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[Wikipedia format] Legal Issues

This is a list of references related to legal issues surrounding music as well as indigenous cultures.

The references on this page are a sub-set of the complete list of Flutopedia references.

For information on the format and other details of these citations, see the main references page.

[Wikipedia format] Legal Issues

[BIA 2010] <ref name="BIA2010">
{{cite book
| author1 = Bureau of Indian Affairs
| author2 = Department of the Interior
| title = Indian Entities Recognized and Eligible to Receive Services from the United States Bureau of Indian Affairs
| journal = Federal Register
| volume = 75
| issue = 190
| publisher = Federal Register Online
| date = October 1, 2010
| pages = 60810-60814

[BIA 2010a] <ref name="BIA2010a">
{{cite book
| author1 = Bureau of Indian Affairs
| author2 = Department of the Interior
| title = Supplement to Indian Entities Recognized and Eligible to Receive Services from the United States Bureau of Indian Affairs
| journal = Federal Register
| volume = 75
| issue = 207
| publisher = Federal Register Online
| date = October 27, 2010
| pages = 66124

[Brown-MF 1998] <ref name="Brown-MF1998">
{{cite journal
| author1 = Michael F. Brown
| title = Can Culture Be Copyrighted?
| journal = Current Anthropology
| volume = 39
| issue = 2
| publisher = The Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research
| date = April 1998
| pages = 193-222

[Congress 2010] <ref name="Congress2010">
{{cite book
| author1 = United States Congress
| title = Indian Arts and Crafts Amendments Act of 2010 — H. R. 725 / Public Law 111-211
| year = 2010

[Congress 2012] <ref name="Congress2012">
{{cite book
| author1 = United States Congress
| title = FAA Modernization and Reform Act of 2012 — Conference Report to accompany H.R. 658
| date = February 1, 2012

[Duthu 2008] <ref name="Duthu2008">
{{cite book
| author1 = Bruce N. Duthu
| author2 = Colin G. Calloway
| title = American Indians and the Law
| publisher = Viking
| place = New York
| year = 2008
| isbn = 0-670-01857-0

[Duthu 2009] <ref name="Duthu2009">
{{cite book
| author1 = Bruce N. Duthu
| author2 = Colin G. Calloway
| title = American Indians and the Law
| edition = Penguin Reprint Edition
| series = The Penguin Library of American Indian History
| publisher = Penguin
| place = New York
| year = 2009
| isbn = 978-0-14-311478-9

[Girvin 2000] <ref name="Girvin2000">
{{cite book
| author1 = Polly Girvin
| title = Mendocino County Intertribal Repatriation Project — An Interview with Polly Girvin
| journal = Grace Millennium
| date = Winter 2000
| pages = 4-8

[IACB 1935] <ref name="IACB1935">
{{cite book
| author1 = Indian Arts
| author2 = Crafts Board
| title = Indian Arts and Crafts Act of 1935 — United States Code Title 18, Sections 1158-1159 (18 U.S.C. 1158-59) and United States Code Title 25, Parts 305-309
| date = August 27, 1935

[IACB 1990] <ref name="IACB1990">
{{cite book
| author1 = Indian Arts
| author2 = Crafts Board
| title = Indian Arts and Crafts Act of 1990
| year = 1990

[IACB 1996] <ref name="IACB1996">
{{cite book
| author1 = Indian Arts
| author2 = Crafts Board
| title = Protection for Products of Indian Art and Craftsmanship — Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) 25, Part 309, RIN 1090-AA45, Final Rule
| journal = Federal Register
| volume = 61
| issue = 204
| publisher = Federal Register Online
| date = October 21, 1996
| pages = 54551-54556
| origyear = Dated October 15, 1996

[Johnston-A 2014] <ref name="Johnston-A2014">
{{cite journal
| author1 = Amy Johnston
| title = Charles Greul: The Non-Aboriginal Forebearer to the Northwest Coast Printmaking Movement
| journal = The Carleton Graduate Journal of Art and Culture
| volume = 2
| year = 2014

[Joyce-Grendahl 2009a] <ref name="Joyce-Grendahl2009a">
{{cite journal
| author1 = Kathleen Joyce-Grendahl
| title = Labelling Your Flutes Correctly: The Indian Arts and Crafts Act of 1990
| journal = Voice of the Wind
| volume = 2009
| issue = 2
| publisher = International Native American Flute Association
| place = Suffolk, Virginia
| year = 2009
| pages = 16

[Joyce-Grendahl 2010c] <ref name="Joyce-Grendahl2010c">
{{cite journal
| author1 = Kathleen Joyce-Grendahl
| title = Indian Arts and Crafts Amendment of 2010
| journal = Voice of the Wind
| volume = 2010
| issue = 4
| publisher = International Native American Flute Association
| place = Suffolk, Virginia
| year = 2010
| pages = 28

[Kremers 2004] <ref name="Kremers2004">
{{cite journal
| author1 = Nancy Kremers
| title = Speaking with a Forked Tongue in the Global Debate on Traditional Knowledge and Genetic Resources: Is U.S. Intellectual Property Law and Policy Really Aimed at Meaningful Protection for Native American Cultures?
| journal = Fordham Intellectual Property, Media and Entertainment Law Journal
| volume = 15
| issue = 1
| date = October 2004

[Lewis-RB 2006] <ref name="Lewis-RB2006">
{{cite journal
| author1 = Rodney B. Lewis
| author2 = John T. Hestand
| title = Federal Reserved Water Rights: Gila River Indian Community Settlement
| journal = Journal of Contemporary Water Research and Education
| issue = 133
| publisher = Universities Council on Water Resources
| date = May 2006
| pages = 34-42

[Skrydstrup 2009] <ref name="Skrydstrup2009">
{{cite book
| author1 = Martin Skrydstrup
| title = Towards Intellectual Property Guidelines and Best Practices for Recording and Digitizing Intangible Cultural Heritage — A Survey of Codes, Conduct and Challenges in North America
| publisher = World Intellectual Property Organization
| date = June 2009

[UN 2008] <ref name="UN2008">
{{cite book
| author1 = United Nations
| title = United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples
| publisher = United Nations
| date = March 2008

[USCO 2011] <ref name="USCO2011">
{{cite book
| author1 = United States Copyright Office
| title = Copyright Basics
| year = 2011

[WIPO 2003] <ref name="WIPO2003">
{{cite book
| author1 = World Intellectual Property Organization
| title = Guide to the Copyright and Related Rights Treaties Administered by WIPO and Glossary of Copyright and Related Rights Term
| publisher = World Intellectual Property Organization
| place = Geneva
| year = 2003
| isbn = 978-92-805-1200-7

[Woltz 2006] <ref name="Woltz2006">
{{cite journal
| author1 = Jennie D. Woltz
| title = The Economics of Cultural Misrepresentation: How Should the Indian Arts and Crafts Act of 1990 Be Marketed?
| journal = Fordham Intellectual Property, Media and Entertainment Law Journal
| volume = 17
| issue = 2
| year = 2006

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