Comprehensive Scale Catalog: Five-Tone Scales in Equal Temperament
This page is part of Flutopedia's Comprehensive Scale Catalog ... a listing of many (many) scales that can be played on Native American flutes.
This page shows only scales with five tones per octave and using 12-tone Equal Temperament.
Note that not all five-tone scales are listed on this page. The next page in this sequence of web pages provides Pattern Scales.
These scales do not have a name or designation that I could location, but the pattern of notes does provide an interesting and potentially useful scale.
The root note of each scale is shown in blue, such as .
Minor Pentatonic
Fingerings on most contemporary six-hole pentatonic minor Native American flutes:
Scale steps in semitones: 3–2–2–3–2
Scale degrees:
in semitones: 0–3–5–7–10–12
intervals: 1–m3–4–5–m7–8
Root, Minor 3rd, Perfect 4th, Perfect 5th, Minor 7th, Octave
Pitches starting from C:
C D♯ F G A♯ c
C E♭ F G B♭ c
All The Chords Name: Rocritonic, 1imperfections
Pitch Class Set: {0,3,5,7,10}
Pitch Class Mapping: 1193 (Hex 4A9, Binary 010010101001)
A Study of Scales (Ian Ring) Index: 1193
Deep scale: No
Coherent scale: Yes
This scale is a mode (rotation) of these other scales:
Mode 2 of: Major Pentatonic
Mode 3 of: Neutral Pentatonic
Mode 4 of: Asian Pentatonic
Mode 5 of: Celtic Pentatonic
The name I use for this scale comes from: Scala
Entry on the Map of Native American Flute Tunings page: Five-hole Pentatonic Minor; OT: Six-hole Pentatonic Minor Extended; Four-hole Minor
Scala names: Minor Pentatonic, Blues Pentatonic, Raga Dhani (Suddha Dhanyasi), Abheri, Udhayaravi Chandrika, Qing Shang, Gu Xian, Jia Zhong, Yu: China, P'yongjo-kyemyonjo: Korea, Minyo: Japan, Lai Yai, Lai Noi: Laos, Nam, Northern Sa mac: Vietnam, Peruvian Pentatonic 2, Batti Minor: Ethiopia
ChordHouse name: Pentatonic Minor
Wikipedia pages related to this scale:
Piano Encyclopedia names: Aeolian Pentatonic [Greek]; Gu Xian; Jia Zhong; Minor Pentatonic; Pentatonic Minor; Peruvian Pentatonic 2; P'yongjo-kyemyonjo; Qing Shang; Raga Abheri; Raga Dhani (Suddha Dhanyasi); Raga Suddha Dhanyasi (Dhani); Raga Udhayaravi Chandrika; Relative Minor Pentatonic; Tcherepnin Major Pentatonic Mode V; Yu 2
Scale Omnibus names: Bati [Ethiopia]; Blues Minor Pentatonic; Gu Xian; Jia Zhong; Lai Noi; Lai Yai; Minor Pentatonic; P’yongjo-kyemyonjo; Peruvian Minor Pentatonic; Qing Shang; Raga Abheri; Raga Dhaanyasi ascending; Raga Dhani; Raga Udhayaravi; Yu 2
» This scale is listed in Shakuhachi Onkai — Shakuhachi Musical Scales «尺八の音階»1 ([ShakBC 2011]), web page
» This scale is listed in The Shakuhachi: A Manual for Learning, Second Edition2 ([Blasdel 2008]), according to [ShakBC 2011]
1Web text:
The basic scale of a 1.8 shakuhachi is the pentatonic minor scale D, F, G, A, C.
2Liner notes:
Min'yo (民謡 "folk tunes"): D, F, G, A, C, D
Major Pentatonic
Fingerings on most contemporary six-hole pentatonic minor Native American flutes:
Fingerings on Anasazi-7 tuned Native American flutes:
Scale steps in semitones: 2–2–3–2–3
Scale degrees:
in semitones: 0–2–4–7–9–12
intervals: 1–2–3–5–6–8
Root, Major 2nd, Major 3rd, Perfect 5th, Major 6th, Octave
Pitches starting from C: C D E G A c
All The Chords Name: Pentatonic, 1imperfections
Pitch Class Set: {0,2,4,7,9}
Pitch Class Mapping: 661 (Hex 295, Binary 001010010101)
A Study of Scales (Ian Ring) Index: 661
Deep scale: No
Coherent scale: Yes
This scale is a mode (rotation) of these other scales:
Mode 2 of: Neutral Pentatonic
Mode 3 of: Asian Pentatonic
Mode 4 of: Celtic Pentatonic
Mode 5 of: Minor Pentatonic
The name I use for this scale comes from: Scala
Scala names: Major Pentatonic, Ryosen, Yona Nuki Major: Japan, Man Jue, Gong: China, Raga Bhopali (Bhup), Mohanam, Deskar, Bilahari, Kokila, Jait Kalyan, Peruvian Pentatonic 1, Ghana Pentatonic 2, Tizita Major: Ethiopia
ChordHouse names: Pentatonic Major; Chinese Mongolian
Wikipedia pages related to this scale:
Piano Encyclopedia names: Ghana Pentatonic II [African]; Gong; Ionian Pentatonic; Major Pentatonic; Man Jue; Pentatonic Major; Peruvian Pentatonic 1; Primary Pentatonic; Raga Bhup (Bhopali); Raga Bilahari; Raga Deskar; Raga Jait Kalyan; Raga Kokila; Raga Mohanam; Ryosen; Tcherepnin Major Pentatonic Mode I; Tizita Major; Yona Nuki Major
Scale Omnibus names: Ghana Pentatonic 2 [Ghana]; Gong; Major Pentatonic; Man Jue; Peruvian Major Pentatonic; Raga Bhopali; Raga Bhup; Raga Bilahari ascending; Raga Deskar; Raga Jait Kalyan; Raga Kokila; Raga Mohanam; Ryosen; Tezeta Major; Yona Nuki Major
» This scale is listed in Shakuhachi Onkai — Shakuhachi Musical Scales «尺八の音階»1 ([ShakBC 2011]), web page
» Described in Traditional Japanese Music and Musical Instruments Hardcover2 (hardcover [Malm 2001]), page 68
1As an "Obscure scale":
Ryo scale: D, E, F#, A, B, D (do, re, mi, sol, la, do)
2Liner notes:
Ryo Pentatonic
Neutral Pentatonic
Fingerings on most contemporary six-hole pentatonic minor Native American flutes:
Fingerings on Anasazi-7 tuned Native American flutes:
Scale steps in semitones: 2–3–2–3–2
Scale degrees:
in semitones: 0–2–5–7–10–12
intervals: 1–2–4–5–m7–8
Root, Major 2nd, Perfect 4th, Perfect 5th, Minor 7th, Octave
Pitches starting from C:
C D F G A♯ c
C D F G B♭ c
All The Chords Name: Thaptitonic, 1imperfections
Pitch Class Set: {0,2,5,7,10}
Pitch Class Mapping: 1189 (Hex 4A5, Binary 010010100101)
A Study of Scales (Ian Ring) Index: 1189
Deep scale: No
Coherent scale: Yes
This scale is a mode (rotation) of these other scales:
Mode 2 of: Asian Pentatonic
Mode 3 of: Celtic Pentatonic
Mode 4 of: Minor Pentatonic
Mode 5 of: Major Pentatonic
The name I use for this scale comes from: Scala
Entry on the Map of Native American Flute Tunings page: Japanese Five-hole; Suspended Pentatonic Extended Six-hole
Scala names: Suspended Pentatonic, Raga Madhyamavati, Madhmat Sarang, Megh, Egyptian, Shang, Rui Bin, Jin Yu, Qing Yu: China, Yo: Japan, Ngu Cung Dao: Vietnam, Yematebela wofe: Ethiopia
ChordHouse names: Pentatonic Neutral; Egyptian
Wikipedia pages related to this scale:
Piano Encyclopedia names: Dorian Pentatonic; Egyptian; Jin Yu; Qing Yu; Raga Madhmat Sarang; Raga Madhyamavati; Raga Megh; Rui Bin; Shang 2; Suspended Pentatonic
Scale Omnibus names: Egyptian [Egypt]; Jin-Yu (or Quin-Yu); Quin-Yu (or Jin-Yu); Raga Madhmat Sarang; Raga Madhyamavati; Rui Bin; Shang-Diao; Suspended Pentatonic
Notes: "Neutral" comes from the lack of a minor or major third in the scale.
» This scale is listed in Shakuhachi Onkai — Shakuhachi Musical Scales «尺八の音階»1 ([ShakBC 2011]), web page
» This scale is listed in Yearning for the Bell: A Study of Transmission in the Shakuhachi Honkyoku Tradition2 ([Lee-RK 1992] ), according to [ShakBC 2011]
1As a tuning for the Koto:
Gaku joshi ("court music tuning")--used in gagaku: D, E, G, A, C, D
2Liner notes:
Ritsu scale (律)--from hitoyogiri: D, E, G, A, C, D
Asian Pentatonic
Fingerings on most contemporary six-hole pentatonic minor Native American flutes:
Scale steps in semitones: 3–2–3–2–2
Scale degrees:
in semitones: 0–3–5–8–10–12
intervals: 1–m3–4–m6–m7–8
Root, Minor 3rd, Perfect 4th, Minor 6th, Minor 7th, Octave
Pitches starting from C:
C D♯ F G♯ A♯ c
C E♭ F A♭ B♭ c
All The Chords Name: Epathitonic, 1imperfections
Pitch Class Set: {0,3,5,8,10}
Pitch Class Mapping: 1321 (Hex 529, Binary 010100101001)
A Study of Scales (Ian Ring) Index: 1321
Deep scale: No
Coherent scale: Yes
This scale is a mode (rotation) of these other scales:
Mode 2 of: Celtic Pentatonic
Mode 3 of: Minor Pentatonic
Mode 4 of: Major Pentatonic
Mode 5 of: Neutral Pentatonic
The name I use for this scale comes from: Derived from
Scala names: Blues Minor, Raga Malkauns (Malakosh), Raga Hindola, Man Gong, Quan Ming, Yi Ze, Jiao: China, Shegaye: Ethiopia
Wikipedia pages related to this scale:
Piano Encyclopedia names: Jiao [Chinese]; Man Gong; Minyo; Phrygian Pentatonic; Quan Ming; Raga Hindola; Raga Malkauns (Malakosh); Tcherepnin Major Pentatonic Mode III; Yi Ze
Scale Omnibus names: Blues Minor; Jiao; Man Gong; Minyo; Quan Ming; Raga Hindolam; Yi Ze
Celtic Pentatonic
Fingerings on most contemporary six-hole pentatonic minor Native American flutes:
Fingerings on Anasazi-7 tuned Native American flutes:
Scale steps in semitones: 2–3–2–2–3
Scale degrees:
in semitones: 0–2–5–7–9–12
intervals: 1–2–4–5–6–8
Root, Major 2nd, Perfect 4th, Perfect 5th, Major 6th, Octave
Pitches starting from C: C D F G A c
All The Chords Name: Mynitonic, 1imperfections
Pitch Class Set: {0,2,5,7,9}
Pitch Class Mapping: 677 (Hex 2A5, Binary 001010100101)
A Study of Scales (Ian Ring) Index: 677
Deep scale: No
Coherent scale: Yes
This scale is a mode (rotation) of these other scales:
Mode 2 of: Minor Pentatonic
Mode 3 of: Major Pentatonic
Mode 4 of: Neutral Pentatonic
Mode 5 of: Asian Pentatonic
The name I use for this scale comes from: A variant (by Clint) of the "Scottish Pentatonic" name used by Scala.
Scala names: Scottish Pentatonic, Blues Major, Ritusen, Ritsu (Gagaku): Japan, Zhi, Zheng: China, Ujo, P'yongjo: Korea, Bac: Vietnam, Lai Soutsanaen, Lai Po Sai, Lai Soi: Laos, Raga Devakriya, Durga, Suddha Saveri, Arabhi, Major complement
Wikipedia pages related to this scale:
Piano Encyclopedia names: Black Key Pentatonic; Hard Pentatonic; Mixolydian Pentatonic; P'yongjo 2; Raga Arabhi; Raga Devakriya; Raga Durga; Raga Suddha Saveri; Ritsu Gagaku; Ritsusen; Scottish Pentatonic; Tcherepnin Major Pentatonic Mode IV; Ujo; Yo (shomyo, Gagaku); Zheng; Zhi
Scale Omnibus names: Bac [Vietnam]; Blues Major; Lai Po Sai; Lai Soutsanaen; Raga Arabhi ascending; Raga Devakriya; Raga Shree ascending; Raga Suddha Saveri; Raga Yadukua Kambodhi ascending; Ritusen; Ritzu Gagaku; Scottish Pentatonic; Ujo; Yo; Zheng; Zhi
» This scale is listed in Shakuhachi Onkai — Shakuhachi Musical Scales «尺八の音階»1 ([ShakBC 2011]), web page
» This scale is listed in Shakuhachi Onkai — Shakuhachi Musical Scales «尺八の音階»2 ([ShakBC 2011]), web page
» This scale is listed in The Shakuhachi: A Manual for Learning, Second Edition3 ([Blasdel 2008]), according to [ShakBC 2011]
» Described in Traditional Japanese Music and Musical Instruments Hardcover4 (hardcover [Malm 2001]), page 68 and page 160, figure 21
1As one of the Gaikyoku scales:
Yo scale (or Yosenpo, or Ristu)--used in gagaku and shomyo: D, E, G, A, B, D (re, mi, so, la, ti, re) ロ, ツ中, レ, チ, リ中, ロ
2As a tuning for the Koto:
Nogi joshi: D, E, G, A, B, D
3Liner notes:
Ritsu (律): D, E, G, A, B, D (re, mi, so, la, ti, re) ロ, ツ中, レ, チ, リ中, ロ
4Liner notes:
Ritsu Pentatonic scale and Yō scale
Fingerings on most contemporary six-hole pentatonic minor Native American flutes:
Scale steps in semitones: 3–2–2–2–3
Scale degrees:
in semitones: 0–3–5–7–9–12
intervals: 1–m3–4–5–6–8
Root, Minor 3rd, Perfect 4th, Perfect 5th, Major 6th, Octave
Pitches starting from C:
C D♯ F G A c
C E♭ F G A c
All The Chords Name: Sylitonic, 3imperfections
Pitch Class Set: {0,3,5,7,9}
Pitch Class Mapping: 681 (Hex 2A9, Binary 001010101001)
A Study of Scales (Ian Ring) Index: 681
Deep scale: No
Coherent scale: No
This scale is a mode (rotation) of these other scales:
Mode 2 of: Kung
Mode 3 of: Dominant Pentatonic
Mode 4 of: Chaio
Mode 5 of: Chin
The name I use for this scale comes from: Ash Dargan
Scala names: Minor added sixth Pentatonic, Kyemyonjo: Korea
Piano Encyclopedia names: Kyemyonjo [Korean]; Pentatonic Minor Major 6
Scale Omnibus names: Hybrid Pentatonic; Kyemyonjo; Minor 6th Added
Fingerings on most contemporary six-hole pentatonic minor Native American flutes:
Fingerings on Anasazi-7 tuned Native American flutes:
Scale steps in semitones: 2–2–2–3–3
Scale degrees:
in semitones: 0–2–4–6–9–12
intervals: 1–2–3–d5–6–8
Root, Major 2nd, Major 3rd, Diminished 5th, Major 6th, Octave
Pitches starting from C:
C D E F♯ A c
C D E G♭ A c
All The Chords Name: Thonitonic, 3imperfections
Pitch Class Set: {0,2,4,6,9}
Pitch Class Mapping: 597 (Hex 255, Binary 001001010101)
A Study of Scales (Ian Ring) Index: 597
Deep scale: No
Coherent scale: No
This scale is a mode (rotation) of these other scales:
Mode 2 of: Dominant Pentatonic
Mode 3 of: Chaio
Mode 4 of: Chin
Mode 5 of: Northern
The name I use for this scale comes from: Scala name
Scala name: Kung: China
Piano Encyclopedia names: Kung 2 [Chinese]; Pentatonic Major b5
Scale Omnibus name: Kung
Dominant Pentatonic
Fingerings on most contemporary six-hole pentatonic minor Native American flutes:
Fingerings on Anasazi-7 tuned Native American flutes:
Scale steps in semitones: 2–2–3–3–2
Scale degrees:
in semitones: 0–2–4–7–10–12
intervals: 1–2–3–5–m7–8
Root, Major 2nd, Major 3rd, Perfect 5th, Minor 7th, Octave
Pitches starting from C:
C D E G A♯ c
C D E G B♭ c
All The Chords Name: Phropitonic, 3imperfections
Pitch Class Set: {0,2,4,7,10}
Pitch Class Mapping: 1173 (Hex 495, Binary 010010010101)
A Study of Scales (Ian Ring) Index: 1173
Deep scale: No
Coherent scale: No
This scale is a mode (rotation) of these other scales:
Mode 2 of: Chaio
Mode 3 of: Chin
Mode 4 of: Northern
Mode 5 of: Kung
The name I use for this scale comes from: Scala name
Scala name: Dominant Pentatonic
Scale Omnibus name: Dominant Pentatonic
Fingerings on most contemporary six-hole pentatonic minor Native American flutes:
Fingerings on Anasazi-7 tuned Native American flutes:
Scale steps in semitones: 2–3–3–2–2
Scale degrees:
in semitones: 0–2–5–8–10–12
intervals: 1–2–4–m6–m7–8
Root, Major 2nd, Perfect 4th, Minor 6th, Minor 7th, Octave
Pitches starting from C:
C D F G♯ A♯ c
C D F A♭ B♭ c
All The Chords Name: Staditonic, 3imperfections
Pitch Class Set: {0,2,5,8,10}
Pitch Class Mapping: 1317 (Hex 525, Binary 010100100101)
A Study of Scales (Ian Ring) Index: 1317
Deep scale: No
Coherent scale: No
This scale is a mode (rotation) of these other scales:
Mode 2 of: Chin
Mode 3 of: Northern
Mode 4 of: Kung
Mode 5 of: Dominant Pentatonic
The name I use for this scale comes from: Scala name
Scala name: Chaio: China
Piano Encyclopedia name: Chaio Two [Chinese]
Scale Omnibus name: Chaio
Fingerings on most contemporary six-hole pentatonic minor Native American flutes:
Fingerings on Anasazi-7 tuned Native American flutes:
Scale steps in semitones: 3–3–2–2–2
Scale degrees:
in semitones: 0–3–6–8–10–12
intervals: 1–m3–d5–m6–m7–8
Root, Minor 3rd, Diminished 5th, Minor 6th, Minor 7th, Octave
Pitches starting from C:
C D♯ F♯ G♯ A♯ c
C E♭ G♭ A♭ B♭ c
All The Chords Name: Kataritonic, 3imperfections
Pitch Class Set: {0,3,6,8,10}
Pitch Class Mapping: 1353 (Hex 549, Binary 010101001001)
A Study of Scales (Ian Ring) Index: 1353
Deep scale: No
Coherent scale: No
This scale is a mode (rotation) of these other scales:
Mode 2 of: Northern
Mode 3 of: Kung
Mode 4 of: Dominant Pentatonic
Mode 5 of: Chaio
The name I use for this scale comes from: Scala
Scala names: Raga Harikauns, Chin: China
Piano Encyclopedia names: Chin [Chinese]; Raga Harikauns
Scale Omnibus names: Chin; Raga Harikauns
Kokil Pancham
Fingerings on most contemporary six-hole pentatonic minor Native American flutes:
Scale steps in semitones: 3–2–2–1–4
Scale degrees:
in semitones: 0–3–5–7–8–12
intervals: 1–m3–4–5–m6–8
Root, Minor 3rd, Perfect 4th, Perfect 5th, Minor 6th, Octave
Pitches starting from C:
C D♯ F G G♯ c
C E♭ F G A♭ c
All The Chords Name: Daditonic, 2imperfections
Pitch Class Set: {0,3,5,7,8}
Pitch Class Mapping: 425 (Hex 1A9, Binary 000110101001)
A Study of Scales (Ian Ring) Index: 425
Deep scale: No
Coherent scale: No
This scale is a mode (rotation) of these other scales:
Mode 2 of: Pattern Scale 282
Mode 3 of: Pattern Scale 582
Mode 4 of: Pattern Scale 657
Mode 5 of: Mamata
The name I use for this scale comes from: Scala
Entry on the Map of Native American Flute Tunings page: Four-hole Papago
Scala name: Raga Kokil Pancham
Piano Encyclopedia name: Raga Kokil Pancham [Indian]
Scale Omnibus name: Raga Kokil Pancham [India]
Fingerings on most contemporary six-hole pentatonic minor Native American flutes:
Scale steps in semitones: 3–2–2–4–1
Scale degrees:
in semitones: 0–3–5–7–11–12
intervals: 1–m3–4–5–7–8
Root, Minor 3rd, Perfect 4th, Perfect 5th, Major 7th, Octave
Pitches starting from C:
C D♯ F G B c
C E♭ F G B c
All The Chords Name: Kagitonic, 3imperfections
Pitch Class Set: {0,3,5,7,11}
Pitch Class Mapping: 2217 (Hex 8A9, Binary 100010101001)
A Study of Scales (Ian Ring) Index: 2217
Deep scale: No
Coherent scale: No
This scale is a mode (rotation) of these other scales:
Mode 2 of: Pattern Scale 394
Mode 3 of: Pattern Scale 610
Mode 4 of: Pattern Scale 664
Mode 5 of: Pattern Scale 169
The name I use for this scale comes from: Scala
Scala names: Raga Nata, Udayaravicandrika, Madhuranjani
Piano Encyclopedia names: Raga Madhuranjani [Indian]; Raga Nata; Raga Udayaravicandrika
Scale Omnibus name: Raga Udayaravicandrika [India]
Mixolydian Pentatonic
Fingerings on most contemporary six-hole pentatonic minor Native American flutes:
Fingerings on Anasazi-7 tuned Native American flutes:
Scale steps in semitones: 4–1–2–3–2
Scale degrees:
in semitones: 0–4–5–7–10–12
intervals: 1–3–4–5–m7–8
Root, Major 3rd, Perfect 4th, Perfect 5th, Minor 7th, Octave
Pitches starting from C:
C E F G A♯ c
C E F G B♭ c
All The Chords Name: Aeracritonic, 2imperfections
Pitch Class Set: {0,4,5,7,10}
Pitch Class Mapping: 1201 (Hex 4B1, Binary 010010110001)
A Study of Scales (Ian Ring) Index: 1201
Deep scale: No
Coherent scale: No
This scale is a mode (rotation) of these other scales:
Mode 2 of: Raga Chhaya Todi
Mode 3 of: Raga Desh
Mode 4 of: Varamu
Mode 5 of: Raga Shri Kalyan
The name I use for this scale comes from: Scala
Scala names: Mixolydian Pentatonic, Nam ai, Oan: Vietnam, Raga Savethri
Scale Omnibus names: Jog [India]; Mixolydian Pentatonic; Raga Savethri
Fingerings on most contemporary six-hole pentatonic minor Native American flutes:
Scale steps in semitones: 3–2–4–1–2
Scale degrees:
in semitones: 0–3–5–9–10–12
intervals: 1–m3–4–6–m7–8
Root, Minor 3rd, Perfect 4th, Major 6th, Minor 7th, Octave
Pitches starting from C:
C D♯ F A A♯ c
C E♭ F A B♭ c
All The Chords Name: Lonitonic, 2imperfections
Pitch Class Set: {0,3,5,9,10}
Pitch Class Mapping: 1577 (Hex 629, Binary 011000101001)
A Study of Scales (Ian Ring) Index: 1577
Deep scale: No
Coherent scale: No
This scale is a mode (rotation) of these other scales:
Mode 2 of: Raga Shri Kalyan
Mode 3 of: Mixolydian Pentatonic
Mode 4 of: Raga Chhaya Todi
Mode 5 of: Raga Desh
The name I use for this scale comes from: Scala
Scala names: Raga Chandrakauns (Kafi), Surya, Varamu
Piano Encyclopedia names: Raga Chandrakauns (kafi) [Indian]; Raga Surya; Raga Varamu
Scale Omnibus names: Raga Chandrakauns Kafi [India]; Raga Surya; Raga Varamu
Fingerings on most contemporary six-hole pentatonic minor Native American flutes:
Fingerings on Anasazi-7 tuned Native American flutes:
Scale steps in semitones: 3–3–1–3–2
Scale degrees:
in semitones: 0–3–6–7–10–12
intervals: 1–m3–d5–5–m7–8
Root, Minor 3rd, Diminished 5th, Perfect 5th, Minor 7th, Octave
Pitches starting from C:
C D♯ F♯ G A♯ c
C E♭ G♭ G B♭ c
All The Chords Name: Lyditonic, 3imperfections
Pitch Class Set: {0,3,6,7,10}
Pitch Class Mapping: 1225 (Hex 4C9, Binary 010011001001)
A Study of Scales (Ian Ring) Index: 1225
Deep scale: No
Coherent scale: No
This scale is a mode (rotation) of these other scales:
Mode 2 of: Mohanangi
Mode 3 of: Pattern Scale 297
Mode 4 of: Kiravani
Mode 5 of: Pattern Scale 402
The name I use for this scale comes from: Scala
Scala names: Raga Samudhra Priya, Madhukauns (pentatonic)
Piano Encyclopedia names: Raga Madhukauns (pentatonic) [Indian]; Raga Samudhra Priya
Scale Omnibus name: Raga Samudhra Priya [India]
Fingerings on most contemporary six-hole pentatonic minor Native American flutes:
Fingerings on Anasazi-7 tuned Native American flutes:
Scale steps in semitones: 3–1–3–2–3
Scale degrees:
in semitones: 0–3–4–7–9–12
intervals: 1–m3–3–5–6–8
Root, Minor 3rd, Major 3rd, Perfect 5th, Major 6th, Octave
Pitches starting from C:
C D♯ E G A c
C E♭ E G A c
All The Chords Name: Mythitonic, 3imperfections
Pitch Class Set: {0,3,4,7,9}
Pitch Class Mapping: 665 (Hex 299, Binary 001010011001)
A Study of Scales (Ian Ring) Index: 665
Deep scale: No
Coherent scale: No
This scale is a mode (rotation) of these other scales:
Mode 2 of: Pattern Scale 297
Mode 3 of: Kiravani
Mode 4 of: Pattern Scale 402
Mode 5 of: Priya
The name I use for this scale comes from: Scala
Scala name: Raga Mohanangi
Piano Encyclopedia name: Raga Mohanangi [Indian]
Scale Omnibus name: Raga Mohanangi [India]
Fingerings on most contemporary six-hole pentatonic minor Native American flutes:
Scale steps in semitones: 3–2–1–4–2
Scale degrees:
in semitones: 0–3–5–6–10–12
intervals: 1–m3–4–d5–m7–8
Root, Minor 3rd, Perfect 4th, Diminished 5th, Minor 7th, Octave
Pitches starting from C:
C D♯ F F♯ A♯ c
C E♭ F G♭ B♭ c
All The Chords Name: Phrynitonic, 2imperfections
Pitch Class Set: {0,3,5,6,10}
Pitch Class Mapping: 1129 (Hex 469, Binary 010001101001)
A Study of Scales (Ian Ring) Index: 1129
Deep scale: No
Coherent scale: No
This scale is a mode (rotation) of these other scales:
Mode 2 of: Kumoi
Mode 3 of: Kokin-joshi
Mode 4 of: Hindol
Mode 5 of: Japanese
The name I use for this scale comes from: Scala
Scala name: Raga Jayakauns
Piano Encyclopedia names: Blues Pentatonic [African]; Blues I; Pentatonic Blues; Pentatonic Minor 7 b5; Raga Jayakauns
Scale Omnibus names: Minor Pentatonic 7 b5; Raga Jayakauns
Fingerings on most contemporary six-hole pentatonic minor Native American flutes:
Scale steps in semitones: 3–2–3–3–1
Scale degrees:
in semitones: 0–3–5–8–11–12
intervals: 1–m3–4–m6–7–8
Root, Minor 3rd, Perfect 4th, Minor 6th, Major 7th, Octave
Pitches starting from C:
C D♯ F G♯ B c
C E♭ F A♭ B c
All The Chords Name: Gothitonic, 3imperfections
Pitch Class Set: {0,3,5,8,11}
Pitch Class Mapping: 2345 (Hex 929, Binary 100100101001)
A Study of Scales (Ian Ring) Index: 2345
Deep scale: No
Coherent scale: No
This scale is a mode (rotation) of these other scales:
Mode 2 of: Pattern Scale 402
Mode 3 of: Priya
Mode 4 of: Mohanangi
Mode 5 of: Pattern Scale 297
The name I use for this scale comes from: Scala
Scala name: Raga Chandrakauns (Kiravani)
Piano Encyclopedia name: Raga Chandrakauns (kiravani) [Indian]
Scale Omnibus name: Raga Chandrakauns Kiravani [India]
Marga Hindola
Fingerings on most contemporary six-hole pentatonic minor Native American flutes:
Scale steps in semitones: 3–2–4–2–1
Scale degrees:
in semitones: 0–3–5–9–11–12
intervals: 1–m3–4–6–7–8
Root, Minor 3rd, Perfect 4th, Major 6th, Major 7th, Octave
Pitches starting from C:
C D♯ F A B c
C E♭ F A B c
All The Chords Name: Docritonic, 4imperfections
Pitch Class Set: {0,3,5,9,11}
Pitch Class Mapping: 2601 (Hex A29, Binary 101000101001)
A Study of Scales (Ian Ring) Index: 2601
Deep scale: No
Coherent scale: No
This scale is a mode (rotation) of these other scales:
Mode 2 of: Pattern Scale 418
Mode 3 of: Mayan Long Count
Mode 4 of: Pattern Scale 166
Mode 5 of: Pattern Scale 553
The name I use for this scale comes from: Scala
Scala names: Raga Chandrakauns (modern), Marga Hindola, Rajeshwari
Piano Encyclopedia names: Raga Chandrakauns (modern) [Indian]; Raga Marga Hindola; Raga Rajeshwari
Scale Omnibus names: Raga Chandrakauns Modern [India]; Raga Marga Hindola; Raga Reejeshwari
Fingerings on most contemporary six-hole pentatonic minor Native American flutes:
Fingerings on Anasazi-7 tuned Native American flutes:
Scale steps in semitones: 3–3–1–4–1
Scale degrees:
in semitones: 0–3–6–7–11–12
intervals: 1–m3–d5–5–7–8
Root, Minor 3rd, Diminished 5th, Perfect 5th, Major 7th, Octave
Pitches starting from C:
C D♯ F♯ G B c
C E♭ G♭ G B c
All The Chords Name: Kygitonic, 3imperfections
Pitch Class Set: {0,3,6,7,11}
Pitch Class Mapping: 2249 (Hex 8C9, Binary 100011001001)
A Study of Scales (Ian Ring) Index: 2249
Deep scale: No
Coherent scale: No
This scale is a mode (rotation) of these other scales:
Mode 2 of: Pattern Scale 396
Mode 3 of: Pattern Scale 305
Mode 4 of: Bacovia
Mode 5 of: Raga Reva
The name I use for this scale comes from: Scala
Scala names: Raga Multani, Batti mineur
Piano Encyclopedia name: Raga Multani 2 [Indian]
Scale Omnibus name: Raga Multani 2 [India]
Fingerings on most contemporary six-hole pentatonic minor Native American flutes:
Fingerings on Anasazi-7 tuned Native American flutes:
Scale steps in semitones: 3–4–1–2–2
Scale degrees:
in semitones: 0–3–7–8–10–12
intervals: 1–m3–5–m6–m7–8
Root, Minor 3rd, Perfect 5th, Minor 6th, Minor 7th, Octave
Pitches starting from C:
C D♯ G G♯ A♯ c
C E♭ G A♭ B♭ c
All The Chords Name: Zoptitonic, 2imperfections
Pitch Class Set: {0,3,7,8,10}
Pitch Class Mapping: 1417 (Hex 589, Binary 010110001001)
A Study of Scales (Ian Ring) Index: 1417
Deep scale: No
Coherent scale: No
This scale is a mode (rotation) of these other scales:
Mode 2 of: Mand
Mode 3 of: Varini 3
Mode 4 of: Varini 4
Mode 5 of: Varini 5
The name I use for this scale comes from: Scala
Scala names: Raga Shailaja, Varini
Piano Encyclopedia names: Raga Shailaja [Indian]; Raga Varini
Scale Omnibus names: Raga Shailaja [India]; Raga Varini
Fingerings on most contemporary six-hole pentatonic minor Native American flutes:
Fingerings on Anasazi-7 tuned Native American flutes:
Scale steps in semitones: 4–1–2–2–3
Scale degrees:
in semitones: 0–4–5–7–9–12
intervals: 1–3–4–5–6–8
Root, Major 3rd, Perfect 4th, Perfect 5th, Major 6th, Octave
Pitches starting from C: C E F G A c
All The Chords Name: Lothitonic, 2imperfections
Pitch Class Set: {0,4,5,7,9}
Pitch Class Mapping: 689 (Hex 2B1, Binary 001010110001)
A Study of Scales (Ian Ring) Index: 689
Deep scale: No
Coherent scale: No
This scale is a mode (rotation) of these other scales:
Mode 2 of: Varini 3
Mode 3 of: Varini 4
Mode 4 of: Varini 5
Mode 5 of: Varini
The name I use for this scale comes from: Scala
Scala names: Raga Nagasvaravali, Raga Mand
Piano Encyclopedia names: Raga Mand [Indian]; Raga Nagasvaravali
Scale Omnibus names: Raga Mand [India]; Raga Nagaswaravali
Varini 3
Fingerings on most contemporary six-hole pentatonic minor Native American flutes:
Scale steps in semitones: 1–2–2–3–4
Scale degrees:
in semitones: 0–1–3–5–8–12
intervals: 1–m2–m3–4–m6–8
Root, Minor 2nd, Minor 3rd, Perfect 4th, Minor 6th, Octave
Pitches starting from C:
C C♯ D♯ F G♯ c
C D♭ E♭ F A♭ c
All The Chords Name: Phratonic, 2imperfections
Pitch Class Set: {0,1,3,5,8}
Pitch Class Mapping: 299 (Hex 12B, Binary 000100101011)
A Study of Scales (Ian Ring) Index: 299
Deep scale: No
Coherent scale: No
This scale is a mode (rotation) of these other scales:
Mode 2 of: Varini 4
Mode 3 of: Varini 5
Mode 4 of: Varini
Mode 5 of: Mand
The name I use for this scale comes from: Clint's Invented Name
Scala name: Raga Chitthakarshini
Piano Encyclopedia name: Raga Chitthakarshini [Indian]
Scale Omnibus name: Raga Chitthakarshini [India]
Varini 4
Fingerings on most contemporary six-hole pentatonic minor Native American flutes:
Fingerings on Anasazi-7 tuned Native American flutes:
Scale steps in semitones: 2–2–3–4–1
Scale degrees:
in semitones: 0–2–4–7–11–12
intervals: 1–2–3–5–7–8
Root, Major 2nd, Major 3rd, Perfect 5th, Major 7th, Octave
Pitches starting from C: C D E G B c
All The Chords Name: Aerathitonic, 2imperfections
Pitch Class Set: {0,2,4,7,11}
Pitch Class Mapping: 2197 (Hex 895, Binary 100010010101)
A Study of Scales (Ian Ring) Index: 2197
Deep scale: No
Coherent scale: No
This scale is a mode (rotation) of these other scales:
Mode 2 of: Varini 5
Mode 3 of: Varini
Mode 4 of: Mand
Mode 5 of: Varini 3
The name I use for this scale comes from: Clint's Invented Name
Scala names: Raga Hamsadhvani (Hansdhwani, Haunsadhwani)
Piano Encyclopedia names: Raga Hamsadhvani (Hansadhvani) [Indian]; Raga Hansadhvani (Hamsadhvani)
Scale Omnibus name: Raga Hamsadhvani 2 [India]
Varini 5
Fingerings on most contemporary six-hole pentatonic minor Native American flutes:
Fingerings on Anasazi-7 tuned Native American flutes:
Scale steps in semitones: 2–3–4–1–2
Scale degrees:
in semitones: 0–2–5–9–10–12
intervals: 1–2–4–6–m7–8
Root, Major 2nd, Perfect 4th, Major 6th, Minor 7th, Octave
Pitches starting from C:
C D F A A♯ c
C D F A B♭ c
All The Chords Name: Saritonic, 2imperfections
Pitch Class Set: {0,2,5,9,10}
Pitch Class Mapping: 1573 (Hex 625, Binary 011000100101)
A Study of Scales (Ian Ring) Index: 1573
Deep scale: No
Coherent scale: No
This scale is a mode (rotation) of these other scales:
Mode 2 of: Varini
Mode 3 of: Mand
Mode 4 of: Varini 3
Mode 5 of: Varini 4
The name I use for this scale comes from: Clint's Invented Name
Scala name: Raga Guhamanohari
Piano Encyclopedia name: Raga Guhamanohari [Indian]
Scale Omnibus names: Pyeong Jo [Korea]; Raga Guhamanohari
Fingerings on most contemporary six-hole pentatonic minor Native American flutes:
Scale steps in semitones: 4–1–3–3–1
Scale degrees:
in semitones: 0–4–5–8–11–12
intervals: 1–3–4–m6–7–8
Root, Major 3rd, Perfect 4th, Minor 6th, Major 7th, Octave
Pitches starting from C:
C E F G♯ B c
C E F A♭ B c
All The Chords Name: Lycritonic, 3imperfections
Pitch Class Set: {0,4,5,8,11}
Pitch Class Mapping: 2353 (Hex 931, Binary 100100110001)
A Study of Scales (Ian Ring) Index: 2353
Deep scale: No
Coherent scale: No
This scale is a mode (rotation) of these other scales:
Mode 2 of: Raga Reva
Mode 3 of: Multani
Mode 4 of: Pattern Scale 396
Mode 5 of: Pattern Scale 305
The name I use for this scale comes from: Scala
Scala names: Raga Girija, Bacovia: Romania, Batti Major sharp 5: Ethiopia
Piano Encyclopedia names: Bacovia [Romanian]; Raga Girija
Scale Omnibus names: Raga Girija [India]; Romanian Bacovia
Fingerings on most contemporary six-hole pentatonic minor Native American flutes:
Fingerings on Anasazi-7 tuned Native American flutes:
Scale steps in semitones: 4–2–1–2–3
Scale degrees:
in semitones: 0–4–6–7–9–12
intervals: 1–3–d5–5–6–8
Root, Major 3rd, Diminished 5th, Perfect 5th, Major 6th, Octave
Pitches starting from C:
C E F♯ G A c
C E G♭ G A c
All The Chords Name: Aeolacritonic, 3imperfections
Pitch Class Set: {0,4,6,7,9}
Pitch Class Mapping: 721 (Hex 2D1, Binary 001011010001)
A Study of Scales (Ian Ring) Index: 721
Deep scale: No
Coherent scale: No
This scale is a mode (rotation) of these other scales:
Mode 2 of: Raga Audav Tukhari
Mode 3 of: Pattern Scale 549
Mode 4 of: Raga Rasranjani
Mode 5 of: Pattern Scale 836
The name I use for this scale comes from: Scala
Scala name: Raga Dhavalashri
Piano Encyclopedia name: Raga Dhavalashri [Indian]
Scale Omnibus name: Raga Dhavalashri [India]
Mayan Long Count
Fingerings on most contemporary six-hole pentatonic minor Native American flutes:
Fingerings on Anasazi-7 tuned Native American flutes:
Scale steps in semitones: 4–2–1–3–2
Scale degrees:
in semitones: 0–4–6–7–10–12
intervals: 1–3–d5–5–m7–8
Root, Major 3rd, Diminished 5th, Perfect 5th, Minor 7th, Octave
Pitches starting from C:
C E F♯ G A♯ c
C E G♭ G B♭ c
All The Chords Name: Ionoditonic, 4imperfections
Pitch Class Set: {0,4,6,7,10}
Pitch Class Mapping: 1233 (Hex 4D1, Binary 010011010001)
A Study of Scales (Ian Ring) Index: 1233
Deep scale: No
Coherent scale: No
This scale is a mode (rotation) of these other scales:
Mode 2 of: Pattern Scale 166
Mode 3 of: Pattern Scale 553
Mode 4 of: Marga Hindola
Mode 5 of: Pattern Scale 418
The name I use for this scale comes from: Geoffrey Ellis name
Entry on the Map of Native American Flute Tunings page: Four-hole "Mayan Long Count" Tuning
Fingerings on most contemporary six-hole pentatonic minor Native American flutes:
Fingerings on Anasazi-7 tuned Native American flutes:
Scale steps in semitones: 4–2–3–2–1
Scale degrees:
in semitones: 0–4–6–9–11–12
intervals: 1–3–d5–6–7–8
Root, Major 3rd, Diminished 5th, Major 6th, Major 7th, Octave
Pitches starting from C:
C E F♯ A B c
C E G♭ A B c
All The Chords Name: Gathitonic, 2imperfections
Pitch Class Set: {0,4,6,9,11}
Pitch Class Mapping: 2641 (Hex A51, Binary 101001010001)
A Study of Scales (Ian Ring) Index: 2641
Deep scale: No
Coherent scale: No
This scale is a mode (rotation) of these other scales:
Mode 2 of: Japanese
Mode 3 of: Jayakauns
Mode 4 of: Kumoi
Mode 5 of: Kokin-joshi
The name I use for this scale comes from: Scala
Scala names: Raga Hindol (Sunada Vinodini), Sanjh ka Hindol
Piano Encyclopedia names: Raga Hindol (Sunada Vinodini) [Indian]; Raga Sanjh ka Hindol
Scale Omnibus names: Raga Hindol; Raga Sanjk Ka Hindol; Raga Sunada Vinodini
Fingerings on most contemporary six-hole pentatonic minor Native American flutes:
Fingerings on Anasazi-7 tuned Native American flutes:
Scale steps in semitones: 4–3–2–1–2
Scale degrees:
in semitones: 0–4–7–9–10–12
intervals: 1–3–5–6–m7–8
Root, Major 3rd, Perfect 5th, Major 6th, Minor 7th, Octave
Pitches starting from C:
C E G A A♯ c
C E G A B♭ c
All The Chords Name: Ionaditonic, 3imperfections
Pitch Class Set: {0,4,7,9,10}
Pitch Class Mapping: 1681 (Hex 691, Binary 011010010001)
A Study of Scales (Ian Ring) Index: 1681
Deep scale: No
Coherent scale: No
Corresponding Chord: Seven Six
This scale is a mode (rotation) of these other scales:
Mode 2 of: Pattern Scale 180
Mode 3 of: Raga Abhogi
Mode 4 of: Raga Rukmangi
Mode 5 of: Raga Shubravarni
The name I use for this scale comes from: Scala
Scala name: Raga Valaji
Wikipedia page related to this scale:
Piano Encyclopedia name: Raga Valaji [Indian]
Scale Omnibus name: Raga Valaji [India]
Fingerings on most contemporary six-hole pentatonic minor Native American flutes:
Fingerings on Anasazi-7 tuned Native American flutes:
Scale steps in semitones: 4–3–2–2–1
Scale degrees:
in semitones: 0–4–7–9–11–12
intervals: 1–3–5–6–7–8
Root, Major 3rd, Perfect 5th, Major 6th, Major 7th, Octave
Pitches starting from C: C E G A B c
All The Chords Name: Magitonic, 2imperfections
Pitch Class Set: {0,4,7,9,11}
Pitch Class Mapping: 2705 (Hex A91, Binary 101010010001)
A Study of Scales (Ian Ring) Index: 2705
Deep scale: No
Coherent scale: No
This scale is a mode (rotation) of these other scales:
Mode 2 of: Kokil Pancham
Mode 3 of: Pattern Scale 282
Mode 4 of: Pattern Scale 582
Mode 5 of: Pattern Scale 657
The name I use for this scale comes from: Scala
Scala name: Raga Mamata
Piano Encyclopedia name: Raga Mamata [Indian]
Scale Omnibus name: Raga Mamata [India]
Fingerings on most contemporary six-hole pentatonic minor Native American flutes:
Scale steps in semitones: 5–2–1–3–1
Scale degrees:
in semitones: 0–5–7–8–11–12
intervals: 1–4–5–m6–7–8
Root, Perfect 4th, Perfect 5th, Minor 6th, Major 7th, Octave
Pitches starting from C:
C F G G♯ B c
C F G A♭ B c
Pitch Class Set: {0,5,7,8,11}
Pitch Class Mapping: 2465 (Hex 9A1, Binary 100110100001)
A Study of Scales (Ian Ring) Index: 2465
Deep scale: No
Coherent scale: No
This scale is a mode (rotation) of these other scales:
Mode 2 of: Pattern Scale 102
Mode 3 of: Pattern Scale 537
Mode 4 of: Pattern Scale 1292
Mode 5 of: Pattern Scale 417
Subset of: Byzantine with no m2 or 3
The name I use for this scale comes from: Scala
Scala name: Raga Devaranjani (Devaranji)
Piano Encyclopedia name: Raga Devaranjani 2 (Devaranji) [Indian]
Scale Omnibus name: Raga Devaranjani (or Devaranji) [India]
Fingerings on most contemporary six-hole pentatonic minor Native American flutes:
Fingerings on Anasazi-7 tuned Native American flutes:
Scale steps in semitones: 5–2–2–1–2
Scale degrees:
in semitones: 0–5–7–9–10–12
intervals: 1–4–5–6–m7–8
Root, Perfect 4th, Perfect 5th, Major 6th, Minor 7th, Octave
Pitches starting from C:
C F G A A♯ c
C F G A B♭ c
Pitch Class Set: {0,5,7,9,10}
Pitch Class Mapping: 1697 (Hex 6A1, Binary 011010100001)
A Study of Scales (Ian Ring) Index: 1697
Deep scale: No
Coherent scale: No
This scale is a mode (rotation) of these other scales:
Mode 2 of: Raga Budhamanohari
Mode 3 of: Pattern Scale 534
Mode 4 of: Pattern Scale 645
Mode 5 of: Pattern Scale 1346
The name I use for this scale comes from: Scala
Scala name: Raga Kuntvarali (Kuntalavarali)
Piano Encyclopedia name: Raga Kuntalavarali (Kuntvarali) [Indian]
Scale Omnibus name: Raga Kuntvarali (or Kuntalavarali) [India]
Fingerings on most contemporary six-hole pentatonic minor Native American flutes:
Scale steps in semitones: 5–2–2–2–1
Scale degrees:
in semitones: 0–5–7–9–11–12
intervals: 1–4–5–6–7–8
Root, Perfect 4th, Perfect 5th, Major 6th, Major 7th, Octave
Pitches starting from C: C F G A B c
Pitch Class Set: {0,5,7,9,11}
Pitch Class Mapping: 2721 (Hex AA1, Binary 101010100001)
A Study of Scales (Ian Ring) Index: 2721
Deep scale: No
Coherent scale: No
This scale is a mode (rotation) of these other scales:
Mode 2 of: Pattern Scale 106
Mode 3 of: Pattern Scale 538
Mode 4 of: Pattern Scale 646
Mode 5 of: Pattern Scale 673
The name I use for this scale comes from: Scala
Scala names: Raga Puruhutika, Purvaholika
Piano Encyclopedia names: Raga Puruhutika [Indian]; Raga Purvaholika
Scale Omnibus names: Raga Puruhutika [India]; Raga Purvaholica
Fingerings on most contemporary six-hole pentatonic minor Native American flutes:
Fingerings on Anasazi-7 tuned Native American flutes:
Scale steps in semitones: 2–1–4–2–3
Scale degrees:
in semitones: 0–2–3–7–9–12
intervals: 1–2–m3–5–6–8
Root, Major 2nd, Minor 3rd, Perfect 5th, Major 6th, Octave
Pitches starting from C:
C D D♯ G A c
C D E♭ G A c
All The Chords Name: Stathitonic, 2imperfections
Pitch Class Set: {0,2,3,7,9}
Pitch Class Mapping: 653 (Hex 28D, Binary 001010001101)
A Study of Scales (Ian Ring) Index: 653
Deep scale: No
Coherent scale: No
This scale is a mode (rotation) of these other scales:
Mode 2 of: Kokin-joshi
Mode 3 of: Hindol
Mode 4 of: Japanese
Mode 5 of: Jayakauns
The name I use for this scale comes from: ChordHouse
Scala names: Dorian Pentatonic, Raga Sivaranjini (Shivranjani), Akebono I: Japan
ChordHouse name: Kumoi
Piano Encyclopedia names: Akebono I [Japanese]; Raga Sivaranjini (Shivranjani)
Scale Omnibus names: Dorian Pentatonic; Kumoi
Hirajōshi Mode 1
Fingerings on most contemporary six-hole pentatonic minor Native American flutes:
Fingerings on Anasazi-7 tuned Native American flutes:
Scale steps in semitones: 2–1–4–1–4
Scale degrees:
in semitones: 0–2–3–7–8–12
intervals: 1–2–m3–5–m6–8
Root, Major 2nd, Minor 3rd, Perfect 5th, Minor 6th, Octave
Pitches starting from C:
C D D♯ G G♯ c
C D E♭ G A♭ c
All The Chords Name: Epogitonic, 2imperfections
Pitch Class Set: {0,2,3,7,8}
Pitch Class Mapping: 397 (Hex 18D, Binary 000110001101)
A Study of Scales (Ian Ring) Index: 397
Deep scale: No
Coherent scale: No
This scale is a mode (rotation) of these other scales:
Mode 2 of: Iwato
Mode 3 of: Hirajōshi Mode 3
Mode 4 of: Miyako-Bushi
Mode 5 of: Hirajōshi Mode 5
The name I use for this scale comes from: According to, this is idenfied as Hirajōshi by Kostka & Payne (1995). Tonal Harmony, p.484. Third Edition. ISBN 0-07-300056-6 as well as Speed, Burgess (2008). Japan: Your Passport to a New World of Music, p.15. ISBN 978-0-7390-4303-5.
Entry on the Map of Native American Flute Tunings page: Five-hole Hirajoshi
Scala names: Aeolian Pentatonic, Hira-joshi, Kata-kumoi, Yona Nuki Minor: Japan, Tizita Minor (Half tizita): Ethiopia
ChordHouse name: Hirajoshi
Wikipedia pages related to this scale:
Piano Encyclopedia names: Hira-joshi [Japanese]; Japanese mode; Kata-kumoi; Pentatonic Major b3 b6; Tcherepnin Minor Pentatonic Mode I; Yona Nuki Minor
Scale Omnibus names: Aeolian Pentatonic; Ake-Bono; Kata-Kumoi; Yona Nuki Minor
» This scale is listed in Traditional Japanese Music and Musical Instruments Hardcover1 (hardcover [Malm 2001]), page 205, figure 25
1Liner notes:
Fingerings on most contemporary six-hole pentatonic minor Native American flutes:
Fingerings on Anasazi-7 tuned Native American flutes:
Scale steps in semitones: 1–4–1–4–2
Scale degrees:
in semitones: 0–1–5–6–10–12
intervals: 1–m2–4–d5–m7–8
Root, Minor 2nd, Perfect 4th, Diminished 5th, Minor 7th, Octave
Pitches starting from C:
C C♯ F F♯ A♯ c
C D♭ F G♭ B♭ c
All The Chords Name: Lanitonic, 2imperfections
Pitch Class Set: {0,1,5,6,10}
Pitch Class Mapping: 1123 (Hex 463, Binary 010001100011)
A Study of Scales (Ian Ring) Index: 1123
Deep scale: No
Coherent scale: No
This scale is a mode (rotation) of these other scales:
Mode 2 of: Hirajōshi Mode 3
Mode 3 of: Miyako-Bushi
Mode 4 of: Hirajōshi Mode 5
Mode 5 of: Hirajōshi Mode 1
The name I use for this scale comes from: Name from Scala. According to, this is idenfied by Sachs (Meyer, Leonard B. (1961). Emotion and Meaning in Music, p.224. ISBN 978-0-226-52139-8.), as well as Nicolas Slonimsky, (1947). Thesaurus of Scales and Musical Patterns, pg. 160 identify this as Hirajōshi
Entry on the Map of Native American Flute Tunings page: Five-hole Iwato; Six-hole Iwato
Scala name: Iwato: Japan
Wikipedia pages related to this scale:
Piano Encyclopedia names: Iwato [Japanese]; Tcherepnin Minor Pentatonic Mode II
Scale Omnibus names: Hon-Kumoi-Joshi [Japan]; Iwato; Zokuso Pentatonic
» This scale is listed in Shakuhachi Onkai — Shakuhachi Musical Scales «尺八の音階»1 ([ShakBC 2011]), web page
» This scale is listed in Yearning for the Bell: A Study of Transmission in the Shakuhachi Honkyoku Tradition2 ([Lee-RK 1992] ), according to [ShakBC 2011]
1As a tuning for the Koto:
Kumoi joshi: D, Eb, G, Ab, C, D and Honkumoi joshi: D, Eb, G, Ab, C, D
2Liner notes:
Miyako bushi (都節): D, Eb, G, Ab, C, D
Hirajōshi Mode 3
Fingerings on most contemporary six-hole pentatonic minor Native American flutes:
Scale steps in semitones: 4–1–4–2–1
Scale degrees:
in semitones: 0–4–5–9–11–12
intervals: 1–3–4–6–7–8
Root, Major 3rd, Perfect 4th, Major 6th, Major 7th, Octave
Pitches starting from C: C E F A B c
All The Chords Name: Paptitonic, 2imperfections
Pitch Class Set: {0,4,5,9,11}
Pitch Class Mapping: 2609 (Hex A31, Binary 101000110001)
A Study of Scales (Ian Ring) Index: 2609
Deep scale: No
Coherent scale: No
This scale is a mode (rotation) of these other scales:
Mode 2 of: Miyako-Bushi
Mode 3 of: Hirajōshi Mode 5
Mode 4 of: Hirajōshi Mode 1
Mode 5 of: Iwato
The name I use for this scale comes from: Another rotation (mode) of Hirajōshi 1, not listed on
Scala names: Raga Bhinna Shadja, Kaushikdhvani, Hindolita
Piano Encyclopedia names: Raga Bhinna Shadja [Indian]; Raga Hindolita; Raga Kaushikdhvani; Tcherepnin Minor Pentatonic Mode III
Scale Omnibus names: Raga Bhinna Shadj [India]; Raga Hindolita; Raga Kaushikdhvani; Raga Vasanta
Fingerings on most contemporary six-hole pentatonic minor Native American flutes:
Fingerings on Anasazi-7 tuned Native American flutes:
Scale steps in semitones: 1–4–2–1–4
Scale degrees:
in semitones: 0–1–5–7–8–12
intervals: 1–m2–4–5–m6–8
Root, Minor 2nd, Perfect 4th, Perfect 5th, Minor 6th, Octave
Pitches starting from C:
C C♯ F G G♯ c
C D♭ F G A♭ c
All The Chords Name: Ionacritonic, 2imperfections
Pitch Class Set: {0,1,5,7,8}
Pitch Class Mapping: 419 (Hex 1A3, Binary 000110100011)
A Study of Scales (Ian Ring) Index: 419
Deep scale: No
Coherent scale: No
This scale is a mode (rotation) of these other scales:
Mode 2 of: Hirajōshi Mode 5
Mode 3 of: Hirajōshi Mode 1
Mode 4 of: Iwato
Mode 5 of: Hirajōshi Mode 3
The name I use for this scale comes from: This set of intervals was identified as Miyako-Bushi based on, which cites Titon, Jeff Todd (1996). Worlds of Music: An Introduction to the Music of the World's Peoples, p.373. ISBN 0-02-872612-X. Identified as Kumoijōshi by [Malm 2001]=Traditional Japanese Music & Musical Instruments, page 205, figure 25 and the "In scale" on page 160, fig 21 of [Malm 2001].
Scala names: Hon-kumoi-joshi, Sakura, Akebono II: Japan, Olympos Enharmonic, Raga Salanganata, Saveri, Gunakri (Gunakali), Latantapriya, Ambassel: Ethiopia
ChordHouse name: Japanese (A)
Wikipedia pages related to this scale:
Piano Encyclopedia names: Akebono II [Japanese]; Ambassel; Hon-kumoi-joshi; Olympos Enharmonic; Raga Gunakri (Gunakali); Raga Latantapriya; Raga Salanganata; Raga Saveri; Sakura; Tcherepnin Minor Pentatonic Mode IV
Scale Omnibus names: In [Japan]; Naka Zora; Raga Geyahejjajji; Raga Gunkali; Raga Kannadabangala; Raga Kunakri; Raga Malahari
» This scale is listed in Shakuhachi Onkai — Shakuhachi Musical Scales «尺八の音階»1 ([ShakBC 2011]), web page
» This scale is listed in Shakuhachi Onkai — Shakuhachi Musical Scales «尺八の音階»2 ([ShakBC 2011]), web page
» This scale is listed in The Shakuhachi: A Manual for Learning, Second Edition3 ([Blasdel 2008]), according to [ShakBC 2011]
» This scale is listed in Shakuhachi Onkai — Shakuhachi Musical Scales «尺八の音階»4 ([ShakBC 2011]), web page
1As one of the Gaikyoku scales:
In scale (or Insenpo, or Miyako bushi)--used in sankyoku: D, Eb, G, A, Bb, D (mi, fa, la, ti, do, mi) ロ, ツメ, レ, チ, リメ, ロ
2As a tuning for the Koto:
Hira joshi (平調子, "tranquil tuning"): D, Eb, G, A, Bb, D
3Liner notes:
Miyako bushi (都節 "urban melodies"): D, Eb, G, A, Bb, D (mi, fa, la, ti, do, mi) ロ, ツメ, レ, チ, リメ, ロ
4As the Honkyoku scales Tamuke descending, Hon Shirabe descending, and Yamagoe descending:
Tamuke scale: D, Eb, G, A, C, D & back down: D, Bb, A, G, Eb, D; Hon Shirabe scale: G, Ab, C, D, F, G & back down: G, Eb, D, C, Ab, G; Yamagoe scale: C, Db, F, G, Bb, C & back down: C, Ab, G, F, Db, C
Hirajōshi Mode 5
Fingerings on most contemporary six-hole pentatonic minor Native American flutes:
Fingerings on Anasazi-7 tuned Native American flutes:
Scale steps in semitones: 4–2–1–4–1
Scale degrees:
in semitones: 0–4–6–7–11–12
intervals: 1–3–d5–5–7–8
Root, Major 3rd, Diminished 5th, Perfect 5th, Major 7th, Octave
Pitches starting from C:
C E F♯ G B c
C E G♭ G B c
All The Chords Name: Zolitonic, 2imperfections
Pitch Class Set: {0,4,6,7,11}
Pitch Class Mapping: 2257 (Hex 8D1, Binary 100011010001)
A Study of Scales (Ian Ring) Index: 2257
Deep scale: No
Coherent scale: No
This scale is a mode (rotation) of these other scales:
Mode 2 of: Hirajōshi Mode 1
Mode 3 of: Iwato
Mode 4 of: Hirajōshi Mode 3
Mode 5 of: Miyako-Bushi
The name I use for this scale comes from: According to, this is identified by Burrows, Terry (1999). How to Read Music, p.90. ISBN 9780312241599 as Hirajōshi
Scala names: Lydian Pentatonic, Raga Amritavarshini, Malashri, Shilangi, Batti Lydian: Ethiopia
ChordHouse name: Chinese
Wikipedia page related to this scale:
Piano Encyclopedia names: Chinese [Chinese]; Ching; Raga Amritavarshini; Raga Malashri; Raga Shilangi; Tcherepnin Minor Pentatonic Mode V
Scale Omnibus names: Chinese [China]; Ching; Hirajoshi; Lydian Pentatonic; Raga Amrtavarshini; Raga Malashri; Raga Shilangi
Tezeta Minor
Fingerings on most contemporary six-hole pentatonic minor Native American flutes:
Scale steps in semitones: 1–2–4–1–4
Scale degrees:
in semitones: 0–1–3–7–8–12
intervals: 1–m2–m3–5–m6–8
Root, Minor 2nd, Minor 3rd, Perfect 5th, Minor 6th, Octave
Pitches starting from C:
C C♯ D♯ G G♯ c
C D♭ E♭ G A♭ c
All The Chords Name: Dalitonic, 2imperfections
Pitch Class Set: {0,1,3,7,8}
Pitch Class Mapping: 395 (Hex 18B, Binary 000110001011)
A Study of Scales (Ian Ring) Index: 395
Deep scale: No
Coherent scale: No
This scale is a mode (rotation) of these other scales:
Mode 2 of: Tezeta Minor Mode 2
Mode 3 of: Khamaji Durga
Mode 4 of: Tezeta Minor Mode 4
Mode 5 of: Ryukyu
The name I use for this scale comes from: Scala
Entry on the Map of Native American Flute Tunings page: Five-hole Balinese Pelog; Six-hole Balinese Pelog
Scala names: Phrygian Pentatonic, Balinese Pelog, Madenda Modern, Raga Bhupalam, Bhupala Todi, Bibhas
ChordHouse names: Balinese; Pelog
Piano Encyclopedia names: Balinese Pelog [Balinese]; Raga Bhupalam; Raga Bhupala Todi; Raga Bibhas (bhairava); Raga Ramkali 2; Tizita Minor
Scale Omnibus names: Belinese [Bali]; Madenda Modern; Pelog Pentatonic; Phrygian Pentatonic; Raga Bhupalam; Raga Ramkali 2; Tezeta Minor
Tezeta Minor Mode 2
Fingerings on most contemporary six-hole pentatonic minor Native American flutes:
Fingerings on Anasazi-7 tuned Native American flutes:
Scale steps in semitones: 2–4–1–4–1
Scale degrees:
in semitones: 0–2–6–7–11–12
intervals: 1–2–d5–5–7–8
Root, Major 2nd, Diminished 5th, Perfect 5th, Major 7th, Octave
Pitches starting from C:
C D F♯ G B c
C D G♭ G B c
All The Chords Name: Dygitonic, 2imperfections
Pitch Class Set: {0,2,6,7,11}
Pitch Class Mapping: 2245 (Hex 8C5, Binary 100011000101)
A Study of Scales (Ian Ring) Index: 2245
Deep scale: No
Coherent scale: No
This scale is a mode (rotation) of these other scales:
Mode 2 of: Khamaji Durga
Mode 3 of: Tezeta Minor Mode 4
Mode 4 of: Ryukyu
Mode 5 of: Tezeta Minor
The name I use for this scale comes from: Clint's Invented Name
Scala names: Raga Vaijayanti, Hamsanada
Piano Encyclopedia names: Raga Hamsanada [Indian]; Raga Vaijayanti
Scale Omnibus names: Raga Hamsanada; Raga Vaijayanti
Khamaji Durga
Fingerings on most contemporary six-hole pentatonic minor Native American flutes:
Fingerings on Anasazi-7 tuned Native American flutes:
Scale steps in semitones: 4–1–4–1–2
Scale degrees:
in semitones: 0–4–5–9–10–12
intervals: 1–3–4–6–m7–8
Root, Major 3rd, Perfect 4th, Major 6th, Minor 7th, Octave
Pitches starting from C:
C E F A A♯ c
C E F A B♭ c
All The Chords Name: Phraditonic, 2imperfections
Pitch Class Set: {0,4,5,9,10}
Pitch Class Mapping: 1585 (Hex 631, Binary 011000110001)
A Study of Scales (Ian Ring) Index: 1585
Deep scale: No
Coherent scale: No
This scale is a mode (rotation) of these other scales:
Mode 2 of: Tezeta Minor Mode 4
Mode 3 of: Ryukyu
Mode 4 of: Tezeta Minor
Mode 5 of: Tezeta Minor Mode 2
The name I use for this scale comes from: Scala
Scala name: Raga Khamaji Durga
Piano Encyclopedia name: Raga Khamaji Durga [Indian]
Scale Omnibus name: Raga Khamaji Durga
Tezeta Minor Mode 4
Fingerings on most contemporary six-hole pentatonic minor Native American flutes:
Fingerings on Anasazi-7 tuned Native American flutes:
Scale steps in semitones: 1–4–1–2–4
Scale degrees:
in semitones: 0–1–5–6–8–12
intervals: 1–m2–4–d5–m6–8
Root, Minor 2nd, Perfect 4th, Diminished 5th, Minor 6th, Octave
Pitches starting from C:
C C♯ F F♯ G♯ c
C D♭ F G♭ A♭ c
All The Chords Name: Aeoloritonic, 2imperfections
Pitch Class Set: {0,1,5,6,8}
Pitch Class Mapping: 355 (Hex 163, Binary 000101100011)
A Study of Scales (Ian Ring) Index: 355
Deep scale: No
Coherent scale: No
This scale is a mode (rotation) of these other scales:
Mode 2 of: Ryukyu
Mode 3 of: Tezeta Minor
Mode 4 of: Tezeta Minor Mode 2
Mode 5 of: Khamaji Durga
The name I use for this scale comes from: Clint's Invented Name
Fingerings on most contemporary six-hole pentatonic minor Native American flutes:
Scale steps in semitones: 4–1–2–4–1
Scale degrees:
in semitones: 0–4–5–7–11–12
intervals: 1–3–4–5–7–8
Root, Major 3rd, Perfect 4th, Perfect 5th, Major 7th, Octave
Pitches starting from C: C E F G B c
All The Chords Name: Gonitonic, 2imperfections
Pitch Class Set: {0,4,5,7,11}
Pitch Class Mapping: 2225 (Hex 8B1, Binary 100010110001)
A Study of Scales (Ian Ring) Index: 2225
Deep scale: No
Coherent scale: No
This scale is a mode (rotation) of these other scales:
Mode 2 of: Tezeta Minor
Mode 3 of: Tezeta Minor Mode 2
Mode 4 of: Khamaji Durga
Mode 5 of: Tezeta Minor Mode 4
The name I use for this scale comes from: Scala
Entry on the Map of Native American Flute Tunings page: Five-hole
PT: Six-hole
Scala names: Ionian Pentatonic, Raga Gambhiranata, Pelog Degung Modern, Ryukyu: Japan, Vong co: Vietnam, Batti Major: Ethiopia
Piano Encyclopedia names: Raga Gambhiranata [Indian]; Ryukyu
Scale Omnibus names: Ionian Pentatonic; Melog Selisir; Pelo Degung Modern; Raga Gambhiranata; Raga Jaganmohini ascending; Raga Kedaram; Raga Keradam ascending; Raga Nalinakanti; Ryukyu
» This scale is listed in The Shakuhachi: A Manual for Learning, Second Edition1 ([Blasdel 2008]), according to [ShakBC 2011]
1Liner notes:
Ryukyu (琉球)--only in Okinawa Islands: D, F#, G, A, C#, D
Fingerings on most contemporary six-hole pentatonic minor Native American flutes:
Fingerings on Anasazi-7 tuned Native American flutes:
Scale steps in semitones: 4–1–2–1–4
Scale degrees:
in semitones: 0–4–5–7–8–12
intervals: 1–3–4–5–m6–8
Root, Major 3rd, Perfect 4th, Perfect 5th, Minor 6th, Octave
Pitches starting from C:
C E F G G♯ c
C E F G A♭ c
All The Chords Name: Poritonic, 3imperfections
Pitch Class Set: {0,4,5,7,8}
Pitch Class Mapping: 433 (Hex 1B1, Binary 000110110001)
A Study of Scales (Ian Ring) Index: 433
Deep scale: No
Coherent scale: No
This scale is a mode (rotation) of these other scales:
Mode 2 of: Zilaf Mode 2
Mode 3 of: Zilaf Mode 3
Mode 4 of: Zilaf Mode 4
Mode 5 of: Zilaf Mode 5
The name I use for this scale comes from: Scala
Scala name: Raga Zilaf
Piano Encyclopedia name: Raga Zilaf [Indian]
Zilaf Mode 2
Fingerings on most contemporary six-hole pentatonic minor Native American flutes:
Scale steps in semitones: 1–2–1–4–4
Scale degrees:
in semitones: 0–1–3–4–8–12
intervals: 1–m2–m3–3–m6–8
Root, Minor 2nd, Minor 3rd, Major 3rd, Minor 6th, Octave
Pitches starting from C:
C C♯ D♯ E G♯ c
C D♭ E♭ E A♭ c
All The Chords Name: Aerylitonic, 3imperfections
Pitch Class Set: {0,1,3,4,8}
Pitch Class Mapping: 283 (Hex 11B, Binary 000100011011)
A Study of Scales (Ian Ring) Index: 283
Deep scale: No
Coherent scale: No
This scale is a mode (rotation) of these other scales:
Mode 2 of: Zilaf Mode 3
Mode 3 of: Zilaf Mode 4
Mode 4 of: Zilaf Mode 5
Mode 5 of: Zilaf
The name I use for this scale comes from: Clint's Invented Name
Zilaf Mode 3
Fingerings on most contemporary six-hole pentatonic minor Native American flutes:
Fingerings on Anasazi-7 tuned Native American flutes:
Scale steps in semitones: 2–1–4–4–1
Scale degrees:
in semitones: 0–2–3–7–11–12
intervals: 1–2–m3–5–7–8
Root, Major 2nd, Minor 3rd, Perfect 5th, Major 7th, Octave
Pitches starting from C:
C D D♯ G B c
C D E♭ G B c
All The Chords Name: Zagitonic, 3imperfections
Pitch Class Set: {0,2,3,7,11}
Pitch Class Mapping: 2189 (Hex 88D, Binary 100010001101)
A Study of Scales (Ian Ring) Index: 2189
Deep scale: No
Coherent scale: No
This scale is a mode (rotation) of these other scales:
Mode 2 of: Zilaf Mode 4
Mode 3 of: Zilaf Mode 5
Mode 4 of: Zilaf
Mode 5 of: Zilaf Mode 2
The name I use for this scale comes from: Clint's Invented Name
Scale Omnibus name: Raga Hamsadhvani [India]
Zilaf Mode 4
Fingerings on most contemporary six-hole pentatonic minor Native American flutes:
Fingerings on Anasazi-7 tuned Native American flutes:
Scale steps in semitones: 1–4–4–1–2
Scale degrees:
in semitones: 0–1–5–9–10–12
intervals: 1–m2–4–6–m7–8
Root, Minor 2nd, Perfect 4th, Major 6th, Minor 7th, Octave
Pitches starting from C:
C C♯ F A A♯ c
C D♭ F A B♭ c
All The Chords Name: Lagitonic, 3imperfections
Pitch Class Set: {0,1,5,9,10}
Pitch Class Mapping: 1571 (Hex 623, Binary 011000100011)
A Study of Scales (Ian Ring) Index: 1571
Deep scale: No
Coherent scale: No
This scale is a mode (rotation) of these other scales:
Mode 2 of: Zilaf Mode 5
Mode 3 of: Zilaf
Mode 4 of: Zilaf Mode 2
Mode 5 of: Zilaf Mode 3
The name I use for this scale comes from: Clint's Invented Name
Zilaf Mode 5
Fingerings on most contemporary six-hole pentatonic minor Native American flutes:
Fingerings on Anasazi-7 tuned Native American flutes:
Scale steps in semitones: 4–4–1–2–1
Scale degrees:
in semitones: 0–4–8–9–11–12
intervals: 1–3–m6–6–7–8
Root, Major 3rd, Minor 6th, Major 6th, Major 7th, Octave
Pitches starting from C:
C E G♯ A B c
C E A♭ A B c
All The Chords Name: Dolitonic, 3imperfections
Pitch Class Set: {0,4,8,9,11}
Pitch Class Mapping: 2833 (Hex B11, Binary 101100010001)
A Study of Scales (Ian Ring) Index: 2833
Deep scale: No
Coherent scale: No
This scale is a mode (rotation) of these other scales:
Mode 2 of: Zilaf
Mode 3 of: Zilaf Mode 2
Mode 4 of: Zilaf Mode 3
Mode 5 of: Zilaf Mode 4
The name I use for this scale comes from: Clint's Invented Name
Fingerings on most contemporary six-hole pentatonic minor Native American flutes:
Fingerings on Anasazi-7 tuned Native American flutes:
Scale steps in semitones: 1–4–2–3–2
Scale degrees:
in semitones: 0–1–5–7–10–12
intervals: 1–m2–4–5–m7–8
Root, Minor 2nd, Perfect 4th, Perfect 5th, Minor 7th, Octave
Pitches starting from C:
C C♯ F G A♯ c
C D♭ F G B♭ c
All The Chords Name: Thalitonic, 2imperfections
Pitch Class Set: {0,1,5,7,10}
Pitch Class Mapping: 1187 (Hex 4A3, Binary 010010100011)
A Study of Scales (Ian Ring) Index: 1187
Deep scale: No
Coherent scale: No
This scale is a mode (rotation) of these other scales:
Mode 2 of: Hindol
Mode 3 of: Japanese
Mode 4 of: Jayakauns
Mode 5 of: Kumoi
The name I use for this scale comes from: Scala name
Scala names: Kokin-joshi, Miyakobushi, Han-Iwato, In Sen: Japan, Raga Vibhavari (Revati), Bairagi, Lasaki
Wikipedia page related to this scale:
Piano Encyclopedia names: Han-Iwato [Japanese]; Insen 2; Kokin-joshi; Miyako-bushi II; Raga Bairagi (Baira); Raga Lasaki; Raga Vibhavari (Revati)
Scale Omnibus names: Ian Iwato [Japan]; Insen Pentatonic; Kokin-Choshi; Miyakobushi; Raga Bairagi (or Baira); Raga Lasaki; Raga Ribhavari (or Revati); Soft Ascend
» This scale is listed in Shakuhachi Onkai — Shakuhachi Musical Scales «尺八の音階»1 ([ShakBC 2011]), web page
» This scale is listed in Shakuhachi Onkai — Shakuhachi Musical Scales «尺八の音階»2 ([ShakBC 2011]), web page
1As a tuning for the Koto:
Kokin joshi: D, Eb, G, A, C, D
2As the Honkyoku scales Tamuke ascending, Hon Shirabe ascending, and Yamagoe ascending:
Tamuke scale: D, Eb, G, A, C, D & back down: D, Bb, A, G, Eb, D; Hon Shirabe scale: G, Ab, C, D, F, G & back down: G, Eb, D, C, Ab, G; Yamagoe scale: C, Db, F, G, Bb, C & back down: C, Ab, G, F, Db, C
Altered Pentatonic
Fingerings on most contemporary six-hole pentatonic minor Native American flutes:
Fingerings on Anasazi-7 tuned Native American flutes:
Scale steps in semitones: 1–4–2–2–3
Scale degrees:
in semitones: 0–1–5–7–9–12
intervals: 1–m2–4–5–6–8
Root, Minor 2nd, Perfect 4th, Perfect 5th, Major 6th, Octave
Pitches starting from C:
C C♯ F G A c
C D♭ F G A c
All The Chords Name: Zyditonic, 3imperfections
Pitch Class Set: {0,1,5,7,9}
Pitch Class Mapping: 675 (Hex 2A3, Binary 001010100011)
A Study of Scales (Ian Ring) Index: 675
Deep scale: No
Coherent scale: No
This scale is a mode (rotation) of these other scales:
Mode 2 of: Pattern Scale 1192
Mode 3 of: Raga Bhupeshwari
Mode 4 of: Pattern Scale 562
Mode 5 of: Pattern Scale 652
The name I use for this scale comes from: Scala name
Scala names: Altered Pentatonic, Raga Manaranjani II
Piano Encyclopedia names: Altered Pentatonic; Raga Manaranjani II
Scale Omnibus names: Altered Pentatonic; Raga Manaranjani 2
Raga Abhogi
Fingerings on most contemporary six-hole pentatonic minor Native American flutes:
Scale steps in semitones: 2–1–2–4–3
Scale degrees:
in semitones: 0–2–3–5–9–12
intervals: 1–2–m3–4–6–8
Root, Major 2nd, Minor 3rd, Perfect 4th, Major 6th, Octave
Pitches starting from C:
C D D♯ F A c
C D E♭ F A c
All The Chords Name: Gythitonic, 3imperfections
Pitch Class Set: {0,2,3,5,9}
Pitch Class Mapping: 557 (Hex 22D, Binary 001000101101)
A Study of Scales (Ian Ring) Index: 557
Deep scale: No
Coherent scale: No
This scale is a mode (rotation) of these other scales:
Mode 2 of: Raga Rukmangi
Mode 3 of: Raga Shubravarni
Mode 4 of: Valaji
Mode 5 of: Pattern Scale 180
The name I use for this scale comes from: Scala name
Scala name: Raga Abhogi
Piano Encyclopedia name: Raga Abhogi [Indian]
Scale Omnibus name: Raga Abhogi [India]
Raga Audav Tukhari
Fingerings on most contemporary six-hole pentatonic minor Native American flutes:
Scale steps in semitones: 2–1–2–3–4
Scale degrees:
in semitones: 0–2–3–5–8–12
intervals: 1–2–m3–4–m6–8
Root, Major 2nd, Minor 3rd, Perfect 4th, Minor 6th, Octave
Pitches starting from C:
C D D♯ F G♯ c
C D E♭ F A♭ c
All The Chords Name: Zythitonic, 3imperfections
Pitch Class Set: {0,2,3,5,8}
Pitch Class Mapping: 301 (Hex 12D, Binary 000100101101)
A Study of Scales (Ian Ring) Index: 301
Deep scale: No
Coherent scale: No
This scale is a mode (rotation) of these other scales:
Mode 2 of: Pattern Scale 549
Mode 3 of: Raga Rasranjani
Mode 4 of: Pattern Scale 836
Mode 5 of: Dhavalashri
The name I use for this scale comes from: Scala name
Scala name: Raga Audav Tukhari
Piano Encyclopedia name: Raga Audav Tukhari [Indian]
Scale Omnibus name: Raga Audav Tukhari [India]
Raga Bhupeshwari
Fingerings on most contemporary six-hole pentatonic minor Native American flutes:
Fingerings on Anasazi-7 tuned Native American flutes:
Scale steps in semitones: 2–2–3–1–4
Scale degrees:
in semitones: 0–2–4–7–8–12
intervals: 1–2–3–5–m6–8
Root, Major 2nd, Major 3rd, Perfect 5th, Minor 6th, Octave
Pitches starting from C:
C D E G G♯ c
C D E G A♭ c
All The Chords Name: Danitonic, 3imperfections
Pitch Class Set: {0,2,4,7,8}
Pitch Class Mapping: 405 (Hex 195, Binary 000110010101)
A Study of Scales (Ian Ring) Index: 405
Deep scale: No
Coherent scale: No
This scale is a mode (rotation) of these other scales:
Mode 2 of: Pattern Scale 562
Mode 3 of: Pattern Scale 652
Mode 4 of: Altered Pentatonic
Mode 5 of: Pattern Scale 1192
The name I use for this scale comes from: Scala name
Scala names: Raga Bhupeshwari, Janasammodini
Piano Encyclopedia names: Pentatonic Major b6; Raga Bhupeshwari; Raga Janasammodini
Scale Omnibus names: Major Pentatonic b6; Raga Bhupeshwari; Raga Janasammodini
Raga Budhamanohari
Fingerings on most contemporary six-hole pentatonic minor Native American flutes:
Fingerings on Anasazi-7 tuned Native American flutes:
Scale steps in semitones: 2–2–1–2–5
Scale degrees:
in semitones: 0–2–4–5–7–12
intervals: 1–2–3–4–5–8
Root, Major 2nd, Major 3rd, Perfect 4th, Perfect 5th, Octave
Pitches starting from C: C D E F G c
Pitch Class Set: {0,2,4,5,7}
Pitch Class Mapping: 181 (Hex 0B5, Binary 000010110101)
A Study of Scales (Ian Ring) Index: 181
Deep scale: No
Coherent scale: No
This scale is a mode (rotation) of these other scales:
Mode 2 of: Pattern Scale 534
Mode 3 of: Pattern Scale 645
Mode 4 of: Pattern Scale 1346
Mode 5 of: Kuntvarali
The name I use for this scale comes from: Scala name
Scala name: Raga Budhamanohari
Piano Encyclopedia name: Raga Budhamanohari [Indian]
Scale Omnibus name: Raga Budhamanohari [India]
Raga Chhaya Todi
Fingerings on most contemporary six-hole pentatonic minor Native American flutes:
Scale steps in semitones: 1–2–3–2–4
Scale degrees:
in semitones: 0–1–3–6–8–12
intervals: 1–m2–m3–d5–m6–8
Root, Minor 2nd, Minor 3rd, Diminished 5th, Minor 6th, Octave
Pitches starting from C:
C C♯ D♯ F♯ G♯ c
C D♭ E♭ G♭ A♭ c
All The Chords Name: Byptitonic, 2imperfections
Pitch Class Set: {0,1,3,6,8}
Pitch Class Mapping: 331 (Hex 14B, Binary 000101001011)
A Study of Scales (Ian Ring) Index: 331
Deep scale: No
Coherent scale: No
This scale is a mode (rotation) of these other scales:
Mode 2 of: Raga Desh
Mode 3 of: Varamu
Mode 4 of: Raga Shri Kalyan
Mode 5 of: Mixolydian Pentatonic
The name I use for this scale comes from: Scala name
Scala names: Raga Chhaya Todi, Locrian Pentatonic 1
Piano Encyclopedia name: Raga Chaya Todi [Indian]
Scale Omnibus name: Raga Chaya Todi [India]
Raga Desh
Fingerings on most contemporary six-hole pentatonic minor Native American flutes:
Scale steps in semitones: 2–3–2–4–1
Scale degrees:
in semitones: 0–2–5–7–11–12
intervals: 1–2–4–5–7–8
Root, Major 2nd, Perfect 4th, Perfect 5th, Major 7th, Octave
Pitches starting from C: C D F G B c
All The Chords Name: Daritonic, 2imperfections
Pitch Class Set: {0,2,5,7,11}
Pitch Class Mapping: 2213 (Hex 8A5, Binary 100010100101)
A Study of Scales (Ian Ring) Index: 2213
Deep scale: No
Coherent scale: No
This scale is a mode (rotation) of these other scales:
Mode 2 of: Varamu
Mode 3 of: Raga Shri Kalyan
Mode 4 of: Mixolydian Pentatonic
Mode 5 of: Raga Chhaya Todi
The name I use for this scale comes from: Scala name
Scala names: Raga Desh, Tcherepnin Major Pentatonic, Nam xuan: Vietnam
Piano Encyclopedia names: Raga Desh [Indian]; Tcherepnin Major Pentatonic Mode II
Scale Omnibus names: Raga Desh [India]; Tcherepnin Major Pentatonic
Raga Deshgaur
Scale steps in semitones: 1–6–1–3–1
Scale degrees:
in semitones: 0–1–7–8–11–12
intervals: 1–m2–5–m6–7–8
Root, Minor 2nd, Perfect 5th, Minor 6th, Major 7th, Octave
Pitches starting from C:
C C♯ G G♯ B c
C D♭ G A♭ B c
Pitch Class Set: {0,1,7,8,11}
Pitch Class Mapping: 2435 (Hex 983, Binary 100110000011)
A Study of Scales (Ian Ring) Index: 2435
Deep scale: No
Coherent scale: No
This scale is a mode (rotation) of these other scales:
Mode 2 of: Pattern Scale 1632
Mode 3 of: Pattern Scale 57
Mode 4 of: Pattern Scale 1052
Mode 5 of: Raga Putrika
The name I use for this scale comes from: Scala name
Scala name: Raga Deshgaur
Piano Encyclopedia name: Raga Deshgaur [Indian]
Scale Omnibus name: Raga Deshgaur [India]
Raga Gauri
Fingerings on most contemporary six-hole pentatonic minor Native American flutes:
Scale steps in semitones: 1–4–2–4–1
Scale degrees:
in semitones: 0–1–5–7–11–12
intervals: 1–m2–4–5–7–8
Root, Minor 2nd, Perfect 4th, Perfect 5th, Major 7th, Octave
Pitches starting from C:
C C♯ F G B c
C D♭ F G B c
All The Chords Name: Ionythitonic, 3imperfections
Pitch Class Set: {0,1,5,7,11}
Pitch Class Mapping: 2211 (Hex 8A3, Binary 100010100011)
A Study of Scales (Ian Ring) Index: 2211
Deep scale: No
Coherent scale: No
This scale is a mode (rotation) of these other scales:
Mode 2 of: Pattern Scale 1576
Mode 3 of: Pattern Scale 226
Mode 4 of: Pattern Scale 568
Mode 5 of: Pattern Scale 163
The name I use for this scale comes from: Scala name
Scala name: Raga Gauri
Piano Encyclopedia name: Raga Gauri [Indian]
Scale Omnibus names: Raga Gauri [India]; Raga Gowla
Raga Kshanika
Fingerings on most contemporary six-hole pentatonic minor Native American flutes:
Scale steps in semitones: 1–4–3–3–1
Scale degrees:
in semitones: 0–1–5–8–11–12
intervals: 1–m2–4–m6–7–8
Root, Minor 2nd, Perfect 4th, Minor 6th, Major 7th, Octave
Pitches starting from C:
C C♯ F G♯ B c
C D♭ F A♭ B c
All The Chords Name: Ragitonic, 3imperfections
Pitch Class Set: {0,1,5,8,11}
Pitch Class Mapping: 2339 (Hex 923, Binary 100100100011)
A Study of Scales (Ian Ring) Index: 2339
Deep scale: No
Coherent scale: No
This scale is a mode (rotation) of these other scales:
Mode 2 of: Pattern Scale 1608
Mode 3 of: Pattern Scale 228
Mode 4 of: Pattern Scale 284
Mode 5 of: Pattern Scale 291
The name I use for this scale comes from: Scala name
Scala name: Raga Kshanika
Piano Encyclopedia name: Raga Kshanika [Indian]
Scale Omnibus name: Raga Kshanika [India]
Raga Kumarapriya
Fingerings on most contemporary six-hole pentatonic minor Native American flutes:
Scale steps in semitones: 1–1–6–3–1
Scale degrees:
in semitones: 0–1–2–8–11–12
intervals: 1–m2–2–m6–7–8
Root, Minor 2nd, Major 2nd, Minor 6th, Major 7th, Octave
Pitches starting from C:
C C♯ D G♯ B c
C D♭ D A♭ B c
Pitch Class Set: {0,1,2,8,11}
Pitch Class Mapping: 2311 (Hex 907, Binary 100100000111)
A Study of Scales (Ian Ring) Index: 2311
Deep scale: No
Coherent scale: No
This scale is a mode (rotation) of these other scales:
Mode 2 of: Pattern Scale 1601
Mode 3 of: Pattern Scale 1824
Mode 4 of: Pattern Scale 60
Mode 5 of: Pattern Scale 263
The name I use for this scale comes from: Scala name
Scala name: Raga Kumarapriya
Piano Encyclopedia name: Raga Kumarapriya [Indian]
Scale Omnibus name: Raga Kumarapriya [India]
Raga Kumurdaki
Fingerings on most contemporary six-hole pentatonic minor Native American flutes:
Fingerings on Anasazi-7 tuned Native American flutes:
Scale steps in semitones: 2–2–2–5–1
Scale degrees:
in semitones: 0–2–4–6–11–12
intervals: 1–2–3–d5–7–8
Root, Major 2nd, Major 3rd, Diminished 5th, Major 7th, Octave
Pitches starting from C:
C D E F♯ B c
C D E G♭ B c
Pitch Class Set: {0,2,4,6,11}
Pitch Class Mapping: 2133 (Hex 855, Binary 100001010101)
A Study of Scales (Ian Ring) Index: 2133
Deep scale: No
Coherent scale: No
This scale is a mode (rotation) of these other scales:
Mode 2 of: Pattern Scale 778
Mode 3 of: Pattern Scale 706
Mode 4 of: Pattern Scale 688
Mode 5 of: Pattern Scale 85
The name I use for this scale comes from: Scala name, shortened by Clint
Scala name: Raga Kumurdaki (Kumudki)
Piano Encyclopedia name: Raga Kumudki (Kumurdaki) [Indian]
Scale Omnibus names: Raga Kumudki [India]; Raga Kumurdaki
Raga Manaranjani I
Fingerings on most contemporary six-hole pentatonic minor Native American flutes:
Fingerings on Anasazi-7 tuned Native American flutes:
Scale steps in semitones: 1–3–3–3–2
Scale degrees:
in semitones: 0–1–4–7–10–12
intervals: 1–m2–3–5–m7–8
Root, Minor 2nd, Major 3rd, Perfect 5th, Minor 7th, Octave
Pitches starting from C:
C C♯ E G A♯ c
C D♭ E G B♭ c
All The Chords Name: Loptitonic, 4imperfections
Pitch Class Set: {0,1,4,7,10}
Pitch Class Mapping: 1171 (Hex 493, Binary 010010010011)
A Study of Scales (Ian Ring) Index: 1171
Deep scale: No
Coherent scale: No
This scale is a mode (rotation) of these other scales:
Mode 2 of: Pattern Scale 1316
Mode 3 of: Pattern Scale 420
Mode 4 of: Pattern Scale 308
Mode 5 of: Pattern Scale 294
The name I use for this scale comes from: Scala name
Scala name: Raga Manaranjani I
Piano Encyclopedia name: Raga Manaranjani I [Indian]
Scale Omnibus name: Raga Manaranjani [India]
Raga Matha Kokila
Fingerings on Anasazi-7 tuned Native American flutes:
Scale steps in semitones: 2–5–2–1–2
Scale degrees:
in semitones: 0–2–7–9–10–12
intervals: 1–2–5–6–m7–8
Root, Major 2nd, Perfect 5th, Major 6th, Minor 7th, Octave
Pitches starting from C:
C D G A A♯ c
C D G A B♭ c
Pitch Class Set: {0,2,7,9,10}
Pitch Class Mapping: 1669 (Hex 685, Binary 011010000101)
A Study of Scales (Ian Ring) Index: 1669
Deep scale: No
Coherent scale: No
This scale is a mode (rotation) of these other scales:
Mode 2 of: Pattern Scale 720
Mode 3 of: Desert
Mode 4 of: Pattern Scale 533
Mode 5 of: Raga Neroshta
The name I use for this scale comes from: Scala name, shortened by Clint
Scala name: Raga Matha Kokila (Matkokil)
Piano Encyclopedia name: Raga Matha Kokila (Matkokil) [Indian]
Scale Omnibus names: Raga Matha Kokila [India]; Raga Matkokil
Raga Megharanjani
Fingerings on most contemporary six-hole pentatonic minor Native American flutes:
Fingerings on Anasazi-7 tuned Native American flutes:
Scale steps in semitones: 1–3–1–3–4
Scale degrees:
in semitones: 0–1–4–5–8–12
intervals: 1–m2–3–4–m6–8
Root, Minor 2nd, Major 3rd, Perfect 4th, Minor 6th, Octave
Pitches starting from C:
C C♯ E F G♯ c
C D♭ E F A♭ c
All The Chords Name: Phrolitonic, 3imperfections
Pitch Class Set: {0,1,4,5,8}
Pitch Class Mapping: 307 (Hex 133, Binary 000100110011)
A Study of Scales (Ian Ring) Index: 307
Deep scale: No
Coherent scale: No
This scale is a mode (rotation) of these other scales:
Mode 2 of: Pattern Scale 1100
Mode 3 of: Pattern Scale 393
Mode 4 of: Pattern Scale 1220
Mode 5 of: Pattern Scale 408
The name I use for this scale comes from: Scala name
Scala names: Raga Megharanjani, Syrian Pentatonic
Piano Encyclopedia names: Raga Megharanjani [Indian]; Syrian pentatonic
Scale Omnibus names: Raga Megharanjani [India]; Syrian Pentatonic
Raga Megharanji
Fingerings on most contemporary six-hole pentatonic minor Native American flutes:
Scale steps in semitones: 1–3–1–6–1
Scale degrees:
in semitones: 0–1–4–5–11–12
intervals: 1–m2–3–4–7–8
Root, Minor 2nd, Major 3rd, Perfect 4th, Major 7th, Octave
Pitches starting from C:
C C♯ E F B c
C D♭ E F B c
Pitch Class Set: {0,1,4,5,11}
Pitch Class Mapping: 2099 (Hex 833, Binary 100000110011)
A Study of Scales (Ian Ring) Index: 2099
Deep scale: No
Coherent scale: No
This scale is a mode (rotation) of these other scales:
Mode 2 of: Pattern Scale 1548
Mode 3 of: Pattern Scale 449
Mode 4 of: Pattern Scale 1248
Mode 5 of: Pattern Scale 51
The name I use for this scale comes from: Scala name
Scala name: Raga Megharanji
Piano Encyclopedia name: Raga Megharanji [Indian]
Scale Omnibus name: Raga Megharamji [India]
Raga Nabhomani
Fingerings on most contemporary six-hole pentatonic minor Native American flutes:
Fingerings on Anasazi-7 tuned Native American flutes:
Scale steps in semitones: 1–1–4–1–5
Scale degrees:
in semitones: 0–1–2–6–7–12
intervals: 1–m2–2–d5–5–8
Root, Minor 2nd, Major 2nd, Diminished 5th, Perfect 5th, Octave
Pitches starting from C:
C C♯ D F♯ G c
C D♭ D G♭ G c
Pitch Class Set: {0,1,2,6,7}
Pitch Class Mapping: 199 (Hex 0C7, Binary 000011000111)
A Study of Scales (Ian Ring) Index: 199
Deep scale: No
Coherent scale: No
This scale is a mode (rotation) of these other scales:
Mode 2 of: Pattern Scale 1073
Mode 3 of: Pattern Scale 1560
Mode 4 of: Raga Saugandhini
Mode 5 of: Pattern Scale 1136
The name I use for this scale comes from: Scala name
Scala name: Raga Nabhomani
Piano Encyclopedia name: Raga Nabhomani 2 [Indian]
Scale Omnibus name: Raga Nabhomani [India]
Raga Neroshta
Fingerings on most contemporary six-hole pentatonic minor Native American flutes:
Fingerings on Anasazi-7 tuned Native American flutes:
Scale steps in semitones: 2–2–5–2–1
Scale degrees:
in semitones: 0–2–4–9–11–12
intervals: 1–2–3–6–7–8
Root, Major 2nd, Major 3rd, Major 6th, Major 7th, Octave
Pitches starting from C: C D E A B c
Pitch Class Set: {0,2,4,9,11}
Pitch Class Mapping: 2581 (Hex A15, Binary 101000010101)
A Study of Scales (Ian Ring) Index: 2581
Deep scale: No
Coherent scale: No
This scale is a mode (rotation) of these other scales:
Mode 2 of: Raga Matha Kokila
Mode 3 of: Pattern Scale 720
Mode 4 of: Desert
Mode 5 of: Pattern Scale 533
The name I use for this scale comes from: Scala name
Scala name: Raga Neroshta
Piano Encyclopedia name: Raga Neroshta [Indian]
Raga Priyadharshini
Fingerings on most contemporary six-hole pentatonic minor Native American flutes:
Scale steps in semitones: 2–3–3–3–1
Scale degrees:
in semitones: 0–2–5–8–11–12
intervals: 1–2–4–m6–7–8
Root, Major 2nd, Perfect 4th, Minor 6th, Major 7th, Octave
Pitches starting from C:
C D F G♯ B c
C D F A♭ B c
All The Chords Name: Myditonic, 4imperfections
Pitch Class Set: {0,2,5,8,11}
Pitch Class Mapping: 2341 (Hex 925, Binary 100100100101)
A Study of Scales (Ian Ring) Index: 2341
Deep scale: No
Coherent scale: No
This scale is a mode (rotation) of these other scales:
Mode 2 of: Pattern Scale 804
Mode 3 of: Pattern Scale 356
Mode 4 of: Pattern Scale 300
Mode 5 of: Pattern Scale 293
The name I use for this scale comes from: Scala name
Scala name: Raga Priyadharshini
Piano Encyclopedia name: Raga Priyadharshini [Indian]
Scale Omnibus name: Raga Priyadharshini [India]
Fingerings on most contemporary six-hole pentatonic minor Native American flutes:
Scale steps in semitones: 2–1–2–2–5
Scale degrees:
in semitones: 0–2–3–5–7–12
intervals: 1–2–m3–4–5–8
Root, Major 2nd, Minor 3rd, Perfect 4th, Perfect 5th, Octave
Pitches starting from C:
C D D♯ F G c
C D E♭ F G c
Pitch Class Set: {0,2,3,5,7}
Pitch Class Mapping: 173 (Hex 0AD, Binary 000010101101)
A Study of Scales (Ian Ring) Index: 173
Deep scale: No
Coherent scale: No
This scale is a mode (rotation) of these other scales:
Mode 2 of: Pattern Scale 533
Mode 3 of: Raga Neroshta
Mode 4 of: Raga Matha Kokila
Mode 5 of: Pattern Scale 720
Subset of: Natural Minor
The name I use for this scale comes from: Based on the scale used by Michael Graham Allen for his Desert Flute
Entry on the Map of Native American Flute Tunings page: Four-hole Mojave
Scala names: Raga Purnalalita, Chad Gadyo: Jewish, Ghana Pentatonic 1, Nando-kyemyonjo: Korea
Piano Encyclopedia names: Chad Gadyo [Jewish]; Ghana Pentatonic I; Nando-kyemyonjo; Raga Purnalalita
Scale Omnibus names: Chad Gadyo [Jewish]; Ghana Pentatonic; Nando-Kyemyonjo; Raga Purnanalita
Notes: A subset of the Natural Minor scale used by a number of flute makers for four-hole rim-blown flutes. According to Jon Norris (personal communication, 9/17/2018), it matches what Michael Graham Allen calls his Desert flute, and what Geoffrey Ellis calls Mojave. Geoffrey's Mojave 6 is the full Aeolian (Natural Minor). The old Mojave artifacts were all over the place in tuning.
Raga Putrika
Fingerings on most contemporary six-hole pentatonic minor Native American flutes:
Fingerings on Anasazi-7 tuned Native American flutes:
Scale steps in semitones: 1–1–6–1–3
Scale degrees:
in semitones: 0–1–2–8–9–12
intervals: 1–m2–2–m6–6–8
Root, Minor 2nd, Major 2nd, Minor 6th, Major 6th, Octave
Pitches starting from C:
C C♯ D G♯ A c
C D♭ D A♭ A c
Pitch Class Set: {0,1,2,8,9}
Pitch Class Mapping: 775 (Hex 307, Binary 001100000111)
A Study of Scales (Ian Ring) Index: 775
Deep scale: No
Coherent scale: No
This scale is a mode (rotation) of these other scales:
Mode 2 of: Raga Deshgaur
Mode 3 of: Pattern Scale 1632
Mode 4 of: Pattern Scale 57
Mode 5 of: Pattern Scale 1052
The name I use for this scale comes from: Scala name
Scala name: Raga Putrika
Piano Encyclopedia name: Raga Putrika [Indian]
Scale Omnibus name: Raga Putrika [India]
Raga Rasika Ranjani
Fingerings on most contemporary six-hole pentatonic minor Native American flutes:
Fingerings on Anasazi-7 tuned Native American flutes:
Scale steps in semitones: 1–3–3–2–3
Scale degrees:
in semitones: 0–1–4–7–9–12
intervals: 1–m2–3–5–6–8
Root, Minor 2nd, Major 3rd, Perfect 5th, Major 6th, Octave
Pitches starting from C:
C C♯ E G A c
C D♭ E G A c
All The Chords Name: Soptitonic, 3imperfections
Pitch Class Set: {0,1,4,7,9}
Pitch Class Mapping: 659 (Hex 293, Binary 001010010011)
A Study of Scales (Ian Ring) Index: 659
Deep scale: No
Coherent scale: No
This scale is a mode (rotation) of these other scales:
Mode 2 of: Pattern Scale 1188
Mode 3 of: Pattern Scale 404
Mode 4 of: Pattern Scale 306
Mode 5 of: Pattern Scale 588
The name I use for this scale comes from: Scala name
Scala names: Raga Rasika Ranjani, Vibhas (Marva), Scriabin
Piano Encyclopedia names: Pentatonic Major b2; Pentatonic Major b9; Raga Bibhas (marva); Raga Rasika Ranjani; Raga Vibhas (marva); Scriabin
Scale Omnibus names: Major Pentatonic b2; Raga Bibhas; Raga Rasika Ranjani; Scriabin
Raga Rasranjani
Fingerings on most contemporary six-hole pentatonic minor Native American flutes:
Scale steps in semitones: 2–3–4–2–1
Scale degrees:
in semitones: 0–2–5–9–11–12
intervals: 1–2–4–6–7–8
Root, Major 2nd, Perfect 4th, Major 6th, Major 7th, Octave
Pitches starting from C: C D F A B c
All The Chords Name: Koptitonic, 3imperfections
Pitch Class Set: {0,2,5,9,11}
Pitch Class Mapping: 2597 (Hex A25, Binary 101000100101)
A Study of Scales (Ian Ring) Index: 2597
Deep scale: No
Coherent scale: No
This scale is a mode (rotation) of these other scales:
Mode 2 of: Pattern Scale 836
Mode 3 of: Dhavalashri
Mode 4 of: Raga Audav Tukhari
Mode 5 of: Pattern Scale 549
The name I use for this scale comes from: Scala name
Scala name: Raga Rasranjani
Piano Encyclopedia name: Raga Rasranjani [Indian]
Scale Omnibus name: Raga Rasranjani [India]
Raga Reva
Fingerings on most contemporary six-hole pentatonic minor Native American flutes:
Fingerings on Anasazi-7 tuned Native American flutes:
Scale steps in semitones: 1–3–3–1–4
Scale degrees:
in semitones: 0–1–4–7–8–12
intervals: 1–m2–3–5–m6–8
Root, Minor 2nd, Major 3rd, Perfect 5th, Minor 6th, Octave
Pitches starting from C:
C C♯ E G G♯ c
C D♭ E G A♭ c
All The Chords Name: Daptitonic, 3imperfections
Pitch Class Set: {0,1,4,7,8}
Pitch Class Mapping: 403 (Hex 193, Binary 000110010011)
A Study of Scales (Ian Ring) Index: 403
Deep scale: No
Coherent scale: No
This scale is a mode (rotation) of these other scales:
Mode 2 of: Multani
Mode 3 of: Pattern Scale 396
Mode 4 of: Pattern Scale 305
Mode 5 of: Bacovia
The name I use for this scale comes from: Scala name
Scala names: Raga Reva, Revagupti, Ramkali, Vibhas (Bhairava)
Piano Encyclopedia names: Pentatonic Major b2 b6; Raga Reva; Raga Revagupti; Raga Vibhas (bhairava)
Raga Rukmangi
Fingerings on most contemporary six-hole pentatonic minor Native American flutes:
Scale steps in semitones: 1–2–4–3–2
Scale degrees:
in semitones: 0–1–3–7–10–12
intervals: 1–m2–m3–5–m7–8
Root, Minor 2nd, Minor 3rd, Perfect 5th, Minor 7th, Octave
Pitches starting from C:
C C♯ D♯ G A♯ c
C D♭ E♭ G B♭ c
All The Chords Name: Pagitonic, 3imperfections
Pitch Class Set: {0,1,3,7,10}
Pitch Class Mapping: 1163 (Hex 48B, Binary 010010001011)
A Study of Scales (Ian Ring) Index: 1163
Deep scale: No
Coherent scale: No
This scale is a mode (rotation) of these other scales:
Mode 2 of: Raga Shubravarni
Mode 3 of: Valaji
Mode 4 of: Pattern Scale 180
Mode 5 of: Raga Abhogi
The name I use for this scale comes from: Scala name
Scala name: Raga Rukmangi
Piano Encyclopedia names: Pelog; Raga Rukmangi
Scale Omnibus name: Raga Rukmangi [India]
Raga Saugandhini
Fingerings on most contemporary six-hole pentatonic minor Native American flutes:
Fingerings on Anasazi-7 tuned Native American flutes:
Scale steps in semitones: 1–5–1–1–4
Scale degrees:
in semitones: 0–1–6–7–8–12
intervals: 1–m2–d5–5–m6–8
Root, Minor 2nd, Diminished 5th, Perfect 5th, Minor 6th, Octave
Pitches starting from C:
C C♯ F♯ G G♯ c
C D♭ G♭ G A♭ c
Pitch Class Set: {0,1,6,7,8}
Pitch Class Mapping: 451 (Hex 1C3, Binary 000111000011)
A Study of Scales (Ian Ring) Index: 451
Deep scale: No
Coherent scale: No
This scale is a mode (rotation) of these other scales:
Mode 2 of: Pattern Scale 1136
Mode 3 of: Raga Nabhomani
Mode 4 of: Pattern Scale 1073
Mode 5 of: Pattern Scale 1560
The name I use for this scale comes from: Scala name
Scala names: Raga Saugandhini, Yashranjani
Piano Encyclopedia names: Raga Saugandhini [Indian]; Raga Yashranjani
Scale Omnibus names: Raga Saugandhini [India]; Raga Saugandhunu
Raga Shri Kalyan
Fingerings on most contemporary six-hole pentatonic minor Native American flutes:
Fingerings on Anasazi-7 tuned Native American flutes:
Scale steps in semitones: 2–4–1–2–3
Scale degrees:
in semitones: 0–2–6–7–9–12
intervals: 1–2–d5–5–6–8
Root, Major 2nd, Diminished 5th, Perfect 5th, Major 6th, Octave
Pitches starting from C:
C D F♯ G A c
C D G♭ G A c
All The Chords Name: Ionycritonic, 2imperfections
Pitch Class Set: {0,2,6,7,9}
Pitch Class Mapping: 709 (Hex 2C5, Binary 001011000101)
A Study of Scales (Ian Ring) Index: 709
Deep scale: No
Coherent scale: No
This scale is a mode (rotation) of these other scales:
Mode 2 of: Mixolydian Pentatonic
Mode 3 of: Raga Chhaya Todi
Mode 4 of: Raga Desh
Mode 5 of: Varamu
The name I use for this scale comes from: Scala name
Scala name: Raga Shri Kalyan
Piano Encyclopedia name: Raga Shri Kalyan [Indian]
Scale Omnibus name: Raga Shri Kalyan [India]
Raga Shubravarni
Fingerings on Anasazi-7 tuned Native American flutes:
Scale steps in semitones: 2–4–3–2–1
Scale degrees:
in semitones: 0–2–6–9–11–12
intervals: 1–2–d5–6–7–8
Root, Major 2nd, Diminished 5th, Major 6th, Major 7th, Octave
Pitches starting from C:
C D F♯ A B c
C D G♭ A B c
All The Chords Name: Aeolythitonic, 3imperfections
Pitch Class Set: {0,2,6,9,11}
Pitch Class Mapping: 2629 (Hex A45, Binary 101001000101)
A Study of Scales (Ian Ring) Index: 2629
Deep scale: No
Coherent scale: No
This scale is a mode (rotation) of these other scales:
Mode 2 of: Valaji
Mode 3 of: Pattern Scale 180
Mode 4 of: Raga Abhogi
Mode 5 of: Raga Rukmangi
The name I use for this scale comes from: Scala name
Scala name: Raga Shubravarni
Locrian Pentatonic 2
Fingerings on most contemporary six-hole pentatonic minor Native American flutes:
Fingerings on Anasazi-7 tuned Native American flutes:
Scale steps in semitones: 3–1–2–4–2
Scale degrees:
in semitones: 0–3–4–6–10–12
intervals: 1–m3–3–d5–m7–8
Root, Minor 3rd, Major 3rd, Diminished 5th, Minor 7th, Octave
Pitches starting from C:
C D♯ E F♯ A♯ c
C E♭ E G♭ B♭ c
All The Chords Name: Aeronitonic, 4imperfections
Pitch Class Set: {0,3,4,6,10}
Pitch Class Mapping: 1113 (Hex 459, Binary 010001011001)
A Study of Scales (Ian Ring) Index: 1113
Deep scale: No
Coherent scale: No
This scale is a mode (rotation) of these other scales:
Mode 2 of: Pattern Scale 325
Mode 3 of: Pattern Scale 1186
Mode 4 of: Pattern Scale 808
Mode 5 of: Pattern Scale 178
The name I use for this scale comes from: Scala name
Scala name: Locrian Pentatonic 2
Scale Omnibus name: Locrian Pentatonic
Fingerings on most contemporary six-hole pentatonic minor Native American flutes:
Fingerings on Anasazi-7 tuned Native American flutes:
Scale steps in semitones: 2–3–2–1–4
Scale degrees:
in semitones: 0–2–5–7–8–12
intervals: 1–2–4–5–m6–8
Root, Major 2nd, Perfect 4th, Perfect 5th, Minor 6th, Octave
Pitches starting from C:
C D F G G♯ c
C D F G A♭ c
All The Chords Name: Ionitonic, 2imperfections
Pitch Class Set: {0,2,5,7,8}
Pitch Class Mapping: 421 (Hex 1A5, Binary 000110100101)
A Study of Scales (Ian Ring) Index: 421
Deep scale: No
Coherent scale: No
This scale is a mode (rotation) of these other scales:
Mode 2 of: Jayakauns
Mode 3 of: Kumoi
Mode 4 of: Kokin-joshi
Mode 5 of: Hindol
The name I use for this scale comes from: ChordHouse
Scala names: Han-kumoi: Japan, Raga Shobhavari, Sutradhari
ChordHouse name: Japanese (B)
Piano Encyclopedia names: Han-kumoi [Japanese]; Raga Shobhavari; Raga Sutradhari
Scale Omnibus names: Han-Kumoi; Raga Shobhavari; Raga Sutradhari