[APA format] Ethnographic Recordings
This is a list of references related to ethnographic recordings that are cited throughout Flutopedia.
See the Ethnographic and Reference Flute Recordings page and following pages for the collection of these recordings on Flutopedia.
The references on this page are a sub-set of the complete list of Flutopedia references.
For information on the format and other details of these citations, see the main references page.
[APA format] Ethnographic Recordings
[Abraham 1906]
Abraham, O., & Hornbostel, E. M. v. (1906).
Phonographierte Indianermelodien aus Britisch-Columbia «Indian melodies from British Columbia recorded on the phonograph»,
Anthropological Papers, Written in Honor of Franz Boas, in German, 447–474.
[Abraham 1975]
Abraham, O., & Hornbostel, E. M. v.; Nettl, B. (translation) (1975).
Phonographierte Indianermelodien aus Britisch-Columbia «Indian melodies from British Columbia recorded on the phonograph»,
contained in [Wachsmann 1975], Volume 1, 299–322.
[Allen-NJ 1976]
Allen, N. J. (1976).
Studies in the myths and oral traditions of the Thulung Rai of East Nepal
(Doctoral dissertation, University of Oxford, England).
[ARC 2006]
Music, A. (2006).
Bushmen of the Kalahari,
Arc Music, EUCD1995.
[Asch 1973]
Asch, M. I. (compiled and edited) (1973).
An anthology of North American Indian & Eskimo music,
Ethnic Folkways Records, FE 4541.
[Bhattacharya 1999]
Bhattacharya, D. (1999).
Folksongs and sacred music from Nepal,
Arc Music, EUCD 1517.
[Bhattacharya 2004]
Bhattacharya, D. (2004).
Bedouins of the Middle East — Field recordings by Deben Bhattacharya,
Arc Music, EUCD1910.
[Bhattacharya 2013]
Bhattacharya, D. (2013).
The music of Uzbekistan — Field recordings by Deben Bhattacharya,
Arc Music, EUCD2438.
[Brady 1984]
Brady, E., Vigna, M. L., Lee, D. S., & Vennum, T., Jr. (1984).
The federal cylinder project: A guide to field cylinder collections in federal agencies, Volume 1: Introduction and Inventory,
Studies in American Folklife, 1(3).
[Brunet 1972]
Brunet, J. (collector) (1972).
Laos — Musique du Nord «Laos - Music of the North»,
Collection Musiques du Monde, volume 12, Galloway Records, GB 600531.
[Casey 2007]
Casey, M., & Gordon, B. (2007).
Sound directions: Best practices for audio preservation.
[Charters 1978]
Charters, S. (1978).
African flutes (Gambia),
Ethnic Folkways, FE-4230.
Reissued in [Charters 2004].
[Charters 2004]
Charters, S. (2004).
African flutes (Gambia),
Smithsonian / Folkways, FW04230.
Originally issued as Folkways Ethnic FE-4230.
Reissue of [Charters 1978].
[Clayton-M 1996]
Clayton, M. (1996).
Ethnographic wax cylinders at the British Library National Sound Archive: A brief history and description of the collection,
British Journal of Ethnomusicology, 5, 67–92.
Publication 3060867 on JSTOR (subscription access).
[Coppens-W 1975]
Coppens, W., Brändli, B., & Nothomb, J. F. (1975).
Music of the Venezuelan Yekuana (Makiritare) Indians,
Smithsonian / Folkways, FW04104.
[Courlander 1957]
Courlander, H. (compiler); Merriam, A. P. (liner notes) (1957).
Africa South of the Sahara,
Smithsonian / Folkways, FW04503.
[CSWR 2008]
Research, C. f. S. (2008).
Indian music of the Southwest and Mexico Collection.
Collection Number MU 4.
[CSWR 2010]
Research, C. f. S. (2010).
James B. Wright collection of Southwestern Native American and Hispanic music, interviews and literary programs.
[Davis-EA 1997]
Davis, E. A., Bristah, P., Gottlieb, J., Underwood, K., & Anderson, W. E. (editors) (1997).
A basic music library: Essential scores and sound recordings, Third edition. American Library Association.
[Densmore 1926a]
Densmore, F. (1926).
Music of the Tule Indians of Panama,
Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections, 77(11), retrieved March 24, 2011.
Publication 2864.
Publication smithsonianmisce771926smit on Archive.org (open access).
[Dutton 1999]
Dutton, L. S. (1999).
Anthropological resources: A guide to archival, library, and museum collections. Taylor & Francis.
[Erguner 1995]
Erguner, K. (1995).
La flûte sacrée des Derviches Tourneurs «The sacred flute of the Whirling Dervishes».
[FCPS 1981]
Federal Cylinder Project Staff. (1981).
Inventory of instantaneous cylinder recordings documenting folk culture in the collections of Federal agencies — Unpublished document circulated by the American Folklife Center.
[Feaster 2007]
Feaster, P. (2007).
"The Following Record": Making sense of phonographic performance, 1877–1908
(Doctoral dissertation, Indiana University).
[Gray 1985]
Gray, J. A., & Lee, D. S. (editors) (1984).
The federal cylinder project: A guide to field cylinder collections in federal agencies, Volume 2: Northeastern Indian Catalog and Southeastern Indian Catalog,
Studies in American Folklife, 2(3).
[Gray 1988]
Gray, J. A. (editor) (1988).
The federal cylinder project: A guide to field cylinder collections in federal agencies, Volume 3: Great Basin/Plateau Indian Catalog, Northwest Coast/Arctic Indian Catalog,
Studies in American Folklife, 3(3).
[Gray 1990]
Gray, J. A., & Schupman, E. J., Jr. (editors) (1984).
The federal cylinder project: A guide to field cylinder collections in federal agencies, Volume 5: California Indian Catalog, Middle and South American Indian Catalog, Southwestern Indian Catalog-1,
Studies in American Folklife, 5(3).
[Gray 1996]
Gray, J. A. (1996).
Returning music to the makers: The Library of Congress, American Indians, and the Federal Cylinder Project,
Cultural Survival Quarterly, 20(4).
[Gunselman 2009]
Gunselman, C., & Olsen, L. (2009).
The Nez Perce music archive.
[Hague 1915]
Hague, E. (1915).
Eskimo songs,
The Journal of American Folklore, 28(107), 96–98.
Publication 534562 on JSTOR (subscription access).
Publication jstor-534562 on Archive.org (open access).
[Hardin 2003]
Hardin, J. (2003).
The archive of folk culture at 75: A national project with many workers,
Folklife Center News, 25(2), 3–15.
[Heizer 1981]
Heizer, R. F., & Kroeber, T. (editors) (1981).
Ishi: The last Yahi — A documentary history. Berkeley and Los Angeles, California: University of California Press.
[Hofmann 1947a]
Hofmann, C. (collector and editor) (1947).
American Indian songs and dances,
Ethnic Series of World Folkways, DISC Company of America, No. 161.
[Hofmann 1964]
Hofmann, C. (collector and editor) (1964).
War whoops and medicine songs — The music of the American Indians including songs of the Winnebago, Chippewa, Sioux, Zuni & Acoma,
Ethnic Folkways Library, Folkways Records, FE-4381.
Originally issued as Folkways Ethnic FE-4381. [Hofmann 1952] is a related book.
Reissued in [Hofmann 2001].
[Hofmann 2001]
Hofmann, C. (collector and editor) (2001).
War whoops and medicine songs: The music of the American Indians including songs of the Winnebago, Chippewa, Sioux, Zuni & Acoma,
Smithsonian / Folkways, F-4381.
Originally issued as Folkways Ethnic FE-4381. [Hofmann 1952] is a related book.
Reissue of [Hofmann 1964].
[Huck 2010]
Huck, J. S. (2010).
Descriptive metadata for audio-oriented digital collections.
[Idafabera 1996]
Idafabera, C. (primary artist); Levasseur, C. (editing); Toupouri (performer, primary artist); Fernando, N., & Marandola, F. (liner notes) (1996).
Cameroun: flûtes des monts Mandara «Cameroon: flutes of Mandara mountains», Ocora Records, 560110.
[Indiana 1975]
Indiana University. (1975).
A catalog of phonorecordings of music and oral data held by the archives of traditional music. Boston, Massachusetts: G. K. Hall.
[Ishi 1992]
Ishi; Waterman, T. T. (recording engineer); Krause, B. (audio restoration) (1992).
Ishi: The last Yahi — Recorded 1911-14 on wax cylinder,
Wild Sanctuary.
Reissued in [Ishi 2008].
[Ishi 2008]
Ishi; Waterman, T. T. (recording engineer); Krause, B. (audio restoration) (2008).
Ishi: The last Yahi — Recorded 1911-14 on wax cylinder,
Wild Sanctuary.
All Music Guide Album ID R-170081.
Reissue of [Ishi 1992].
[Johnson-R 1977]
Johnson, R. (engineer, liner notes, photography); Mayer, J. (engineer) (1977).
Sacred flute music from New Guinea — Volume 1: Madang,
Quartz Publications, Quartz 001.
[Johnson-R 1999]
Johnson, R. (engineer, liner notes, photography); Mayer, J. (engineer) (1999).
Sacred flute music from New Guinea — Volume 1: Madang,
Rounder Records, CD 5154.
[Johnson-R 1999a]
Johnson, R. (engineer, liner notes, photography); Mayer, J. (engineer) (1999).
Sacred flute music from New Guinea — Volume 2: Windim Mambu,
Rounder Records, CD 5155.
[Keeling 1991]
Keeling, R. (1991).
A guide to early field recordings (1900–1949) at the Lowie Museum of Anthropology,
University of California Publications: Catalogs and Bibliographies, Volume 6. Berkeley, California: University of California Press.
[Kipiani 2006]
Kipiani, D. (2006).
ქართული საციონალური ინსტრუმენტული მუსიკა «Georgian national instrumental music»,
Sano Studio / Art Land.
[Koch 2004]
Koch, L., Wiedmann, A., & Ziegler, S. (2004).
The Berlin Phonogramm-Archiv: A treasury of sound recordings,
Acoustical Science and Technology, 25(4), 227–231, doi:10.1250/ast.25.227.
ISSN online: 1347-5177, print: 1346-3969.
[Laade 1971]
Laade, W. (producer, recording engineer) (1971).
Music from South New Guinea,
Folkways Records, FW04216.
[Lee 1979]
Lee, D. S. (compilation); Rhodes, W. (foreward) (1979).
Native North American music and oral data: A catalogue of sound recordings 1873-1976. Bloomington, Indiana: Indiana University Press.
[Lee 1984]
Lee, D. S. (editor) (1984).
The federal cylinder project: A guide to field cylinder collections in federal agencies, Volume 8: Early Anthologies,
Studies in American Folklife, 8(3).
[LOC 2002]
Congress, L. o., Picture, M., Broadcasting, & Division, R. S. (2002).
Emile Berliner and the birth of the recording industry. Washington, D.C.: Library of Congress, retrieved December 1, 2010.
[Mauchahty-Ware 1978]
Mauchahty-Ware, T. (1978).
Flute songs of the Kiowa and Comanche, Indian House, IH 2512.
Recorded at Hog Creek, Oklahoma on June 1, 1978. Includes liner notes by Tom Mauchahty-Ware and Tony Isaacs.
Reissued in [Mauchahty-Ware 1995].
[Mauchahty-Ware 1989]
Mauchahty-Ware, T.; Clark, M., & Pahdocony, P. (percussion); Sands-B (engineering and mixing); McBride, C. (photography) (1989).
Sunrise — American Indian flute, Indian Sounds, IS-5051.
[Mauchahty-Ware 1995]
Mauchahty-Ware, T. (1995).
Flute songs of the Kiowa and Comanche, Indian House, IH 2512.
Recorded at Hog Creek, Oklahoma on June 1, 1978. Includes liner notes by Tom Mauchahty-Ware and Tony Isaacs.
Reissue of [Mauchahty-Ware 1978].
[McCullough 1938]
McCullough, D. W. (collector); Juan, J., Iske, I., Whittman, C., Lowe, M., Miles, J., Cawker, H., & Moffat, J. (performers).
[united states, arizona, sacaton, pima indians, 1938] [sound recording]/collected by doriane woolley mccullough.
268 sound discs: analog, 78 RPM, monophonic, 12-inch, with documentation.
[Miyata 1991]
Miyata, K.; Lewiston, D. (producer); Loeb, D. (liner notes) (1991).
Shakuhachi — The Japanese flute,
Elektra Nonesuch Records, 9-72076-2.
First released in 1977 on an LP record (33⅓ rpm 12" vinyl audio disc) as Nonesuch H-72076.
[Morris-S 1995]
Morris, S. (1995).
The Nez Perce music archive: The Sam Morris collection. Seattle, Washington: Northwest Interpretive Association.
[NMAH 1992]
Programs, D. o. P., & History, N. M. o. A. (producer); Wahpeconiah, E. W. (liner notes) (1992).
Music of New Mexico: Native American traditions,
Smithsonian / Folkways, CD SF 40408.
[Olsen-L 1972]
Olsen, L. (1972).
Nez Perce Songs of historical significance, as sung by Sol Webb. Lapwai: Nez Perce Tribe.
[Olsen-L 1989]
Olsen, L. (1989).
Guide to the Nez Perce music archive: An annotated listing of songs and musical selections spanning the period 1897-1974. Pullman, Washington: Washington State University, School of Music and Theatre Arts.
[Olsen-L 1999]
Olsen, L. (1999).
A legacy from Sam Morris. Seattle, Washington: Northwest Interpretive Association.
Companion guide to [Morris-S 1995].
[Olsen-L 2001]
Olsen, L. (2001).
Qillóowawya: Hitting the rawhide — Serenade songs from the Nez Perce musical archive. Seattle, Washington: Northwest Interpretive Association.
[Rehding 2005]
Rehding, A. (2005).
Wax cylinder revolutions,
The Musical Quarterly, 88(1), 123–160, doi:10.1093/musqtl/gdi004.
[Reinhard 1962]
Reinhard, K. (1962).
The Berlin phonogramm-archiv,
The Folklore and Folk Music Archivist, 5(2).
[Rhodes 1949]
Rhodes, W. (recording and liner notes) (1949).
Music of the Sioux and the Navajo,
Ethnic Folkways Library, Folkways Records, EFL-1420 to EFL-1423.
Reissued in [Rhodes 1949a], [Rhodes 1966], and [Rhodes 2004].
[Rhodes 1949a]
Rhodes, W. (recording and liner notes) (1949).
Music of the Sioux and the Navajo,
Ethnic Folkways Library, Folkways Records, EFL-1401.
Reissue of [Rhodes 1949].
[Rhodes 1954b]
Rhodes, W. (recording) (1954).
Music of the American Indians: Sioux,
Folk Music of the United States from the Archive of Folk-song, Volume 40, Library of Congress Music Division, AFS L40.
[Rhodes 1954c]
Rhodes, W. (recording) (1954).
Music of the American Indians: Plains: Comanche, Cheyenne, Kiowa, Caddo, Wichita, Pawnee,
Folk Music of the United States from the Archive of Folk-song, Volume 39, Library of Congress Music Division, AFS L39.
[Rhodes 1966]
Rhodes, W. (recording and liner notes) (1966).
Music of the Sioux and the Navajo,
Ethnic Folkways Library, Folkways Records, FE 4401.
Reissue of [Rhodes 1949].
[Rhodes 1982]
Rhodes, W. (recording) (1982).
Music of the American Indians: Plains: Comanche, Cheyenne, Kiowa, Caddo, Wichita, Pawnee: From the Archive of Folk Culture. Washington, D.C.: Library of Congress, Motion picture, Broadcasting, and Recorded Sound Division.
Liner notes for [Rhodes 1954c] published in 1982.
[Rhodes 1987]
Rhodes, W. (recording) (1987).
Music of the American Indians: Sioux: From the Archive of Folk Culture. Washington, D.C.: Library of Congress, Motion picture, Broadcasting, and Recorded Sound Division.
Liner notes for [Rhodes 1954b] published in 1987.
[Rhodes 2004]
Rhodes, W. (recording and liner notes) (2004).
Music of the Sioux and the Navajo,
Smithsonian / Folkways, FW04401.
Reissue of [Rhodes 1949].
[Robb 1979a]
Robb, J. D. (1979).
The J. D. Robb collection of folk music: Melodies, in three volumes.
Reproduced from manuscript. English and Spanish words. Transcribed by the compiler from his collection of recordings.
[Robb 1979b]
Robb, J. D. (1979).
The J.D. Robb Collection of folk music recordings: Song texts, in three volumes.
Reproduced from typescript. Text in Spanish and English.
[Ross-WG 1984]
Ross, W. G. (1984).
The earliest sound recordings among North American Inuit,
Arctic, 37(3), 291–292, doi:10.14430/arctic2205.
[Sachs 1956]
Sachs, C. (editor) (1956).
Man's early musical instruments,
Ethnic Folkways Records, FE 4525.
[Seeger 1987a]
Seeger, A., & Spear, L. S. (editors) (1987).
Early field recordings: A catalogue of cylinder collections at the Indiana University archives of traditional music. Bloomington, Indiana: Indiana University Press.
Publication earlyfieldrecord00indi on Archive.org (open access).
[Shiloah 1978]
Shiloah, A. (recording and liner notes) (1978).
Beduin music of Southern Sinai,
Ethnic Folkways Records, FE 4204.
[Shostak 1982]
(recorder, M. S., & producer (recorder, producer); photographer); England, N. M. (recorder); Biesele, M. (recorder); Clyne, R. (designer) (1982).
Instrumental music of the Kalahari San,
Ethnic Folkways, FE-4315.
Reissued in [Shostak 2004].
[Shostak 2004]
(recorder, M. S., & producer (recorder, producer); photographer); England, N. M. (recorder); Biesele, M. (recorder); Clyne, R. (designer) (2004).
Instrumental music of the Kalahari San,
Smithsonian / Folkways, FW04315.
Originally issued as Folkways Ethnic FE-4315.
Reissue of [Shostak 1982].
[Spear 1984]
Spear, L. S. (1984).
Cylinder recordings from Carl Lumholtz' "Unknown Mexico",
ReSOUND, 3(1).
[Spottswood 1976]
Spottswood, R. K. (editor) (1976).
Songs of love, courtship & marriage,
Folk Music in America Series, Volume 2, Library of Congress Music Division, LBC 2.
Recorded 1925-1964.
[Steward 1933]
Steward, J. H. (1933).
Ethnography of the Owens Valley Paiute,
University of California Publications in American Archaeology and Ethnology, 33(3), 233–350.
[Stone 1976]
Stone, R. M., & Gillis, F. J. (1976).
African music and oral data — A catalog of field recordings, 1902-1975, Second Edition. University of Michigan.
[Stumpf 1892]
Stumpf, C. (1892).
Phonographierte Indianermelodien,
Vierteljahrschrift fur Musikwissenschaft, 8, in German, 127–144.
[Tailfeathers 2004]
Tailfeathers, O. (2004).
Arizona Recording Productions.
[Thomas-NW 1910]
Thomas, N. W. (1910).
Anthropological report on the Edo-speaking peoples of Nigeria. London: Harrison and Sons.
Publication anthropologicalr00thom on Archive.org (open access).
[Toop 2011]
Toop, D.; Wolmsey, D. (host) (2011).
Music from the lost worlds,
Adventures in Modern Music. Resonance 104.4FM radio broadcast.
[Turnbull 1992]
Turnbull, C., & Chapman, F. S. (original recordings, compilation, and editing); Kisliuk, M. (reissue compilation and editing); Yoshida, A. (remastering) (1992).
Mbuti Pygmies of the Ituri Rainforest,
Smithsonian / Folkways, CD SF 40401.
Originally issued as Folkways FE 4457 in 1957 and FE 4483 in 1958.
[Weyer 1954]
Weyer, E. M., Jr. (1954).
Music from Mato Grosso, Brazil,
Ethnic Folkways Records, FE 4446.
University, W. S.
Guide to the Loran Olsen papers 1960-1993 — Cage 658. Pullman, Washington: Washington State University.
University, W. S.
Guide to the Nez Perce music collection fieldwork materials 1988-1995 — Cage 636. Pullman, Washington: Washington State University.