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[Wikipedia format] Ethnomusicology References

This is a list of references related to Ethnomusicology cited throughout Flutopedia.

The references on this page are a sub-set of the complete list of Flutopedia references.

For information on the format and other details of these citations, see the main references page.

[Wikipedia format] Ethnomusicology References

[Archabal 1977] <ref name="Archabal1977">
{{cite book
| author1 = Nina Marchetti Archabal
| title = Frances Densmore — Pioneer in the Study of American Indian Music
| CONTAINED-IN = contained in [Stuhler 1977]
| year = 1977
| accessdate = October 30, 2011

[Baker 1882] <ref name="Baker1882">
{{cite thesis
| author1 = Theodore Baker
| title = Über die Musik der Nordamerikanischen Wilden
| trans_title = About the Music of the North American Wild
| type = Ph.D.
| publisher = Druck vol Breitkopf & Härtel
| place = Leipzig
| language = German
| year = 1882

[Baker 1976] <ref name="Baker1976">
{{cite book
| author1 = Theodore Baker
| author2 = Ann Buckley
| title = On the Music of the North American Indians
| publisher = Frits Knuf and W. S. Heinman
| place = Buren, the Netherlands and New York
| language = English and German
| year = 1976

[Baker 1977] <ref name="Baker1977">
{{cite book
| author1 = Theodore Baker
| author2 = Ann Buckley
| title = On the Music of the North American Indians
| series = Source Materials and Studies in Ethnomusicology, Volume 9
| publisher = Da Capo Press
| place = New York, New York
| language = English
| year = 1977
| isbn = 978-0-306-70888-6

[Baker 1978] <ref name="Baker1978">
{{cite book
| author1 = Theodore Baker
| author2 = Ann Buckley
| title = On the Music of the North American Indians
| publisher = University of Maryland Sea Grant Publications
| date = June 1978

[Bakkegard 1960] <ref name="Bakkegard1960">
{{cite journal
| author1 = B. M. Bakkegard
| title = Music in Arizona before 1912
| journal = Journal of Research in Music Education
| volume = 8
| issue = 2
| publisher = MENC: The National Association for Music Education
| date = Autumn 1960
| pages = 67-74
| jstor = 3344027

[Bancroft 1875a] <ref name="Bancroft1875a">
{{cite book
| author1 = Hubert Howe Bancroft
| title = The Native Races of the Pacific States of North America
| volume = Volume 1 - Wild Tribes
| publisher = D. Appleton and Company
| place = New York
| year = 1875

[Bancroft 1875b] <ref name="Bancroft1875b">
{{cite book
| author1 = Hubert Howe Bancroft
| title = The Native Races of the Pacific States of North America
| volume = Volume 2 - Civilized Nations
| publisher = D. Appleton and Company
| place = New York
| year = 1875

[Bancroft 1875c] <ref name="Bancroft1875c">
{{cite book
| author1 = Hubert Howe Bancroft
| title = The Native Races of the Pacific States of North America
| volume = Volume 3 - Myths and Languages
| publisher = D. Appleton and Company
| place = New York
| year = 1875

[Bancroft 1875d] <ref name="Bancroft1875d">
{{cite book
| author1 = Hubert Howe Bancroft
| title = The Native Races of the Pacific States of North America
| volume = Volume 4 - Antiquities
| publisher = D. Appleton and Company
| place = New York
| year = 1875

[Bancroft 1875e] <ref name="Bancroft1875e">
{{cite book
| author1 = Hubert Howe Bancroft
| title = The Native Races of the Pacific States of North America
| volume = Volume 5 - Primitive History
| publisher = D. Appleton and Company
| place = New York
| year = 1876

[Bloechl 2008] <ref name="Bloechl2008">
{{cite book
| author1 = Olivia Ashley Bloechl
| title = Native American Song at the Frontiers of Early Modern Music
| series = New Perspectives in Music History and Criticism, Volume 17
| publisher = Cambridge University Press
| year = 2008
| isbn = 978-0-521-86605-7

[Boas 1897] <ref name="Boas1897">
{{cite journal
| author1 = Franz Boas
| title = The Social Organization and the Secret Societies of the Kwakiutl Indians — Based on Personal Observations and on Notes Made by Mr. George Hunt
| journal = Annual Report of the Board of Regents of the Smithsonian Institution and Report of the U. S. National Museum
| volume = Year Ending June 30, 1895
| publisher = Government Printing Office
| place = Washington, D.C.
| year = 1897
| pages = 311-738

[Cringan 1898] <ref name="Cringan1898">
{{cite journal
| author1 = Alexander T. Cringan
| title = Pagan Dance Songs of the Iroquois
| journal = Annual Archaeological Report 1897-98, being part of Appendix to the Report of the Minister of Education, Ontario
| volume = 12
| publisher = L. K. C. Meron
| place = Toronto, Ontario
| year = 1898
| pages = 168-198

[Cringan 1903] <ref name="Cringan1903">
{{cite journal
| author1 = Alexander T. Cringan
| title = Iroquois Folk Songs
| journal = Annual Archaeological Report 1902, being part of Appendix to the Report of the Minister of Education, Ontario
| volume = 17
| publisher = L. K. C. Meron
| place = Toronto, Ontario
| year = 1903
| pages = 137-152

[Densmore 1907a] <ref name="Densmore1907a">
{{cite journal
| author1 = Frances Densmore
| title = An Onondaga Thanksgiving Song
| journal = The Indian School Journal
| volume = 7
| issue = 8
| publisher = United States Indian Industrial and Agricultural School
| place = Chilocco, Oklahoma
| date = June 1907
| pages = 23-24

[Densmore 1907c] <ref name="Densmore1907c">
{{cite journal
| author1 = Frances Densmore
| title = Songs of the Brown Children
| journal = The Indian School Journal
| volume = 8
| issue = 1
| publisher = United States Indian Industrial and Agricultural School
| place = Chilocco, Oklahoma
| date = November 1907
| pages = 17-19

[Densmore 1909] <ref name="Densmore1909">
{{cite journal
| author1 = Frances Densmore
| title = Scale Formation in Primitive Music
| journal = American Anthropologist
| volume = 11
| issue = 1
| publisher = American Anthropological Association, Anthropological Society of Washington
| place = Washington, D.C.
| date = January-March 1909
| pages = 1-12

[Densmore 1910] <ref name="Densmore1910">
{{cite book
| author1 = Frances Densmore
| title = Chippewa Music
| journal = Smithsonian Institution, Bureau of American Ethnology
| volume = 45
| publisher = United States Government Printing Office
| place = Washington, D.C.
| year = 1910

[Densmore 1913] <ref name="Densmore1913">
{{cite book
| author1 = Frances Densmore
| title = Chippewa Music II
| journal = Smithsonian Institution, Bureau of American Ethnology
| volume = 53
| publisher = United States Government Printing Office
| place = Washington, D.C.
| year = 1913

[Densmore 1916] <ref name="Densmore1916">
{{cite journal
| author1 = Frances Densmore
| title = Music in its Relation to the Religious Thought of the Teton Sioux
| edition = Holmes Anniversary Volume
| CONTAINED-IN = contained in [Hodge 1916]
| year = 1916
| pages = 67-79

[Densmore 1918] <ref name="Densmore1918">
{{cite book
| author1 = Frances Densmore
| title = Teton Sioux Music and Culture
| journal = Smithsonian Institution, Bureau of American Ethnology
| volume = 61
| publisher = United States Government Printing Office
| place = Washington, D.C.
| year = 1918

[Densmore 1920] <ref name="Densmore1920">
{{cite journal
| author1 = Frances Densmore
| title = Recent Developments in the Study of Indian Music
| journal = The Etude
| volume = 38
| issue = 10
| date = October 1920
| pages = 670

[Densmore 1922] <ref name="Densmore1922">
{{cite book
| author1 = Frances Densmore
| title = Northern Ute Music
| journal = Smithsonian Institution, Bureau of American Ethnology
| volume = 75
| publisher = United States Government Printing Office
| place = Washington, D.C.
| year = 1922

[Densmore 1923] <ref name="Densmore1923">
{{cite book
| author1 = Frances Densmore
| title = Mandan and Hidatsa Music
| journal = Smithsonian Institution, Bureau of American Ethnology
| volume = 80
| publisher = United States Government Printing Office
| place = Washington, D.C.
| year = 1923

[Densmore 1926] <ref name="Densmore1926">
{{cite book
| author1 = Frances Densmore
| title = The American Indians and Their Music
| edition = First Edition
| publisher = The Woman's Press
| place = New York
| year = 1926

[Densmore 1926a] <ref name="Densmore1926a">
{{cite journal
| author1 = Frances Densmore
| title = Music of the Tule Indians of Panama
| journal = Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections
| volume = 77
| issue = 11
| publisher = Smithsonian Institution
| place = Washington, D.C.
| date = April 16, 1926
| accessdate = March 24, 2011

[Densmore 1931a] <ref name="Densmore1931a">
{{cite journal
| author1 = Frances Densmore
| title = Music of the Winnebago, Chippewa, and Pueblo Indians
| CONTAINED-IN = contained in [Smithsonian 1931]
| year = 1931
| pages = 217-224

[Densmore 1932c] <ref name="Densmore1932c">
{{cite journal
| author1 = Frances Densmore
| title = Recording Indian Music
| CONTAINED-IN = contained in [Smithsonian 1932]
| year = 1932
| pages = 183-190

[Densmore 1933b] <ref name="Densmore1933b">
{{cite journal
| author1 = Frances Densmore
| title = Recording Seminole Songs in Florida
| CONTAINED-IN = contained in [Smithsonian 1933]
| year = 1933
| pages = 93-96

[Faulkner-M 1984] <ref name="Faulkner-M1984">
{{cite conference
| author1 = Maurice Faulkner
| author2 = Suzanne Faulkner
| title = The Drone Sound — A Basis for Cult and Emotional Activities in Primitive Societies: A Possibility for the Use of the Bronze Lur
| series = Issue 53, Volume 2, of Kungl. Musikaliska akademiens skriftserie, Cajsa S. Lund (editor)
| conference = Second Conference of the International Council for Tradition Music (ICTM) Study Group on Music Archaeology, Stockholm, Sweden, November 19–23, 1984
| publisher = Kungl. Musikaliska akademien
| year = 1984
| pages = 217-223

[Fletcher 1916] <ref name="Fletcher1916">
{{cite journal
| author1 = Alice C. Fletcher
| title = A Birthday Wish from Native America
| CONTAINED-IN = Extract from the Holmes Anniversary Volume
| year = 1916
| pages = pags 118-122

[Gibbs-G 1856] <ref name="Gibbs-G1856">
{{cite book
| author1 = George Gibbs
| author2 = John J. Milhau
| author3 = Silvester Mowry
| author4 = Olive Oatman
| title = Observations on the Indians of the Colorado River, California; Accompanying Vocabularies of the Yuma and Mohave tribes
| volume = 1043
| publisher = National Anthropological Archives, Smithsonian Institution
| year = 1856

[Giglio 1994] <ref name="Giglio1994">
{{cite book
| author1 = Virginia Giglio
| title = Southern Cheyenne Women's Songs
| publisher = University of Oklahoma Press
| place = Norman, Oklahoma
| year = 1994
| isbn = 978-0-8061-2605-0

[Gray 1996] <ref name="Gray1996">
{{cite journal
| author1 = Judith A. Gray
| title = Returning Music to the Makers: The Library of Congress, American Indians, and the Federal Cylinder Project
| journal = Cultural Survival Quarterly
| volume = 20
| issue = 4
| date = Winter 1996

[Greene-PD 2003] <ref name="Greene-PD2003">
{{cite journal
| author1 = Paul D. Greene
| title = Ordering a Sacred Terrain: Melodic Pathways of Himalayan Flute Pilgrimage
| journal = Ethnomusicology
| volume = 47
| issue = 2
| date = Spring-Summer 2003
| pages = 205-227
| jstor = 3113918

[Hall-JC 1955] <ref name="Hall-JC1955">
{{cite journal
| author1 = Jody C. Hall
| author2 = Bruno Nettl
| title = Musical Style of the Modoc
| journal = Southwestern Journal of Anthropology
| volume = 11
| issue = 1
| date = Spring 1955
| pages = 58-66
| jstor = 3628997

[Heth 1979a] <ref name="Heth1979a">
{{cite journal
| author1 = Charlotte Heth
| title = Stylistic Similarities in Cherokee and Iroquois Music
| journal = Journal of Cherokee Studies
| volume = 4
| year = 1979
| pages = 128-162

[Hodge 1916] <ref name="Hodge1916">
{{cite book
| author1 = F. W. {Frederick Webb} Hodge
| title = Anthropological Essays Presented to William Henry Holmes
| publisher = J. W. Bryan Press
| place = Washington, D.C.
| year = 1916

[Keeling 1989] <ref name="Keeling1989">
{{cite book
| author1 = Richard Keeling
| title = Women in North American Indian Music: Six Essays
| series = Special Monograph 6
| publisher = Society for Ethnomusicology
| place = Bloomington, Indiana
| year = 1989

[Keeling 1989a] <ref name="Keeling1989a">
{{cite journal
| author1 = Richard Keeling
| title = Musical Evidence of Female Spiritual Life Among the Yurok
| CONTAINED-IN = contained in [Keeling 1989]
| year = 1989
| pages = 67-78

[Keeling 1992a] <ref name="Keeling1992a">
{{cite journal
| author1 = Richard Keeling
| title = Music and Culture History among the Yurok and Neighboring Tribes of Northwestern California
| journal = Journal of Anthropological Research
| volume = 48
| issue = 1
| date = Spring 1992
| pages = 25-48
| jstor = 3630607

[Kurosawa 1952] <ref name="Kurosawa1952">
{{cite journal
| author1 = Takatomo Kurosawa
| title = The Musical Bow of the Bununs Tribe in Formosa and Suggestions as to the Origin of the Pentatonic Scale
| journal = Toyo Ongaku Kenkyu (Journal of the Society for Research in Asiatic Music)
| volume = 10-11
| place = Tokyo
| year = 1952
| pages = 18-32

[Manuel 1995] <ref name="Manuel1995">
{{cite journal
| author1 = Peter Manuel
| title = New Perspectives in American Ethnomusicology
| journal = Revista Transcultural de Música / Transcultural Music Review
| volume = 1
| language = Spanish and English
| date = June 1995
| accessdate = December 19, 2010

[Montagu 2005] <ref name="Montagu2005">
{{cite book
| author1 = Jeremy Montagu
| title = On the Measurement of the Musical Scales of Various Nations and Introducting the Ellis
| year = 2005

[Myers 1993] <ref name="Myers1993">
{{cite book
| author1 = Helen Myers
| title = Ethnomusicology: Historical and Regional Studies
| volume = Volume 2 of The Norton/Grove handbooks in music, Volume 2 of Ethnomusicology
| publisher = W. W. Norton & Company
| year = 1993
| isbn = 978-0-393-03378-6

[Nettl 1956] <ref name="Nettl1956">
{{cite book
| author1 = Bruno Nettl
| title = Music in Primitive Culture
| edition = Second Edition
| publisher = Harvard University Press
| date = December 1956
| isbn = 978-0-674-59000-7

[Nettl 1995] <ref name="Nettl1995">
{{cite journal
| author1 = Bruno Nettl
| title = The Seminal Eighties: A North American Perspective of the Beginnings of Musicology and Ethnomusicology
| journal = Revista Transcultural de Música / Transcultural Music Review
| volume = 1
| language = Spanish and English
| date = June 1995
| accessdate = December 19, 2010

[Paige 1970] <ref name="Paige1970">
{{cite book
| author1 = Harry W. Paige
| title = Songs of the Teton Sioux
| edition = First edition
| publisher = Westernlore Press
| place = Los Angeles, California
| year = 1970

[Picken 1959] <ref name="Picken1959">
{{cite journal
| author1 = Laurence Picken
| title = Twelve Ritual Melodies of the T'ang Dynasty
| CONTAINED-IN = contained in [Rajeczky 1959]
| year = 1959
| pages = 145-171
| accessdate = April 11, 2011

[Porter-J 1995] <ref name="Porter-J1995">
{{cite journal
| author1 = James Porter
| title = New Perspectives in Ethnomusicology: A Critical Survey
| journal = Revista Transcultural de Música / Transcultural Music Review
| volume = 1
| language = Spanish and English
| date = June 1995
| accessdate = December 19, 2010

[Provine 1974] <ref name="Provine1974">
{{cite journal
| author1 = Robert C. Provine, Jr.
| title = The Treatise on Ceremonial Music (1430) in the Annals of the Korean King Sejong
| journal = Ethnomusicology
| volume = 18
| issue = 1
| date = January 1974
| pages = 1-29
| jstor = 850057

[Rhodes 1956] <ref name="Rhodes1956">
{{cite journal
| author1 = Willard Rhodes
| title = Toward a Definition of Ethnomusicology
| journal = American Anthropologist
| volume = 58
| issue = 3
| date = June 1956
| pages = 457-463
| doi = 10.1525/aa.1956.58.3.02a00050
| jstor = 665277

[Roberts-HH 1919] <ref name="Roberts-HH1919">
{{cite book
| author1 = Helen H. {Heffron} Roberts
| title = Primitive Music
| year = 1919

[Roberts-HH 1926] <ref name="Roberts-HH1926">
{{cite book
| author1 = Helen H. {Heffron} Roberts
| title = Ancient Hawaiian Music
| journal = Bernice P. Bishop Museum
| volume = 29
| place = Honolulu, Hawaii
| year = 1926

[Roberts-HH 1932] <ref name="Roberts-HH1932">
{{cite journal
| author1 = Helen H. {Heffron} Roberts
| title = Musical Composition and Scale Foundations in Primitive Music
| journal = American Anthropologist
| volume = 34
| year = 1932
| pages = 79-107

[Roberts-HH 1933a] <ref name="Roberts-HH1933a">
{{cite journal
| author1 = Helen H. {Heffron} Roberts
| title = The Pattern Phenomenon in Primitive Music
| journal = Zietschrift für vergleichende Musikwiessenschaft
| volume = 1
| publisher = Mas Hesses Verlag
| year = 1933
| pages = 49-52

[Rust 1996] <ref name="Rust1996">
{{cite book
| author1 = Ezra Gardner Rust
| title = The Music and Dance of the World's Religions: A Comprehensive, Annotated Bibliography of Materials in the English language
| publisher = Greenwood Publishing Group
| year = 1996
| isbn = 978-0-313-29561-4

[Sapir A] <ref name="SapirA">
{{cite book
| author1 = Edward Sapir
| author2 = Jacob D. Sapir
| title = Unpublished Manuscript on Southern Paiute Music with Transcriptions

[Schrag 2005] <ref name="Schrag2005">
{{cite thesis
| author1 = Brian Edward Schrag
| title = How Bamiléké Music-Makers Create Culture in Cameroon
| type = Ph.D.
| publisher = University of California
| year = 2005

[Shaw-AM 1926] <ref name="Shaw-AM1926">
{{cite journal
| author1 = Anna Moore Shaw
| title = Songs of the Indians
| journal = American Mercury
| volume = 7
| year = 1926
| pages = 65-68

[ShungYe 2011] <ref name="ShungYe2011">
{{cite book
| author1 = Shung Ye Museum Staff
| title = Shung Ye Museum of Formosan Aborigines Guidebook
| publisher = Shung Ye Museum of Formosan Aborigines
| place = Taipei, Taiwan
| year = 2011
| isbn = 978-986-85378-5-9

[Stevenson-R 1973] <ref name="Stevenson-R1973">
{{cite journal
| author1 = Robert Stevenson
| title = Written Sources for Indian Music until 1882
| journal = Ethnomusicology
| volume = 17
| issue = 1
| publisher = University of Illinois Press on behalf of Society for Ethnomusicology
| date = January 1973
| pages = 1-40
| jstor = 850094

[Stuhler 1977] <ref name="Stuhler1977">
{{cite book
| author1 = Barbara Stuhler
| author2 = Gretchen V. Kreuter
| title = Women of Minnesota, Selected Biographical Essays
| edition = First Edition
| publisher = Minnesota Historical Society Press
| place = Saint Paul, Minnesota
| year = 1977

[Stuhler 1998] <ref name="Stuhler1998">
{{cite book
| author1 = Barbara Stuhler
| author2 = Gretchen V. Kreuter
| title = Women of Minnesota: Selected Biographical Essays
| edition = Second edition
| publisher = Minnesota Historical Society Press
| year = 1998
| isbn = 978-0-87351-367-8

[Teit 1916] <ref name="Teit1916">
{{cite book
| author1 = James A. Teit
| title = Songs and Notes Recorded in Ottawa by J.A. Teit. Singer, Chief John Tetlenitsa. Canadian Ethnology Service, Canadian Museum of Civilization, Ottawa, Ontario
| publisher = Canadian Ethnology Service, Canadian Museum of Civilization, Ottawa, Ontario
| year = 1921

[Teit 1921] <ref name="Teit1921">
{{cite book
| author1 = James A. Teit
| title = Unpublished Field Collection: Songs and Notes Recorded in Spence's Bridge, B.C.
| publisher = Canadian Ethnology Service, Canadian Museum of Civilization, Ottawa, Ontario
| year = 1921

[Tseng 2008] <ref name="Tseng2008">
{{cite thesis
| author1 = Ju-Ming Tseng
| title = An Ethnographical Result on the Nose Flute Culture of Paiwan — A Case Study of Pinghe Paiwanese
| type = M.A.
| publisher = National Chengchi University
| date = January 2008

[Varhalamas 2011] <ref name="Varhalamas2011">
{{cite thesis
| author1 = Terence A. Varhalamas
| title = Harmonic Spectral Analysis of Indigenous Musical Instruments from Taiwan and New Zealand
| type = M.A.
| publisher = Institute of Austronesian Studies, National Taitung University
| date = June 2011

[Wickwire 1988] <ref name="Wickwire1988">
{{cite journal
| author1 = Wendy C. Wickwire
| title = James A. Teit: His Contribution to Canadian Ethnomusicology
| journal = The Canadian Journal of Native Studies
| volume = 8
| issue = 2
| year = 1988
| pages = 183-204

[Will 1999] <ref name="Will1999">
{{cite journal
| author1 = Udo Will
| title = La baguette magique d’ethnomusicologie: Re-penser la notation et lanalyse de la musique
| trans_title = The Magic Wand of Ethnomusicology: Re-thinking the Notation and Analysis of Music
| journal = Cahiers de Musiques Traditionelles
| volume = 12
| place = Georg, Genève
| language = French
| year = 1999
| pages = 9-34

[Will 1999a] <ref name="Will1999a">
{{cite book
| author1 = Udo Will
| title = The Magic Wand of Ethnomusicology: Re-thinking Notation and its Application in Music Analyses
| edition = English translation of [Will 1999]
| year = 1999

[Wilson 1898] <ref name="Wilson1898">
{{cite journal
| author1 = Thomas Wilson
| title = Prehistoric Art;or, the Origin of Art as Manifested in the Works of Prehistoric Man
| journal = Annual Report of the Board of Regents of the Smithsonian Institution and Report of the U. S. National Museum
| volume = Year Ending June 30, 1896
| publisher = Government Printing Office
| place = Washington, D.C.
| year = 1898
| pages = 325-664

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