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[Wikipedia format] Acoustics and Psycho-Acoustics References

This is a list of references related to acoustics and psycho-acoustics that are cited throughout Flutopedia.

The references on this page are a sub-set of the complete list of Flutopedia references.

For information on the format and other details of these citations, see the main references page.

[Wikipedia format] Acoustics and Psycho-Acoustics References

[Allen-SA 1916] <ref name="Allen-SA1916">
{{cite book
| author1 = Herbert Stanley Allen
| author2 = Harry Moore
| title = A Text-book of Practical Physics
| publisher = Macmillan Publishing Ltd.
| year = 1916

[Backus 1964] <ref name="Backus1964">
{{cite journal
| author1 = John Backus
| title = Effect of Wall Material on the Steady-State Tone Quality of Woodwind Instruments
| journal = Journal of the Acoustical Society of America
| volume = 36
| issue = 10
| year = 1964
| pages = 1881-1887
| doi = 10.1121/1.1919286

[Barbour 1951] <ref name="Barbour1951">
{{cite book
| author1 = James Murray Barbour
| title = Tuning and Temperament: A Historical Survey
| publisher = Michigan State College Press
| place = East Lansing, Michigan
| year = 1951

[Benade 1967] <ref name="Benade1967">
{{cite book
| author1 = A. H. Benade
| author2 = F. Jansson
| title = An Informal Preliminary Report on the Acoustics of Brass Instrument Bores (Chiefly on the Wave Equations in Theory and Experiment)
| date = April 1967

[Benade 1977] <ref name="Benade1977">
{{cite book
| author1 = Arthur H. Benade
| title = Acoustical Evolution of Wind Instruments — A course (Physics 323) taught by A. H. Benade in the fall of 1977, Case Western University, Cleveland, Ohio
| year = 1977

[Benade 1990] <ref name="Benade1990">
{{cite book
| author1 = Arthur H. Benade
| title = Fundamentals of Musical Acoustics
| edition = Second, Revised Edition
| publisher = Dover Publications, Inc.
| place = New York
| year = 1990
| isbn = 978-0-486-26484-4

[Blanc 2010] <ref name="Blanc2010">
{{cite journal
| author1 = François Blanc
| author2 = Benoît Fabre
| author3 = Nicolas Montgermont
| author4 = Patricio De La Cuadra
| author5 = André Almeida
| title = Scaling of Flute-Like Instruments: An Analysis from the Point Of View of the Hydrodynamic Instability of the Jet
| journal = Acta Acustica united with Acustica
| volume = 96
| issue = 4
| date = July/August 2010
| pages = 642-653
| doi = 10.3813/AAA.918319

[Bruno 2006] <ref name="Bruno2006">
{{cite book
| author1 = Thomas J. Bruno
| author2 = Paris D. N. Svoronos
| title = CRC Handbook of Fundamental Spectroscopic Correlation Charts
| publisher = CRC Press
| year = 2006
| isbn = 978-0-8493-3250-0

[Canright 1985] <ref name="Canright1985">
{{cite journal
| author1 = David Canright
| title = Pentatonics I Have Known
| journal = 1/1, the Journal of the Just Intonation Network
| volume = 1
| issue = 2
| year = 1985
| accessdate = January 28, 2015

[Carlos 1996] <ref name="Carlos1996">
{{cite journal
| author1 = Wendy Carlos
| title = Three Asymmetric Divisions of the Octave
| year = 1996

[Coltman 1968] <ref name="Coltman1968">
{{cite journal
| author1 = John W. Coltman
| title = Sounding Mechanism of the Flute and Organ Pipe
| journal = Journal of the Acoustic Society of America
| volume = 44
| year = 1968
| pages = 983-992
| doi = 10.1121/1.1911240

[Coltman 1971] <ref name="Coltman1971">
{{cite journal
| author1 = John W. Coltman
| title = Effect of Material on Flute Tone Quality
| journal = Journal of the Acoustical Society of America
| volume = 49
| issue = 2, part 2
| year = 1971
| pages = 520-523

[Coltman 1973] <ref name="Coltman1973">
{{cite journal
| author1 = John W. Coltman
| title = Material Used in Flute Construction
| journal = Woodwind World
| volume = 12
| issue = 1
| date = February 1973
| pages = 20-21

[Cook 2014] <ref name="Cook2014">
{{cite journal
| author1 = Perry R. Cook
| author2 = Dan Trueman
| title = Spherical Radiation From Stringed Instruments: Measured, Modeled, and Reproduced
| year = 2014

[Cramer 1993] <ref name="Cramer1993">
{{cite journal
| author1 = Owen Cramer
| title = The Variation of the Specific Heat Ratio and the Speed of Sound in Air with Temperature, Pressure, Humidity, and CO__SUB__2__END_SUB__ Concentration
| journal = Journal of the Acoustic Society of America
| volume = 93
| issue = 5
| date = May 1993
| pages = 2510-2516
| doi = 10.1121/1.405827

[Dean 1979] <ref name="Dean1979">
{{cite book
| author1 = E. A. Dean
| title = Atmospheric Effects on the Speed of Sound
| publisher = US Army Electronics Research and Development Command, Atmospheric Sciences Laboratory
| date = August 1979

[Deutsch 1975] <ref name="Deutsch1975">
{{cite journal
| author1 = Diana Deutsch
| title = Two-channel Listening to Musical Scales
| journal = Journal of the Acoustical Society of America
| volume = 57
| issue = 5
| publisher = Acoustical Society of America
| date = May 1975
| pages = 1156-1160
| doi = 10.1121/1.380573

[Deutsch 2006] <ref name="Deutsch2006">
{{cite journal
| author1 = Diana Deutsch
| title = The Enigma of Absolute Pitch
| journal = Acoustics Today
| volume = 2
| issue = 4
| year = 2006
| pages = 11-18
| doi = 10.1121/1.2961141

[Deutsch 2008] <ref name="Deutsch2008">
{{cite journal
| author1 = Diana Deutsch
| author2 = Kevin Dooley
| author3 = Trevor Henthorn
| title = Pitch Circularity from Tones Comprising Full Harmonic Series
| journal = Journal of the Acoustical Society of America
| volume = 124
| issue = 1
| publisher = Acoustical Society of America
| date = July 2008
| pages = 589-597
| doi = 10.1121/1.2931957

[Deutsch 2010] <ref name="Deutsch2010">
{{cite journal
| author1 = Diana Deutsch
| title = The Paradox of Pitch Circularity
| journal = Acoustics Today
| volume = 6
| issue = 3
| date = July 2010
| pages = 8-15
| doi = 10.1121/1.3488670

[Dodge-ES 1945] <ref name="Dodge-ES1945">
{{cite journal
| author1 = Ernest S. Dodge
| title = The Acoustics of Three Maori Flutes
| journal = Journal of the Polynesian Society
| volume = 54
| issue = 1
| publisher = Polynesian Society
| date = March 1945
| pages = 39-61
| jstor = 20702995

[Everest 2001] <ref name="Everest2001">
{{cite book
| author1 = F. Alton Everest
| title = The Master Handbook of Acoustics
| publisher = McGraw-Hill
| place = New York
| year = 2001
| isbn = 978-0-07-136097-5

[Fastl 2007] <ref name="Fastl2007">
{{cite book
| author1 = Hugo Fastl
| author2 = Eberhard Zwicker
| title = Psychoacoustics: Facts and Models
| edition = Third Edition
| series = Springer Series in Information Sciences, Volume 22
| publisher = Springer
| year = 2007
| isbn = 978-3-540-23159-2

[Fletcher-NH 1994] <ref name="Fletcher-NH1994">
{{cite conference
| author1 = Neville H. Fletcher
| title = Acoustic and Aerodynamic Determinants of the Sound Quality of Flutes
| conference = Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, Cambridge, Massachussets, June 6–10, 1994
| year = 1994

[Fletcher-NH 1999a] <ref name="Fletcher-NH1999a">
{{cite journal
| author1 = Neville H. Fletcher
| title = The Nonlinear Physics of Musical Instruments
| journal = Rep. Prog. Phys
| volume = 62
| year = 1999
| pages = 723-764

[Forinash 2015] <ref name="Forinash2015">
{{cite book
| author1 = K. Forinash
| title = An Interactive eBook on the Physics of Sound
| publisher = Indiana University Southeast
| year = 2015
| accessdate = January 28, 2015

[Forster 2010] <ref name="Forster2010">
{{cite book
| author1 = Cris Forster
| title = Musical Mathematics — On the Art and Science of Acoustic Instruments
| publisher = Chronicle Books
| place = San Francisco, California
| year = 2010
| isbn = 978-0-8118-7407-6

[Fullekrug 2010] <ref name="Fullekrug2010">
{{cite book
| author1 = Martin Füllekrug
| title = Magnetic Activity and Schumann Resonance
| publisher = Northern California Earthquake Data Center
| date = September 23, 2010
| accessdate = December 15, 2010

[Giatti 2001] <ref name="Giatti2001">
{{cite book
| author1 = Anna Giatti
| author2 = Mara Miniati
| title = Acoustics and Its Instruments
| trans_title = l'Acustica e I Suoi Strumenti
| publisher = Giunti Industrie Grafiche S.p.A.
| language = Italian and English
| year = 2001
| isbn = 978-88-09-02183-9

[Hagerman 1980] <ref name="Hagerman1980">
{{cite journal
| author1 = B. Hagerman
| author2 = J. Sundberg
| title = Fundamental Frequency Adjustment in Barbershop Singing
| journal = Journal of Research in Singing
| volume = 4
| issue = 1
| year = 1980
| pages = 3-17

[Heathwaite 2010] <ref name="Heathwaite2010">
{{cite book
| author1 = Andrew Heathwaite
| title = Gallery of Just Intervals
| date = Sepember 14, 2010
| accessdate = January 28, 2015

[Heathwaite 2011] <ref name="Heathwaite2011">
{{cite book
| author1 = Andrew Heathwaite
| title = Overtone Scales
| date = October 17, 2011
| accessdate = January 28, 2015

[Helmholtz 1912] <ref name="Helmholtz1912">
{{cite book
| author1 = Hermann L. F. Helmholtz
| author2 = M.D.
| author3 = Alexander J. Ellis
| title = On the Sensations of Tone as a Physiological Basis for the Theory of Music
| edition = Fourth Edition
| publisher = Longmans, Green, and Co.
| place = London, New York, Bombay, and Calcutta
| year = 1912

[Hirschberg 1999] <ref name="Hirschberg1999">
{{cite book
| author1 = Avraham Hirschberg
| title = Luchtwervels in een blokfluit
| trans_title = Air Vortices in a Recorder
| language = Dutch
| year = 1999
| accessdate = September 28, 2010

[Jing 2003] <ref name="Jing2003">
{{cite journal
| author1 = M. Jing
| title = A Theoretical Study of the Vibration and Acoustics of Ancient Chinese Bells
| journal = Journal of the Acoustic Society of America
| volume = 114
| issue = 3
| date = September 2003
| pages = 1622-1628
| doi = 10.1121/1.1600727
| pmid = 14514215

[Lefebvre 2010] <ref name="Lefebvre2010">
{{cite thesis
| author1 = Antoine Lefebvre
| title = Computational Acoustic Methods for the Design of Woodwind Instruments
| type = Ph.D.
| publisher = McGill University
| date = December 2010

[Lefebvre 2011] <ref name="Lefebvre2011">
{{cite journal
| author1 = Antoine Lefebvre
| author2 = Gary P. Scavone
| title = On the Bore Shape of Conical Instruments
| journal = Canadian Acoustics / Acoustique canadienne
| volume = 39
| issue = 3
| year = 2011
| pages = 128-129

[Lefebvre 2012] <ref name="Lefebvre2012">
{{cite journal
| author1 = Antoine Lefebvre
| author2 = Gary P. Scavone
| title = Characterization of Woodwind Instrument Toneholes with the Finite Element Method
| journal = Journal of the Acoustical Society of America
| volume = 131
| issue = 4
| date = April 2012
| pages = 3153-3163
| doi = 10.1121/1.3685481
| pmid = 22501087

[Lefebvre 2013] <ref name="Lefebvre2013">
{{cite journal
| author1 = Antoine Lefebvre
| author2 = Gary P. Scavone
| author3 = Jean Kergomard
| title = External Tonehole Interactions in Woodwind Instruments
| journal = Acta Acustica united with Acustica
| volume = 99
| date = June 21, 2013
| pages = 975-985

[Lewis-P 1998] <ref name="Lewis-P1998">
{{cite book
| author1 = Pierre Lewis
| title = Understanding Temperaments
| edition = Version 1.2
| year = 1998

[Mather-R 1972] <ref name="Mather-R1972">
{{cite journal
| author1 = Roger Mather
| title = The Influence of Tube Material and Thickness on Flute Tone Quality
| journal = Woodwind World
| date = September 1972

[McGlade 2004] <ref name="McGlade2004">
{{cite journal
| author1 = John McGlade
| author2 = Heng Yang
| author3 = Victor P. Pasko
| title = Effects of Solar Flares on the First Schumann Resonance Frequency
| journal = NSF EE REU PENN STATE Annual Research Journal
| volume = 2
| year = 2004
| pages = 42-51

[McIntyre 1983] <ref name="McIntyre1983">
{{cite journal
| author1 = M. E. McIntyre
| author2 = R. T. Schumacher
| author3 = J. Woodhouse
| title = On the Oscillations of Musical Instruments
| journal = Journal of the Acoustical Society of America
| volume = 74
| issue = 5
| date = November 1983
| pages = 1325-1345

[Messiaen 1944] <ref name="Messiaen1944">
{{cite book
| author1 = Olivier Messiaen
| author2 = John Satterfield
| title = The Technique of My Musical Language — La technique de mon langage musical
| publisher = Alfonse Leduc
| place = Paris, France
| year = 1944

[Miller-DC 1909] <ref name="Miller-DC1909">
{{cite journal
| author1 = Dayton C. Miller
| title = The Influence of the Material of Wind-Instruments on the Tone Quality
| journal = Science
| volume = 29
| issue = 735
| date = January 29, 1909
| pages = 161-171
| jstor = 1636184

[Monzo 2004] <ref name="Monzo2004">
{{cite journal
| author1 = Joseph L. Monzo
| title = The Measurement of Aristoxenus's Divisions of the Tetrachord
| year = 2004

[Nickolaenko 2002] <ref name="Nickolaenko2002">
{{cite book
| author1 = A. P. Nickolaenko
| author2 = M. Hayakawa
| title = Resonances in the Earth-Ionosphere Cavity
| series = Modern approaches in geophysics, Volume 19
| publisher = Springer
| year = 2002
| isbn = 978-1-4020-0754-5

[Ondraskova 2009] <ref name="Ondraskova2009">
{{cite journal
| author1 = Adriena Ondraskova
| author2 = Sebastian Sevcik
| author3 = Pavel Kostecky
| title = A Significant Decrease of the Fundamental Schumann Resonance Frequency During the Solar Cycle Minimum of 2008–9 as Observed at Modra Observatory
| journal = Contributions to Geophysics and Deodesy
| volume = 39
| issue = 4
| year = 2009
| pages = 345-354

[Parncutt 2001] <ref name="Parncutt2001">
{{cite conference
| author1 = Richard Parncutt
| title = Critical Comparison of Acoustical and Perceptual Theories of the Origin of Musical Scales
| conference = Proceedings of the International Symposium of Musical Acoustics, Perugia, Italy

[Polk 1983] <ref name="Polk1983">
{{cite journal
| author1 = Charles Polk
| title = Natural and Man-Made Noise in the Earth — Ionosphere Cavity at Extremely Low Frequencies
| journal = Space Science Reviews
| volume = 35
| issue = 1
| date = May 1983
| pages = 83-89
| doi = 10.1007/BF00173695

[Prairie 2006] <ref name="Prairie2006">
{{cite book
| author1 = Michael Prairie
| title = Understanding the Acoustics of The Native American-Style Flute
| date = October 4, 2006

[Prairie 2011] <ref name="Prairie2011">
{{cite book
| author1 = Michael Prairie
| title = Back Pressure
| date = November 25, 2011

[Prairie 2014] <ref name="Prairie2014">
{{cite book
| author1 = Michael Prairie
| title = Nodal Interference
| date = August 30, 2014

[Price 2010] <ref name="Price2010">
{{cite journal
| author1 = Lew Paxton Price
| title = How I Make Flutes Today
| journal = Voice of the Wind
| volume = 2010
| issue = 1
| publisher = International Native American Flute Association
| place = Suffolk, Virginia
| date = February 2010

[Price 2011] <ref name="Price2011">
{{cite book
| author1 = Lew Paxton Price
| title = Flute Physics
| year = 2011

[Rawcliffe 1992] <ref name="Rawcliffe1992">
{{cite journal
| author1 = Susan Rawcliffe
| title = Complex Acoustics in Pre-Columbian Flute Systems
| journal = Experimental Musical Instruments
| volume = 8
| issue = 2
| date = December 1992

[Rawcliffe 1992a] <ref name="Rawcliffe1992a">
{{cite journal
| author1 = Susan Rawcliffe
| title = Complex Acoustics in Pre-Columbian Flute Systems
| CONTAINED-IN = contained in [Robertson 1992]
| year = 1992
| pages = 35-63

[Rich-R 2010] <ref name="Rich-R2010">
{{cite book
| author1 = Robert Rich
| title = Tuning Presets in the MOTM 650
| year = 2010

[Robertson 1992] <ref name="Robertson1992">
{{cite book
| author1 = Carol E. Robertson
| title = Musical Repercussions of 1492: Encounters in Text and Performance
| publisher = Smithsonian Institution Press
| place = Washington, D.C.
| year = 1992
| isbn = 1-56098-183-0

[Sajfert 2011] <ref name="Sajfert2011">
{{cite journal
| author1 = Vjekoslav Sajfert
| author2 = Sonja Krstić
| author3 = Dušan Popov
| author4 = Nicolina Pop
| title = Absorption of Sound Waves
| series = Seria Fizică (Physics Series)
| journal = Analele Universităţii de Vest din Timişoara (Annals of the West University of Timisoara)
| volume = 55
| date = January 2011
| pages = 13-19

[Sengpiel 2009] <ref name="Sengpiel2009">
{{cite book
| author1 = Eberhard Sengpiel
| title = Speed of Sound — Temperature Matters, Not Air Pressure
| year = 2009

[Shepard-RN 1964] <ref name="Shepard-RN1964">
{{cite journal
| author1 = Roger N. Shepard
| title = Circularity in Judgements of Relative Pitch
| journal = Journal of the Acoustical Society of America
| volume = 36
| issue = 12
| publisher = Acoustical Society of America
| date = December 1964
| pages = 2346-2353
| doi = 10.1121/1.1919362

[Surjodiningrat 1972] <ref name="Surjodiningrat1972">
{{cite book
| author1 = Wasisto Surjodiningrat
| author2 = P. J. Sudarjana
| author3 = Adhi Susanto
| title = Tone Measurements of Outstanding Javanese Gamelan in Jogjakarta and Surakata
| edition = Second Revised Edition
| publisher = Gadjah Mada University Press
| place = Jogjakarta, Indonesia
| year = 1972

[vanSchaik 2010] <ref name="vanSchaik2010">
{{cite journal
| author1 = Wilhelm van Schaik
| author2 = Mart Grooten
| author3 = Twan Wernaart
| author4 = Cees van der Geld
| title = High Accuracy Acoustic Relative Humidity Measurement in Duct Flow with Air
| journal = Sensors
| volume = 10
| date = August 9, 2010
| pages = 7421-7433
| doi = 10.3390/s100807421

[Vey 2010] <ref name="Vey2010">
{{cite journal
| author1 = G. Le Vey
| title = Optimal Control Theory: A Method for the Design of Wind Instruments
| date = January 19, 2012
| arxiv = 1001.3217

[Wolfe 2003] <ref name="Wolfe2003">
{{cite journal
| author1 = Joe Wolfe
| author2 = John Smith
| title = Cutoff Frequencies and Cross Fingerings in Baroque, Classical, and Modern Flutes
| journal = Journal of the Acoustic Society of America
| volume = 114
| issue = 4, part 1
| date = October 2003
| pages = 2263-2272
| doi = 10.1121/1.1612487
| pmid = 14587623

[Yang-WJ 2005] <ref name="Yang-WJ2005">
{{cite conference
| author1 = Wen-Jei Yang
| author2 = Shinzaburo Umeda
| title = Self-Sustained Flow Oscillations Due to Flow-Surface Interaction
| conference = Sixteenth International Symposium on Transport Phenomena (ISTP-16), Prague, 2005
| year = 2005

[Yokoyama 2014] <ref name="Yokoyama2014">
{{cite conference
| author1 = Hiroshi Yokoyama
| author2 = Masaki Kobayashi
| author3 = Hirofumi Onitsuka
| author4 = Akira Miki
| author5 = Akiyoshi Iida
| title = Direct Numerical Simulation of Flow and Acoustic Fields Around an Air-Reed Instrument with Tone Holes
| conference = 43rd International Congress on Noise Control Engineering (inter.noise 2014), Melbourne, Australia, November 16–19, 2014
| year = 2014

[Yokoyama 2015] <ref name="Yokoyama2015">
{{cite book
| author1 = Hiroshi Yokoyama
| title = World First Prediction of the Sound Radiating from a Recorder — Super-computer simulations explore how an air-reed instrument generates air flow and sound
| date = July 2015

[Young-RW 1939] <ref name="Young-RW1939">
{{cite journal
| author1 = R. W. Young
| title = Terminology for Logarithmic Frequency Units
| journal = Journal of the Acoustical Society of America
| volume = 11
| issue = 1
| date = July 1939
| pages = 134-139
| doi = 10.1121/1.1916017

[Zhai 2016] <ref name="Zhai2016">
{{cite journal
| author1 = S. L. Zhai
| author2 = X. P. Zhao
| author3 = S. Liu
| author4 = F. L. Shen
| author5 = L. L. Li &
| author6 = C. R. Luo
| title = Inverse Doppler Effects in Broadband Acoustic Metamaterials
| journal = Scientific Reports
| volume = 6
| issue = 32388
| publisher = Nature
| date = August 31, 2016
| doi = 10.1038/srep32388

[Zhao 2015] <ref name="Zhao2015">
{{cite journal
| author1 = Xiao P. Zhao
| author2 = Shi L. Zhai
| author3 = Song Liu
| author4 = Fang L. Shen
| author5 = Lin L. Li
| author6 = Chun R. Luo
| title = Inverse Doppler Effects in Flute
| date = October 10, 2015
| arxiv = 1510.02868

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