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[Flutopedia format] Breath Pressure References

This is a list of references related to the study of Breath Pressure in Ethnic Wind Instruments.

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[Flutopedia format] Breath Pressure References

[Adduci 2011] Michael Douglas Adduci. Dynamic Measurement of Intraoral Pressure and Sound Pressure with Laryngoscopic Characterization during Oboe Performance, Doctoral dissertation – University of North Texas, December 2011, 105 pages.

[Akgun 1967] N. Akgün and H. Ozgönül. “Lung Volumes in Wind Instrument (Zurna) Players”, The American Review of Respiratory Disease, Volume 96, Number 5, 1967, pages 946–951. Publication 6059203 on PubMed/NCBI (subscription access).

[Baken 2000] Ronald R. Baken and Robert F. Orlikoff. Clinical Measurement of Speech and Voice, Second Edition, published by Cengage Learning, 2000, 610 pages, ISBN 1-56593-869-0 (978-1-56593-869-4).

[Bernardini 2010] Nicola Bernardini. The Role of Physical Impedance Matching in Music Playing, Sound is Motion Symposium, Stockholm, Sweden, February 11, 2010, 2010.

[Bertschinger 2007] Dimiter Robert Bertschinger, Efstratios Mendrinos, and André Dosso. “Yoga Can be Dangerous—Glaucomatous Visual Field Defect Worsening Due to Postural Yoga”, British Journal of Ophthalmology, Volume 91, Number 10, October 2007, pages 1413–1414, doi:10.1136/bjo.2007.114546. Publication 17895421 on PubMed/NCBI (subscription access).

[Borch 2011] D. Zangger Borch and Johan Sundberg. “Some Phonatory and Resonatory Characteristics of the Rock, Pop, Soul, and Swedish Dance Band Styles of Singing”, Journal of Voice, Volume 25, Number 5, September 2011, pages 532–537, doi:10.1016/j.jvoice.2010.07.014. Publication 20926250 on PubMed/NCBI (subscription access).

[Bouhuys 1964] Arend Bouhuys. “Lung Volumes and Breathing Patterns in Wind-Instrument Players”, Journal of Applied Physiology, Volume 19, September 1964, pages 967–975.

[Bouhuys 1965] Arend Bouhuys. “Sound-Power Production in Wind Instruments”, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, Volume 37, Number 3, March 1965, pages 453–456. Publication 14284611 on PubMed/NCBI (subscription access).

[Bouhuys 1968] Arend Bouhuys. “Pressure-Flow Events During Wind Instrument Playing”, Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, Volume 155, Number 1, November 1968, pages 264–275, doi:10.1111/j.1749-6632.1968.tb56771.x.

[Bouhuys 1969] Arend Bouhuys. “Physiology and Musical Instruments”, Nature, Volume 221, Number 5187, March 29, 1969, pages 1199–1204, doi:10.1038/2211199a0. Publication 5773830 on PubMed/NCBI (subscription access).

[Broadwater 2002] Kimberly Jaye Broadwater. The Effects of Singing on Blood Pressure in Classically Trained Singers, Doctoral dissertation – Louisiana State University, May 2002, 73 pages.

[BrutelVuilmet 2008] Claire Brutel-Vuilmet and Susanne Fuchs. “Rate Effects on Aerodynamics of Intervocalic Stops: Evidence from real speech data and model data”, Papers in Phonetics and Phonology, ZAS Papers in Linguistics, Volume 49, 2008, pages 1–21.

[Coltman 1966] John W. Coltman. “Resonance and Sounding Frequencies of the Flute”, Journal of the Acoustic Society of America, Volume 40, Issue 1, 1966, pages 99–107, doi:10.1121/1.1910070.

[Cossette 2008] Isabelle Cossette, Pierpaolo Monaco, Andrea Aliverti, and Peter T. Macklem. “Chest Wall Dynamics and Muscle Recruitment During Professional Flute Playing”, Respiratory Physiology & Neurobiology, Volume 160, 2008, pages 187–195.

[Cros 2005] Anne Cros, Didier Demolin, Ana Georgina Flesia, and Antonio Galves. On the Relationship Between Intra-oral Pressure and Speech Sonority, Interspeech 2005, 2005.

[Cuadra 2008] Patricio de la Cuadra, Benoît Fabre, Nicolas Montgermount, and Lauent De Ryck. “Analysis of Flute Control Parameters: A Comparison Between a Novice and an Experienced Flutist”, Acta Acustica united with Acustica, Volume 94, Number 5, October 2008, pages 740–749, doi:10.3813/AAA.918091.

[Dalston 1988] Rodger M. Dalston, Donald W. Warren, Kathleen E. Morr, and Lynn R. Smith. “Intraoral Pressure and Its Relationship to Velopharyngeal Inadequacy”, Cleft Palate Journal, Volume 25, Number 3, July 1988, pages 210–219.

[Dawson 2006] William J. Dawson. The Motions of Wind Instrument Performance, April 2006, 70 pages.

[Deniz 2006] O. Deniz, S. Savci, E. Tozkoparan, D. I. Ince, M. Ucar, and Faruk Ciftci. “Reduced Pulmonary Function in Wind Instrument Players”, Archives of Medical Research, Volume 37, Number 4, 2006, pages 506–510, doi:10.1016/j.arcmed.2005.09.015. Publication 16624650 on PubMed/NCBI (subscription access).

[Dibbell 1979] D. G. Dibbell, S. Ewanowski, W. L. Carter. “Successful Correction of Velopharyngeal Stress Incompetence in Musicians Playing Wind Instruments”, Plastic Reconstructive Surgery, Volume 64, Number 5, November 1979, pages 662–664. Publication 504488 on PubMed/NCBI (subscription access).

[DiCarlo 2007] Nicole Scotto Di Carlo. “Effect of Multifactorial Constraints on Intelligibility of Opera Singing (I)”, Journal of Singing, Volume 63, Number 4, March/April 2007.

[DiCarlo 2007a] Nicole Scotto Di Carlo. “Effect of Multifactorial Constraints on Intelligibility of Opera Singing (II)”, Journal of Singing, Volume 63, Number 5, May/June 2007, pages 559–567.

[Dimsdale 1995] Joel E. Dimsdale and Richard A. Nelesen. French-Horn Hypertension, New England Journal of Medicine, Volume 333, August 3, 1995, pages 326–327, doi:10.1056/NEJM199508033330522.

[Elisberg 1951] Edward I Elisberg, Harry Goldberg, and Gordon L. Snider. “Value of Intraoral Pressure as a Measure of Intrapleural Pressure”, Journal of Applied Physiology, Volume 4, Number 3, September 1951, pages 171–176. Publication 14897780 on PubMed/NCBI (subscription access).

[Enflo 2009] Laura Enflo and Johan Sundberg. “Vocal Fold Collision Threshold Pressure: An Alternative to Phonation Threshold Pressure?”, Logopedics Phoniatrics Vocology, Volume 34, Number 4, 2009, pages 210–217.

[Enflo 2009a] Laura Enflo, Johan Sundberg, and Friedemann Pabst. “Collision Threshold Pressure Before and After Vocal Loading”, Proceedings of Interspeech 2009, Brighton, United Kingdom, 2009.

[Enflo 2010] Laura Enflo. Alternative Measures of Phonation: Collision Threshold Pressure & Electroglottographic Spectral Tilt, Licentiate dissertation – KTH, Royal Institute of Technology, School of Computer Science and Communication, Stockholm, Sweden, 2010, 92 pages.

[Evans-A 2009] Alison Evans, Bronwen Ackermann, and Tim Driscoll. “The Role of the Soft Palate in Woodwind and Brass Playing”, International Symposium on Performance Science (ISPS), New Zealand, 2009, pages 267–272, ISBN-13 978-94-90306-01-4.

[Evans-A 2010] Alison Evans, Bronwen Ackermann, and Tim Driscoll. “Functional Anatomy of the Soft Palate Applied to Wind Playing”, Medical Problems of Performing Artists, Volume 25, Number 4, 2010, pages 183–189. Publication 21170481 on PubMed/NCBI (subscription access).

[Evans-A 2011] Alison Evans, Tim Driscoll, and Bronwen Ackermann. “Prevalence of Velopharyngeal Insufficiency in Woodwind and Brass Students”, Occupational Medicine, Volume 61, Number 7, October 2011, pages 480–482, doi:10.1093/occmed/kqr072. Publication 21697080 on PubMed/NCBI (subscription access).

[Farland 2011] Michael Guy Farland. Under Pressure: Generic and Individual Intra-oral Pressure Profiles in Liquid Swallows, Doctoral dissertation – University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand, August 12, 2011, 209 pages.

[Fiz 1993] José Fiz, J. Aguilar, Ana Carreras, Ana Teixido, Manuel Haro, Daniel O. Rodenstein, and José Morera. “Maximum Respiratory Pressures in Trumpet Players”, Chest, Volume 104, Number 4, October 1993, pages 1203–1204. Publication 8404193 on PubMed/NCBI (subscription access).

[Fletcher-NH 1974] Neville H. Fletcher. “Some Acoustical Principles of Flute Technique”, The Instrumentalist, Volume 28, Number 7, February 1974, pages 57–61.

[Fletcher-NH 1975] Neville H. Fletcher. “Acoustical Correlates of Flute Performance Technique”, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, Volume 57, Issue 1, 1975, pages 233–237, doi:10.1121/1.380430.

[Fletcher-NH 1991] Neville Horner Fletcher and Thomas Dean Rossing. The Physics of Musical Instruments, published by Springer-Verlag, New York, 1991, 620 pages. reprinted 1991, 1994, and 1996.

[Fletcher-NH 1998] Neville Horner Fletcher and Thomas Dean Rossing. The Physics of Musical Instruments, Second Edition, published by Springer-Verlag, New York, 1998, 756 pages, ISBN 0-387-98374-0 (978-0-387-98374-5). reprinted 1999 and 2000.

[Fletcher-NH 1999] Neville H. Fletcher and A. Tarnopolsky. “Blowing Pressure, Power, and Spectrum in Trumpet Playing”, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, Volume 105, Number 2, Part 1, February 1999, pages 874–881. Publication 9972572 on PubMed/NCBI (subscription access).

[Fletcher-NH 2000] Neville H. Fletcher. “The Physiological Demands of Wind Instrument Performance”, Acoustics Australia, Volume 28, Number 1, 2000, pages 53–56.

[Fuks 1996] Leonardo Fuks and Johan Sundberg. “Blowing Pressures in Reed Woodwind Instruments”, Department for Speech, Music and Hearing. Quarterly Progress and Status Reports (TMH-QPSR), Volume 37, Number 3, 1996, pages 41–56.

[Garcia 2010] Francisco Garcia Diaz-Castroverde. Acquisition and Study of Blowing Pressure Profiles in Recorder Playing, Masters dissertation – Universitat Pompeu, Fabra, Barcelona, 2010, 117 pages.

[Garcia 2011] Francisco Garcia, Leny Vinceslas, Josep Tubau, and Esteban Maestre. “Acquisition and Study of Blowing Pressure Profiles in Recorder Playing”, Proceedings of the International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression, Oslo, Norway, May 30 – June 1, 2011, 2011, pages 124–127.

[GarnNunn 2004] Pamela G. Garn-Nunn and James M. Lynn. Calvert's Descriptive Phonetics Transcription Workbook, Third Edition, published by Thieme Medical Publishers, 2004.

[Gilbert 1998] T. B. Gilbert. “Breathing Difficulties in Wind Instrument Players”, Maryland Medical Journal, Volume 47, Number 1, January 1998. Publication 9448412 on PubMed/NCBI (subscription access).

[Gomez 2007] M. Arias Gomez. “Música y Neurología «Music and Neurology»”, Neurologia, Volume 22, Number 1, in Spanish, January–February 2007, pages 39–45.

[Goss 2013] Clinton F. Goss. “Intraoral Pressure in Ethnic Wind Instruments”, August 21, 2013, 16 pages, arXiv:1308.5214.

[Hahnengress 2012] Maria L. Hahnengress. Cardiopulmonary Changes During Clarinet Playing, 2012, 22 pages.

[Harris-LR 1996] Linda R. Harris. Horn Playing and Blood Pressure, The Lancet, Volume 348, Issue 9033, October 12, 1996, page 1042, doi:10.1016/S0140-6736(05)64982-3.

[Hiss 2001] Susan G. Hiss, Kathleen Treole, and Andrew Stuart. “Effect of Age, Gender, and Repeated Measures on Intraoral Air Pressure in Normal Adults”, Journal of Voice, Volume 15, Number 2, 2001, pages 159–164.

[Hodge-FS 2001] F. Sean Hodge, Raymond H. Colton, and Richard T. Kelley. “Vocal Intensity Characteristics in Normal and Elderly Speakers”, Journal of Voice, Volume 15, Issue 4, December 2001, pages 503–511, doi:10.1016/S0892-1997(01)00050-9. Publication 11792026 on PubMed/NCBI (subscription access).

[Holmberg 1988] E. B. Holmberg, R. E. Hillman, and J. S. Perkell. “Glottal airflow and transglottal air pressure measurements for male and female speakers in soft, normal, and loud voice”, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, Volume 84, Number 2, August 1988, pages 511–529. Erratum in Volume 85, Number 4 of the same journal. Publication 3170944 on PubMed/NCBI (subscription access).

[Ingrams 2000] D. R. Ingrams, D. J. McFerran, and J. M. Graham. “Velopharyngeal Incompetence in Wind Players”, Musical Performance, Volume 2, Part 4, 2000, pages 105–112.

[Kirsch 1999] C. M. Kirsch, J. Shinn, R. Porzio, E. Trefelner, F. T. Kagawa, J. H. Wehner, W. A. Jensen. “Pneumoparotid Due to Spirometry”, Chest, Volume 116, Number 5, November 1999, pages 1475–1478, doi:10.1378/chest.116.5.1475. Publication 10559118 on PubMed/NCBI (subscription access).

[Klusek 2006] Jessica Klusek. Comparison of Speech and Practiced Nonspeech Intraoral Pressure Waveform Characteristics, Masters dissertation – University of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, 2006, 86 pages.

[Kreuter 2008] M. Kreuter, C. Kreuter, F. Herth. “Pneumologische Aspekte des Musizierens auf einem Blasinstrument — physiologische, pathophysiologische und therapeutische Gesichtspunkte «Pneumological Aspects of Wind Instrument Performance - Physiological, Pathophysiological and Therapeutic Considerations»”, Pneumologie, Volume 52, Number 2, 2008, pages 83–87, doi:10.1055/s-2007-996164.

[Kroger 1997] Bernd J. Kröger. “On the Quantitative Relationship Between Subglottal Pressure, Vocal Cord Tension, and Glottal Adduction in Singing”, Proceedings of the Institute of Acoustics, Volume 19, Number 5, 1997, pages 479–484.

[Larger 1996] Etienne Larger, Séverine Ledoux. Cardiovascular Effects of French Horn Playing, The Lancet, Volume 348, Issue 9040, November 30, 1996, page 1528, doi:10.1016/S0140-6736(05)65960-0.

[Lee-GG 2012] Gang Gyu Lee, Jungbok Lee, Bo Young Kim, and Sang Duk Hong. “A Case of Pneumoparotid: Initially Presented with Viral Parotitis”, Korean Journal Otorhinolaryngol-Head Neck Surgery, Volume 55, Number 11, November 2012, pages 721–723, doi:10.3342/kjorl-hns.2012.55.11.721.

[Libeaux 2010] Angela Libeaux. The EGG Spectrum Slope in Speakers and Singers: Variations related to Voice Sound Pressure Level, Vowel and Fundamental Frequency «Spektrumlutning hos elektroglottografiska signaler relaterad till ljudnivå, vokal och grundtonsfrekvens i tal- och sångröst», Masters dissertation – The Department of Speech, Music and Hearing, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden, 2010, 55 pages.

[Lucia 1994] R. Lucia. “Effects of Playing a Musical Wind Instrument in Asthmatic Teenagers”, Journal of Asthma, Volume 31, Number 5, 1994, pages 375–385, doi:10.3109/02770909409061317. Publication 7928933 on PubMed/NCBI (subscription access).

[Malick 2007] Deonne Malick, Jerry Moon, and John Canady. “Stress Velopharyngeal Incompetence: Prevalence, Treatment, and Management Practices”, Cleft Palate–Craniofacial Journal, Volume 44, Number 4, July 2007, pages 424–433, doi:10.1597/06-176.1.

[Marks 1974] Meyer Benjamin Marks. “Musical Wind Instruments in Rehabilitation of Asthmatic Children”, The 1974 Bela Schick Memorial Lecture, Annals of Allergy, Volume 33, Number 6, published by the American College of Allergists, December 1974, pages 313–319. Publication 4613211 on PubMed/NCBI (subscription access).

[Mazon 2009] Wendy E. Mazon. The Effect of the Breath Builder™ on Various Lung Functions and Musical Performance Abilities of Clarinet Players, Doctoral dissertation – The University of Arizona, 2009, 66 pages.

[McPherson 2006] Gary E. McPherson (editor). The Child as Musican: A Handbook of Musical Development, published by Oxford University Press, Oxford, England, 2006, 528 pages, ISBN 0-19-853032-3 (978-0-19-853032-9).

[Montgermont 2008] N. Montgermont, B. Fabre, and P. De La Cuadra. “Gesture Synthesis: Basic Control of a Flute Physical Model”, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, Volume 123, Number 5, 2008, pages 5698–5702.

[Moore-RS 1991] Randall S. Moore. “Comparison of Children's and Adults' Vocal Ranges and Preferred Tessituras in Singing Familiar Songs”, Bulletin of the Council for Research in Music Education, Number 107, Winter 1991, pages 13–22. Publication 40318417 on JSTOR (subscription access).

[Prairie 2006] Michael Prairie. Understanding the Acoustics of The Native American-Style Flute, October 4, 2006, 62 pages.

[Prairie 2011] Michael Prairie. Back Pressure, November 25, 2011, 3 pages.

[Rodgers 2010] Blake Rodgers and Susanne Fuchs. “How Intraoral Pressure Shapes the Voicing Contrast in American English and German”, ZAS Papers in Linguistics, Volume 52, 2010, pages 63–82.

[Rothenberg 1987] Martin Rothenberg, Donald Miller, Richard Molitor, and Dolores Leffingwell. “The Control of Air Flow During Loud Soprano Singing”, Journal of Voice, Volume 1, Number 3, 1987, pages 262–268, doi:10.1016/S0892-1997(87)80010-3.

[Scavone 2005] Gary Scavone and Andrey da Silva. “Frequency Content of Breath Pressure and Implications for Use in Control”, Proceedings of the NIME 2005 conference on New interfaces for musical expression, 2005, pages 93–96.

[Schmidtmann 2011] Gunnar Schmidtmann, Susanne Jahnke, Egbert J. Seidel, Wolfgang Sickenberger, and Hans-Jürgen Grein. “Intraocular Pressure Fluctuations in Professional Brass and Woodwind Musicians During Common Playing Conditions”, Graefe's Archive for Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology, Volume 249, Number 6, 2011, pages 895–901, doi:10.1007/s00417-010-1600-x.

[Schuman 2000] J. S. Schuman, E. C. Massicotte, S. Connolly, E. Hertzmark, B. Mukherji, and M. Z. Kunen. “Increased Intraocular Pressure and Visual Field Defects in High Resistance Wind Instrument Players”, Ophthalmology, Volume 107, Number 1, January 2000, pages 127–133. Publication 10647731 on PubMed/NCBI (subscription access).

[Schutte 1980] Harm Kornelis Schutte. The Efficiency of Voice Production, Doctoral dissertation – University of Gröningen, The Netherlands, published by Kemper, Gröningen, Netherlands, 1980, 194 pages.

[Schutte 2003] Harm K. Schutte, James A. Stark, and Donald G. Miller. “Change in Singing Voice Production, Objectively Measured”, Journal of Voice, Volume 17, Number 4, December 2003, pages 495–501.

[Schwab 2004] B. Schwab and A. Schultze-Florey. “Velopharyngeal Insufficiency in Woodwind and Brass Players”, Medical Problems of Performing Artists, Volume 19, Number 1, March 2004, pages 21–25.

[Schwab 2004a] B. Schwab and A. Schultze-Florey. “Intraorale Druckentwicklung bei Holz- und Blechbläsern «Investigations into Intraoral Pressure in Woodwind and Brass Musicians»”, Musikphysiologie und Musikermedizin, Volume 11, Number 4, in German, 2004, page 183.

[Sehmann 2000] Karin Harfst Sehmann. “The Effects of Breath Management Instruction on the Performance of Elementary Brass Players”, Journal of Research in Music Education, Volume 48, Number 2, published by Sage Publications for MENC: The National Association for Music Education, Summer 2000, pages 136–150. Publication 3345572 on JSTOR (subscription access).

[Stasney 2003] C. Richard Stasney, Mary Es Beaver, and Margarita Rodriguez. “Hypopharyngeal Pressure in Brass Musicians”, Medical Problems of Performing Artists, Volume 18, Number 4, December 2003, pages 153–155.

[Stone-WH 1874] W. H. Stone. “On Wind Pressure in the Human Lungs During Performance on Wind Instruments”, Proceedings of the Physical Society of London, Volume 1, 1874, pages 13–14, doi:10.1088/1478-7814/1/1/302.

[Subtelny 1966] Joanne D. Subtelny, Joseph H. Worth, and Mamoru Sakuda. “Intraoral Pressure and Rate of Flow During Speech”, Journal of Speech and Hearing Research, Volume 9, December 1966, pages 498–518.

[Sundberg 1987] Johan Sundberg. The Science of the Singing Voice, published by the Northern Illinois University Press, Dekalb, Illinois, 1987, 227 pages, ISBN 0-87580-542-6 (978-0-87580-542-9).

[Sundberg 1991] Johan Sundberg, Ninni Elliot, and Patricia Gramming. “How Constant is Subglottal Pressure in Singing?”, Speech Transmission Laboratory. Quarterly Progress and Status Reports (STL-QPSR), Volume 1, 1991, pages 53–63.

[VanMiddlesworth 1978] Jane L. Van Middlesworth. An Analysis of Selected Respiratory and Cardiovascular Characteristics of Wind Instrument Performers, Masters dissertation – Eastman School of Music of the University of Rochester, March 22, 1978, 56 pages.

[Watson-AHD 2009] Alan H. D. Watson. The Biology of Musical Performance and Performance-Related Injury, published by Scarecrow Press, Inc., Plymouth, England, 2009, 392 pages, ISBN 0-8108-6359-6 (978-0-8108-6359-0).

[Weber-J 1970] Jaroy Weber, Jr. and Robert A. Chase. “Stress Velopharyngeal Incopetence in an Oboe Player”, Cleft Palate Journal, Volume 7, October 1970, pages 858–861. Publication 5273877 on PubMed/NCBI (subscription access).

[Welch 2006] Graham F. Welch. “Singing and Vocal Development”, contained in [McPherson 2006], 2006, pages 311–329.

[Williams-J 2010] Jenevora Williams. The Implications of Intensive Singing Training on the Vocal Health and Development of Boy Choristers in an English Cathedral Choir, Doctoral dissertation – Institute of Education, University of London, 2010, 364 pages.

[Wilson-P 2004] Pat Wilson. “On Singing Staws and Water Bottles: The Physics of Pressure”, Australian Voice, Volume 10, 2004, pages 16–19.

[Wright-E 2011] Eric Wright. “Dynamic Breathing and Respiratory Mechanics for Brass Players and Teachers”, International Trumpet Guild Journal, Volume 35, Number 3, March 2011, pages 32–36.

[Yamazaki 2005] Masae Yamazaki and Noriko Sugimura. “A Motion Analysis of a Female Japanese Drum Playing Exercise”, ISBS 2005, Beijing, China, 2005, pages 342–345.

[Yeo 2002] D. K. L. Yeo, T. P. Pham, J. Baker, and S. A. T. Porter. “Specific Orofacial Problems Experienced by Musicians”, Australian Dental Journal, Volume 47, Number 1, 2002, pages 2–11.

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