[Wikipedia format] Archaeology References
This is a list of archaeology-related references cited throughout Flutopedia.
The references on this page are a sub-set of the complete list of Flutopedia references.
For information on the format and other details of these citations, see the main references page.
[Wikipedia format] Archaeology References
[Adams-KR 2006]
<ref name="Adams-KR2006">
{{cite book
| author1 = Karen R. Adams
| title = Through the Looking Glass — The Environment of the Ancient Mesa Verdeans
| CONTAINED-IN = Contained in [Noble-DG 2006]
| year = 2006
[Andric 2011]
<ref name="Andric2011">
{{cite journal
| author1 = Maja Andrič
| title = Lateglacial Vegetation at Lake Bled and Griblje Marsh (Slovenia): A Comparison of (in Last Glacial Maximum) Glaciated and Non-glaciated Landscapes
| CONTAINED-IN = contained in [Toskan 2011]
| year = 2011
| pages = 235-250
[Applegate 2008]
<ref name="Applegate2008">
{{cite journal
| author1 = Darlene Applegate
| title = Woodland Period
| CONTAINED-IN = contained in Volume 1 of [Pollack 2008]
| year = 2008
| pages = 339-604
[Atema 2004]
<ref name="Atema2004">
{{cite journal
| author1 = Jelle Atema
| title = Old Bone Flutes
| journal = Pan
| volume = 23
| issue = 4
| date = December 2004
| pages = 18-23
[Baby 1961]
<ref name="Baby1961">
{{cite journal
| author1 = Raymond S. Baby
| title = A Hopewell Human Bone Whistle
| journal = American Antiquity
| volume = 27
| issue = 1
| date = July 1961
| pages = 108-110
[Barahona 2002]
<ref name="Barahona2002">
{{cite book
| author1 = Agustin Barahona
| title = Ancient Objects Related to Music and Ancient Egypt in the National Archaeological Museum of Madrid
| CONTAINED-IN = contained in [Eldamaty 2002]
| year = 2002
| pages = 75-86
[Barber-SB 2009]
<ref name="Barber-SB2009">
{{cite journal
| author1 = Sarah B. Barber
| author2 = Gonzalo Sánchez
| author3 = Mireya Olvera
| title = Sounds of Death and Life in Mesoamerica: The Bone Flutes of Ancient Oaxaca
| journal = Yearbook for Traditional Music
| volume = 41
| publisher = International Council for Traditional Music
| year = 2009
| pages = 94-110
| jstor = 25735480
[Bard 2008]
<ref name="Bard2008">
{{cite book
| author1 = Kathryn A. Bard
| title = An Introduction to the Archaeology of Ancient Egypt
| publisher = Blackwell Publishing, Ltd.
| place = Oxford
| year = 2008
[Berger-R 1983]
<ref name="Berger-R1983">
{{cite journal
| author1 = Rainer Berger
| title = Direct Bone Dating in a Small CO__SUB__2__END_SUB__ Counter
| journal = Radiocarbon
| volume = 25
| issue = 2
| year = 1983
| pages = 655-659
[Bernheimer 1924]
<ref name="Bernheimer1924">
{{cite book
| author1 = Charles L. Bernheimer
| title = Rainbow Bridge — Circling Navajo Mountain and Explorations in the "Bad Lands" of Southern Utah and Northern Arizona
| edition = First Edition
| publisher = Doubleday, Page and Company
| place = Garden City, New York
| year = 1924
[Bernotas 2008]
<ref name="Bernotas2008">
{{cite journal
| author1 = Rivo Bernotas
| title = Dendrodates of Three Medieval Latrines of Tartu
| journal = Estonian Journal of Archaeology
| volume = 12
| issue = 1
| language = English and Estonian
| year = 2008
| pages = 16-29
| doi = 10.3176/arch.2008.1.02
[Bjorkman 2016]
<ref name="Bjorkman2016">
{{cite book
| author1 = Rosemary Bjorkman
| title = Between a Rock and a Hard Place — Establishing the Ownership of the Range Creek Flute under the Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act
| conference = The 35th Great Basin Anthropological Conference, Reno, Nevada, October 5–8, 2016
| date = October 7, 2016
[Both 2002]
<ref name="Both2002">
{{cite journal
| author1 = Arnd Adje Both
| title = Aztec Flower-Flutes: On the Symbolic Organization of Sound in Late Postclassic Mesoamerica
| CONTAINED-IN = contained in [Hickmann-E 2002]
| year = 2002
| pages = 279-289
[Both 2004]
<ref name="Both2004">
{{cite journal
| author1 = Arnd Adje Both
| title = Shell Trumpets in Mesoamerica — Music-Archaelogical Evidence and Living Tradition
| CONTAINED-IN = contained in [Hickmann-E 2004]
| year = 2004
| pages = 261-277
[Both 2005]
<ref name="Both2005">
{{cite thesis
| author1 = Arnd Adje Both
| title = Aerófonos mexicas de las ofrendas del Recinto Sagrado de Tenochtitlan
| trans_title = Aztec Aerophones of the Temple Precinct of Tenochtitlan
| type = Ph.D.
| publisher = Lateinamerika-Institut, Freie Universität Berlin (Universidad Libre de Berlín)
| language = Spanish and German
| year = 2005
[Both 2008]
<ref name="Both2008">
{{cite book
| author1 = Arnd Adje Both
| author2 = Ricardo Eichmann
| author3 = Ellen Hickmann
| author4 = Lars-Christian Koch
| title = Challenges and Objectives in Music Archaeology
| series = Studien zur Musikarchäologie (Studies in Music Archaeology), Volume 6
| conference = Papers from the 5th Symposium of the International Study Group on Music Archaeology, Ethnological Museum, State Museums, Berlin, September 19–23, 2006
| journal = Orient-Archäologie
| volume = 22
| publisher = Verlag Marie Leidorf, GmbH
| place = Rahden, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany
| language = German and English
| year = 2008
| pages = 616 , 518 illustrations, 14 tables, 8 diagrams, 8 plates, 1 data storage medium
| isbn = 978-3-89646-652-5
[Both 2009]
<ref name="Both2009">
{{cite journal
| author1 = Arnd Adje Both
| title = Music Archaeology: Some Methodological and Theoretical Considerations
| journal = Yearbook for Traditional Music
| volume = 41
| publisher = International Council for Traditional Music
| year = 2009
| pages = 1-11
| jstor = 25735475
[Boyle 1898]
<ref name="Boyle1898">
{{cite book
| author1 = David Boyle
| title = Archaeological Report 1898 — Appendix to the Report of the Minister of Education, Ontario
| publisher = Warwick Bros. & Rutter
| place = Toronto, Ontario
| year = 1898
[Brade 1982]
<ref name="Brade1982">
{{cite journal
| author1 = Christine Brade
| title = The Prehistoric Flute — Did It Exist?
| journal = The Galpin Society Journal
| volume = 35
| publisher = Galpin Society
| date = March 1982
| pages = 138-150
| jstor = 841239
[Brovarski 2000]
<ref name="Brovarski2000">
{{cite book
| author1 = Edward Brovarski
| title = The Senedjemib Complex, Part 1
| series = Giza Mastabas, Volume 7
| publisher = Arts of the Ancient World, Museum of Fine Arts
| place = Boston
| year = 2000
[Brown-EJ 2005]
<ref name="Brown-EJ2005">
{{cite thesis
| author1 = Emily J. Brown
| title = Instruments of Power: Musical Performance in Rituals of the Ancestral Puebloans of the American Southwest
| type = Ph.D.
| publisher = Columbia University
| year = 2005
[Brown-EJ 2009]
<ref name="Brown-EJ2009">
{{cite journal
| author1 = Emily J. Brown
| title = Musical Instruments in the Pre-Hispanic Southwest
| journal = Park Science
| volume = 26
| issue = 1
| date = Spring 2009
| accessdate = December 4, 2011
[Buisson 1990]
<ref name="Buisson1990">
{{cite journal
| author1 = D. Buisson
| title = Les flûtes paléolithique d'Isturitz (Pyrénées-Atlantiques)
| trans_title = The Paleolithic Flutes of Isturitz (Pyrénées-Atlantiques)
| journal = Bulletin de la Société Préhistorique Française
| volume = 87
| issue = 10-12
| publisher = Société préhistorique française
| place = Paris
| language = French
| year = 1990
| pages = 420-433
| doi = 10.3406/bspf.1990.9925
[Campbell-PD 1995]
<ref name="Campbell-PD1995">
{{cite journal
| author1 = P. D. Campbell
| author2 = D. Wescott
| title = California Elderwood Flute
| journal = Bulletin of Primitive Technology
| volume = 9
| issue = 2
| publisher = Society of Primitive Technology
| place = Utah
| date = Spring 1995
| pages = 27-29
[Carstens 2004]
<ref name="Carstens2004">
{{cite journal
| author1 = Kenneth C. Carstens
| author2 = Philip J. DiBlasi
| title = Unique Prehistoric Cultural Artifacts in the S-Bend Area of Mammoth Cave, Kentucky
| CONTAINED-IN = contained in [Hockensmith 2004]
| year = 2004
| pages = 69-83
[Chase 1998]
<ref name="Chase1998">
{{cite journal
| author1 = Philip G. Chase
| author2 = April Nowell
| title = Taphonomy of a Suggested Middle Paleolithic Bone Flute from Slovenia
| journal = Current Anthropology
| volume = 39
| issue = 4
| date = August-October 1998
| pages = 549-553
[Cheong 2014]
<ref name="Cheong2014">
{{cite journal
| author1 = Kong F. Cheong
| author2 = Terry G. Powis
| author3 = Paul F. Healy
| author4 = Roger Blench
| author5 = Linda Howie
| title = Recovering Music from Pacbitun, Belize: New Evidence for Ancient Maya Instruments
| journal = Research Reports in Belizean Archaeology
| volume = 11
| year = 2014
| pages = 177-190
[Coles 1967]
<ref name="Coles1967">
{{cite journal
| author1 = John M. Coles
| title = Experimental Archaeology
| journal = Proceedings of the Anthropological Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 1966-1967
| volume = 99
| year = 1967
| pages = 1-20
[Coles 1979]
<ref name="Coles1979">
{{cite book
| author1 = John M. Coles
| title = Experimental Archaeology
| publisher = Academic Press
| year = 1979
| isbn = 0-12-179750-3
[Coles 2010]
<ref name="Coles2010">
{{cite book
| author1 = John M. Coles
| title = Experimental Archaeology
| year = 2010
| isbn = 978-1-932846-26-3
[Coltrain 2007]
<ref name="Coltrain2007">
{{cite journal
| author1 = Joan Brenner Coltrain
| author2 = Joel C. Janetski
| author3 = Shawn W. Carlyle
| title = The Stable- and Radio-Isotope Chemistry of Western Basketmaker Burials: Implications for Early Puebloan Diets and Origins
| journal = American Antiquity
| volume = 72
| issue = 2
| year = 2007
| pages = 301-321
[Comte 2003]
<ref name="Comte2003">
{{cite book
| author1 = Christian le Comte
| title = Indígenas Argentinos
| trans_title = Indigenous Argentinians
| publisher = Maizal
| language = Spanish
| year = 2003
| isbn = 978-987-9479-10-0
[Conard 2008]
<ref name="Conard2008">
{{cite journal
| author1 = Nicholas J. Conard
| author2 = Maria Malina
| title = New Evidence for the Origins of Music from the Caves of the Swabian Jura
| series = Challenges and Objectives in Music Archaeology, Orient-Archäologie 22
| CONTAINED-IN = contained in [Both 2008]
| year = 2008
| pages = 13-22
[Coppens 2002]
<ref name="Coppens2002">
{{cite journal
| author1 = Philip Coppens
| title = Caral: The Oldest Town in the New World
| journal = Frontier Magazine
| volume = 8
| issue = 3
| date = May 2002
| accessdate = September 4, 2010
[Crane 1968]
<ref name="Crane1968">
{{cite journal
| author1 = H. R. Crane
| author2 = James B. Griffin
| title = University of Michigan Radiocarbon Dates XII
| journal = Radiocarbon
| volume = 10
| year = 1968
| pages = 61-114
[Culiberg 2011]
<ref name="Culiberg2011">
{{cite journal
| author1 = Metka Culiberg
| title = Fragments of Ice Age Environments — Palaeobotanical Research at Palaeolithic Sites in Slovenia
| CONTAINED-IN = contained in [Toskan 2011]
| year = 2011
| pages = 219-234
[Curtis-J 1914]
<ref name="Curtis-J1914">
{{cite journal
| author1 = J. Curtis
| title = The Double Flutes
| journal = The Journal of Hellenic Studies
| volume = 34
| year = 1914
| pages = 89-105
| jstor = 624480
[Dandridge 2006]
<ref name="Dandridge2006">
{{cite journal
| author1 = Debra E. Dandridge
| title = Arlington Springs Woman: First Lady of the New World
| journal = Mammoth Trumpet
| volume = 21
| issue = 4
| date = September 2006
| pages = 4-14
[Dawe 2007]
<ref name="Dawe2007">
{{cite book
| author1 = Thomas V. C. Dawe
| title = Our Own Newfoundland and Labrador
| year = 2007
[Dennett 2013]
<ref name="Dennett2013">
{{cite journal
| author1 = Carrie L. Dennett
| author2 = Katrina Kosyk
| title = Winds of Change: Ceramic Musical Instruments from Greater Nicoya
| CONTAINED-IN = contained in [Stockli 2013]
| year = 2013
[dErrico 2005]
<ref name="dErrico2005">
{{cite journal
| author1 = Francesco d’Errico
| author2 = Christopher Henshilwood
| author3 = Marian Vanhaeren
| author4 = Karen van Niekerk
| title = Nassarius kraussianus Shell Beads from Blombos Cave: Evidence for Symbolic Behaviour in the Middle Stone Age
| journal = Journal of Human Evolution
| volume = 45
| year = 2005
| pages = 3-24
| doi = 10.1016/j.jhevol.2004.09.002
[Diedrich 2015]
<ref name="Diedrich2015">
{{cite journal
| author1 = Cajus G. Diedrich
| title = ‘Neanderthal Bone Flutes’: Simply Products of Ice Age Spotted Hyena Scavenging Activities on Cave Bear Cubs in European Cave Bear Dens
| journal = Royal Soceity Open Science
| volume = 2
| issue = 140022
| date = April 1, 2015
| doi = 10.1098/rsos.140022
[Douglass 1936]
<ref name="Douglass1936">
{{cite journal
| author1 = A. E. Douglas
| title = The Central Pueblo Chronology
| journal = Tree Ring Bulletin
| volume = 2
| issue = 4
| date = April 1936
| pages = 29-34
[Dunham 1974]
<ref name="Dunham1974">
{{cite book
| author1 = Dows Dunham
| author2 = William Kelly Simpson
| title = The Mastaba of Queen Mersyankh III — G 7530-7540
| series = Giza Mastabas, Volume 1
| publisher = Department of Egyptian and Ancient Near Eastern Art, Museum of Fine Arts
| place = Boston
| year = 1974
[Eichmann 2010]
<ref name="Eichmann2010">
{{cite book
| author1 = Ricardo Eichmann
| author2 = Ellen Hickmann
| author3 = Lars-Christian Koch
| title = Musical Perceptions - Past and Present — On Ethnographic Analogy in Music Archaeology
| series = Studien zur Musikarchäologie (Studies in Music Archaeology), Volume 7
| conference = Papers from the 6th Symposium of the International Study Group on Music Archaeology, Ethnological Museum, State Museums, Berlin, September 9–13, 2008
| journal = Orient-Archäologie
| volume = 25
| publisher = Verlag Marie Leidorf, GmbH
| place = Rahden, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany
| language = German and English
| year = 2010
| pages = 332 , 203 illustrations, 24 tables, 1 data storage medium
| isbn = 978-3-89646-655-6
[Eichmann 2012]
<ref name="Eichmann2012">
{{cite book
| author1 = Ricardo Eichmann
| author2 = Fang Jianjun
| author3 = Lars-Christian Koch
| title = Sound from the Past — The Interpretation of Musical Artifacts in an Archaeological Context
| series = Studien zur Musikarchäologie (Studies in Music Archaeology), Volume 8
| conference = Papers from the 7th Symposium of the International Study Group on Music Archaeology, Tianjin Conservatory of Music, Tianjin, China, September 20–25, 2010
| journal = Orient-Archäologie
| volume = 27
| publisher = Verlag Marie Leidorf, GmbH
| place = Rahden, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany
| language = German and English
| year = 2012
| pages = 462 , 338 illustrations, 36 tables, 1 disk
| isbn = 978-3-89646-657-0
[Eldamaty 2002]
<ref name="Eldamaty2002">
{{cite book
| author1 = Mamdouh Eldamaty
| author2 = Mai Trad
| title = Egyptian Museum Collections Around the World
| volume = Volume 1
| series = Studies for the Centennial of the Egyptian Museum, Cairo
| publisher = The Supreme Council of Antiquities
| place = Cairo
| year = 2002
| isbn = 978-977-424-777-4
[Emerson-TE 2009]
<ref name="Emerson-TE2009">
{{cite book
| author1 = Thomas E. Emerson
| title = Archaic Societies: Diversity and Complexity Across the Midcontinent
| publisher = SUNY Press
| year = 2009
| isbn = 978-1-4384-2701-0
[Emsheimer 1966]
<ref name="Emsheimer1966">
{{cite journal
| author1 = Ernst Emsheimer
| title = A Finno-Ugric Flute Type?
| journal = Journal of the International Folk Music Council
| volume = 18
| publisher = International Council for Traditional Music
| year = 1966
| pages = 29-35
| jstor = 834638
[Emsheimer 1981]
<ref name="Emsheimer1981">
{{cite journal
| author1 = Ernst Emsheimer
| title = Tongue Duct Flutes Corrections of an Error
| journal = The Galpin Society Journal
| volume = 34
| publisher = Galpin Society
| date = March 1981
| pages = 98-105
| jstor = 841473
[Evans 2005]
<ref name="Evans2005">
{{cite book
| author1 = E. Raymond Evans
| title = Prehistoric Metal Workers in the Eastern United States
| year = 2005
[Faulkner 1997]
<ref name="Faulkner1997">
{{cite journal
| author1 = Charles H. Faulkner
| title = Four Thousand Years of Native American Cave Art in the Southern Appalachians
| journal = Journal of Cave and Karst Studies
| volume = 59
| issue = 3
| publisher = National Speleological Society
| date = December 1997
| pages = 148-153
[Fewkes 1911]
<ref name="Fewkes1911">
{{cite book
| author1 = Jesse Walter Fewkes
| title = Preliminary Report on a Visit to the Navaho National Monument Arizona
| journal = Smithsonian Institution, Bureau of American Ethnology
| volume = 50
| publisher = United States Government Printing Office
| place = Washington, D.C.
| year = 1911
[Fischer 1981]
<ref name="Fischer1981">
{{cite journal
| author1 = Henry G. Fischer
| title = Notes on Two Tomb Chapels at Gîza
| journal = Journal of Egyptian Archaeology
| volume = 67
| publisher = The Egyptian Exploration Society
| place = London
| year = 1981
| pages = 166-168
[Fischer 1989]
<ref name="Fischer1989">
{{cite journal
| author1 = Henry G. Fischer
| title = Organology and Iconography of Ancient Egypt and the Renaissance
| journal = Metropolitan Museum Journal
| volume = 249
| issue = 6
| publisher = The Metropolitan Museum of Art
| place = New York
| year = 1989
| pages = 47-52
[Galpin 1929]
<ref name="Galpin1929">
{{cite journal
| author1 = F. W. {Francis William} Galpin
| title = The Sumerian Harp of Ur
| journal = Music & Letters
| volume = 10
| issue = 2
| publisher = Oxford University Press
| date = April 1929
| pages = 108-123
| doi = 10.1093/ml/X.2.108
| jstor = 726035
[Gatliff 2003]
<ref name="Gatliff2003">
{{cite conference
| author1 = Robert Gatliff
| author2 = Maurice Bigham
| title = Prehistoric Flutes of the Southwest
| conference = International Native American Flute Convention, Taos, NM, July 10–13, 2003
| date = July 12, 2003
[Gilreath 2011]
<ref name="Gilreath2011">
{{cite book
| author1 = Amy Gilreath
| title = Gypsum Cave
| date = January 4, 2011
| accessdate = April 21, 2012
[Gruhn 2006]
<ref name="Gruhn2006">
{{cite journal
| author1 = Ruth Gruhn
| title = Paleoamericans in Peru
| journal = Mammoth Trumpet
| volume = 21
| issue = 4
| date = September 2006
| pages = 10-17
[Gruhn 2007]
<ref name="Gruhn2007">
{{cite journal
| author1 = Ruth Gruhn
| title = The Earliest Reported Archaeological Sites in South America
| journal = Mammoth Trumpet
| volume = 22
| issue = 1
| date = January 2007
| pages = 14-18
[Gudrian 1995]
<ref name="Gudrian1995">
{{cite journal
| author1 = Fred W. Gudrian
| title = An Examination of Late Woodland Ceramic Pipe Fragments from the Morgan Site in Rocky Hill, Connecticut
| journal = Bulletin of the Archaeological Society of Connecticut
| volume = 58
| year = 1995
| pages = 13-29
[Guernsey 1921]
<ref name="Guernsey1921">
{{cite book
| author1 = Samuel James Guernsey
| author2 = Alfred Vincent Kidder
| title = Basketmaker Caves of Northeastern Arizona — Report On the Exploration 1916–1917
| journal = Papers of the Peabody Museum of American Archaeology and Ethnology, Harvard University
| volume = 8
| publisher = Harvard University Press
| place = Cambridge, Massachussets
| year = 1921
[Hadlock 1941]
<ref name="Hadlock1941">
{{cite book
| author1 = Wendell S. Hadlock
| title = Three Shell-heaps on Frenchman's Bay
| journal = Bulletin of the Robert Abbe Museum
| volume = 6
| year = 1941
[Hadlock 1943]
<ref name="Hadlock1943">
{{cite journal
| author1 = Wendell S. Hadlock
| title = Bone Implements from Shell Heaps around Frenchman's Bay, Maine
| journal = American Antiquity
| volume = 8
| issue = 4
| publisher = Society for American Archaeology
| date = April 1943
| pages = 341-353
| jstor = 275866
[Hahn 1995]
<ref name="Hahn1995">
{{cite journal
| author1 = Joachim Hahn
| author2 = Susanne C. Münzel
| title = Knochenflöten aus dem Aurignacien des Geißenklösterle bei Blaubeuren, Alb-Donau-Kries
| trans_title = Bone Flutes from the Aurignacian of Geißenklösterle at Blaubeuren, Alb-Donau-Kries
| journal = Fundberichte aus Baden-Württemberg
| volume = 20
| language = German
| year = 1995
| pages = 1-12
[Harding 1999]
<ref name="Harding1999">
{{cite book
| author1 = A. F. Harding
| title = Experiment and Design. Archaeological Studies in Honour of John Coles
| publisher = Oxbow Books
| place = Oxford, England
| year = 1999
| isbn = 978-1-900188-76-0
[Harrington 1933]
<ref name="Harrington1933">
{{cite book
| author1 = Mark Raymond Harrington
| title = Gypsum Cave, Nevada — Report of the Second Sessions Expedition
| journal = Southwest Museum Papers
| volume = 8
| publisher = Southwest Museum, Highland Park
| place = Los Angeles
| date = April 1933
[Harrington 1940]
<ref name="Harrington1940">
{{cite book
| author1 = Mark Raymond Harrington
| title = Man and Beast in Gypsum Cave
| journal = The Desert Magazine
| volume = 3
| issue = 6
| date = April 1940
| pages = 3-5 and 34
[Harrington 1963]
<ref name="Harrington1963">
{{cite book
| author1 = Mark Raymond Harrington
| title = Gypsum Cave, Nevada — Report of the Second Sessions Expedition
| journal = Southwest Museum Papers
| volume = 8
| publisher = Southwest Museum, Highland Park
| place = Los Angeles
| year = 1963
| isbn = 978-0-916561-23-9
[Haury 1940]
<ref name="Haury1940">
{{cite book
| author1 = Emil W. Haury
| title = Excavations in the Forestdale Valley, East-Central Arizona
| journal = University of Arizona Bulletin
| volume = 11
| issue = 4
| place = Tuscon, Arizona
| year = 1940
[Hausler 1960]
<ref name="Hausler1960">
{{cite journal
| author1 = Alexander Häusler
| title = Neue Funde steinzeitlicher Musikinstrumente in Osteuropa
| trans_title = New finds of Stone Age Musical Instruments in Eastern Europe
| journal = Acta Musicologica
| volume = 32
| issue = 2/3
| publisher = International Musicological Society
| language = German
| date = April-September 1960
| pages = 151-155
| jstor = 931665
[Hays 2011]
<ref name="Hays2011">
{{cite book
| author1 = Jeffrey Hays
| title = Jiahu Culture and the First Rice, Wine and Flutes in China
| date = February 2011
| accessdate = October 4, 2011
| origyear = Original copyright 2008
[Hays-Gilpin 1998]
<ref name="Hays-Gilpin1998">
{{cite book
| author1 = Kelley Hays-Gilpin
| author2 = Ann Cordy Deegan
| author3 = Elizabeth Ann Morris
| title = Prehistoric Sandals from Northeastern Arizona: The Earl H. Morris and Ann Axtell Morris Research
| series = Anthropological Papers of the University of Arizona, paper #62
| publisher = University of Arizona Press
| place = Tuscon, Arizona
| year = 1998
| isbn = 978-0-8165-1801-2
[Hays-Gilpin 1998a]
<ref name="Hays-Gilpin1998a">
{{cite book
| author1 = Kelley Hays-Gilpin
| title = Excavation and Dating of the Prayer Rock Caves
| CONTAINED-IN = Contained in [Hays-Gilpin 1998], Chapter 3
| year = 1998
| pages = 29-36
[Henderson 2004]
<ref name="Henderson2004">
{{cite journal
| author1 = A. Gwynn Henderson
| title = Fort Ancient Period
| CONTAINED-IN = contained in Volume 2 of [Pollack 2008]
| year = 2004
| pages = 739-902
[Henvell 2011]
<ref name="Henvell2011">
{{cite book
| author1 = Robert Henvell
| title = Maritime New England and Eastern Canada 11000–6000 BCE
| date = August 29, 2011
[Hickmann-E 2000]
<ref name="Hickmann-E2000">
{{cite book
| author1 = Ellen Hickmann
| author2 = Ricardo Eichmann
| title = Stringed Instruments in Archaeological Context
| series = Studien zur Musikarchäologie (Studies in Music Archaeology), Volume 1
| conference = Papers from the 8th Symposium of the Study Group on Music Archaeology [ICTM] and other contributions, Limassol, Cyprus, August 26–30, 1996
| journal = Orient-Archäologie
| volume = 6
| publisher = Verlag Marie Leidorf, GmbH
| place = Rahden, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany
| language = German and English
| year = 2000
| pages = 157 , 166 illustrations, 7 tables
| isbn = 978-3-89646-636-5
[Hickmann-E 2000a]
<ref name="Hickmann-E2000a">
{{cite book
| author1 = Ellen Hickmann
| author2 = Ingo Laufs
| author3 = Ricardo Eichmann
| title = Music Archaeology of Early Metal Ages
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| journal = Orient-Archäologie
| volume = 7
| publisher = Verlag Marie Leidorf, GmbH
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| conference = Papers from the 3rd Symposium of the International Study Group on Music Archaeology, Monastery Michaelstein, Blankenburg, Sachsen-Anhalt, Germany, June 9–16, 2002
| journal = Orient-Archäologie
| volume = 15
| publisher = Verlag Marie Leidorf, GmbH
| place = Rahden, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany
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| conference = Papers from the 4th Symposium of the International Study Group on Music Archaeology, Monastery Michaelstein, Blankenburg, Sachsen-Anhalt, Germany, September 19–26, 2004
| journal = Orient-Archäologie
| volume = 20
| publisher = Verlag Marie Leidorf, GmbH
| place = Rahden, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany
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