[Flutopedia format] Maori Flutes
This is a list of references related to Maori flutes that are cited throughout Flutopedia.
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[Flutopedia format] Maori Flutes
[Andersen 1933]
Johannes C. Andersen.
“Maori Music with its Polynesian Background: Part 6 - Polynesian Musical Instruments”,
Journal of the Polynesian Society, Volume 43, Number 10, 1933, pages 195–252.
[Dashper 1996]
Mark Dashper.
He Nguru, He Koauau: A User's Guide to Maori Flutes, 40 pages, ISBN 0-9583545-0-2 (978-0-9583545-0-9).
[Dodge-ES 1945]
Ernest S. Dodge.
“The Acoustics of Three Maori Flutes”,
Journal of the Polynesian Society, Volume 54, Number 1, published by the Polynesian Society, March 1945, pages 39–61.
Publication 20702995 on JSTOR (subscription access).
[Edge-Partington 1903]
J. Edge-Partington.
“A New Zealand Flageolet”,
Man - A Monthly Record of Anthropological Science, Volume 3, Number 106, published by Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland, London, 1903, page 186.
[Flintoff 2004]
Brian Flintoff.
Taonga Pūoro / Singing Treasures — The Musical Instruments of the Māori,
published by Craig Potton, Nelson, New Zealand, 2004, 132 pages, ISBN-13 978-1-877333-14-9.
[Freedman 1962]
Sam Freedman.
Māori Melodies — 33 Recorded Songs from the Polynesians of New Zealand,
published by Criterion Music, 1962, 36 pages.
[Hamilton-A 1896]
Augustus Hamilton.
The Art Workmanship of the Maori Race in New Zealand: A Series of Illustrations from Specially Taken Photographs, with Descriptive Notes and Essays on the Canoes, Habitations, Weapons, Ornaments, and Dress of the Maoris, Together with Lists of Words in the Maori Language Used in Relation to the Subjects, Volumes 1-5,
published by Fergusson & Mitchell, 1896, 438 pages.
Publication cu31924029890153 on Archive.org (open access).
[Mair 1895]
Gilbert Mair.
“The Ancient Tribe Te Panenehu”,
Transactions and Proceedings of the New Zealand Institute, Volume 28, published by Royal Society of New Zealand, 1895, pages 36–40.
[Marstine 2012]
Janet C. Marstine.
Routledge Companion to Museum Ethics,
published by Routledge, 2012, 512 pages, ISBN 1-136-71526-6 (978-1-136-71526-6).
[McLean 1964]
Mervyn McLean.
“Can Maori Chant Survive?”,
Te Ao Hou - The New World, Number 47, June 1964, pages 34–36.
[McLean 1964a]
Mervyn McLean.
“The Music of Maori Chant”,
Te Ao Hou - The New World, Number 47, June 1964, pages 36–38.
[McLean 1964b]
Mervyn McLean.
“Transcriptions of Authentic Maori Chant, Part One”,
Te Ao Hou - The New World, Number 48, September 1964, pages 23–29.
[McLean 1964c]
Mervyn McLean.
“Transcriptions of Authentic Maori Chant, Part Two”,
Te Ao Hou - The New World, Number 49, November 1964, pages 35–39.
[McLean 1965]
Mervyn McLean.
“Transcriptions of Authentic Maori Chant, Part Four”,
Te Ao Hou - The New World, Number 51, June 1965, pages 23–27.
[McLean 1965a]
Mervyn McLean.
“Transcriptions of Authentic Maori Chant, Part Five”,
Te Ao Hou - The New World, Number 52, September 1965, pages 40–41.
[McLean 1965b]
Mervyn McLean.
“Transcriptions of Authentic Maori Chant, Part Six”,
Te Ao Hou - The New World, Number 53, December 1965, pages 39–40.
[McLean 1966]
Mervyn McLean.
“Transcriptions of Authentic Maori Chant, Part Seven”,
Te Ao Hou - The New World, Number 54, March 1966, pages 22–23.
[McLean 1966a]
Mervyn McLean.
“Transcriptions of Authentic Maori Chant, Part Eight”,
Te Ao Hou - The New World, Number 55, June 1966, pages 16–18.
[McLean 1966b]
Mervyn McLean.
“Transcriptions of Authentic Maori Chant, Part Nine”,
Te Ao Hou - The New World, Number 56, September 1966, pages 40–43.
[McLean 1966c]
Mervyn McLean.
“Transcriptions of Authentic Maori Chant, Part Ten”,
Te Ao Hou - The New World, Number 57, December 1966, pages 23–25.
[McLean 1968]
Mervyn McLean.
“An Investigation of the Open Tube Maori Flute or Kooauau”,
The Journal of the Polynesian Society, Volume 77, Number 3, published by Polynesian Society, September 1968, pages 213–241.
Publication 20704559 on JSTOR (subscription access).
[McLean 1974]
Mervyn McLean.
“The New Zealand Nose Flute: Fact or Fallacy?”,
The Galpin Society Journal, Volume 27, May 1974, pages 79–94.
Publication 841755 on JSTOR (subscription access).
[McLean 1982]
Mervyn McLean.
“A Chronological and Geographical Sequence of Maori Flute Scales”,
Man, New Series, Volume 17, Number 1, published by the Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland, March 1982, pages 123–157.
Publication 2802105 on JSTOR (subscription access).
[McLean 1996]
Mervyn McLean.
Maori Music,
published by Auckland University Press, 1996, 418 pages, ISBN 1-86940-144-1 (978-1-86940-144-3).
[Nunns 2004]
Richard Nunns.
“Te Ara Puoro: The Pathway of Sound — An Introduction to Traditional Instruments of the Maori”,
Voice of the Wind, Year 2004, Volume 3, published by the International Native American Flute Association, Suffolk, Virginia, 2004, pages 5–7.
[Tapsell 1997]
Paul Tapsell.
“The Flight of Pareraututu: An Investigation of Taonga from a Tribal Perspective”,
Journal of the Polynesian Society, Volume 106, Number 4, 1997, pages 323–374.
[Tapsell 2012]
Paul Tapsell.
“"Aroha mai: Whose Museum?" — The Rise of Indigenous Ethics within Museum Contexts: A Maori-Tribal Perspective”,
contained in [Marstine 2012], 2012.