Shun Sheng Chinese (中国) Mid-range C Mixolydian Xiao
Fundamental pitch (design): C41;
Fingering sequence: T123–12341;
Crafting culture: Chinese (中国)1;
Instrument maker: Lin Shun Sheng1;
Date crafted: April 25, 2006 or before2;
Date acquired: April 25, 20061;
Primary scale: Mixolydian1 (steps: 2–2–1–2–2–1–2) «Wikipedia»
Provenance: Purchased by Clint Goss in person from Mr. Zhang Guo Zhu, Music Shop, 102 Xinjiekou Nan Dajie (新街口南大街), Beijing, China on April 25, 2006.1;
Disposition: In the collection of Clint Goss.3
Culture: Choctaw
Choctaw Overtone Flute
Crafting culture: Choctaw1 «Wikipedia»;
Date acquired: June 15, 20051
Provenance: Purchased by Clint Goss from the estate of Richard W. Payne at an EBay auction on June 15, 2005.1;
Disposition: In the collection of Clint Goss.2
Culture: Cochiti Pueblo
AMNH 50.1 / 5059: Cochiti Pueblo ~1911 Rim-blown Flute
Crafting culture: Cochiti Pueblo1 «Wikipedia»;
Date crafted: 1911 or before2;
Date acquired: 19111;
Overall length: 116.5(±0.5) cm3;
Provenance: NM, SANDOVAL COUNTY, COCHITI PUEBLO, Plains, Southwest, USA1;
Personnel: Donor: Dr. Herbert J. Spinden (Expedition)1;
Disposition: In the American Museum of Natural History collection in New York City, catalog #50.1 / 5059.4
For more information: American Museum of Natural History / Anthropology Collections
Culture: Comanche (Nʉmʉnʉʉ)
AMNH 50.1 / 6396: Comanche (Nʉmʉnʉʉ) ~1911 Native American Flute
Crafting culture: Comanche (Nʉmʉnʉʉ)1 «Wikipedia»;
Date crafted: 1911 or before2;
Date acquired: 19111;
Overall length: 48.3(±0.5) cm3;
Materials: WOOD, HIDE, METAL1
Identification: AMNH Field No. 2151;
Provenance: USA1;
Personnel: Donor: Dr. Pliny E. Goddard1;
Disposition: In the American Museum of Natural History collection in New York City, catalog #50.1 / 6396.4
For more information: American Museum of Natural History / Anthropology Collections
NMNH E270086: Comanche (Nʉmʉnʉʉ) ~1911 Native American Flute
Crafting culture: Comanche (Nʉmʉnʉʉ)1,2 «Wikipedia»;
Date crafted: Before June 29, 19113;
Accession date: June 29, 19111;
Overall length: 53.340(±0.159) cm (⇇ 'L 21' in)4
Identification: NMNH Accession No. 0529331;
Provenance: United States (not certain), North America1;
Personnel: Collectors: Capt. Allyn K. Capron and Mrs. Lillian Capron; Donor: Mrs. Allyn K. Capron1;
Disposition: In the National Museum of Natural History collection of the Smithsonian Institution in Washington, D.C., catalog #E270086:.5
For more information: Smithsonian Institution / Collections
Payne #11: Edward Wapp Comanche (Nʉmʉnʉʉ) 1980 Native American Flute
Crafting culture: Comanche (Nʉmʉnʉʉ)1,2 «Wikipedia»;
Instrument maker: Edward R. Wapp1,2,3 — Comanche (Nʉmʉnʉʉ) / Sac and Fox (Thakiwaki) (–2016);
Date crafted: 19801;
About 1980's2,3;
Overall length: 44.133(±0.159) cm (⇇ 'L 17 3/8' in)4
Identification: Munn auction lot #8113;
Wolf item #11, photos #64-691;
Auction history: October 22, 2005 by R. G. Munn Auctions: Sale price $150 ($190.09 including buyer's premium and tax), Estimate $450 - $700, Starting bid $2255;
Remarks: Made by Ed Wapp, teacher at an Indian school in Oklahoma. Pine, hide wrapped, 17” long.2
Payne #14: Doc Tate Nevaquaya Comanche (Nʉmʉnʉʉ) ~1960 Native American Flute
Crafting culture: Comanche (Nʉmʉnʉʉ)1,2 «Wikipedia»;
Instrument maker: Doc Tate Nevaquaya1,2,3 — Comanche (Nʉmʉnʉʉ) (1932–1996);
Date crafted: About 1950's – 1960's2,3;
Overall length: 55.563(±0.159) cm (⇇ 'L 21 7/8' in)4
Identification: Munn auction lot #10233;
Wolf item #14, photos #81-871;
Auction history: October 23, 2005 by R. G. Munn Auctions: Sale price $3,250 ($4,118.56 including buyer's premium and tax), Estimate $1,000 - $1,800, Starting bid $5005;
Disposition: In the collection of Robert and Julia Gatliff.6;
Remarks: First flute made by Doc Tate Nevaquaya, juniper with a narrow bore, beaded wrap, stylized bird block and copper spacer, warbles nicely, listed in flute book [page 39, figure 52], 22” long.2
Culture: Crow
DCM 536a: Crow ~1925 Bird Whistle
Primary Material: Bone1;
Crafting culture: Crow2 «Wikipedia»;
Date crafted: Before December 23, 19253;
Date acquired: December 23, 19252;
Overall length: 20.10(±0.05) cm2;
Materials: Bone.2
Provenance: From N. E. Carter, Elkhorn, Wisconsin, 23 Dec. 1925.2;
Disposition: In the Dayton C. Miller collection of the Library of Congress, Washington, D.C., cataloged as DCM 536a:.4;
Remarks: Dayton C. Miller ledger entry: "Crow Indian."2
For more information: Library of Congress / Dayton C. Miller Collection
DCM 536b: Crow ~1925 Bird Whistle
Primary Material: Bone1;
Crafting culture: Crow2 «Wikipedia»;
Date crafted: Before December 23, 19253;
Date acquired: December 23, 19252;
Overall length: 22.15(±0.05) cm2;
Materials: Bone.2
Provenance: From N. E. Carter, Elkhorn, Wisconsin, 23 Dec. 1925.2;
Disposition: In the Dayton C. Miller collection of the Library of Congress, Washington, D.C., cataloged as DCM 536b:.4;
Remarks: Dayton C. Miller ledger entry: "Crow Indian."2
For more information: Library of Congress / Dayton C. Miller Collection
Payne #17: Hugh Little Owl Crow ~1960 Native American Flute
Crafting culture: Crow1,2 «Wikipedia»;
Instrument maker: Hugh Little Owl1,2,3 — Crow;
Date crafted: About 1950's – 1960's2,3;
Date acquired: 19751;
Overall length: 58.896(±0.159) cm (⇇ 'L 23 3/16' in)4
Identification: Munn auction lot #1763;
Wolf item #17, photos #99-1031;
Auction history: October 21, 2005 by R. G. Munn Auctions: Sale price $225 ($285.13 including buyer's premium and tax), Estimate $400 - $800, Starting bid $2005;
Remarks: Made by Hugh Little Owl, he lived next to Custer battle field, listed in flute book, 23” long.2
PBH 985-27-10/60335: Crow 0 Native American Flute
Primary Material: Wood1;
Crafting culture: Crow1 «Wikipedia»;
Date crafted: 19th century1;
Overall length: 33.1(±0.1) cm2
Provenance: Donor: William H. Claflin, Jr. (? - 1985), Collector: William Wildschut (? - ?), Collector: William H. Claflin, Jr. (? - 1985)1;
Disposition: In the Peabody Museum of Harvard, cataloged as #985-27-10/60335.3;
Remarks: Inventory Description: Flute, cylindrical, hollow, square perforation, wrapped with cotton, strap. Object Description: Plains flute. Made from reed split in half, hollowed out and put back together. Wrapped in places w/ cloth and string loop of leather, possibly to go around neck. 33.1x1.6 cm.1
Vernon 535: Crow ~1888 Wrapped-Block Whistle
Fingering sequence: ∅1;
Crafting culture: Crow2 «Wikipedia»;
Date crafted: About 1875 – 19003;
Overall length: 40.5(±0.5) cm4
Provenance: Received from the Jackson Hole Preserve on April 23, 1968, and cataloged by Joel H. Bernstein in August, September, or December of 1973.4;
Disposition: In the David T. Vernon Indian Arts Collection at the Colter Bay Indian Arts Museum at Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming. In November 2011, it was relocated to the Western Archaeological and Conservation Center in Tuscon, Arizona.5
For more information: Flutopedia: Native American Flutes in the David T. Vernon Indian Arts Collection
Vernon 733: Crow ~1888 Wrapped-Block Whistle
Fingering sequence: ∅1;
Crafting culture: Crow2 «Wikipedia»;
Date crafted: About 1875 – 19003;
Overall length: 47.5(±0.5) cm4
Provenance: Received from the Jackson Hole Preserve on April 23, 1968, and cataloged by Joel H. Bernstein in August, September, or December of 1973.5;
Disposition: In the David T. Vernon Indian Arts Collection at the Colter Bay Indian Arts Museum at Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming. In November 2011, it was relocated to the Western Archaeological and Conservation Center in Tuscon, Arizona.6
For more information: Flutopedia: Native American Flutes in the David T. Vernon Indian Arts Collection
Culture: Czech
Czech Flute
Crafting culture: Czech1;
Date crafted: March 6, 2004 or before2;
Date acquired: March 6, 20041
Provenance: Purchased by Clint Goss in person at the Roko Music shop, Karlovy Vary, Czech Republic on March 6, 2004.1;
Disposition: In the collection of Clint Goss.3
Maker: Chris Ti Coom
Chris Ti Coom Mid-range A Minor Native American Flute
Fundamental pitch (design): A41;
Primary Material: Spanish Cedar1;
Fingering sequence: 12–1231;
Instrument maker: Chris Ti Coom1 «Web Site»;
Date crafted: January 29, 2003 or before2;
Date acquired: January 29, 20031;
Primary scale: Minor Pentatonic1 (steps: 3–2–2–3–2) «Wikipedia»;
Overall length: 53.30±0.05 cm3;
Markings: "Chris t' Coom" on the back.1
Provenance: Purchased by Clint Goss in person from New York Woodwind and Brass Music shop at 168 West 48th Street, Manhattan, New York (between 6th and 7th Avenue) on January 29, 2003.1;
Disposition: In the collection of Clint Goss.4
Chris Ti Coom Mid-range G Minor Native American Flute
Fundamental pitch (design): G41;
Fingering sequence: 12–1231;
Instrument maker: Chris Ti Coom1 «Web Site»;
Date crafted: January 22, 2002 or before2;
Date acquired: January 22, 20021;
Primary scale: Minor Pentatonic1 (steps: 3–2–2–3–2) «Wikipedia»;
Overall length: 58.40±0.05 cm3;
Markings: "Chris t' Coom" on the back. Chris Ti Coom logo burned into the top of the flute between the lowest finger hole and the tuning holes.1
Provenance: Purchased by Clint Goss from Jim Pellerite by mail on January 22, 2002.1;
Disposition: In the collection of Clint Goss.4
Maker: Ted Ceplina
Ted Ceplina Ho-Chunk Replica Native American Flute
Instrument maker: Ted Ceplina1 «Web Site»;
Date crafted: July 24, 20162;
Date acquired: July 31, 20161;
Markings: Theodore Ceplina, 07/24/2016, #641
Provenance: Gift of the flute maker, Ted Ceplina, to Clint Goss in person at the World Flute Society Convention on July 31, 2016.1;
Disposition: In the collection of Clint Goss.3
Maker: Winne Clement
Winne Clement Overtone Konsovka
Instrument maker: Winne Clement1 «Web Site»;
Date crafted: July 29, 20162;
Date acquired: July 29, 20161;
Primary scale: Overtone1 (steps: 1–1–1–1–1–1–1)
Provenance: Made by Clint Goss at a workshop of Winne Clement at a workshop at the World Flute Society convention on July 29, 2016.1;
Disposition: In the collection of Clint Goss.3
Set: Clint Goss Collection
"Snake Charmer" Hulusi from Randy Brody
Fingering sequence: T123–1341;
Date crafted: December 16, 2005 or before2;
Date acquired: December 16, 20051
Provenance: Gift of Randy Brody to Clint Goss in person on December 16, 2005.1;
Disposition: In the collection of Clint Goss.3
Bird Whistle
Primary Material: Epoxy1;
Date crafted: 2008 or before2;
Date acquired: About 20081
Provenance: Purchased by Clint Goss by in person in Quito About 2008.1;
Disposition: In the collection of Clint Goss.3
Bird Whistle
Primary Material: Epoxy1;
Date crafted: 2008 or before2;
Date acquired: About 20081
Provenance: Purchased by Clint Goss by in person in Quito About 2008.1;
Disposition: In the collection of Clint Goss.3
Clint's Mid-range A Native American Flute
Fundamental pitch (design): A41;
Primary Material: ABS Plastic1;
Fingering sequence: 123–1231;
Date crafted: August 25, 20132;
Date acquired: August 25, 20131
Provenance: Constructed by Clint Goss at Flute Haven 2016.1;
Disposition: In the collection of Clint Goss.3
Dual-Chamber Mijwiz
Primary Material: Cane1;
Date crafted: 2010 or before2;
Date acquired: About 20101
Provenance: Gift of Rawy Shediac About 2010.1;
Disposition: In the collection of Clint Goss.3
Duct Flute
Primary Material: Clay1;
Date crafted: July 13, 2011 or before2;
Date acquired: July 13, 20111
Identification: Julien's auction lot #3033;
Provenance: Purchased by Clint Goss at auction from the collection of Larry Hagman on July 13, 2011.1;
Disposition: In the collection of Clint Goss.4;
Remarks: Auction lot comprised of three ceramic Mayan instruments, an Asian caarved bone item, two wooden Native American pieces, one painted by Tim Tate Nevaquoya and one inset with turquoise, a blue glazed and incised flute, and a Koki ivorine piece. Longest, 23 1/2 inches.3
Duct Flute
Primary Material: Clay1;
Date crafted: October 28, 2014 or before2;
Date acquired: October 28, 20141
Provenance: Gift of Andres Botero to Clint Goss in person at the Flute Harvest Native Flute School on October 28, 2014.1;
Disposition: In the collection of Clint Goss.3
First Act Mid-range Bb Native American Flute
Fundamental pitch (design): Bb41;
Primary Material: Wood2;
Fingering sequence: 123–1232;
Date crafted: 2008 or before3;
Date acquired: About 20082
Provenance: Purchased by Clint Goss by mail About 2008.2;
Disposition: In the collection of Clint Goss.4
For more information: First Act
High C# Major Diatonic Duct Flute
Fundamental pitch (design): C#51;
Primary Material: Cane1;
Fingering sequence: 123–1231;
Date crafted: March 5, 2017 or before2;
Date acquired: March 5, 20171;
Primary scale: Diatonic Major1 (steps: 2–2–1–2–2–2–1) «Wikipedia»;
Markings: Four double-rings lightly burned onto the circumfrance of the instrument, with "W" shaped burnings near the proximal end.1
Provenance: Purchased by Clint Goss in person from Judy Curtis at Zion Native Flute School on March 5, 2017.1;
Disposition: In the collection of Clint Goss.3
High F Flute
Fundamental pitch (design): F51;
Fingering sequence: 11;
Date crafted: March 6, 2004 or before2;
Date acquired: March 6, 20041
Provenance: Purchased by Clint Goss in person at the Roko Music shop, Karlovy Vary, Czech Republic on March 6, 2004.1;
Disposition: In the collection of Clint Goss.3
Hohle Fels 3D-Printed Replica Rim-blown Flute from Rich Dubé
Primary Material: PLA1;
Date crafted: August 17, 2015 or before2;
Date acquired: August 17, 20151
Provenance: Gift of Rich Dubé to Clint Goss by mail on August 17, 2015.1;
Disposition: In the collection of Clint Goss.3
Mid-range A Duct Flute
Fundamental pitch (design): A41;
Primary Material: Clay1;
Fingering sequence: 12–1231;
Date crafted: July 13, 2011 or before2;
Date acquired: July 13, 20111
Identification: Julien's auction lot #3033;
Provenance: Purchased by Clint Goss at auction from the collection of Larry Hagman on July 13, 2011.1;
Disposition: In the collection of Clint Goss.4;
Remarks: Auction lot comprised of three ceramic Mayan instruments, an Asian caarved bone item, two wooden Native American pieces, one painted by Tim Tate Nevaquoya and one inset with turquoise, a blue glazed and incised flute, and a Koki ivorine piece. Longest, 23 1/2 inches.3
Mid-range A Native American Flute
Fundamental pitch (design): A41;
Primary Material: ABS Plastic1;
Fingering sequence: 123–12341;
Date crafted: August 25, 20132;
Date acquired: August 25, 20131
Provenance: Unknown construction - probably done at a Flute Haven workshop.1;
Disposition: In the collection of Clint Goss.3
Mid-range A Native American Flute Collection [12 items]
Fundamental pitch (design): A41;
Primary Material: ABS Plastic1;
Fingering sequence: 123–1231;
Date crafted: August 25, 20132;
Date acquired: August 25, 20131
Provenance: Constructed by participants at Flute Haven workshops 2015-2018.1;
Disposition: In the collection of Clint Goss.3
Mid-range A Native American Flute Collection [6 items]
Fundamental pitch (design): A41;
Primary Material: ABS Plastic1;
Fingering sequence: 123–1231;
Date crafted: August 25, 20132;
Date acquired: August 25, 20131
Provenance: Constructed by Clint Goss in preparation for Flute Haven 2016.1;
Disposition: In the collection of Clint Goss.3
Mid-range A Native American Flute Collection [8 items]
Fundamental pitch (design): A41;
Primary Material: ABS Plastic1;
Fingering sequence: 123–1231;
Date crafted: August 25, 20132;
Date acquired: August 25, 20131
Provenance: Constructed by Clint Goss in preparation for Flute Haven 2013.1;
Disposition: In the collection of Clint Goss.3
Mid-range A Native American Flute Set [3 items]
Fundamental pitch (design): A41;
Primary Material: ABS Plastic1;
Fingering sequence: 123–1231;
Date crafted: August 25, 20132;
Date acquired: August 25, 20131
Provenance: Constructed by Pat Kay.1;
Disposition: In the collection of Clint Goss.3
Mid-range C Overtone Overtone Flute from Lou Boden
Fundamental pitch (design): C41;
Primary Material: PVC1;
Date crafted: September 18, 2016 or before2;
Date acquired: September 18, 20161;
Primary scale: Overtone1 (steps: 1–1–1–1–1–1–1)
Provenance: Purchased by Clint Goss in person from Frank Henninger at Flute Haven Native Flute School on Steve Petermann, on September 18, 2016, who was selling it on behalf of Lou Boden.1;
Disposition: In the collection of Clint Goss.3
Mid-range E Native American Flute
Fundamental pitch (design): E41;
Primary Material: Poplar1;
Fingering sequence: 123–1231;
Date crafted: September 20212;
Date acquired: September 11, 20211
Provenance: From Flute Haven 20211;
Disposition: In the collection of Clint Goss.3
Mid-range E Native American Flute
Fundamental pitch (design): E41;
Primary Material: Poplar1;
Fingering sequence: 123–1231;
Date crafted: September 20192;
Date acquired: September 15, 20191
Provenance: From Flute Haven 20191;
Disposition: In the collection of Clint Goss.3
Mid-range E Native American Flute
Fundamental pitch (design): E41;
Primary Material: Poplar1;
Fingering sequence: 123–1231;
Date crafted: September 20192;
Date acquired: September 15, 20191
Provenance: From Flute Haven 20191;
Disposition: In the collection of Clint Goss.3
Mid-range Eb Bansuri
Fundamental pitch (design): Eb41;
Fingering sequence: 123–1231;
Date crafted: May 1, 2004 or before2;
Date acquired: May 1, 20041
Provenance: Purchased by Clint Goss in person from the flute maker, Mark Zackelmayer, at an MfP weekend on May 1, 2004.1;
Disposition: In the collection of Clint Goss.3
Mid-range G Side-blown Flute
Fundamental pitch (design): G41;
Primary Material: Ceramic1;
Fingering sequence: 123–1231;
Date crafted: July 13, 2011 or before2;
Date acquired: July 13, 20111
Identification: Julien's auction lot #3033;
Provenance: Purchased by Clint Goss at auction from the collection of Larry Hagman on July 13, 2011.1;
Disposition: In the collection of Clint Goss.4;
Remarks: Auction lot comprised of three ceramic Mayan instruments, an Asian caarved bone item, two wooden Native American pieces, one painted by Tim Tate Nevaquoya and one inset with turquoise, a blue glazed and incised flute, and a Koki ivorine piece. Longest, 23 1/2 inches.3
Multi-Chamber Panpipe
Primary Material: Cane1;
Date crafted: 2008 or before2;
Date acquired: About 20081
Provenance: Purchased by Clint Goss by in person in Quito About 2008.1;
Disposition: In the collection of Clint Goss.3
Multi-Chamber Panpipe
Primary Material: Cane1;
Date crafted: About 20062;
Date acquired: About 20061
Provenance: Made by Clint Goss at a workshop at the Potomac flute festival About 2006.1;
Disposition: In the collection of Clint Goss.3
Organ Pipe
Provenance: Gift of Jon Norris to Clint Goss in person in his home in North Carolina on .1;
Disposition: In the collection of Clint Goss.2
QWistle High D Irish Whistle
Fundamental pitch (design): D51;
Primary Material: Corkfill2;
Fingering sequence: 123–1231;
Date crafted: July 1, 20173;
Date acquired: July 1, 20171
Provenance: 3D printed by Clint Goss on July 1, 2017.1;
Disposition: In the collection of Clint Goss.4
Rim-blown Flute
Primary Material: Bone1;
Fingering sequence: 12342;
Date crafted: December 13, 2014 or before3;
Date acquired: December 13, 20141
Provenance: Purchased by Clint Goss an an EBay.com auction from Christopher Wright, 36 North Ave, Richford, VT 05476 on December 13, 2014.1;
Disposition: In the collection of Clint Goss.4
Single-Reed from Eric Miller
Primary Material: Bamboo1;
Fingering sequence: 123–1231;
Date crafted: September 29, 2006 or before2;
Date acquired: September 29, 20061
Provenance: Gift of Eric Miller to Clint Goss in person on September 29, 2006 .1;
Disposition: In the collection of Clint Goss.3
Toubat Flute Collection from Richard Payne [53 items]
Date acquired: June 15, 20051
Provenance: Purchased by Clint Goss from the estate of Richard W. Payne at an EBay auction on June 15, 2005.1;
Disposition: In the collection of Clint Goss.2;
Remarks: Item description: A group of nine identified flutes. The longest flute is the Long Joey flute from Granada that measures is about 16 1/4 inches . The other flutes are marked Haiti, New Mexico, New Zealand, Florida, Nassau, Japan, and Puerto Rico and there is one painted Native American flute. These flutes came from the very large collection of Dr. Richard Payne, a noted collector of flutes.3
Toubat Flute Collection from Richard Payne [9 items]
Date acquired: May 29, 20051
Provenance: Purchased by Clint Goss from the estate of Richard W. Payne at an EBay auction on May 29, 2005.1;
Disposition: In the collection of Clint Goss.2;
Remarks: Item description: A group of approximately 50 unidentified flutes. These flutes are not identified. A few of the flutes have cracks but the majority are in very good condition. These flutes came from the collection of Doctor Richard Payne, a noted collector of flutes.3
Very High C Major Diatonic Native American Flute
Fundamental pitch (design): C61;
Primary Material: Bamboo1;
Fingering sequence: T12–121;
Date crafted: February 1, 2002 or before2;
Date acquired: February 1, 20021;
Primary scale: Diatonic Major1 (steps: 2–2–1–2–2–2–1) «Wikipedia»
Provenance: Purchased by Clint Goss in person at the Haus der Music Museum in Vienna, Austria (http://www.hausdermusik.com/) on February 1, 2002.1;
Disposition: In the collection of Clint Goss.3
Very High E Native American Flute
Fundamental pitch (design): E61;
Primary Material: Bamboo1;
Fingering sequence: 11;
Date crafted: February 1, 2002 or before2;
Date acquired: February 1, 20021;
Primary scale: 1
Provenance: Purchased by Clint Goss in person at the Haus der Music Museum in Vienna, Austria (http://www.hausdermusik.com/) on February 1, 2002.1;
Disposition: In the collection of Clint Goss.3